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Phụ lục 1: Dữ liệu nghiên cứu
year | ROE | OWN | CAP | CR | OC | Size | LA | DOP | GDP | CPI | |
1 | 2007 | 17.69% | 1 | 6.86% | 2.16% | 28.24% | 19.10 | 49.41% | 77.01% | 8.48% | 8.30% |
1 | 2008 | 10.74% | 1 | 6.28% | 3.70% | 48.04% | 19.22 | 50.79% | 61.02% | 6.23% | 22.90% |
1 | 2009 | 23.47% | 1 | 6.54% | 3.27% | 37.62% | 19.36 | 55.43% | 70.80% | 5.32% | 6.88% |
1 | 2010 | 20.39% | 1 | 6.72% | 3.22% | 39.43% | 19.54 | 57.50% | 71.39% | 6.78% | 9.19% |
1 | 2011 | 14.65% | 1 | 7.81% | 2.54% | 38.33% | 19.72 | 57.11% | 67.15% | 5.89% | 18.58% |
1 | 2012 | 10.60% | 1 | 10.03% | 2.19% | 39.82% | 19.84 | 58.19% | 76.27% | 5.03% | 9.21% |
1 | 2013 | 10.28% | 1 | 9.04% | 2.35% | 40.27% | 19.97 | 58.49% | 77.88% | 5.42% | 6.60% |
1 | 2014 | 10.59% | 1 | 7.51% | 2.18% | 39.65% | 20.17 | 56.04% | 79.12% | 5.98% | 4.09% |
2 | 2007 | 10.80% | 1 | 6.41% | 1.67% | 41.60% | 18.93 | 61.52% | 72.32% | 8.48% | 8.30% |
2 | 2008 | 14.63% | 1 | 6.37% | 1.78% | 57.02% | 19.08 | 62.38% | 67.11% | 6.23% | 22.90% |
2 | 2009 | 10.13% | 1 | 5.16% | 0.95% | 58.28% | 19.31 | 66.93% | 64.17% | 5.32% | 6.88% |
2 | 2010 | 18.74% | 1 | 4.94% | 1.18% | 48.57% | 19.72 | 63.69% | 58.91% | 6.78% | 9.19% |
2 | 2011 | 21.92% | 1 | 6.19% | 1.03% | 40.57% | 19.95 | 63.73% | 59.53% | 5.89% | 18.58% |
2 | 2012 | 18.29% | 1 | 6.68% | 1.10% | 42.96% | 20.04 | 66.20% | 61.52% | 5.03% | 9.21% |
2 | 2013 | 10.71% | 1 | 9.38% | 0.88% | 44.22% | 20.17 | 65.29% | 69.79% | 5.42% | 6.60% |
2 | 2014 | 10.38% | 1 | 8.32% | 0.99% | 46.72% | 20.31 | 66.53% | 69.98% | 5.98% | 4.09% |
3 | 2007 | 13.15% | 1 | 5.69% | 2.43% | 30.53% | 19.14 | 58.37% | 70.17% | 8.48% | 8.30% |
3 | 2008 | 14.70% | 1 | 5.46% | 2.85% | 41.46% | 19.32 | 58.58% | 70.12% | 6.23% | 22.90% |
Có thể bạn quan tâm!
Các Biến Trong Mô Hình Nghiên Cứu
Kiểm Định Ar(1), Ar(2), Hansen Test
Khuyến Nghị Nhằm Nâng Cao Tỷ Suất Sinh Lời Nhtmcp Việt Nam
Ảnh hưởng của hình thức sở hữu nhà nước đến tỷ suất sinh lời của các Ngân hàng thương mại cổ phần Việt Nam - 11
Xem toàn bộ 90 trang tài liệu này.
