N of Items | |
.861 | 3 |
Có thể bạn quan tâm!
Giải Pháp Tối Ưu Các Yếu Tố Ảnh Hưởng Đến Thu Hút Tiền Gửi Tiết Kiệm Của Khách Hàng Cá Nhân Giao Dịch Tại Vietinbank Cần Thơ
Bảng Câu Hỏi Về Nâng Cao Hiệu Quả Thu Hút Tiền Gửi Tiết Kiệm Của Khách Hàng Cá Nhân Tại Nh Tmcp
Các nhân tố thỏa mãn khách hàng cá nhân gửi tiết kiệm tại ngân hàng thương mại cổ phần công thương Việt Nam chi nhánh Cần Thơ - 11
Xem toàn bộ 97 trang tài liệu này.
Item-Total Statistics
Scale Mean if Item Deleted | Scale Variance if Item Deleted | Corrected Item-Total Correlation | Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted | |
TT1 | 5.80 | 1.717 | .641 | .896 |
TT2 | 6.36 | 1.687 | .815 | .743 |
TT3 | 6.30 | 1.545 | .771 | .774 |
Sản phẩm tiết kiệm
Reliability Statistics
N of Items | |
.763 | 4 |
Item-Total Statistics
Scale Mean if Item Deleted | Scale Variance if Item Deleted | Corrected Item-Total Correlation | Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted | |
SP1 | 11.35 | 2.351 | .693 | .634 |
SP2 | 11.27 | 2.805 | .459 | .760 |
SP3 | 11.31 | 2.580 | .558 | .710 |
SP4 | 11.37 | 2.538 | .548 | .715 |
Uy tín
Reliability Statistics
N of Items | |
.361 | 3 |
Item-Total Statistics
Scale Mean if Item Deleted | Scale Variance if Item Deleted | Corrected Item-Total Correlation | Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted | |
UT1 | 7.34 | 1.095 | .489 | -.344a |
UT2 | 7.20 | 1.192 | .403 | -.142a |
UT3 | 7.52 | 2.030 | -.115 | .851 |
a. The value is negative due to a negative average covariance among items. This violates reliability model assumptions. You may want to check item codings.
Khuyến mãi
Reliability Statistics
N of Items | |
.736 | 3 |
Item-Total Statistics
Scale Mean if Item Deleted | Scale Variance if Item Deleted | Corrected Item-Total Correlation | Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted | |
KM1 | 6.82 | 1.018 | .719 | .444 |
KM2 | 6.91 | 1.133 | .557 | .656 |
KM3 | 7.11 | 1.452 | .427 | .790 |
Cơ sở vật chất
Reliability Statistics
N of Items | |
.925 | 3 |
Item-Total Statistics
Scale Mean if Item Deleted | Scale Variance if Item Deleted | Corrected Item-Total Correlation | Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted | |
CS1 | 7.10 | 2.879 | .928 | .825 |
CS2 | 7.07 | 3.258 | .825 | .910 |
CS3 | 7.07 | 3.217 | .795 | .934 |
Quảng bá
Reliability Statistics
N of Items | |
.836 | 3 |
Item-Total Statistics
Scale Mean if Item Deleted | Scale Variance if Item Deleted | Corrected Item-Total Correlation | Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted | |
QB1 | 6.43 | 1.884 | .823 | .654 |
6.69 | 1.832 | .610 | .886 | |
QB3 | 6.48 | 2.171 | .697 | .780 |
Xã hội
Reliability Statistics
N of Items | |
.644 | 3 |
Item-Total Statistics
Scale Mean if Item Deleted | Scale Variance if Item Deleted | Corrected Item-Total Correlation | Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted | |
XH1 | 6.04 | 2.241 | .475 | .518 |
XH2 | 6.02 | 1.899 | .664 | .239 |
XH3 | 6.54 | 2.635 | .266 | .793 |
Phân tích nhân tố khám phá EFA các yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến việc thu hút tiền gửi tiết kiệm của khách hàng cá nhân
KMO and Bartlett's Test | ||
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. | .672 | |
Approx. Chi-Square | 1043.224 | |
Bartlett's Test of Sphericity | df | 210 |
Sig. | .000 |
Total Variance Explained
Initial Eigenvalues | Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings | Rotation Sums of Squared Loadings | |||||||
Total | % of Variance | Cumulative % | Total | % of Variance | Cumulative % | Total | % of Variance | Cumulative % | |
1 | 4.312 | 20.531 | 20.531 | 4.312 | 20.531 | 20.531 | 2.717 | 12.939 | 12.939 |
2 | 2.850 | 13.572 | 34.103 | 2.850 | 13.572 | 34.103 | 2.524 | 12.017 | 24.956 |
3 | 2.584 | 12.303 | 46.406 | 2.584 | 12.303 | 46.406 | 2.390 | 11.381 | 36.338 |
4 | 1.856 | 8.837 | 55.244 | 1.856 | 8.837 | 55.244 | 2.359 | 11.235 | 47.572 |
5 | 1.581 | 7.527 | 62.770 | 1.581 | 7.527 | 62.770 | 2.089 | 9.947 | 57.519 |
6 | 1.301 | 6.194 | 68.965 | 1.301 | 6.194 | 68.965 | 1.766 | 8.412 | 65.930 |
