The Research Objectives And Research Questions

reading selection in language strategy instruction as well as the factors influencing the use of English LLS.

In this chapter 2, the previous studies are about LLS quoted and analyzed so that the researcher can find out the gap after reviewing, appraising the research contents and resolving this research scope. On the basis of research contents and scope, there are three noticeable highlights from the literature review in common. Firstly, both domestic and international studies have had the same direction in language acquisition and followed the most positive tendency in a language learning and teaching so far: concentrating on reading comprehension via reading strategies/ reading skills (Crizko, 1980; Paris et al., 1983; Kintch, 1998; Nolan Weil, 2008; Nhon, 2011; Paige et al., 2012; Lai et

al., 2014; Hung & Thao, 2014; Baye, 2018; Dubé et al., 2019; Silawi, 2020; Pellicer-Sánchez et al., 2020; Phuc, 2020, etc.) and especially on the trend of comprehensive reading development supported by the new technology nowadays (reading programs on computer, LSM, online learning, etc.). Secondly, the identification of LLS definitions and classification has been identical in researchers’ point of view (Akkakoson, 2013; Loh & Hu, 2018; Nazurty et al., 2019; Suwanaraz, 2019; Berdanier & Lenart, 2020; etc.). Thirdly, most researchers have updated the innovations in language learning and teaching, thereby readers can acknowledge the necessity of LLS choice and instruction to young learners (Minh & Intaraprasert, 2012; Hoang, 2013; Viet, 2016; Giang & Tuan, 2018; Cong-Lem, 2019).

In this Chapter 2, research gap is the most salient content of this chapter after literature review - the practical findings of investigating DK 6-graders’ LLS in English reading comprehension, then the researcher can look backward the causes affecting to these students’ learning outcomes were – the learners’ awareness, learning styles/ attitude, and educational environment. The study

summarized a following brief statement: besides the related factors, the students’ less use of LLS and lack of LLSI in DK school have made itself unsatisfactory to the low education quality. From the fact findings, DK school should improve its situation completely (from teachers to students), made beneficial implications on LLS for the development of English competence of the DK students in particular, and even for the educational management in general in future.


3.1. The research objectives and research questions

The objectives of this research are to help the students at Doan Ket Secondary School recognize the significance of LLS in general, particularly the use of English reading strategies via English comprehensive reading. Thanks to the correlation test between the frequency use of LLS and students’ English reading performance, the language teachers of this school can know to what extent LLS should be applied, or at least support the students properly, instruct them how to employ reading strategies effectively most through English reading skills themselves. Furthermore, teachers let students see how helpful reading strategies have been so that the students can later manage or employ their own LLS better. As stated at the beginning, this study aimed to answer the two following research questions:

What language learning strategies are most frequently used by students at Doan Ket Secondary School?

What is the correlation between these students’ use of learning strategies and their performance in English Reading?

3.2. Research methodology

This research was designed following a sequential coordination between qualitative and quantitative approaches to take advantage of the research topic under the form of open questions with the utmost care about Language Learning Strategies in both its width and depth. Moreover, the study collected the results from the empirical research and previous studies to discover a gap of this study through an investigation.

Research methodology decided the tools for material collection. The use of qualitative and quantitative research methods has made this study more valid

and inclined to be more descriptive. Before that, the researcher used Oxford’s Strategy Inventory for Language Learning – SILL (Version 7.0) or called the questionnaires on LLS to compute the mean coefficients and standard deviations. Qualitative research solved the research question number 1 about the frequency of learning strategy use, quantitative research was applied in computing Cronbach’s alpha coefficient, variables for factor analysis, regression analysis, and correlation analysis to increase the trustworthiness of the study except piloting study because of convenient samples, and solved the research question number 2 via other mean coefficients. Back to questionnaires, one of instruments for data collection, the number of statements were just reached at 26, not the same original quantity of 50 questions, they were curtailed and translated into Vietnamese so that the sixth graders of Doan Ket Secondary School students could easy understand and complete the questionnaires most conveniently. The SILL form was widely employed by the researchers in the world and even in Vietnam, so it’s known purpose was to detect the most or least frequently used learning strategy among lower secondary school students.

This investigation was estimated at the beginning of the new school year and the survey procedure was implemented during a whole school year (e.g. the school year 2019-2020). There were a total of 176 students (89 boys and 87 girls inclusive) in the entire grade 6 of Doan Ket Secondary School joining in the questionnaire survey from the first to the seventh of July 2019. The study chose only grade 6 participants because it is the first grade of the others in the secondary school system - as a representative to the rest. These students needed to choose the practical level of every language learning strategy on each survey question by a stick (). They answered no Yes/ No question but had to write their names on, supplied some personal information in the form such as birth

year, sex, class and finished the questionnaire confidently so that the researcher could synthesize and compare their learning strategy performance with their English course scorecards. In another hand, the process of data collection was also based on group interviews, and students’ English course scores measuring DK students’ practical LLS use. Group interviews were divided into good- and poor-groups asking the easy questions about how they used the reading strategies and recording their answers/ ideas. The students’ scores were taken from their English course with the four language skills inclusive. After the process of data collection, the simple data analysis of Cronbach’s alpha coefficient, factors, regression and correlation made this study more words to express and manifest the results.

