Đối chiếu từ ngữ nối biểu thị ý nghĩa kết quả, tổng kết tiếng Việt và tiếng Anh Trên cơ sở các văn bản khoa học xã hội - 28

Had the A Nation at Risk authors used an institutional method of analysis, in that way evaluating the rules and their effects on the information base of production, researchers and scholars at the time would have had a research pathway, an epistemology, a theory of knowledge, by which to engage a much wider range of research questions and policy solutions

to the problem of quality education. Schools of education in the university, where such research is carried out, are therefore partly to blame for the sustainability problem. [E2: p.7]


[...] Therefore, social work education has a responsibility to prepare students for this work, including the challenges they may encounter. [E27: p.89]


The concept of globalization has multi-aspect property and includes many changes in contextual level within itself. Therefore it is rational to discuss the effects of globalization in a contextual level. Because globalization is a dynamic concept and circle is vast. This study includes the multi-dimensional aspect of globalization, analytic validity and vastness of its circle. In this context many studies first attempt to gain a depth to the concep of globalization in a contextual level. Therefore it will be helpful to define the globalization with different aspects. Globalization is a process where all World people transforming to a global community (Albrow and King, 1990:9). Globalization has a geographic aspect and has effect on politic, financial and tecnologic aspects (Yeung, 2002:286). Globalization forms our lifes by the decisions which are decided by far away from us (Heywood, 2013:28). The concept of globalization leads to compression of World as well as a whole World consciousness (Robertson, 1992:8). Globalization is entegration of World economies by eliminating the national borders (Das, 2010:66). As a result globalization is a system where the borders are eliminated, production and consumption is made across World state, market is defined by international institutions (Kürkçü, 2013:2). The definitions presented above means that globalization concept is a multi-dimensional concept. Each conceptual definition extracts a different field of globalization concept. That is because globalization has a dynamic structure. It is possible to say that globalization has financial, politic, cultural, technologic and

demographic aspects. [E16: p.78]


Another major problem of capacity building is that 55 percent of the medical doctors trained in Africa leave the continent to practice in Western Europe or North America (Gwin 2014). Therefore, it could be argued that capacity building should be a very difficult thing to achieve in Africa because the continent presently: (1) lacks professional or expert human capital; (2) lacks international communication technology; and that the governments (3) do not regard development as a process that could be cumulative as well; (4) fail to see sustainable development as a process that requires all stakeholders or citizens collaboration; (5) and fail to take stakeholders as altruist when it comes to contributing to development, and never care to

seek diaspora expertise to augment home-country development efforts. [E5:p.2]


[...] Therefore child's socialization is related to the development of public and historical experience of the history of mankind. [E20: p.169]


[...] Therefore, at the present time, the teaching process is almost unthinkable without the use of the Internet and educational computer software. [E6:p.101]


It could be argued therefore that skills development can improve employability of workers, productivity of enterprises and the inclusiveness in economic growth. [VB.E5:p.10]


The youths and adults in urban areas of many African countries are characterized also by persistently high unemployment (World Bank, 2007). Nebil et al. (2010) argue that without opportunities for today‘s youth to earn a living, poverty will persist through the next generation. Therefore, the commitment by all stakeholders particularly, private sector, government and NGOs and other civil society organizations in an integrated manner is indispensable for necessary measures to be taken in the country. [E5:p.14]


[...] It is, therefore, argued that in most cases formation of associations is not an end in itself. It is rather a means to protect members‘ interests that associations are ultimately formed. It could, thus, be contended that freedom of association should be interpreted to include the right to collective bargaining because one of the measures of ensuring members‘ interest is

believed to be collective bargaining. [E15: p.915]

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Đối chiếu từ ngữ nối biểu thị ý nghĩa kết quả, tổng kết tiếng Việt và tiếng Anh Trên cơ sở các văn bản khoa học xã hội - 28


The capacity building problems previously discussed reveals that many African countries are faced with the challenges of under employment. As a result of these delicate challenges, the labor market policies are not enough, considering that most jobs are in the informal economy (Bourguignon et al 2007; Gilpin 2001; Ebart and Griffin 2015). Therefore, pursuing full employment and reducing employment related vulnerability in the future requires policies that promote job-creating growth, and that extend a social protection framework for all in both the

formal and informal sectors all over the Africa continent. [E5: p.17]


