| | .0009931 | .0017582 | 0.56 | 0.572 | -.0024592 | .0044453 | |
roa | | | -1.351776 | .5099028 | -2.65 | 0.008 | -2.352964 | -.3505866 |
size | | | .0586006 | .0272208 | 2.15 | 0.032 | .0051529 | .1120482 |
liq | | | -.0039215 | .0048634 | -0.81 | 0.420 | -.0134708 | .0056277 |
_cons | | | -.036664 | 1.190869 | -0.03 | 0.975 | -2.374923 | 2.301595 |
Cột 6: hồi quy OLS, tobin Q là biến đại diện cho tăng trưởng, nature=0 | |||||||
Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 1864 -------------+------------------------------ F( 12, 1851) = 77.99 Model | 22803.9128 12 1900.32607 Prob > F = 0.0000 Residual | 45101.6619 1851 24.3661058 R-squared = 0.3358 -------------+------------------------------ Adj R-squared = 0.3315 Total | 67905.5747 1863 36.4495838 Root MSE = 4.9362 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Investment | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- | |||||||
ldebtt1 | | | 2.200656 | 1.092289 | 2.01 | 0.044 | .0584077 | 4.342905 |
qt1 | | | .1571349 | .031885 | 4.93 | 0.000 | .0946006 | .2196692 |
director | | | -.0037581 | .2536851 | -0.01 | 0.988 | -.5012971 | .4937809 |
Indepen | | | -.3234359 | 1.176081 | -0.28 | 0.783 | -2.63002 | 1.983149 |
ceoage | | | .8432282 | .7751944 | 1.09 | 0.277 | -.6771191 | 2.363575 |
ceotenure | | | -.5147083 | .144491 | -3.56 | 0.000 | -.7980907 | -.2313258 |
ceoshare | | | 1.224846 | 1.55032 | 0.79 | 0.430 | -1.815714 | 4.265405 |
cf | | | -.0335673 | .0074547 | -4.50 | 0.000 | -.0481878 | -.0189467 |
salest1 | | | .0930344 | .0031798 | 29.26 | 0.000 | .086798 | .0992707 |
roa | | | -1.851831 | 1.342108 | -1.38 | 0.168 | -4.484035 | .7803726 |
size | | | .1635201 | .0887149 | 1.84 | 0.065 | -.0104717 | .337512 |
liq | | | -.0042507 | .0164925 | -0.26 | 0.797 | -.0365964 | .0280951 |
_cons | | | -6.517279 | 3.814725 | -1.71 | 0.088 | -13.9989 | .9643375 |
Có thể bạn quan tâm!
Tổng Hợp Kết Quả Nghiên Cứu
Hạn Chế Nghiên Cứu Và Hướng Nghiên Cứu Tiếp Theo
Ảnh hưởng của sở hữu Nhà nước và các khoản vay ngân hàng đến quyết định đầu tư của các công ty tại Việt Nam - 15
Ảnh hưởng của sở hữu Nhà nước và các khoản vay ngân hàng đến quyết định đầu tư của các công ty tại Việt Nam - 17
Ảnh hưởng của sở hữu Nhà nước và các khoản vay ngân hàng đến quyết định đầu tư của các công ty tại Việt Nam - 18
Ảnh hưởng của sở hữu Nhà nước và các khoản vay ngân hàng đến quyết định đầu tư của các công ty tại Việt Nam - 19
Xem toàn bộ 169 trang tài liệu này.
