Vocabulary: Translate The Following Words Into Vietnamese And Learn By Heart Them. 84469

Exercise 1: Read the text above carefully and decide what the following statements describe. Write A (aetiology), E (epidemiology), D (diagnosis), PC (prevention & control).

1. Emesis (occasional).

2. Live pigs and fresh and cured pig meat must be controlled strictly before importing.

3. Many countries are absent of this disease.

4. Termination of pregnancy before term.

5. Classification of the causative agent.

6. Lymph nodes kept under fridge and sent to laboratory as quickly as possible.

7. Pigs are fed waste food which it isn’t well done.

8. Button ulcers in the caecum and large intestine.

9. On affected farms, pigs must be slaughtered.

10. Survive some forms of meat processing.

11. Pigs and wild boar are the only natural source of hog cholera virus.

12. Short fever and anorexia.

Exercise 2: Answer the following questions.

1. Where does the disease occur?

2. How long is incubation period?

3. How long does the death occur after onset of illness?

4. How many percents can mortality approach in young pigs?

5. How does this disease spread?

6. How long is swine dullness, capricious appetite, pyrexia, diarrhoea?

7. Which disease did constipation follow by?

8. Can this disease treat? What should we do with affected pigs?

Exercise 3:Work in groups. Translate the text about Classical Swine Fever (Hog Cholera) into Vietnamese.

3. Further Practice

Exercise 1: Match the words in column A with their synonyms in column B.



1. diarrhoea

2. herd

3. slaughter

4. survived

5. chemicals

6. reservoir

7. approach

8. lymph nodes

A. cistern.

B. lymph gland.

C. looseness of the bowels.

D. arrive, come to.

E. flock.

F. continue, remain.

G. butchering

H. chemistry.

Có thể bạn quan tâm!

Xem toàn bộ 75 trang tài liệu này.

Exercise 2: Complete each sentence with the words in the box.








lymph nodes

1. As youthe town the first building you see is the church.

2.pigs by humane methods.

3. Many strange customs havefrom earlier times.

4. My dog has a bad attack of.

5. The show is a veritableof new talent.

6. Enlarged haemorrhagicare common.

7. The most dangerouswere stored in a special room in the back of the laboratory.

8. You will never see aof buffalo as big as a city.

Chapter 6



By the end of the Chapter, learners are able to

In this Chapter

Learn about some specialized vocabularies of Common

Signs in Sick Animals.

1. Vocabulary: Translate the following words into Vietnamese and learn by heart them.

Abasia astasia (n)= inability to walk : Ache (n,v) = continuous pain :

Anorexia (n)= lack or loss of appetite for food:

Apathy (n)= failure to respond emotionally to external stimuli: Astasia (n)= motor incoordination withinability to stand: Blindness (n)= lack or loss of ability to see:

Coma (n)= a state of unconsciousness from which the patient can’t be arounsed, even by powerful stimuli:

Cough (n,v)= barking, hard paroxysmal, moist nonproductive, moist rales, cracking sound:

Deafness (n) :

Diarrhea (n) :

Drag (n,v) :

Drool (v) :

Edema (Oedema) (n) :

Emaciation (n) :

Eructation (n) :

Gasp (n,v) :

Inanition (n) :

Lameness (n) :

Nausea (n) :

Obese (adj)=fat (adj) :

Sneeze (n,v) :

Fever (n,v) :

Grunt (n,v) :

Pain (n,v) :

Runt (n) :

Vomit (v) :

2. Reading: Read the following words and do the exercise that follow.


Abortion: sảy thai; termination of pregnancy before term

Abrade: phồng da

Abrasion: trầy xướt da; a wound caused by rubbing or scraping the skin or mucous membrane

Abscess: ổ mủ; a localized collection of pus in a cavity formed by disintegration of tissue.

Alert: lanh lẹ, nhạy bén.

Anaemia: thiếu máu; a reduction below normal in the number or volumn of red blood cells or in the quantity of haemoglobin in the blood.

Animation: sự linh hoạt; the quality of being full of life

Anesthesia: sự tê; loss of feeling or sensation

Aphagia: chứng không chịu ăn; abstension from eating Apnea: ngừng thở; temporary cessation of breathing Aquaphobia: chứng sợ nước

Ascite: cổ trướng; abnormal accumulation of oedematous fluid within the peritoneal cavity.

Asphysia: thiếu oxy; a condition due to lack of oxygen in inspire air.