2009 | 15.97% | 1 | 5.95% | 2.73% | 44.67% | 19.51 | 66.66% | 67.18% | 5.32% | 6.88% | |
3 | 2010 | 15.51% | 1 | 6.61% | 2.23% | 48.27% | 19.72 | 64.73% | 71.54% | 6.78% | 9.19% |
3 | 2011 | 13.16% | 1 | 6.01% | 2.14% | 43.16% | 19.82 | 67.60% | 63.06% | 5.89% | 18.58% |
3 | 2012 | 9.70% | 1 | 5.47% | 1.88% | 41.39% | 20.00 | 64.80% | 66.24% | 5.03% | 9.21% |
3 | 2013 | 12.58% | 1 | 5.84% | 1.65% | 38.73% | 20.12 | 68.07% | 65.63% | 5.42% | 6.60% |
3 | 2014 | 14.87% | 1 | 5.12% | 1.49% | 39.37% | 20.29 | 68.53% | 71.38% | 5.98% | 4.09% |
4 | 2007 | 28.12% | 0 | 7.33% | 0.42% | 26.64% | 18.26 | 37.25% | 69.86% | 8.48% | 8.30% |
4 | 2008 | 28.46% | 0 | 7.38% | 0.66% | 37.53% | 18.47 | 33.08% | 65.84% | 6.23% | 22.90% |
4 | 2009 | 21.78% | 0 | 6.02% | 0.81% | 36.67% | 18.94 | 37.14% | 55.09% | 5.32% | 6.88% |
4 | 2010 | 20.52% | 0 | 5.55% | 0.82% | 39.35% | 19.14 | 42.51% | 55.20% | 6.78% | 9.19% |
4 | 2011 | 26.82% | 0 | 4.26% | 0.97% | 41.16% | 19.45 | 36.26% | 52.86% | 5.89% | 18.58% |
4 | 2012 | 6.21% | 0 | 7.16% | 1.48% | 73.19% | 18.99 | 57.76% | 76.51% | 5.03% | 9.21% |
4 | 2013 | 6.61% | 0 | 7.51% | 1.44% | 66.54% | 18.93 | 64.34% | 89.63% | 5.42% | 6.60% |
4 | 2014 | 7.68% | 0 | 6.90% | 1.36% | 63.79% | 19.01 | 64.76% | 92.47% | 5.98% | 4.09% |
5 | 2007 | 10.29% | 0 | 11.80% | 0.36% | 40.89% | 17.13 | 65.23% | 59.34% | 8.48% | 8.30% |
5 | 2008 | 15.33% | 0 | 10.13% | 1.04% | 38.25% | 17.36 | 73.66% | 73.76% | 6.23% | 22.90% |
5 | 2009 | 14.07% | 0 | 9.82% | 1.00% | 43.82% | 17.57 | 80.80% | 72.95% | 5.32% | 6.88% |
5 | 2010 | 12.16% | 0 | 9.70% | 1.17% | 48.31% | 17.84 | 68.59% | 62.27% | 6.78% | 9.19% |
5 | 2011 | 16.29% | 0 | 8.98% | 1.50% | 45.51% | 17.99 | 67.97% | 61.20% | 5.89% | 18.58% |
5 | 2012 | 9.46% | 0 | 8.81% | 1.76% | 49.38% | 18.05 | 73.11% | 80.40% | 5.03% | 9.21% |
2013 | 5.58% | 0 | 7.86% | 1.69% | 60.98% | 18.13 | 70.81% | 94.28% | 5.42% | 6.60% | |
5 | 2014 | 0.48% | 0 | 6.48% | 1.84% | 71.70% | 18.28 | 59.52% | 95.03% | 5.98% | 4.09% |
6 | 2007 | 8.89% | 0 | 12.82% | 0.42% | 18.81% | 17.08 | 42.08% | 46.97% | 8.48% | 8.30% |
6 | 2008 | 7.69% | 0 | 18.59% | 1.04% | 29.46% | 16.93 | 33.75% | 46.93% | 6.23% | 22.90% |
6 | 2009 | 8.39% | 0 | 17.91% | 1.67% | 28.09% | 17.24 | 31.46% | 49.16% | 5.32% | 6.88% |
6 | 2010 | 10.95% | 0 | 10.40% | 1.58% | 31.05% | 17.83 | 37.13% | 50.08% | 6.78% | 9.19% |
6 | 2011 | 2.28% | 0 | 5.48% | 1.67% | 72.37% | 18.43 | 19.43% | 35.95% | 5.89% | 18.58% |