Cột 7: hồi quy OLS, tobin Q là biến đại diện cho tăng trưởng, nature=0, có thêm biến Ldebt*dqt-1
ldebtt1 | | | 1.915711 | 1.155693 | 1.66 | 0.098 | -.3508885 | 4.182311 |
LdebtDqt | | | 1.84908 | 2.447515 | 0.76 | 0.450 | -2.951101 | 6.64926 |
qt1 | | | .156058 | .0319205 | 4.89 | 0.000 | .093454 | .218662 |
director | | | -.0013724 | .2537342 | -0.01 | 0.996 | -.4990078 | .496263 |
Indepen | | | -.3652191 | 1.177517 | -0.31 | 0.756 | -2.674621 | 1.944182 |
ceoage | | | .8124984 | .7763506 | 1.05 | 0.295 | -.710117 | 2.335114 |
ceotenure | | | -.5067237 | .1448937 | -3.50 | 0.000 | -.7908961 | -.2225514 |
ceoshare | | | 1.182247 | 1.551525 | 0.76 | 0.446 | -1.860677 | 4.22517 |
cf | | | -.033496 | .0074562 | -4.49 | 0.000 | -.0481194 | -.0188726 |
salest1 | | | .0930336 | .0031802 | 29.25 | 0.000 | .0867965 | .0992707 |
roa | | | -1.925467 | 1.345797 | -1.43 | 0.153 | -4.564908 | .7139742 |
size | | | .1559895 | .0892834 | 1.75 | 0.081 | -.0191173 | .3310963 |
liq | | | -.0040798 | .0164959 | -0.25 | 0.805 | -.0364324 | .0282728 |
_cons | | | -6.212992 | 3.836369 | -1.62 | 0.106 | -13.73706 | 1.311074 |
Kết quả hồi quy theo phương pháp 2SLS với biến nợ ngân hàng (Debti,t-1), tobin Q là biến đại diện cho tăng trưởng
Cột 1: hồi quy 2SLS
Instrumented: debtt1
Instruments: qt1 director Indepen ceoage ceotenure ceoshare cf salest1 roa size liq fixedasset inventory
Instrumental variables (2SLS) regression
Number of obs | = | 2552 | ||||||
-------------+------------------------------ | F( 12, 2539) | = | 88.13 | |||||
Model | 18086.7469 12 1507.2289 | Prob > F | = | 0.0000 | |||||
Residual | 50376.6464 2539 19.8411368 | R-squared | = | 0.2642 | |||||
-------------+------------------------------ | Adj R-squared | = | 0.2607 | |||||
Total | 68463.3933 2551 26.8378649 | Root MSE | = | 4.4543 | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Investment | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- | ||||||||
debtt1 | | | -5.187087 | 1.352074 | -3.84 | 0.000 | -7.838367 | -2.535806 | |
qt1 | | | .2018123 | .0297414 | 6.79 | 0.000 | .1434925 | .2601321 | |
director | | | -.2798879 | .1962839 | -1.43 | 0.154 | -.6647808 | .105005 | |
Indepen | | | -.5271676 | .8377796 | -0.63 | 0.529 | -2.169969 | 1.115633 | |
ceoage | | | .7240029 | .61837 | 1.17 | 0.242 | -.4885581 | 1.936564 | |
ceotenure | | | -.4679392 | .1142477 | -4.10 | 0.000 | -.6919674 | -.2439109 | |
ceoshare | | | 4.419327 | 1.512814 | 2.92 | 0.004 | 1.452852 | 7.385801 | |
cf | | | -.0244585 | .0068135 | -3.59 | 0.000 | -.0378192 | -.0110978 | |
salest1 | | | .0802243 | .0027714 | 28.95 | 0.000 | .0747898 | .0856588 | |
roa | | | -5.59126 | 1.396863 | -4.00 | 0.000 | -8.330367 | -2.852154 | |
size | | | .4368271 | .0990062 | 4.41 | 0.000 | .242686 | .6309683 | |
liq | | | -.024378 | .013872 | -1.76 | 0.079 | -.0515796 | .0028236 | |
_cons | | | -11.70141 | 3.371294 | -3.47 | 0.001 | -18.31218 | -5.090643 |
Cột 2: hồi quy 2SLS, có thêm biến debt*dqt Instrumental variables (2SLS) regression
Number of obs | = | 2552 | ||||||
-------------+------------------------------ | F( 13, 2538) | = | 81.29 | |||||
Model | 18364.8358 13 1412.67968 | Prob > F | = | 0.0000 | |||||
Residual | 50098.5575 2538 19.7393843 | R-squared | = | 0.2682 | |||||
-------------+------------------------------ | Adj R-squared | = | 0.2645 | |||||