In some countries, upon the belief in the principle of the accuracy of arguments, all the evidence and documents obtained by the way of the violation of fundamental rights and lack any legal ground, are known null and void. Such arguments are absolutely unreliable. Among the prohibited evidence, unidentified witnesses and the persons subordinate to the government and or the officers who do not reveal their real identification at the time of giving testimony or report. The acceptance of such testimonies or reports is dangerous to the discovery of the truth. Therefore, the witness`s identity and his source of information should be certain and

clear. [E47: p.67)]


In some countries, upon the belief in the principle of the accuracy of arguments, all the evidence and documents obtained by the way of the violation of fundamental rights and lack any legal ground, are known null and void. Such arguments are absolutely unreliable. Among the prohibited evidence, unidentified witnesses and the persons subordinate to the government and or the officers who do not reveal their real identification at the time of giving testimony or report. The acceptance of such testimonies or reports is dangerous to the discovery of the truth. Therefore, the witness`s identity and his source of information should be certain and

clear. [E47: p.67]


[...] Therefore, the motivations for traveling can be internal and external, and satisfaction and behavioral intentions are affected by travel motivations. [E33: p.20]


However, as emphasized by Muller and O‘Cass (2001), self-perceived age rather than chronological age may better define tourists, their travel motivations, and activities. Specifically, the ―young at heart‖ (i.e., individuals who feel younger than their actual age) are motivated to travel mostly by the desire for physical stimulation, such as playing sports, and have higher expectations; therefore, they are more likely to be disappointed by the lack of these elements at the destination. Thus our findings suggest that destination managers should go beyond a stereotyped image of older tourists and instead address the heterogeneity of this segment with a variety of activities. In this regard, a recent study conducted among Spanish tourists aged 55 and over showed that the availability of sports activities at a destination contributes to increasing older tourists‘ length of stay (Alén, Nicolau, Losada, & Domínguez, 2014). Finally, this study shows that the intention to revisit Sirmione was strongly correlated to respondents‘ satisfaction with the destination, thus extending the results of previous studies

(Alegre & Cladera, 2009; Taher et al., 2015) to older tourists [E33: p.26]


[...] Therefore, there are significant differences between the scores at the end of each session by each group of teachers. [E29: p.40]


With the new state understanding, the state possesses an active role in directing the market, rather than having the quality of wasting and disrupting the public expenditures and financial stability. The liberalism approach, that was developed in the international system, has been effective in the emergence of this new state structure. Liberalism approach targets a political order in which the new global actors, except the state, gain power and individual rights and freedoms are based. Therefore, international organizations in the international system, is the most important actors of this new world order. That's why, depending on today‘s global developments, the old nation state understanding fails to meet the changing conditions and

requirements of the new world order. [E16: p.83]


According to Kraft and Furlong (2013),the five major economic goals that governments in Africa have not been able to effectively use to promote economic growth includes low levels of unemployment, low levels of inflation, a positive balance of trade, and the management of deficits and debt. There is very scanty evidence to show that the governments of Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe have effectively utilized these economic growth policy instruments(Eade 2005; Gilpin 2001; Gwin, 2014).

Although enhanced capacity is central to some African countries‘ development, several sub-


Saharan nations continue to trade off infrastructure development for social services programs, corruption, unfruitful agriculture projects, strengthening public institution, improve public performance, increasing employment and appropriate skills for manufacturing and production. Capacity building in the African continent therefore lacks a fully articulated framework for assessing economic growth and sequencing appropriate interventions as well as determining results for both the public and private sectors (Sengupta; Gwin, 2005). As a result, new ways of building sub-Saharan African citizens ‗capacity to realize a more effective environment would have to come from entrepreneurship, experimentation and learning of skills that are

appropriate for its sustainable development process. [E5: p.3]


The study uses a rubric to evaluate 103 students on awareness of environmental sustainability in a traditional business course in the middle of semester. The results indicate that students‘ knowledge on environmental sustainability improved significantly through formative assessment practices. Therefore, more integration of environmental sustainability in business courses is recommended for students to think critically and solve meaningful environmental

problems. [.E4: p.1]


An increased strictness of the employment protection legislation, therefore, seems to have strong negative consequences on beneficial societal educational outcomes. [E38: p.12]


On the other hand, a translator of drama in particular must translate into the modern target language if he wants his characters to live, bearing in mind that the modern language covers a span of say 70 years, and that if one character speaks in a bookish or old-fashioned way in the original, written 500 years ago, he must speak in an equally bookish and old-fashioned way in the translation, but as he would today, therefore with a corresponding time-gap - differences of register, social class, education, temperament in particular must be preserved between one character and another. Thus the dialogue remains dramatic, and though the translator cannot

forget the potential spectators, he does not make concessions to them. [E10: p.1401]


