Đối chiếu từ ngữ nối biểu thị ý nghĩa kết quả, tổng kết tiếng Việt và tiếng Anh Trên cơ sở các văn bản khoa học xã hội - 26


It is the notion of interaction that is of initial, greater, significance, than „recognition‟, which is a more recent notion. Interaction has been, and is, of central importance in studying social exchanges, social interaction, symbolic interaction, social psychology, integration, rule, and so on. Essentially, the work done by Talcott Parsons in developing his General theory of social action (1949) marked an important difference from the sociology involved with anthropological and ethnological research, namely in developing sociological research that has

investigated the question of intersubjectivity and interrelation in terms of the behaviours, social behaviours and rituals revealing reciprocity. [E8: p. 27]


Relatively little empirical research has been conducted on international negotiation outcomes during actual negotiations,perhaps due to logistical issues or the lack of willing participants (Imai & Gelfand, 2009; Gelfand & Christakopoulou, 1999). The preponderance of available research represents insight that has focused on cultural styles or preferences (Salacuse, 1988). Essentially, large amounts of independent data are available, but little that facilitates the

development of intercultural negotiation competency. [E42: p.19]


At the end of the February 12, 1982 economic conference, it was declared that the

―government would revert to central economic and social planning and steer the Open Door Policy towards production‖. (Soliman, 2011, p. 36). After this conference, the 1980s First Five Year Plan (1982-1987) was announced. This was not related to the Nasser-era Five Year Plans of the 1960s. Essentially, the Mubarak Five Year Plans were investment allocation plans. The

Ministry of Planning took charge of this process. [E13: p.29]


Also, the U.S. has been loath to enforce fair housing rules on lenders and sellers. As a result, substandard inner-city housing was foisted upon nonwhites with higher rates of crime, pollution, weak and abusive police, etc. As a response, many whites who were averse to living among nonwhites, left for the suburbs and the access to white privileged home loans. This allowed whites to accumulate prime homes and property to be left as inheritances while nonwhites were left in the squalor of the broken inner-city.Eventually, the federal government began urban renewal projects that led to the confiscation of nonwhite=s property for the purpose of

office building and highway construction. [E24: p.10]


[...] Finally, relationships between subjects‟ cultural values and consumption behaviour can use findings of the fourth stage to identify and explain them. [E3: p.31]


[...] Finally, for the total effect, the large effect appears in the lowest quantile. And the characteristics effect explains most causes of urban-rural income gap. The next one is the residuals effect. The coefficients effect contributes least. In a word, the amount changes of variables concerning the characteristics effect is the key to lessening the total effect in the low

quantile. [E34: p.120]


In total, the sale of natural products extracted directly from the environment (e.g minerals and fish) accounted for 15% of the total household economy making it the second-most contributor of household income after livestock keeping. Findings in Table 7 indicate no

significant differences (p<0.05) on respondents‘ engagement in livestock keeping and mine extraction among the study villages. [E17: p.165]


[...] Finally, consider briefly one further historical example. Joseph Needham, in his exhaustive study of China‟s scientific discoveries (Science and Civilization, Volumes 1-20), poses an interesting question or challenge that should give scholars and policy makers pause.

[E2: p.13]


[...] Finally, our results show a moderately significant relationship for 2008 between the EPL index and the number of new entrants in tertiary education (p-value = .054). In 2008, for each increase of 1 in the EPL index, the number of new entrants in tertiary education decreased by 263,054. However, females and males were not impacted in the same way. Indeed, in 2008, for each increase in 1 in the EPL index the number of new female entrants in tertiary education decreased by 145,152, whereas the number of new male entrants decreased by only

117,903. [E38: p.11]


[...] Finally, it is very important to note that capacity building projects that has foundation behavior and attitudes, methods and sharing planted in the humanist paradigm, offers not only the basis for self-reliance, participatory development but a means and an end in itself. [E5: p.20]


[...] Finally, we can say that this study emphasized the significance of cultural awareness in

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Đối chiếu từ ngữ nối biểu thị ý nghĩa kết quả, tổng kết tiếng Việt và tiếng Anh Trên cơ sở các văn bản khoa học xã hội - 26


translating literary works. [E10: p.1403]