Total | 68463.3933 2551 26.8378649 | Root MSE | = | 4.4429 | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Investment | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- | ||||||||
debtt1 | | | -5.729876 | 1.984234 | -2.89 | 0.004 | -9.620758 | -1.838993 | |
DebtDqt | | | 4.66678 | 1.884117 | 2.48 | 0.013 | .9722154 | 8.361344 | |
qt1 | | | .181162 | .0287159 | 6.31 | 0.000 | .124853 | .237471 | |
director | | | -.2755256 | .1962158 | -1.40 | 0.160 | -.660285 | .1092338 | |
Indepen | | | -.5115373 | .8361225 | -0.61 | 0.541 | -2.151089 | 1.128014 | |
ceoage | | | .580648 | .6172403 | 0.94 | 0.347 | -.629698 | 1.790994 | |
ceotenure | | | -.41935 | .1123837 | -3.73 | 0.000 | -.639723 | -.1989769 | |
ceoshare | | | 2.994657 | 1.401574 | 2.14 | 0.033 | .2463105 | 5.743003 | |
cf | | | -.0247691 | .0068649 | -3.61 | 0.000 | -.0382304 | -.0113077 | |
salest1 | | | .0803344 | .0028146 | 28.54 | 0.000 | .0748152 | .0858536 | |
roa | | | -6.442261 | 1.864064 | -3.46 | 0.001 | -10.0975 | -2.78702 | |
size | | | .4062911 | .1087622 | 3.74 | 0.000 | .1930195 | .6195627 | |
liq | | | -.0213852 | .014042 | -1.52 | 0.128 | -.0489202 | .0061498 | |
_cons | | | -10.36079 | 3.386284 | -3.06 | 0.002 | -17.00095 | -3.720626 |
Instrumented: debtt1
Instruments: DebtNature nature qt1 director Indepen ceoage ceotenure ceoshare cf salest1 roa size liq fixedasset inventory
Instrumental variables (2SLS) regression
Number of obs | = | 2552 | ||||||
-------------+------------------------------ | F( 14, 2537) | = | 74.63 | |||||
Model | 17185.0444 14 1227.50317 | Prob > F | = | 0.0000 | |||||
Residual | 51278.3489 2537 20.212199 | R-squared | = | 0.2510 | |||||
-------------+------------------------------ | Adj R-squared | = | 0.2469 | |||||
Total | 68463.3933 2551 26.8378649 | Root MSE | = | 4.4958 | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Investment | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- | ||||||||
debtt1 | | | -6.473457 | 1.45301 | -4.46 | 0.000 | -9.322664 | -3.62425 | |
DebtNature | | | 4.531759 | 1.253741 | 3.61 | 0.000 | 2.073299 | 6.990219 | |
nature | | | -1.302314 | .3559513 | -3.66 | 0.000 | -2.000298 | -.6043288 | |
qt1 | | | .2066693 | .0299796 | 6.89 | 0.000 | .1478823 | .2654562 | |
director | | | -.274568 | .1983254 | -1.38 | 0.166 | -.6634642 | .1143281 | |
Indepen | | | -.7157272 | .8489678 | -0.84 | 0.399 | -2.380468 | .9490133 | |
ceoage | | | .5337665 | .6255341 | 0.85 | 0.394 | -.692843 | 1.760376 | |
ceotenure | | | -.4546824 | .1140761 | -3.99 | 0.000 | -.6783741 | -.2309907 | |
ceoshare | | | 4.985946 | 1.536182 | 3.25 | 0.001 | 1.973648 | 7.998244 | |
cf | | | -.024586 | .0068491 | -3.59 | 0.000 | -.0380164 | -.0111556 | |
salest1 | | | .0801294 | .002779 | 28.83 | 0.000 | .0746801 | .0855786 | |
roa | | | -5.434665 | 1.326902 | -4.10 | 0.000 | -8.036587 | -2.832742 | |
size | | | .4377071 | .0927479 | 4.72 | 0.000 | .2558378 | .6195764 | |
liq | | | -.0269983 | .0139578 | -1.93 | 0.053 | -.0543681 | .0003715 | |
_cons | | | -10.65132 | 3.233467 | -3.29 | 0.001 | -16.99183 | -4.31082 |
Instrumented: debtt1
Instruments: qt1 director Indepen ceoage ceotenure ceoshare cf salest1 roa
Cột 4: hồi quy 2SLS, nature =1 Instrumental variables (2SLS) regression
Number of obs | = | 688 | ||||||
-------------+------------------------------ | F( 12, 675) | = | 3.01 | |||||
Model | 11.1246764 12 .927056368 | Prob > F | = | 0.0004 | |||||
Residual | 467.173732 675 .692109233 | R-squared | = | 0.0233 | |||||