Ataxia: mất điều vận; failure to muscular coordination

Blister: mụn nước; a vesicle of the skin

Bloated: phồng lên,sưng lên, chướng hơi; tympany of the rumen, abomasum, stomach, caecum…

Bradycardia: chứng tim đập chậm; slowness of the heart beat

Breathing: cách thở (open-mouth, grunting noise produced, laboured, honking, wheezing)

Bruise: (contusion) vết bầm; superficial discoloration due to haemorrhage from ruptured blood vessels beneath the skin surface, without the skin being broken.

Cachexia=(emaciation) suy nhược; a profound and marked state of constitutional disorder due to ill or malnutrition.

Cancrum: loét, hoại thư Carbundle: nhọt độc

Cataracts: lòa; opacity of the lens of the eyes or its capsule.

Chill: lạnh run

Chomp: nhai hoặc cắn cái gì gây ra tiếng động

CNS sign (central nervous system): triệu chứng thần kinh Contortion: sự trật khớp

Convulsion: sự co giật Cornification: sự sừng hóa Cyanosis: chứng tím tái

Debilitation: sự suy nhược Defecation: sự thải phân Dehydration: sự mất nước Diasarthrosis: chứng dị dạng khớp

Discharge: tiết dịch (ocular, nasal, vulval, vaginal) Disphagia: chứng khó nuốt

Displacement: sự sai chỗ

Distonia: chứng loạn trương lực cơ (dystonia) Distress: sự suy sụp

Drafty: lạnh lẽo Droop: rủ xuống

Drowsy: cảm giác buồn ngủ Dullness: sự buồn tẻ, chán nản Dyspnea: chứng khó thở

Emesis: nôn, mửa Emetic: chất gây nôn Emphysema: sự tích khí Engorged: căng cứ

Fatigue: mệt nhoài Febrile: sốt

Gait: dáng đi (huddling, weaving, staggering, stiff, stilted) Gaunt: gầy vì đói hay vì bệnh

Hematuria: nước tiểu có máu Hernia: sự thoát vị Hyperesthesia: chứng tăng cảm Hyperpnea: thở nhanh và sâu

Hyperirritability: chứng tăng nhạy cảm với kích thích Hyperthermia: chứng tăng nhiệt

Hypothermia: chứng hạ nhiệt

Illthrift: sự chậm lớn

Inappetence: sự không thèm, sự không muốn Incoordination: sự mất phối hợp hoạt động

Jaundice: chứng hoàng đản

Lethargy: trạng thái bơ phờ Lordosis: chứng ưỡn cột sống

Malaise: tình trạng khó chịu trong người Nictitation: chứng co giật mí mắt Opacity: sự mờ đục

Pallor: xanh xao

Pant: thở nhanh và khó Paralysis: bại liệt

Prolapse: sa xuống khỏi vị trí bình thường Prostration: sự mệt nhoài

Recumbency: sự nằm (sternal, lateral) Regurgitate: ợ, ói

Scaling: đóng vảy Scratching: sự trầy xước Spasm: chứng co thắt Stiffness: sự cứng ngắc Stunt: còi cọc

Sweating: đổ mồ hôi

Ulceration: sự loét Unthriftiness=illthrift: sự chậm lớn

Tilt: đi nghiên ngã Tremor: run rẫy

Wart: nốt sần Weak: yếu ớt

Exercise: Match the words in column A with their definitions in column B.



1. pain

2. cough

3. wart

A. inability to walk.

B. exude sweat.

C. low guttural sound made by a pig.

5. abasia

6. runt

7. blister

8. sweating

9. anesthesia

10. grunt

11. blindness

12. deafness

D. loss of feeling or sensation.

E. lack or loss of ability to see.

F. condition of respiratory organs causing coughing.

G. small hard round growth on the skin.

H. a vesicle of the skin.

I. slobber, dribble.

J. any unpleasant bodily sensation produced by illness, accident …etc.

K. smallest pig etc, in a litter.

L. wholly or partly unable to hear.

4. drool

3. Further Practice

Exercise 1: Look at the pictures and write the correct words.

1 2 3 4 5 6 11 2 3 4 5 6 21 2 3 4 5 6 3




Hear 4 drool 3 Further Practice Exercise 1 Look at the pictures and write the correct words 1 2 3 4Hear 4 drool 3 Further Practice Exercise 1 Look at the pictures and write the correct words 1 2 3 5Hear 4 drool 3 Further Practice Exercise 1 Look at the pictures and write the correct words 1 2 3 6




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