This research followed the cognitivist paradigm since the participants’ mental activities had determined how their processes of language learning occurred and enclosed multiple interpretations. The qualitative and quantitative approaches were complementary to each other in the research without separating made this study similar to an empirical research. This research inclined to the qualitative approach rather than quantitative one; therefore, it justified much on the educational theories and real situations on LLS from previous studies. The results of this investigation were then collected to discover a significant gap which motivate students’ English competence through reading strategies as well as their learning self-awareness.

3.3. Research Setting

Doan Ket is one of the Secondary Schools which is located in a difficult position in district 6. Most students in this school are from various regions of other provinces, some ethnic students Cham, Khmer, and majority of Chinese people live selling food stalls around entering the school gate. The quantity of students enrolling in the sixth grade was rather crowded, aged from 11-12 (non-

mature age, weak learning awareness, and difficult condition of living). They were used to the learning styles at Primary Schools and some of them even lacked ability of Vietnamese literacy. The school infrastructure and physical conditions are not well-equipped. It is not easy for language teachers to manage such 45-member classes without disturbing the quiet atmosphere of other subject classes. They did not show any LLS in the English subject so how they could follow a foreign language well. The quality of English scores at DK school has been reported at low level in District 6 and the lowest in the city. Though the teachers have tried to adjust students’ English learning, their learning results are not satisfactory.

In the hope of improving the quality of English teaching and learning at secondary schools, the feasibility and significance of this study supported students’ communicative competence achievement as well as their FLA. Simultaneously innovating English LLT at secondary schools via the LLS use and instruction which enhance students’ language learning awareness. This investigation emphasized the context of teaching and learning EFL in some secondary schools in Ho Chi Minh City, where strategy instructions are not adequately paid attention to some particular educational settings through the exploration the frequency of strategy use and students’ performance in English reading, motivated their English reading strategies next stages.

3.4. Research sites and participants

The location of this investigation was Doan Ket Secondary School (District 6, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam). The investigation focused on the sixth graders of Doan Ket school. The total participants consisted of 176 students (N

= 176) aged from 11 to 12 chosen as convenient samples. Almost all participants are located with their families in the regions of and around District

6. These participants are Vietnamese but compulsory English learners at school representing for the whole grade 6 of this school.

After an investigation, the secondary school teachers and the students learning the English subject in the Districts of Ho Chi Minh City may have a quick reference for their implications. The reasons for this choice are: (1) the availability of secondary school teachers and students learning English in this area (District 6 is not as strong as Districts 1 and 3 but it is larger, more developed and dynamic than others in Ho Chi Minh City. Therefore, the number of secondary schools is rather high, the opportunities and practical needs for the attraction of students enrolling in intensive English classes are greatest, the chance of innovations in English learning and teaching are most noticeable); (2) the accessibility of data, the properly educational support from the Ward leaders of District 6 People Committee about the situation of regional students (e.g. easy updating educational information near the city center); and

(3) the familiarity of the investigator with this area make conditions for the whole secondary education system in District 6 and Doan Ket Secondary School convenient for this investigation (where the investigator is working in).

3.5. Data collection

3.5.1. Samples collection

The researcher did not use piloting study because she was quite accustomed with the learning environment and students here. Immediately, the researcher handed out 176 questionnaires to the students of available classes at DK Secondary School as convenient samples. Samples were quickly done in class after class, and when the students of each class finished the survey questionnaires the investigator collected them again. As a result, all the questionnaires were fulfilled in 2 weeks.

3.5.2. Instruments for data collection

The data collection included 3 steps: Questionnaire, Interviews and Students’ scores in the English course in which each component will use different forms for this study. Furthermore, this study also employed some supplemental instruments for this investigation through the questionnaires such as observation, interviews, video-recordings and results of previous studies.

The mixture of qualitative and quantitative research approaches was implemented on the total 176 sixth grader participants including 89 males and 87 females aged 11-12 (nearly a whole grade 6). Table 3.1 described the statistics of Doan Ket Secondary School students’ sex and age. Learners’ sex was one of factors related to LLS as psychological type (Ehrman & Oxford, 1989) while this study found the influential element of age in secondary school students’ cognitive process despite of not entering a research of multi-factors. These student participants ticked on the point scales they chose in the questionnaires, did focus group interviews from the teacher, checked English marks later to analyze relationships. The aim of this investigation was to solve the two research questions, and showed the results using some empirical research. Qualitative research was employed to answer the first research question, and quantitative research to answer the second research question.

Table 3.1. Descriptive statistics of participants’ sex and age























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The use of language learning strategies in English reading at Doan Ket secondary school - An investigation - 9

Ngày đăng: 14/06/2022

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