-------------+------------------------------ | Adj R-squared | = | 0.059 | |||||
Total | 478.298409 687 .696213113 | Root MSE | = | .83193 | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Investment | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- | ||||||||
debtt1 | | | -1.113391 | .5257038 | -2.12 | 0.035 | -2.145603 | -.0811801 | |
qt1 | | | -.1116817 | .077568 | -1.44 | 0.150 | -.2639852 | .0406218 | |
director | | | -.1169157 | .0745655 | -1.57 | 0.117 | -.2633239 | .0294925 | |
Indepen | | | .1667291 | .2572926 | 0.65 | 0.517 | -.3384609 | .6719192 | |
ceoage | | | -.1269631 | .2547953 | -0.50 | 0.618 | -.6272498 | .3733235 | |
ceotenure | | | .0141986 | .0428897 | 0.33 | 0.741 | -.0700146 | .0984118 | |
ceoshare | | | .1164004 | .5284048 | 0.22 | 0.826 | -.9211144 | 1.153915 | |
cf | | | .1741733 | .0538034 | 3.24 | 0.001 | .0685313 | .2798154 | |
salest1 | | | .0006736 | .001831 | 0.37 | 0.713 | -.0029216 | .0042687 | |
roa | | | -1.819689 | .6191939 | -2.94 | 0.003 | -3.035467 | -.6039117 | |
size | | | .11748 | .0454724 | 2.58 | 0.010 | .0281957 | .2067643 | |
liq | | | -.0058055 | .0051192 | -1.13 | 0.257 | -.015857 | .0042461 | |
_cons | | | -1.181216 | 1.44467 | -0.82 | 0.414 | -4.017803 | 1.655372 |
Source |
Number of obs = F( 13, 674) =
Model | 15.274592 13 1.17496862 Prob > F =
Residual | 463.023817 674 .686978956 R-squared =
-------------+------------------------------ Adj R-squared =
Total | 478.298409 687 .696213113 Root MSE =
Investment | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
Instrumented: debtt1
Instruments: DebtDqt qt1 director Indepen ceoage ceotenure ceoshare cf salest1 roa size liq fixedasset inventory
cột 5: : hồi quy 2SLS, nature =1, có thêm biến debt*dqt Instrumental variables (2SLS) regression
| | -1.145498 | .5342828 | -2.14 | 0.032 | -2.194557 | -.0964388 | |
DebtDqt | | | .9894057 | .4092071 | 2.42 | 0.016 | .1859316 | 1.79288 |
qt1 | | | -.1596052 | .0800036 | -1.99 | 0.046 | -.3166915 | -.0025189 |
director | | | -.1105998 | .0741974 | -1.49 | 0.137 | -.2562857 | .035086 |
Indepen | | | .1898934 | .2569285 | 0.74 | 0.460 | -.3145831 | .6943698 |
ceoage | | | -.1061618 | .2541307 | -0.42 | 0.676 | -.6051449 | .3928213 |
ceotenure | | | .002176 | .043119 | 0.05 | 0.960 | -.0824877 | .0868398 |
ceoshare | | | .182529 | .5284641 | 0.35 | 0.730 | -.8551051 | 1.220163 |
cf | | | .1778712 | .0534757 | 3.33 | 0.001 | .0728722 | .2828701 |
salest1 | | | .0006389 | .0018267 | 0.35 | 0.727 | -.0029478 | .0042255 |
roa | | | -1.891434 | .6267115 | -3.02 | 0.003 | -3.121975 | -.660892 |
size | | | .1116596 | .0447162 | 2.50 | 0.013 | .0238599 | .1994594 |
liq | | | -.005753 | .0051005 | -1.13 | 0.260 | -.0157677 | .0042617 |
_cons | | | -1.056187 | 1.430381 | -0.74 | 0.461 | -3.864725 | 1.752352 |
Cột 6: hồi quy 2SLS, nature=0 Instrumental variables (2SLS) regression
Number of obs | = | 1864 | ||||||
-------------+------------------------------ | F( 12, 1851) | = | 72.34 | |||||
Model | 17458.4924 12 1454.87437 | Prob > F | = | 0.0000 | |||||
Residual | 50447.0822 1851 27.2539612 | R-squared | = | 0.2571 | |||||
-------------+------------------------------ | Adj R-squared | = | 0.2523 | |||||
Total | 67905.5747 1863 36.4495838 | Root MSE | = | 5.2205 | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Investment | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- | ||||||||