[...] Finally, how people preserve or abuse the African environment will largely determine whether capacity building and citizens‘ living standards improve or deteriorate. [E5: p.20]


Finally, the author of this article strongly argue that it has to be noted that the wider objective of serving the interest of profession and the wider public should be recognized as legitimate objectives of professional organizations. It is, therefore, the paramount roles and contributions should be taken in to account when assessing the appropriate registration status

and while implementing the proclamation on Society and Charity Organizations. [E15:p.920]


[...] Finally, the fourth situation was through the activity of translating works from the Indian civilization into Arabic language. [E50: p.59]


[...] Finally, the findings clearly indicated that there was not any statistically significant differences between respondents‟ national consciousness levels which can be attributed to gender. This was expected finding as the previous finding declined the effect of gender and curriculum on developing the national consciousness among the Jordanian kindergarten

students. [E32: p.72]


[...] Finally, results from the inferential analysis showed few significant associations among and between variables assessed and methods used, but provided complementary insights for our understanding of the review. [E23: p.2491]


[...] Finally, these research findings add a new perspective to the existing literature by suggesting that MetCQ and MotCQ work together to enhance outcomes. Imai and Gelfand (2010) found that motivational cultural intelligence is strongly related to cooperative negotiation motives and the present study found that metacognitive cultural intelligence predicts satisfaction and outcomes. Taken together, it is conceivable that high metacognitive individuals build upon their heightened MotCQ abilities in such a way that the shaping characteristics of cultural metacognition permit negotiators to respond in kind to their counterparties‟ strategies and tactics with greater levels of persistence, energy, and skill,

thereby further enhancing outcomes. [E42: p.27]


[...] Finally, we also found that stricter employment protection legislation impacts negatively other fields, such as children‘s well-being and educational outcomes. Overall,(nhìn chung) our results lead us to the conclusion that countries should decrease the strictness of its employment protection legislation if it wants to decrease its unemployment rate and improve

its economic situation. [E38: p.12]


[...] Findings from classroom observations revealed that ESL students‘ confidence toward writing English essays was increased and their writing performance made great progress through writing workshops. [E45: p.11]


[...] Findings from the collection of artifacts uncovered that the majority of ESL students in this study had great progress in English writing, thus being able to start or continue college courses according to the requirement of the university. [E45: p.12]


This study was conducted with the basis of qualitative research method via a case study. Participants consisted of eleven (n=11) college ESL students and a professor at Arkansas Tech University (ATU), Russellville, Arkansas. All participants were involved in an eight-week ESL Composition course taught twice per week. Data were collected via classroom observations, interviews and artifacts. Findings revealed that the majority of ESL students made progress in their English writing via the practice of writing workshops in the composition course. Findings also indicated that writing instruction using a Workshop approach successfully enhanced students‘ writing competence to meet the requirement of the

college for starting or continuing college courses. [E45: p.14]


The same, if the residents realize the occupational therapy services at home are good for them. They would has more intention to accept the services. For this reason, Chiayi City Occupational Therapists Association implement the post- service questionnaires to understand what the factors influence the residents‟ intention to accept the occupational therapy services at home. [E14: p.185]


[...] From all this we can conclude that computer and Internet literacy of students from SWU is very high, but at the same time, it does not find a serious enough space in the

formation of independent thinking and both critical and analytical skills. [E49: p 29]

[...] From the collected results we can conclude that family has a very important impact on whether or how children use the media as part of their free time and also for the needs of the school work. [E18: p.55]


[...] From the foregoing, we can state that our results are in line with what we expected. So, our hypothesis (H1 and H2) are therefore confirmed. [E35: p.21]


[...] Generally, the development has been slow and incremental, and at times registering significant regression, the general trend is that ILO conventions on freedom of association have positively influenced the contents of the successive Ethiopian laws to the effect as many of the stipulations of the conventions have been gradually incorporated. [E15: p.915]


[...] Generally, an event is a phenomenon that has short duration; it occurs as an iden-tifiable, observable change [E48: p.70]


[...] Generally, the findings of this study have established that, although the majority of the local residents perceive Lake Natron to be important in enhancing their welfare, many did not share the same positive attitude towards the sustainable conservation of the area. [E17: p.69]


