Classification According To Loan Collateral

Classifying the loan portfolio by credit extension helps the bank to manage the capital to meet it, thereby ensuring solvency because the bank is inherently exposed to risks due to the maturity difference. between assets and liabilities. Classification according to loan collateral When ...

Impact Of Loan Portfolio On The Risk Of Joint Stock Commercial Bank

- The loan portfolio of joint-stock commercial banks shows signs of potentially large concentrations of risk. These risks will turn into serious financial losses for banks once the economy turns unfavorable. This has been proven through the actual performance of Vietnamese banks in the ...

Traditional Concentrations Of The Hirshmann-Herfindahl Index (Hhi):

In general, through many empirical studies, the obtained results are quite consistent with the conclusion that the ratio of equity to total assets has a positive relationship with bank performance. This is consistent with the fact that banks with higher capital ratios have lower funding costs ...

Check The Suitability Of The Selected Regression Model

- Specifically, the fixed effect estimate is verified by the F-test with the hypothesis H0 that all vi coefficients are zero (that is, there is no difference between subjects or different time points). ). Rejecting hypothesis H0 with a given significance level (eg 5% significance level) will show ...

Strategic Orientations For The Bank's Loan Portfolio Management

It should be seen that the lack of attention to loan portfolio management or the application of passive portfolio management that some commercial banks are doing at present cannot be appropriate and adaptive in future conditions. Because in the modern economy there are many unpredictable ...