debtt1 | | | -8.196134 | 1.386418 | -5.91 | 0.000 | -10.91524 | -5.477028 | |
qt1 | | | .218739 | .0351553 | 6.22 | 0.000 | .1497908 | .2876871 | |
director | | | -.1091593 | .2689348 | -0.41 | 0.685 | -.6366067 | .418288 | |
Indepen | | | -.9158473 | 1.248053 | -0.73 | 0.463 | -3.363587 | 1.531893 | |
ceoage | | | .7828274 | .8194799 | 0.96 | 0.340 | -.8243746 | 2.390029 | |
ceotenure | | | -.7418322 | .1561347 | -4.75 | 0.000 | -1.048051 | -.4356137 | |
ceoshare | | | 7.519681 | 1.958623 | 3.84 | 0.000 | 3.678338 | 11.36102 | |
cf | | | -.02563 | .0079866 | -3.21 | 0.001 | -.0412937 | -.0099662 | |
salest1 | | | .0887289 | .0033857 | 26.21 | 0.000 | .0820887 | .095369 | |
roa | | | -7.410122 | 1.669929 | -4.44 | 0.000 | -10.68526 | -4.13498 | |
size | | | .6167626 | .1131178 | 5.45 | 0.000 | .3949106 | .8386145 | |
liq | | | -.0415038 | .0183988 | -2.26 | 0.024 | -.0775884 | -.0054193 | |
_cons Instrumented: | | | -15.47451 debtt1 | 4.231065 | -3.66 | 0.000 | -23.77267 | -7.176347 |
Instruments: qt1 director Indepen ceoage ceotenure ceoshare cf salest1 roa size liq fixedasset inventory
Instrumented: debtt1
Instruments: DebtDqt qt1 director Indepen ceoage ceotenure ceoshare cf salest1 roa size liq fixedasset inventory
Cột 7: hồi quy 2SLS, nature=0, có thêm debtdqt Instrumental variables (2SLS) regression
Number of obs | = | 1864 | ||||||
-------------+------------------------------ | F( 13, 1850) | = | 62.52 | |||||
Model | 14290.0929 13 1099.23792 | Prob > F | = | 0.0000 | |||||
Residual | 53615.4818 1850 28.9813415 | R-squared | = | 0.2104 | |||||
-------------+------------------------------ | Adj R-squared | = | 0.2049 | |||||
Total | 67905.5747 1863 36.4495838 | Root MSE | = | 5.3834 | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Investment | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- | ||||||||
debtt1 | | | -12.46706 | 2.326819 | -5.36 | 0.000 | -17.03053 | -7.903597 | |
DebtDqt | | | 11.42341 | 2.445359 | 4.67 | 0.000 | 6.627459 | 16.21937 | |
qt1 | | | .1913476 | .0354468 | 5.40 | 0.000 | .1218276 | .2608676 | |
director | | | -.1248075 | .2776336 | -0.45 | 0.653 | -.6693156 | .4197007 | |
Indepen | | | -1.470294 | 1.301475 | -1.13 | 0.259 | -4.022809 | 1.08222 | |
ceoage | | | .2562179 | .8528084 | 0.30 | 0.764 | -1.41635 | 1.928786 | |
ceotenure | | | -.5791076 | .1585628 | -3.65 | 0.000 | -.8900884 | -.2681269 | |
ceoshare | | | 4.99829 | 1.86676 | 2.68 | 0.007 | 1.337112 | 8.659468 | |
cf | | | -.0240679 | .0083027 | -2.90 | 0.004 | -.0403516 | -.0077843 | |
salest1 | | | .0877864 | .003534 | 24.84 | 0.000 | .0808553 | .0947174 | |
roa | | | -11.03276 | 2.217281 | -4.98 | 0.000 | -15.38139 | -6.684122 | |
size | | | .6507939 | .1231948 | 5.28 | 0.000 | .4091785 | .8924093 | |
liq | | | -.0449891 | .0193195 | -2.33 | 0.020 | -.0828793 | -.0070989 | |
_cons | | | -13.71115 | 4.301539 | -3.19 | 0.001 | -22.14753 | -5.27477 |
Kết quả hồi quy theo phương pháp 2SLS với biến nợ ngắn hạn (Sdebti,t-1), tobin’s Q là biến đại diện cho tăng trưởng
Cột 1: hồi quy 2SLS
Instrumental variables (2SLS) regression
Number of obs | = | 2552 | ||||||
-------------+------------------------------ | F( 12, 2539) | = | 87.02 | |||||
Model | 16002.9909 12 1333.58257 | Prob > F | = | 0.0000 | |||||
Residual | 52460.4024 2539 20.6618363 | R-squared | = | 0.2337 | |||||
-------------+------------------------------ | Adj R-squared | = | 0.2301 | |||||