[...] Generally, Campbell et al. consider place variation and social context to have a long-term effect upon voting behavior. E44: p.4]


Based on the National Education and Islamic Education Philosophies, it is clear that Elementary Fardhu Ain‟ is strongly emphasised in the development of education in Malaysia. Efforts to ensure that adolescents in PPR areas understand the basics of religion through Islamic education beginning in the schools at the grassroots level. Generally, it could be said that Elementary Fardhu Ain‟ education in schools intends to instil authentic Elementary Fardhu Ain‟ in the souls of adolescents in PPR areas and eventually influence their lives by introducing them to appropriate behaviour and moral values as well as good relations with Allah S.W.T

(Zaizul Ab Rahman et. al., 2012, 2018), mankind and other creatures. [E36: p.75]


[...] Generally, the scoring rubric and marginal comment are convenient ways for teachers to provide students with feedback and for students to obtain feedback from teachers. [E45: p.10]


[...] Generally speaking, someone that participates in a crowdfunding campaign by contributing their own resources does so in order to satisfy a personal need, in the search for some form of gratification. It is thus of little import whether the request be for the production of a film, a technological object, an innovative enterprise, a donation (pro bono), or whether

some form of reward is offered in exchange. [E9: p.47]


It is well known to us all that the counterfactual decomposition is first proposed by Nobel Laureate Fogel who studied the relationship between the United States railway and the economic growth in the 19th century. Generally speaking, if there is no railway in the United States, the economy did not grow so fast, so the economic growth is closely related to the

railway. [E34: p.116]


Translation peers always encounter with different changes in equivalence within different language levels range from physical forms into meanings. Catford (1988) defined translation as the replacement of textual material in one language (SL) by equivalent textual material in other language (TL). Generally, almost all translation scholars emphasize the role of equivalence in the process or product of translation directly or indirectly. Therefore, it is in the center of the translation studies. It must be said that some scholars do not seem to refer to role of equivalence directly; however, if someone looks at their studies s/he will easily find out that equivalence would shed light on his/her studies. As a consequence, the nature of equivalence

and its contribution and taxonomy will be defined in the following lines. [E10: p.1398]


How did the murderer off-duty police officer enter the exhibition hall? How did he freely kill him? These questions remain unanswered. The Republic of Turkey could not protect the ambassador. Ambassadors‘ unwillingness for security guards cannot be the justification of this incident. The sentence structures in the news are active. Hence, Erdoğan presents his actions positively. In other words he makes a positive self-presentation. In fact, calling Russian

President Putin after the incident does not necessarily mean that he did his duty. [E1: p.64]


[...] Hence, ideologies become the foundational base for social representations and practices of group members who at the same time serve as tools of ideological production, reproduction and resistance as well as bearing their discourse (van Dijk, 1998; van Dijk, 2001: 12). Ideology is articulated into a conjunctive threesome group of society, discourse and social cognition within the frame of critical discourse analysis (van Dijk, 1995a: 17). In this sense, ideologies are basic frames for organization of social cognition of social groups, organizations

or members of institutions that are sharing those (van Dijk, 1995a: 18). In this context, ideologies are cognitive as well as social. [E1:p.61]

In this research it has been observed that majority of the respondents give their preference on television advertisements and also mostly the brands of cellular phones are advertised on television. Hence television advertisement effectiveness worked in a positive sense to detain the attention of the customers. Therefore, while selecting a brand, advertising and branding is

also an important factor. [E12: p.197]


No, we have a wider view of the meaning of „market‟ and a conceptually different kind of profit, one that consists of attaining the education good: the development and flourishing of the individual human being, a necessary condition for the sustainability of civil and free communities. Hence the exchanges occurring between teacher and student may be studied as

almost any market may be studied: informationally. [E2: p.7]


The religious element in the „spirit of unity‟ is an important element that maintains harmony and peace among the multiracial society in Malaysia. Hence, this article aimed to identity the factors that influence the religious element in the „spirit of unity‟ among adolescents living in

community housing areas in Malaysia. [E36: p.75]