Formative assessment is important to facilitate teaching and learning rather than to measure students‘ learning. Summative assessment is important for accurate information and evaluation of the effectiveness of overall program. Summative assessment is useful to identify program strengths and weaknesses as part of the program improvement process. Therefore, both formative and summative assessments are essential for student learning. [E4: p.7]


The competence-based orientation of contemporary education is a world-wide tendency. The competence approach is therefore part of the paradigm of educational theory. Unfortunately, it enters educational practice as a component of the normative and admin istrative tools of the State Educational Requirements rather than as the main priority in a well-planned educational reform. Thus, the modernization of education and the

improvement of its quality are impossible to realize at the expected rate. [E48: p.69]


The goal of formative assessment is to monitor student process and identify the weak areas in learning. The instructor, therefore, can modify teaching and learning activities immediately in the classroom to improve student performance. [E4: p.2]


The purpose is that decision-makers ―learn‖ to make decisions in a collective learning process. Therefore, it is necessary to build intelligent territories that are capable of adapting to change. This constant adaptation requires rapid and accurate information about these agents and their interrelationships, about the evolution trends of the different environments and about demand behaviour. However, rather than information, the most important aspect is the creation of instruments for those who receive such information to be able to respond to changes quickly,

decisively and reducing the margin of error. Thus, tourism governance would have a constantly updated body of knowledge that would optimise its effectiveness. [E19: p.20]


Merritt‟s (2000) findings confirm that these pilots are influenced by the distinct local cultures in which they are brought up. One specific type of pilot training is therefore not sufficient for all the pilots as a result of cultural differences. In sum, Hofstede‟s work (1980) was

successfully applied and contributed in discovering national differences which proved his work is highly significant. [E3: p.30]


The recent move to globalization and advancements in transportation and technologies like the Internet and satellite communication has given one the ability to learn about and compare different cultures to one‟s own. Therefore, pushing the boundaries of cross-cultural consumer

research to gain a better understanding of consumer behaviour in a multi-cultural environment

has created both opportunities and challenges for today‟s marketers. [E3: p.26]


Research around how schools and school districts were coupling with the wider institution and its network of standardized information could not identify the mounting costs in the system. Therefore, much of the research coming out of schools of education in the U.S. merely consisted in taking the pulse of a dying patient. [E2: p.7]


Interpersonal discrimination always occurred among employees in a workplace. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to determine dimension of discrimination among Islamic financial

based organization. [E37: p.48]


This study indicates that the incorporation of sustainability across a curriculum should be balanced among all sustainability issues and dimensions (Watson et al, 2013). Although this course emphasizes sustainability in student learning, awareness scores in certain areas are relatively low in this research. Further, certain environmental issues may be missing in student learning in the course. Therefore, it is necessary for business faculty to develop a comprehensive plan to ensure that all aspects of environmental sustainability are addressed in

the program. [.E4: p.7]


[...] These results confirm our hypothesis 2 that teenage girls who have experienced early motherhood develop mainlya comparative optimism unlike those who have no experiences. [E35: p.20]


A labor market study by World Bank (2007) proved that both the private sector brokers and the public sector labor market information providers are weak to serve the market function properly.

This fact explains why employers have not been able to attract the most qualified. [E5:p.18]


[...] This is all to help in the designing of a proactive educational environment which is to develop a problem-solving competence, first in teachers and then in their students.

[E48: p.80]


[...] This is to show that comparative optimism related to conscious perception of early motherhood risks depends on factors such as the use of contraceptive measures and the

experience of early motherhood itself. [E35: p.18]


In addition, we should point out the proportion of people (22.8% for 2009) who watched political broadcasts for ongoing events during workdays between 1.5 hours and 3 hours. This definitely is a low percentage of Bulgarians who are interested in political life. [E49:p.26]


Bulgarian students have serious difficulties in researching and understanding problems, presenting and formulating, plan-ning, im-plementing, controlling and rational-izing certain situations. This is why they fall below the first (33.3% of the students, with an av-erage of

8.2% for OECD countries) or are in the first level of results, with only 1.6% in the fifth and sixth levels where results can be considered excellent. [E48: p.68]


This research concludes that social media serve as non-formal education interactive platforms that have the capacity to enhance learning engagement, interactive learning and civic engagement. The essence is to promote collaboration, dialogue, and participatory learning among campus audience. Thus, the variables measured in this study were basic to the on-going discourse on the generational shift from a knowledge society to a network society where all form of interactions are determined and shaped by data within space and time. It is therefore recommended that, all forms of engagements on the social media platform should be based on development information, diffusion of learning innovations and massification of

knowledge enrichment. [E25: p.168]


