The Role Of  Credit Rating S In Risk Management

In a credit relationship, there are two parties involved, the lender and the borrower. But the borrower uses the borrowed money in a specific time and space, subject to the control of certain specific conditions that we call the business environment, and this is the third object present in the ...

Lessons From Experience In Credit Relationship For Lienvietpostbank

Similar to Vietcombank, ACB also divides the size of enterprises into large, medium, small and very small scale groups, of which very small scale is evaluated on a separate scale with the remaining groups. The system of financial indicators in the credit society of ACB is evaluated based on the ...

Scoring Model Of Corporate Credit Society At Lienvietpostbank’S Branch

2.4.1 Scoring model of corporate credit society at LienVietPostBank’s branch LienVietPostBank’s corporate credit system is basically based on the legal guidance framework of the State Bank such as Decision No. 57/2002/QD-NHNN dated January 24, 2002 on pilot implementation of the enterprise ...