Another two ways are about the wage differentials, with respect to the mean composition and distribution composition. Hence, the second is the mean composition which first proposed Oaxaca(1973). [E34: p.116]


Universally, it has been established that one of the reasons why people receive education is for engagement. This, according to Oghenekohwo (2013) is among the four core elements of education namely: empowerment, engagement, experience and evidence. As education is expected to ensure capacity for engagement, interactive engagement has been classified as a powerful liberal idea, which in the context of non-formal education is critical to the empowerment of people for changes in the society (Halliru, 2015). Hence, the emergence of the social media with its multi-facets platforms is seen as added value to basic objectives of non-formal education through the facilitation of learning interaction. In a context, there are social platforms for interaction which enhance processes of learning engagement, education, knowledge sharing and the promotion of cross-cultural knowledge as mediated by online communities on such social platforms. In specific terms, a number of studies (Tufekei & Wilson, 2012; Livingstone & Markham, 2010) have outlined some benefits of social media in

bringing about knowledge and awareness to influence public decision through participatory civic engagement. [E25: p.162]


The family consists of physiological processes and psychological forms, cultural values, market and industrial-economic relations, demographic change, social institutions, and other components. Relations between the family and society, other social institutions, along with family relations with individuals at all times occupied and will occupy their place in the development of human civilization. Hence the study of role and function of the family in society is relevant and topical issue. [E20: p.170]


Another field which may be associated with religious development is the field of medicine which developed to meet the survival needs of the Muslim society in the treatment of diseases. The main purpose of human creation is to perform ibadah (worship) to Allah SWT. This is asserted by Allah SWT in verse 56 surah al-Dhariyat which means: ―I have only created jinns and men, that they may serve Me‖. A Muslim will be able to perform ibadah if he has the capability to do so. For example, a Muslim in a state of good health would be able to perform ibadah to Allah SWT. The better his state of health, the more optimum his ibadah performance would be. The steps to optimise his state of health lie within the field of medicine. One relevant example is proper treatment for a health disorder. Hence, the demand for developing research in the field of medicine. Moreover, Islam encourages prevention of disease as a

priority over giving treatment for ill-health. Thus prevention of disease also encourages


excellent research in the field of medicine. [E50: p.57]


Self-fulfillment and self-enhancement have also emerged as a travel motivation for older tourists (Jang & Wu, 2006; Lu, Hung, Wang, Schuett, & Hu, 2016). Specifically, in a study conducted among French retirees, Le Serre and Chevalier (2012) found that the importance of self- actualization as a travel motivation was increased. Hence, as tourists grow older, they tend to travel to reduce the gap between their actual self-concept and their ideal self-concept. [E23: p.21]


[...] However, our results do show a moderately significant relationship for both 2008 and 2009 between the strictness of the specific requirements for collective dismissal and a country‘s nominal GDP growth (p-values = .086 for 2008 and .092 for 2009). [E38: p.10]


[...] In a word, the discussions above present the tenets of Workshop approach and the justification of its applicability in the pedagogy with a basis that teaching writing with Workshop approach enhances students‘ writing competence. [E45: p.10]


All in all, we are faced with two extremes. Which one is right? The answer, according to Snell-Hornby (1988: 41) lies not in choosing any of the two. If the extremes are put at the ends of a cline, the answer lies between the two. In brief, theoretically the degree of probability for perfect translation depends on how far the source language text (SLT) is embedded in its culture and the greater the distance between the culture in (SLT) and target language text (TLT), the higher is the degree of impossibility. [E10: p.1395]


[...] In conclusion, the verification of the em-pirical distribution of the results of the group formation test shows that the empirical data in both the experimental and control groups

are normally distributed. Consequently, there is a requirement for further testing using paramet-ric methods. [E48: p.77]


[...] In conclusion, even though the relationship between travel motivation and satisfaction with a destination is well established, there is a need to further explore older tourists‘ travel motivations in relation to a mature, seasonal destination. [E33: p.21]