[...] This result corroborated the research by Kietzmann and Jan, (2011) which attested to the high level of awareness of the social media sources where people obtain information,

education, news and other data for engagement and other forms of interaction. [E25: p.167]


This result obviously confirmed that the writing instruction using a Workshop approach positively affected the learning outcomes by promoting students‘ competence to write English

essays. [E45: p.13]


[...] This reality points to the fact that genuine education and learning is expensive for a very important reason: the education good is not a simple process of knowledge and skill distribution. A society that understands what human beings are and what education is - as a complex state of being and becoming - views it as a necessarily expensive investment into its

next generation of citizens. That payoff involves the sustainability of free and innovative

social, cultural, political, and economic institutions. As a famous example, California had the investment-in-people idea in mind when it created its „master plan‟ for the schools and higher education in 1960. California‟s was an intelligent attempt at the preservation of diverse,

quality education within a scaled environment. Indeed, a lot is at stake for a society as well as the professional educator in this informationinstitution correspondence. [E2: p.8]


[...] Thus, the themes or quotation samples from the news reflect the styles of those who are the source of such news media or those of different news actors. However, the form and content of a headline in press might cunningly influence its interpretation. Hence, the news report has a convincing impact among its readers. If we presuppose that the news media is directive on readers and audience, we must know the certain conditions which also include the structural components of the news repor. [E1:p.60]


Our thesis is that, within a technical model of production, particular, heuristic and tacit information, that is, the kind of information bound up with the individual person and local community and culture, is divided from and comes to be displaced by standardized information. This information loss impairs production of the education good (i.e., quality education), thus diminishing the creation of human and social capital. [E2: p.1]


The story of the family is foundation of family activities. Thus, the continuity and the interconnectedness of generations related to living family members all over the world is the basic precondition of social activity. Hasslefree generation is not able to ensure the continuity of generations and their socialization, as well as integration of all social groups, public life and social activities. The family consists of physiological processes and psychological forms, cultural values, market and industrial-economic relations, demographic change, social institutions, and other components. Relations between the family and society, other social institutions, along with family relations with individuals at all times occupied and will occupy

their place in the development of human civilization. Hence the study of role and function of the family in society is relevant and topical issue. [E20: p.170]


Currently, training is a means that develops the skills of people so that they can be more productive, creative and innovative, so that they contribute better to organizational objectives and become increasingly valuable. Thus, training is a useful source, because it allows people to effectively contribute to the results of the business. [E41: p.36]


Supply-side interventions can only be successful with complementary efforts that help to expand job opportunities for all citizens. In an environment with low labor demand, young people will have a hard time finding a job, no matter what their skills level and educational attainment are. Thus, programs that generate jobs and foster local businesses are vital to reduce the prevalence of unemployment in urban areas (Ikatu, 2010). The following strategies are critical for the government to explore in the near future. [E5:p.18]


The concept competency on the other hand is more pragmatically oriented; this is what makes possible the practical implementation of one‘s competence. It can be described by be-ing able to tell ―how to relate knowledge and situations‖ rather than being able to tell thatknowledge and situations are related. Etymologically, both terms evoke the original meaning of the root meaning ―apt, adequate, able, meaningful‖. Thus, summarily, competency is a subjectively represented competence. Competence is therefore a predominantly subjec-tive and personality-oriented characteristic of human activities, while

competency is preeminently subjective and social. [E48: p.71-72]


[...] Thus, governance can be applied to the management of a destination, creating relational areas, not subject to the principles of hierarchy or market, with the power to make collective decisions from new perspectives. [E19: p.13]

[...] Thus, Bertucci (2002) points out that, since tourism industry influences many dimensions of the economic and social life of a community and all problems related to tourism cannot be solved by a single stakeholder, either public or private, partnerships play a crucial role in bringing together all stakeholders and allowing for discussion, arbitration and productive collaboration. It is of paramount importance that governments and firms interested in the development of tourism activity admit that there exists a resource dependency between them and that they realise that the promotion of tourism cannot be achieve on one‘s own (Nordin and Svesson, 2005). Participatory governance would constitute an innovative way to find long-term innovative solutions to existing problems (Paskaleva-Shapira, 2001). In brief, the achievement of sustainable tourism development is directly related to the implementation of a good, transparent and equitable governance, which includes community management and social economy methods based on participation, self-management of much of the tourism development process, democratic decision-making and equitable distribution of resources and

benefits (Lanquar and Rivera, 2010). [E19: p.13]