7 | 1.129 | 5.374 | 74.338 | 1.129 | 5.374 | 74.338 | 1.766 | 8.408 | 74.338 |
8 | .905 | 4.307 | 78.646 | ||||||
9 | .662 | 3.150 | 81.796 |
.567 | 2.698 | 84.494 | |
11 | .559 | 2.664 | 87.158 |
12 | .508 | 2.421 | 89.579 |
13 | .460 | 2.189 | 91.768 |
14 | .384 | 1.829 | 93.597 |
15 | .318 | 1.514 | 95.111 |
16 | .270 | 1.286 | 96.398 |
17 | .218 | 1.040 | 97.437 |
18 | .198 | .942 | 98.379 |
19 | .156 | .744 | 99.124 |
20 | .115 | .547 | 99.671 |
21 | .069 | .329 | 100.000 |
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
Rotated Component Matrixa
Component | |||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | |
CS1 | .943 | ||||||
CS2 | .909 | ||||||
CS3 | .884 | ||||||
TT3 | .903 | ||||||
TT2 | .881 | ||||||
TT1 | .728 | ||||||
SP1 | .820 | ||||||
SP4 | .816 | ||||||
SP3 | .687 | ||||||
SP2 | .503 | ||||||
QB1 | .927 | ||||||
QB3 | .859 | ||||||
QB2 | .818 | ||||||
KM1 | .867 | ||||||
KM2 | .858 | ||||||
KM3 | .536 | ||||||
XH2 | .905 | ||||||
XH1 | .878 | ||||||
NV3 | .776 | ||||||
NV1 | .749 | ||||||
NV2 | .662 |
a. Rotation converged in 6 iterations. |
Phân tích tương quan và hồi qui Phân tích tương quan
cs | tt | sp | qb | km | xh | nv | MUC DO QUAN TAM | |
Pearson Correlation | 1 | .387** | .062 | .003 | .075 | .085 | .086 | .152 |
cs | ||||||||
Sig. (2-tailed) | .000 | .540 | .979 | .456 | .400 | .394 | .132 | |
N | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
Pearson Correlation | .387** | 1 | .289** | .007 | .191 | .156 | .253* | .358** |
tt | ||||||||
Sig. (2-tailed) | .000 | .004 | .945 | .057 | .122 | .011 | .000 | |
N | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
Pearson Correlation | .062 | .289** | 1 | .083 | .444** | -.059 | .264** | .615** |
sp | ||||||||
Sig. (2-tailed) | .540 | .004 | .414 | .000 | .562 | .008 | .000 | |
N | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
Pearson Correlation | .003 | .007 | .083 | 1 | -.102 | .064 | .120 | .129 |
qb | ||||||||
Sig. (2-tailed) | .979 | .945 | .414 | .311 | .527 | .234 | .200 | |
N | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
Pearson Correlation | .075 | .191 | .444** | -.102 | 1 | -.128 | .072 | .539** |
km | ||||||||
Sig. (2-tailed) | .456 | .057 | .000 | .311 | .206 | .478 | .000 | |
N | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
Pearson Correlation | .085 | .156 | -.059 | .064 | -.128 | 1 | .046 | -.068 |
xh | ||||||||
Sig. (2-tailed) | .400 | .122 | .562 | .527 | .206 | .650 | .502 | |
N | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
Pearson Correlation | .086 | .253* | .264** | .120 | .072 | .046 | 1 | .337** |
nv | ||||||||
Sig. (2-tailed) | .394 | .011 | .008 | .234 | .478 | .650 | .001 | |
N | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
Pearson Correlation | .152 | .358** | .615** | .129 | .539** | -.068 | .337** | 1 | |
Sig. (2-tailed) | .132 | .000 | .000 | .200 | .000 | .502 | .001 | ||
N | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
Phân tích hồi qui tuyến tính
Model Summaryb
R | R Square | Adjusted R Square | Std. Error of the Estimate | Durbin-Watson | |
1 | .733a | .538 | .503 | .442 | 2.095 |
a. Predictors: (Constant). xh. nv. cs. qb. km. tt. sp
b. Dependent Variable: MUC DO QUAN TAM
Sum of Squares | df | Mean Square | F | Sig. | ||
Regression | 20.887 | 7 | 2.984 | 15.291 | .000b | |
1 | Residual | 17.953 | 92 | .195 | ||
Total | 38.840 | 99 |
a. Dependent Variable: MUC DO QUAN TAM
b. Predictors: (Constant). xh. nv. cs. qb. km. tt. sp
Unstandardized Coefficients | Standardized Coefficients | t | Sig. | Collinearity Statistics | |||
B | Std. Error | Beta | Tolerance | VIF | |||
(Constant) | -1.125 | .530 | -2.123 | .036 | |||
nv | .197 | .089 | .166 | 2.208 | .030 | .884 | 1.132 |
tt | .137 | .084 | .136 | 1.643 | .045 | .731 | 1.367 |
sp | .444 | .102 | .364 | 4.330 | .000 | .709 | 1.410 |
1 | |||||||
km | .417 | .099 | .343 | 4.234 | .000 | .766 | 1.306 |
cs | .029 | .056 | .040 | .514 | .608 | .846 | 1.182 |
qb | .108 | .067 | .116 | 1.600 | .113 | .957 | 1.045 |
xh | -.033 | .056 | -.042 | -.582 | .562 | .944 | 1.059 |
a. Dependent Variable: MUC DO QUAN TAM