There needs to be communication between social agents, economic agents and civil society organisations, giving rise to a gradual strengthening of responsible, effective and democratic institutions. Being the capacity building and sustainability of institutions (European Commission, 2001) the essential elements of any governance programme, and given the significance of tourism activity, stakeholders should participate in the latter through governance, in order to improve its sustainability (Dinica, 2009). In conclusion, in order to achieve a tourism model based on sustainability, it is necessary that public administrations lead the process, that new governance is promoted among institutions which complies with the regulations and recovers the role of governments, and that markets get involved. [E19: p.13]


[...] In conclusion, contextual effects research that is grounded in a theory of place context does represent the future of political behavior analysis. [E44: p 6]


[...] In conclusion, in agreement with the expert panel consulted (median of 6), it may be affirmed that Spanish tourism destinations have not introduced real governance models. Thus, by evaluating the shortcomings identified, the strategic proposal for the incorporation of

governance into the Spanish tourism policy, a key factor for sustainable tourism, is outlined in a decalogue included in following section. [E19: p.19]


―The Russian Ambassador in Ankara, Karlov, who lost his life in a despicable assault, was a friend I appreciated as a diplomat. On behalf of myself and my people, I strongly curse and condemn it. Immediately after the incident I called Putin. We are in agreement that this treacherous assault is a clear provocation against the Turkey-Russia relations.‖ (YeniŞafak, 21 December 2016: 13). There is the local coherence relationship between the sentences in this paragraph. Indeed, we understand from Erdoğan‘s strong condemnation that the Russian ambassador lost his life in a despicable assault. Due to the despicable assault, we understand that there is an agreement between Erdoğan and Putin that this treacherous assault is a clear provocation against Turkey-Russia relations. All the propositions in these sentences are different mental expressions of Erdoğan. These sentences are semantically and pragmatically meaningful.

In fact, the sequence of these propositions has not been randomly chosen. [E1:p.62]


One of the greatest challenges facing Africa today is restoring its economic growth and sustainability goals. During the 1980s and early 1990s, some African countries were plagued with severe political instability and poverty (Ezana 2011; Nwasor 2013; UNDP 2014).

Fortunately, these challenges have been followed by favorable democratic and environmental renaissance (Gwin, 2014). Indeed, the current positive conditions have become a catalyst for economic growth, bringing affordable energy, jobs, revenues and an accompanying

resurgence of manufacturing and agricultural products. [E5: p1]


Indeed what is going on inside all of this activity, at a level much harder to observe, is the perpetual yielding of higher cost (particular) information to lower cost (universal) information. In terms of increasing scale, the same pattern of trading off one kind of information for another applies to complexity in all institutional settings; it persists in the face of various disturbances

and continues through time on its low cost (universal) trajectory. [E2: p.9]


[...] Indeed, our results show a significant relationship for both 2008 and 2009 between the strictness of the protection of permanent workers against individual dismissal and both the value of imports in goods of a country (p-value = .042 for each year) and the net trade in

goods (p-value =.007 for 2008 and .005 for 2009). [E38: p.10]


[...] Indeed, the United Kingdom has been reevaluating its information imbalance, with the Tory-led coalition government attempting to loosen its rule regime. [E2: p.12]


The United States is facing an array of serious challenges – the deep economic recession, the national debt and annual deficits, retiring ―baby boomers‖ that have been promised an assortment of entitlements, increasing competition owing to globalization, and enduring national security challenges – that will impact all Americans. Indeed, many younger Americans today, somewhat unconcerned with the current economic woes, will become very interested in political and economic issues when they become aware of their individual financial obligations incurred by government and private sector malfeasance. In fact, much of the current political discourse centers on the ―solutions‖ – often formulated on the basis of

political ideology and subject to controversy– to these pressing economic and political problems. [E43: p.31]


Indeed, the findings reported the emergency of tensions and fear between the refugee community in Kyangwali settlement and the neighbouring communities as evidenced by the Focus Group Discussions thus:

―Refugees are worried of attacks and witchcraft from some of these host community members. Imagine somebody built his house and was chased away, he is bitter and can do

anything‖. [E31: p.81]


The experiential dimension of learning was commonly assessed in terms of aspects related to students‘ general values, perceptions and attitudes towards science. Indeed, ‗Attitudes towards science and/or the scientific issues approached‘ and ‗Perceptions towards science and/or the scientific issues approached‘ were two of the most commonly included criteria in

the assessments. [E23: p.2489]