6 | 2012 | 0.94% | 0 | 7.44% | 2.78% | 81.24% | 18.13 | 22.24% | 45.26% | 5.03% | 9.21% |
6 | 2013 | 2.65% | 0 | 7.17% | 2.42% | 74.54% | 18.20 | 26.21% | 48.80% | 5.42% | 6.60% |
6 | 2014 | 1.53% | 0 | 7.09% | 1.55% | 71.47% | 18.20 | 39.99% | 60.44% | 5.98% | 4.09% |
7 | 2007 | 6.52% | 0 | 14.44% | 0.84% | 34.70% | 16.66 | 40.05% | 46.11% | 8.48% | 8.30% |
7 | 2008 | 1.26% | 0 | 29.31% | 1.24% | 73.15% | 16.42 | 48.46% | 69.97% | 6.23% | 22.90% |
7 | 2009 | 6.94% | 0 | 16.93% | 1.11% | 42.10% | 17.09 | 48.58% | 68.10% | 5.32% | 6.88% |
7 | 2010 | 10.30% | 0 | 12.19% | 1.06% | 44.71% | 17.45 | 52.31% | 70.32% | 6.78% | 9.19% |
7 | 2011 | 6.66% | 0 | 11.32% | 1.60% | 46.96% | 17.54 | 47.84% | 55.13% | 5.89% | 18.58% |
7 | 2012 | 7.66% | 0 | 10.53% | 2.21% | 62.31% | 17.65 | 40.63% | 70.07% | 5.03% | 9.21% |
7 | 2013 | 2.75% | 0 | 9.90% | 2.76% | 66.36% | 17.87 | 40.92% | 71.73% | 5.42% | 6.60% |
7 | 2014 | 1.88% | 0 | 8.46% | 1.82% | 66.05% | 18.02 | 38.65% | 73.81% | 5.98% | 4.09% |
8 | 2007 | 9.18% | 0 | 10.72% | 0.53% | 31.70% | 16.68 | 37.16% | 46.98% | 8.48% | 8.30% |
8 | 2008 | 16.90% | 0 | 5.74% | 0.76% | 36.32% | 17.30 | 34.36% | 45.89% | 6.23% | 22.90% |
2009 | 21.75% | 0 | 5.56% | 0.73% | 30.95% | 17.97 | 37.37% | 49.82% | 5.32% | 6.88% | |
8 | 2010 | 18.29% | 0 | 5.49% | 0.97% | 35.82% | 18.56 | 27.60% | 44.61% | 6.78% | 9.19% |
8 | 2011 | 8.39% | 0 | 8.31% | 0.97% | 52.06% | 18.55 | 33.01% | 59.40% | 5.89% | 18.58% |
8 | 2012 | 2.49% | 0 | 8.27% | 2.59% | 70.83% | 18.52 | 26.33% | 59.09% | 5.03% | 9.21% |
8 | 2013 | 3.50% | 0 | 8.79% | 2.68% | 69.91% | 18.49 | 25.59% | 68.06% | 5.42% | 6.60% |
8 | 2014 | 1.51% | 0 | 9.05% | 2.31% | 62.15% | 18.46 | 22.53% | 66.60% | 5.98% | 4.09% |
9 | 2007 | 8.44% | 0 | 29.01% | 0.54% | 29.46% | 14.60 | 61.42% | 3.52% | 8.48% | 8.30% |
9 | 2008 | 3.56% | 0 | 35.63% | 0.53% | 59.73% | 14.89 | 74.70% | 87.32% | 6.23% | 22.90% |
9 | 2009 | 8.20% | 0 | 14.93% | 0.59% | 46.37% | 15.83 | 65.18% | 75.36% | 5.32% | 6.88% |
9 | 2010 | 6.06% | 0 | 25.54% | 0.88% | 98.35% | 16.35 | 55.50% | 70.16% | 6.78% | 9.19% |
9 | 2011 | 11.42% | 0 | 19.36% | 1.13% | 38.72% | 16.70 | 47.08% | 56.54% | 5.89% | 18.58% |
9 | 2012 | 10.19% | 0 | 18.54% | 1.47% | 51.22% | 16.74 | 52.11% | 70.30% | 5.03% | 9.21% |
9 | 2013 | 9.02% | 0 | 16.26% | 1.03% | 55.25% | 16.88 | 56.75% | 74.34% | 5.42% | 6.60% |
9 | 2014 | 5.23% | 0 | 14.56% | 1.01% | 65.54% | 16.96 | 58.55% | 83.94% | 5.98% | 4.09% |