Total | 68463.3933 2551 26.8378649 | Root MSE | = | 4.5455 | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Investment | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- | ||||||||
sdebtt1 | | | -8.438093 | 1.28921 | -6.55 | 0.000 | -10.9661 | -5.910083 | |
qt1 | | | .2146825 | .0296942 | 7.23 | 0.000 | .1564552 | .2729098 | |
director | | | -.2619205 | .1995996 | -1.31 | 0.190 | -.653315 | .129474 | |
Indepen | | | -.8624664 | .8572175 | -1.01 | 0.314 | -2.543383 | .8184503 | |
ceoage | | | .4899146 | .6310024 | 0.78 | 0.438 | -.7474171 | 1.727246 | |
ceotenure | | | -.3760075 | .1130838 | -3.33 | 0.001 | -.5977533 | -.1542617 | |
ceoshare | | | 6.543041 | 1.514079 | 4.32 | 0.000 | 3.574086 | 9.511996 | |
cf | | | -.0233862 | .0068833 | -3.40 | 0.001 | -.0368837 | -.0098888 |
| .0828094 | .0027394 | 30.23 | 0.000 | .0774377 | .088181 | |
roa | | -6.00337 | 1.224256 | -4.90 | 0.000 | -8.404012 | -3.602727 |
size | | .3391365 | .072299 | 4.69 | 0.000 | .1973654 | .4809075 |
liq | | -.0288443 | .0136765 | -2.11 | 0.035 | -.0556625 | -.0020261 |
_cons | | -8.317287 | 3.035002 | -2.74 | 0.006 | -14.26862 | -2.365955 |
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Instrumented: sdebtt1 Instruments: qt1 director Indepen ceoage ceotenure ceoshare cf salest1 roa size liq inventory |
Cột 2: hồi quy 2SLS, có thêm biến Sdebt*Dqt Instrumental variables (2SLS) regression
Number of obs | = | 2552 | ||||||
-------------+------------------------------ | F( 13, 2538) | = | 77.81 | |||||
Model | 14329.5098 13 1102.26998 | Prob > F | = | 0.0000 | |||||
Residual | 54133.8835 2538 21.3293473 | R-squared | = | 0.2093 | |||||
-------------+------------------------------ | Adj R-squared | = | 0.2053 | |||||
Total | 68463.3933 2551 26.8378649 | Root MSE | = | 4.6184 | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Investment | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- | ||||||||
sdebtt1 | | | -10.5525 | 1.675432 | -6.30 | 0.000 | -13.83785 | -7.267144 | |
SdebtDqt | | | 4.496617 | .9862416 | 4.56 | 0.000 | 2.562697 | 6.430537 | |
qt1 | | | .1966052 | .02969 | 6.62 | 0.000 | .1383861 | .2548244 | |
director | | | -.323741 | .2036367 | -1.59 | 0.112 | -.723052 | .07557 | |
Indepen | | | -.8956398 | .8714573 | -1.03 | 0.304 | -2.60448 | .8132 | |
ceoage | | | .2961377 | .6436083 | 0.46 | 0.645 | -.9659132 | 1.558189 | |
ceotenure | | | -.3024274 | .1157891 | -2.61 | 0.009 | -.5294782 | -.0753765 | |
ceoshare | | | 5.935945 | 1.490484 | 3.98 | 0.000 | 3.013256 | 8.858633 | |
cf | | | -.0226329 | .0070119 | -3.23 | 0.001 | -.0363826 | -.0088832 | |
salest1 | | | .0826222 | .0027837 | 29.68 | 0.000 | .0771637 | .0880807 | |
roa | | | -8.492735 | 1.52734 | -5.56 | 0.000 | -11.48769 | -5.497776 | |
size | | | .3292381 | .072862 | 4.52 | 0.000 | .1863632 | .4721131 | |
liq | | | -.0268087 | .0138167 | -1.94 | 0.052 | -.0539019 | .0002845 | |
_cons | | | -7.190379 | 3.067157 | -2.34 | 0.019 | -13.20476 | -1.175993 |
Cột 3: hồi quy 2SLS, có thêm biến Sdebt*Nature và nature Instrumental variables (2SLS) regression
Number of obs | = | 2552 | ||||||
-------------+------------------------------ | F( 14, 2537) | = | 74.80 | |||||
Model | 15958.298 14 1139.87843 | Prob > F | = | 0.0000 | |||||
Residual | 52505.0953 2537 20.6957411 | R-squared | = | 0.2331 | |||||
-------------+------------------------------ | Adj R-squared | = | 0.2289 | |||||