Freedom of association is inherently exercised with the intent to pursue either political or socio-economic rights of individuals against government and employer respectively. Indeed, freedom of association is a broad concept that could be manifested in multifaceted forms like political, civic and labor association (Brody, 2002). Accordingly, this article is, however,

specifically limited to the associational right of professionals. [E15: p.911]


In fact, in such fragile times, the ambassador should have been protected. [E1:p.63]


In fact, political geographers tend to be entirely too vague about the intricacies of political behavior, and rarely take advantage of the rich history of political behavior research in

political science. [E44: p.4]


The subject of nature and society is, in fact, the result of the didactic and methodical transformation of the content that comes from living and inanimate nature, from history, geography, production, sociology, ecology, techniques, technology, traffic, general culture, work culture, education, arts and everyday human life. [E6: p.91]


Human groups are instead dependent on language as the organising mechanism of society, it being the logical engine of lying and imagination (see Gambarara, 2005). In fact, as far as communication creates structures that feed back into the social and individual lives of communicators (like herds or territories), language boosts this creative potential of

communication, leading it to its maximum potential. [E8: p.30]


In fact, the artist has notably done research to organize and show her artistic material. This

concern seems to be part of a greater, more social movement, which qualifies the personal memory as important and necessary. Regardless of the possibility of considering these actions labeled as ego document2, it is part of a wider phenomenon, in a true ―archival fever‖ (Derrida, 1995). Thus, if the choice and the definition of the collection had been enclosed within the personal demand of the artist, which excluded the discussion about its relevance, the encounter with the material

promoted a reflexive requirement on the collection and its insertion in the field of art, especially for the field of fine jewelry. [E7: p.55]


This business model is used by project owners who want to collect donations for a specific project and can give (often small) non-financial rewards in return. The rewards are of a symbolic value and provided by the investee. They are usually much lower than the donation amount, to ensure there is enough money left for the project. Nevertheless, the perception of the value can be much higher, for example special VIP tickets as a reward for a higher donation. A reward in this context should not be understood as a token of appreciation. In general, the parties do not consider it a legally binding obligation to provide the goods and do not classify it as a sale. [E9: p.50]


Despite the substantive findings and methodological advances, I find that, in general, contextual effects research is under-conceptualized and, often, only vaguely connected to a

coherent theory of context. [E44: p.2]


[...] In general, the study of the family was mainly conducted by the scientists from the United States. In particular, this area was fully investigated by famous researchers W. Hood,

D. Popenoe, R. Hill, Jd. Homans and etc. [E20: p.170]


[...] In general, the group scores of the preparatory session (April 9) are less homogeneous or show more variability than values of group workshop session (June 18). So, although the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney U test (M-W-U) no detects significant differences between medians in some cases, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) test of similarity of distributions finds significant differences (p-value < 0.01) between distributions of values at the beginning of each session. [E29: p.40]


[...] In general, problem solving is seen as a process that involves individual cognitive skills to solve individual issues. [E48: p.73]


From the Figure 1 below, we can know the kernel density curve of urban person logarithmic income stay in the right of that of urban in the upper income. Furtherly we also can know, from the Table I, the difference between urban income and rural average income was 6619 yuan significantly, and the logarithmic income was also significantly different. In a word, the income

wage obviously exists in the urban-rural residents. [E34: p.118]


Erdoğan, in this regard, tries to make positive representation by presenting himself in terms of his duties. Would it make any difference if Karlov, as a diplomat, had not been a person Erdoğan appreciated? At this point, it is necessary to mention about the ―provocation‖ statement in Erdoğan‘s speech. In fact the meaning generates itself within the context of the news. However, it should be noted that the depiction of the assault through ―provocation‖ statement may also be a presentation of justification related to the incident. In addition, this statement is denoted of a mutual thought of both leaders and creates a connotation as if the incident took place in a third country, and supports its presentation as justification. In other words, ―it can be received as the incident happened because of an intended act of provocation

and as a country we are not a part of it, and we are entrapped in such a situation‖. [E1:p.62]