10 | 2007 | 11.27% | 0 | 12.72% | 0.30% | 40.77% | 15.47 | 51.33% | 61.26% | 8.48% | 8.30% |
10 | 2008 | 0.75% | 0 | 21.88% | 0.53% | 81.88% | 15.59 | 63.65% | 74.17% | 6.23% | 22.90% |
10 | 2009 | 0.75% | 0 | 21.88% | 0.53% | 53.53% | 15.59 | 63.65% | 97.80% | 5.32% | 6.88% |
10 | 2010 | 4.21% | 0 | 12.22% | 0.51% | 32.41% | 16.21 | 45.83% | 60.22% | 6.78% | 9.19% |
10 | 2011 | 7.63% | 0 | 16.69% | 0.76% | 41.76% | 16.75 | 36.76% | 40.96% | 5.89% | 18.58% |
10 | 2012 | 5.51% | 0 | 20.47% | 1.02% | 49.46% | 16.59 | 42.78% | 68.55% | 5.03% | 9.21% |
2013 | 4.49% | 0 | 10.43% | 0.67% | 61.57% | 17.18 | 39.93% | 53.06% | 5.42% | 6.60% | |
10 | 2014 | 6.23% | 0 | 8.05% | 0.94% | 59.16% | 17.43 | 44.18% | 59.26% | 5.98% | 4.09% |
11 | 2007 | 12.91% | 0 | 5.85% | 0.14% | 49.25% | 16.11 | 44.06% | 65.85% | 8.48% | 8.30% |
11 | 2008 | 5.31% | 0 | 9.87% | 0.40% | 66.55% | 16.20 | 50.20% | 61.27% | 6.23% | 22.90% |
11 | 2009 | 12.21% | 0 | 6.24% | 0.96% | 42.56% | 16.74 | 53.29% | 54.95% | 5.32% | 6.88% |
11 | 2010 | 7.76% | 0 | 10.10% | 1.19% | 52.27% | 16.81 | 53.79% | 59.58% | 6.78% | 9.19% |
11 | 2011 | 4.14% | 0 | 11.32% | 0.66% | 60.71% | 17.18 | 40.20% | 58.07% | 5.89% | 18.58% |
11 | 2012 | 5.62% | 0 | 8.93% | 0.93% | 62.46% | 17.43 | 44.59% | 36.14% | 5.03% | 9.21% |
11 | 2013 | 0.58% | 0 | 11.02% | 1.55% | 92.74% | 17.19 | 46.35% | 71.03% | 5.42% | 6.60% |
11 | 2014 | 0.25% | 0 | 8.72% | 1.17% | 91.09% | 17.42 | 45.17% | 72.68% | 5.98% | 4.09% |
12 | 2007 | 16.33% | 0 | 5.36% | 0.40% | 30.83% | 16.44 | 64.48% | 27.06% | 8.48% | 8.30% |
12 | 2008 | 3.58% | 0 | 17.50% | 0.65% | 61.56% | 16.07 | 64.61% | 55.00% | 6.23% | 22.90% |
12 | 2009 | 10.81% | 0 | 9.39% | 0.77% | 40.69% | 16.77 | 43.03% | 54.58% | 5.32% | 6.88% |
12 | 2010 | 11.43% | 0 | 6.86% | 0.72% | 47.55% | 17.35 | 34.10% | 43.66% | 6.78% | 9.19% |
12 | 2011 | 12.02% | 0 | 7.88% | 1.02% | 47.69% | 17.62 | 30.76% | 46.02% | 5.89% | 18.58% |
12 | 2012 | 6.05% | 0 | 10.22% | 0.92% | 52.32% | 17.78 | 40.07% | 72.30% | 5.03% | 9.21% |
12 | 2013 | 2.53% | 0 | 9.96% | 1.58% | 70.04% | 18.27 | 51.06% | 80.35% | 5.42% | 6.60% |
12 | 2014 | 5.37% | 0 | 8.92% | 1.15% | 62.79% | 18.42 | 42.19% | 72.16% | 5.98% | 4.09% |
13 | 2007 | 10.19% | 0 | 14.08% | 0.56% | 38.00% | 16.28 | 64.29% | 57.15% | 8.48% | 8.30% |
13 | 2008 | 4.09% | 0 | 15.76% | 0.81% | 63.96% | 16.13 | 85.17% | 79.92% | 6.23% | 22.90% |