Total | 68463.3933 2551 26.8378649 | Root MSE | = | 4.5493 | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Investment | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- | ||||||||
sdebtt1 | | | -8.612943 | 1.370677 | -6.28 | 0.000 | -11.3007 | -5.925182 | |
SdebtNature | | | .0683351 | .8741874 | 0.08 | 0.938 | -1.645858 | 1.782529 | |
nature | | | -.644529 | .3905153 | -1.65 | 0.099 | -1.41029 | .1212324 | |
qt1 | | | .2138105 | .0297556 | 7.19 | 0.000 | .1554628 | .2721581 | |
director | | | -.3109158 | .200846 | -1.55 | 0.122 | -.7047546 | .0829229 | |
Indepen | | | -.834206 | .8586265 | -0.97 | 0.331 | -2.517886 | .8494743 | |
ceoage | | | .5225297 | .6315823 | 0.83 | 0.408 | -.7159397 | 1.760999 | |
ceotenure | | | -.3962099 | .1134292 | -3.49 | 0.000 | -.618633 | -.1737867 | |
ceoshare | | | 6.491056 | 1.535096 | 4.23 | 0.000 | 3.480887 | 9.501225 | |
cf | | | -.023723 | .0068874 | -3.44 | 0.001 | -.0372284 | -.0102175 |
| | .0825777 | .0027476 | 30.05 | 0.000 | .0771899 | .0879655 | |
roa | | | -5.896069 | 1.214878 | -4.85 | 0.000 | -8.278323 | -3.513816 |
size | | | .3585096 | .075158 | 4.77 | 0.000 | .2111323 | .505887 |
liq | | | -.029159 | .0136654 | -2.13 | 0.033 | -.0559554 | -.0023626 |
_cons | | | -8.705292 | 3.063607 | -2.84 | 0.005 | -14.71272 | -2.697866 |
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Instrumented: sdebtt1 Instruments: SdebtNature nature qt1 director Indepen ceoage ceotenure ceoshare cf salest1 roa size liq inventory |
Instrumented: sdebtt1
Instruments: qt1 director Indepen ceoage ceotenure ceoshare cf salest1 roa
Cột 4: hồi quy 2SLS, biến Nature =1
Number of obs | = | 688 | ||||||
-------------+------------------------------ | F( 12, 675) | = | 2.74 | |||||
Model | -3.69677292 12 -.30806441 | Prob > F | = | 0.0012 | |||||
Residual | 481.995182 675 .714066936 | R-squared | = | . | |||||
-------------+------------------------------ | Adj R-squared | = | . | |||||
Total | 478.298409 687 .696213113 | Root MSE | = | .84502 | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Investment | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- | ||||||||
sdebtt1 | | | -1.528404 | 1.017881 | -1.50 | 0.134 | -3.526996 | .4701893 | |
qt1 | | | -.1080975 | .0787642 | -1.37 | 0.170 | -.2627498 | .0465548 | |
director | | | -.0993518 | .0751682 | -1.32 | 0.187 | -.2469434 | .0482397 | |
Indepen | | | .1434928 | .2608487 | 0.55 | 0.582 | -.3686796 | .6556653 | |
ceoage | | | -.3362625 | .2881997 | -1.17 | 0.244 | -.9021383 | .2296132 | |
ceotenure | | | .0476873 | .0477368 | 1.00 | 0.318 | -.0460432 | .1414178 | |
ceoshare | | | .1540022 | .5434174 | 0.28 | 0.777 | -.9129896 | 1.220994 | |
cf | | | .1949488 | .0531012 | 3.67 | 0.000 | .0906854 | .2992122 | |
salest1 | | | .0019682 | .0018247 | 1.08 | 0.281 | -.0016146 | .005551 | |
roa | | | -1.521269 | .5964987 | -2.55 | 0.011 | -2.692485 | -.3500525 | |
size | | | .062353 | .0303226 | 2.06 | 0.040 | .0028149 | .121891 | |
liq | | | -.0053725 | .0052536 | -1.02 | 0.307 | -.0156878 | .0049428 | |
_cons | | | .922829 | 1.164647 | 0.79 | 0.428 | -1.363937 | 3.209595 |
Cột 5: hồi quy 2SLS, biến Nature =1, có thêm biến sdebt*dqt Instrumental variables (2SLS) regression
sdebtt1 | | | -1.771387 | 1.043953 | -1.70 | 0.090 | -3.821179 | .2784051 |
SdebtDqt | | | .8843978 | .2659057 | 3.33 | 0.001 | .3622945 | 1.406501 |