The fields of developmental psychology, phenomenology and enactive theory of social interaction have in their own ways emphasized the essential role of social processes that are not confined to the individual, but that are truly interactive. In other words, Froese et al (2012), wrote that, rather than following the majority consensus in which social interaction is merely a special case of social cognition defined as theory of mind (Goldman, 2006), these alternative approaches argue that, in general, social understanding depends on and is realized by social interaction. In this sense, the enactive theory of social interaction in the submissions

of De Jaegher; Di Paolo & Gallagher. [E25: p.163]


CFC has shown diligence in clearing every detail with the ministry before implementation as they have always made it clear that their objective was to create model schools for an "optimum government education" (caringforcambodia.org, 2014). In other words, they desire

to build capacity. [E11: p.49]

Comparative optimism appears, according to Weinstein (1982), as the individuals‘ tendency to believe that they are more lucky than their peers to go through happy events and less lucky than others to experience negative events. In other words, Comparative Optimism (CO) is the tendency to believe that negative events (cancer, divorce, serious accidents...) more likely

happen to others than to oneself; and vice versa for the positive events. [E35: p.18]


Such a change rules out the very possibility of complexity. In other words, reform of this kind can peg „success‟ to a trajectory performance within the statistical mean of the Bell curve (or normal distribution), often defined as mere „proficiency‟ of a pre-determined skill

or knowledge area. Consequently, competition heightens around the mediocrity of a relatively low denominator and narrowed criterion for success in the test scores. [E2: p.4]


Halliday and Hasan (1985: 5) state that there was the theory of context before the theory of text. In other words, context precedes text. Context here means context of situation and culture necessary for adequate understanding of the text, which becomes the first requirement for translating. Thus, translating without understanding text is non-sense, and understanding

text without understanding its culture is impossible. [E10:p.1394 -1395]


It is the cumulative experience of millions of interacting individuals who make production and consumption decisions under conditions of uncertainty regarding future scarcities. In other words, the division of information is an aggregative consequence of individual choice orderings under expansion, the countless decisions to trade-off some preferred values and ends for other preferred values and ends [E2: p.9]


Once again, the 1957 Penal Code of Ethiopia which is proclaimed two years after the coming in to force of the revised constitution had a provision with a chilling effect to potential organizer who intends to form or join association. In other words, according to Article 476 of the Ethiopian Penal Code whosoever founds, organizes, or commands the society, band, meetings or assemblies forbidden, either generally or from time to time by law, by government or by competent authority; or whosoever knowingly takes part in such activities is punishable with a fine not exceeding five hundred Ethiopian dollars. To make matter worst, ring-leaders, organizers, or commanders are punishable with simple imprisonment not exceeding six months (See Article 476 of Ethiopian Penal Code). Thus, one may safely conclude that this specific provision, in one way or another, would have a chilling effect over the task of ensuring freedom of association. [E15: p.914]


[...] In essence, these software motivates students to acquire knowledge and encourage the need for increased speculative activity, which involves solving problems and conscious application of knowledge in new situations. [E6: p.95]


[...] Decision-makers, in short, developed a schema to describe Nasser in terms thatwould

provide a rationale for US policy towards Egypt that was geared to prevent thatpolicy from conflicting with other domestic and international priorities. [E13: p.24]


[...] In short, (nói tóm lại) contextual effects research is under theorized, and will benefit from the development of a more concrete theoretical foundation that connects context to actually existing places. [E44: p.1]


In agriculture, foreigners were allowed to invest in land reclamation and growing crops for export. The construction sector was opened up for foreign investment in luxury housing. In short, the goal of the new economic policy was rapid economic growth. [E13: p.27]


[...] In short, good governance is characterised by both government action seen as management of the group of institutions, mechanisms, processes and relationships through which citizens state their interests, exercise their rights and obligations and resolve their differences; and by the implementation in that management of the principles of participation, transparency, accountability, rule of law, respect for fundamental rights, effectiveness, equity, consensus and strategic vision. [E19: p.12].


[…] In short, adolescents without Elementary Fardhu Ain‟ are akin to animals, who lay importance to being self-centred and indulge in basic instincts. It will not be surprising if these adolescents become unworthy characters in the future as their minds are filled with irreligious

matters, heretics and a transgressional attitude. [E36: p.76]

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