[...] Thus, whenever possible, parents should, of course, if they live in rural areas, teach their children to choose the right profession, necessary for the village, agriculture and farming activities. [E20: p. 175]


This research begins from Einstein‘s statement that ―science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind‖. This view clearly depicts science as being not value-free or, in other words, science is bound to values.Thus, the purpose of this research is to submit proof that

the above statement is true. [E50: p.55]


It seems that they are influence of the type and duration of each session. Thus, the workshop session, with more duration and intensity seems to have influenced a little more in the change of attitude of the teachers involved. [E29: p.40]


Culture is phrased, according to authors like Linton (1999), in terms of the basis or the foundation of the development of individual‘s personality. It thus shapes the individual according

to social values and norms. So, based on culture, early marriages are imposed to some girls who, for the most part, are under duress due to cultural considerations. [E35: p.17]


The measuring by the expansion and proliferation of educational institutions. To this end, foreign educated elites and graduates of local universities were ultimately managed to establish various professional associations under

their respective fields of profession or occupation [E15: p.916]


Faranda and Schmidt (2000) recommended using multiple segmentation models to increase the effectiveness of segmentation strategies and support strategy formulation. To conclude, the literature analysis has shown that a great variety exists in travel motivations for older tourists. However, there is a need to further explore the relationship between motivation and

satisfaction with the destination for this specific segment. [E33: p.22]


[...] To conclude, it proposes some suggestions to be considered in order to change the current status quo and yield the desired results. [E28:p 25]


[...] To sum up, translation is defined by Catford (1988) as the replacement of textual material

in one language (SL) by equivalent textual material in another language (TL). Accordingly, Catford like many translation scholars defined an equivalence oriented theory. [E10: p.1398]


Better information will also help citizens to make good decision to complete high school, and an optimal combination of education and work. The development of labor market information is also useful for the effective design and implementation of appropriate policies. Further, the collection, analysis, and evaluation of labor market information are crucial to ensure that laws

and policies are evidence-based and responsive to situations on the ground. Measures that can


enable the African people to have improved access to valuable information and opportunities

so that they might make informed decisions about their lives are important. To this end, it is important to enhance the capacity of the labor market institutions. [E5:p.17]


[...] To this end, the article will discuss the origin, development, challenges and prospect of freedom of association in general and particularly the right to form and join to professional association in Ethiopia. Finally, the article assess critical legal impediments which are stumbling blocks with respect to the right to freedom of association and the right to form and join professional association under the three successive regimes in Ethiopian jurisdiction. [E15: p.911]


The defendant`s right to dignity and reputation, requires judges not to mistreat and humiliate defendants during various stages of criminal proceedings. To this end, teaching professional ethics is of great importance. In most countries, judges‘ education is only limited to technical legal discussions, whereas their perception of human dignity and reputation is necessary to

realize a fair criminal justice. [E47: p..66]


The improvement of governance systems at all levels plays an essential role in the move towards sustainable tourism. To this end, constant feedback should exist between destinations (at any territorial level) to evaluates the different management techniques within the field of governance, determining which are more effective and efficient for the sustainable

management of tourism. [E19: p.22]


[...] We believe that in the near future, a joint venture e-learning as a flexible combination of classical teaching, e-learning and distance learning will be dominant system of work in schools. [E6:p.99]


[...] We conclude that instead of exercising teacher layoffs due to budget constraints, the government should consider other means such as teacher redeployment to schools that are under staffed. This move will at least prevent the teaching profession from being viewed as an unstable. Moreover, we believe that teacher layoffs that are based on seniority is missing the point as they will lead to a barren profession with few if at all senior to mentor incoming novice teachers. There is no harm in teacher evaluation as long as it is done appropriately. Persistent harsh and unfavorable school conditions equally hurts the very same people, the children, we argue that we are protecting. Lastly, teachers need to be supported in every way possible, for without that support it is unlikely that they will succeed in their mission to

educate future citizens. [E28: p.31]


[...] Without doubt, it certainly is this ethical line coming from theoretical studies on international law and international relations that a reflective philosophy may find in its course through the non-philosophical nature of recognition in law. [E8: p.30]


English writing for ESL students and solved their problems in learning writing. Undoubtedl,

a Workshop approach successfully functioned as an indispensible helper that enriched ESL students‘ skills as writers. [E45: p.14]

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