qt1 | | | -.1884248 | .0824127 | -2.29 | 0.023 | -.3502413 | -.0266083 |
director | | | -.1061849 | .0751982 | -1.41 | 0.158 | -.2538357 | .041466 |
Indepen | | | .1774589 | .2612382 | 0.68 | 0.497 | -.3354797 | .6903974 |
ceoage | | | -.3182824 | .2874308 | -1.11 | 0.269 | -.8826499 | .2460851 |
ceotenure | | | .0403713 | .0474846 | 0.85 | 0.396 | -.0528643 | .1336069 |
ceoshare | | | .2068652 | .5445461 | 0.38 | 0.704 | -.8623455 | 1.276076 |
cf | | | .18332 | .0533353 | 3.44 | 0.001 | .0785968 | .2880433 |
salest1 | | | .0021015 | .0018267 | 1.15 | 0.250 | -.0014852 | .0056883 |
| -1.674279 | .6054577 | -2.77 | 0.006 | -2.863089 | -.4854693 | |
size | | .0617189 | .0302836 | 2.04 | 0.042 | .0022573 | .1211804 |
liq | | -.0050379 | .0052446 | -0.96 | 0.337 | -.0153356 | .0052598 |
_cons | | .9577551 | 1.164969 | 0.82 | 0.411 | -1.329651 | 3.245161 |
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Instrumented: sdebtt1 Instruments: SdebtDqt qt1 director Indepen ceoage ceotenure ceoshare cf salest1 roa size liq inventory |
Instrumented: sdebtt1
Instruments: qt1 director Indepen ceoage ceotenure ceoshare cf salest1 roa size liq inventory
Cột 6: hồi quy 2SLS, biến Nature =0 Instrumental variables (2SLS) regression
Number of obs | = | 1864 | ||||||
-------------+------------------------------ | F( 12, 1851) | = | 73.95 | |||||
Model | 17594.7692 12 1466.23077 | Prob > F | = | 0.0000 | |||||
Residual | 50310.8054 1851 27.1803379 | R-squared | = | 0.2591 | |||||
-------------+------------------------------ | Adj R-squared | = | 0.2543 | |||||
Total | 67905.5747 1863 36.4495838 | Root MSE | = | 5.2135 | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Investment | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- | ||||||||
sdebtt1 | | | -9.696933 | 1.343925 | -7.22 | 0.000 | -12.3327 | -7.061165 | |
qt1 | | | .219175 | .0346532 | 6.32 | 0.000 | .1512116 | .2871385 | |
director | | | -.1480884 | .268721 | -0.55 | 0.582 | -.6751165 | .3789397 | |
Indepen | | | -1.100842 | 1.246978 | -0.88 | 0.377 | -3.546473 | 1.344789 | |
ceoage | | | .9723771 | .8187327 | 1.19 | 0.235 | -.6333594 | 2.578114 | |
ceotenure | | | -.6741413 | .1532516 | -4.40 | 0.000 | -.9747054 | -.3735772 | |
ceoshare | | | 8.75289 | 1.944433 | 4.50 | 0.000 | 4.939378 | 12.5664 | |
cf | | | -.0257076 | .0079405 | -3.24 | 0.001 | -.0412808 | -.0101344 | |
salest1 | | | .091785 | .0033304 | 27.56 | 0.000 | .0852534 | .0983167 | |
roa | | | -7.108081 | 1.569123 | -4.53 | 0.000 | -10.18552 | -4.030644 | |
size | | | .4746315 | .097073 | 4.89 | 0.000 | .2842474 | .6650155 | |
liq | | | -.0389 | .0179626 | -2.17 | 0.030 | -.0741291 | -.0036709 | |
_cons | | | -12.93031 | 4.07274 | -3.17 | 0.002 | -20.91796 | -4.942664 |
Cột 7: hồi quy 2SLS, biến Nature =0, có thêm biến sdebt*dqt Instrumental variables (2SLS) regression
sdebtt1 | | | -12.94541 | 1.890836 | -6.85 | 0.000 | -16.65381 | -9.237015 |
SdebtDqt | | | 6.230016 | 1.274941 | 4.89 | 0.000 | 3.729542 | 8.730489 |
qt1 | | | .1993026 | .0351277 | 5.67 | 0.000 | .1304085 | .2681967 |
director | | | -.2582761 | .277758 | -0.93 | 0.353 | -.8030281 | .2864759 |
Indepen | | | -1.427792 | 1.284954 | -1.11 | 0.267 | -3.947905 | 1.092321 |
ceoage | | | .6748793 | .8409057 | 0.80 | 0.422 | -.9743446 | 2.324103 |
ceotenure | | | -.5364716 | .1574186 | -3.41 | 0.001 | -.8452084 | -.2277347 |
ceoshare | | | 7.640451 | 1.923914 | 3.97 | 0.000 | 3.867181 | 11.41372 |