Thiết lập và thẩm định chéo hệ thống mô hình ước tính sinh khối trên mặt đất cây rừng khộp ở Việt Nam - 22

n_va$Pred <- predict(Max_like, newdata=cbind(n_va,g="a"))

# Calcul of RMSE, Bias, MAPE% each time:

Bias[i] = 100*mean((n_va$D - n_va$Pred)/n_va$D)

RMSE[i] = 100*sqrt(mean(((n_va$D - n_va$Pred)/n_va$D)^2)) MAPE[i] = 100*mean(abs(n_va$D - n_va$Pred)/n_va$D)



# Errors: mean(Bias) mean(RMSE) mean(MAPE)

# The end

Có thể bạn quan tâm!

Xem toàn bộ 207 trang tài liệu này.

Phụ lục 4: Chương trình codes để thiết lập và thẩm định chéo K-Fold đồng thời hệ thống mô hình sinh khối cây rừng theo phương pháp SUR chạy trong phần mềm SAS

Thiết lập và thẩm định chéo hệ thống mô hình ước tính sinh khối trên mặt đất cây rừng khộp ở Việt Nam - 22

/* Seemingly Unrelated Regression for Model System of AGB = Bst + Bbr + Ble

+ Bba */ Using K-Fold cross validation


options pageno=1 nodate nocenter;

/* Create a path to the folder to get input file and write the output to */

%let infile_path = C:UsersbaohuOneDrive1 - Article Dip ForestSAS Scripts for SUR;

%let outfile_path = C:UsersbaohuOneDrive1 - Article Dip ForestSAS Scripts for SUR;

/* Ensure no dataset exists globaly with name we will append TBwts results to */ proc datasets library = work nodetails nolist;

delete B_AGB; run;


/* Code to load 10 random datasets for DF and EBLF -- datasets generated from script Generate_Random_200_datasets */

data B;

infile "&infile_path.Mix2.csv" dlm=',' firstobs=2 dsd truncover;

input Selected Plot_ID$ ID$ Tree_ID$ FT$ D H WD Bst Bbr Ble Bba AGB D2H D2HWD simNum;

keep Selected D H WD Bst Bbr Ble Bba AGB D2H D2HWD simNum; run;

/* Repeat model fitting and validation statistic calculation 200 times */

%macro runit_var1(eq_num=);

/* Step 1: Subset testing (validation) and training data (model fitting) */ data B_train; set B;

if Selected = 1;


data B_test; set B; if Selected = 0; run;

/* Step 2: Fit sur weighted nls models:

/* Should change Weight variable) */

/* Monitor in case it can not run 200 times by simNum in Log window > Run agian with different Weight. Finally record the simNum */

/* Parms based on AGB, BGB model fitting results outside of SUR (coded in R)*/

proc model data=B_train NOPRINT; by simNum;

parms a1=0.032 b11=2.305 b12=0.506 b13=0.796 a2=0.007 b21=2.846

a3=0.019 b31=1.884 a4=0.039 b41=2.216;

Bst = a1*(D**b11)*(H**b12)*(WD**b13); h.Bst = 1/D;

Bbr = a2*(D**b21); h.Bbr = 1/D**-1; Ble = a3*(D**b31); h.Ble = 1/D**2; Bba = a4*(D**b41); h.Bba = 1/D**-2;

AGB = a1*(D**b11)*(H**b12)*(WD**b13) + a2*(D**b21) + a3*(D**b31) + a4*(D**b41);

h.AGB = 1/D**-1;

fit Bst Bbr Ble Bba AGB / sur outest = B_est

/* look at help for PROC MODEL to see how to fetch R2 and AIC from this line



/* Step 3.1: Calculate summary statistics for each for each estimate */ data B_Pred; merge B_test B_est;

by simNum;

pBst = a1*(D**b11)*(H**b12)*(WD**b13); pBbr = a2*(D**b21);

pBle = a3*(D**b31); pBba = a4*(D**b41);

pAGB = a1*(D**b11)*(H**b12)*(WD**b13) + a2*(D**b21)+ a3*(D**b31) + a4*(D**b41);

RelDif_Bst = (Bst - pBst)/Bst; RelDif_Bbr = (Bbr - pBbr)/Bbr; RelDif_Ble = (Ble - pBle)/Ble; RelDif_Bba = (Bba - pBba)/Bba; RelDif_AGB = (AGB - pAGB)/AGB;

AbsRelDif_Bst = abs(Bst - pBst)/Bst; AbsRelDif_Bbr = abs(Bbr - pBbr)/Bbr; AbsRelDif_Ble = abs(Ble - pBle)/Ble; AbsRelDif_Bba = abs(Bba - pBba)/Bba; AbsRelDif_AGB = abs(AGB - pAGB)/AGB;

RelDif2_Bst = RelDif_Bst**2; RelDif2_Bbr = RelDif_Bbr**2; RelDif2_Ble = RelDif_Ble**2; RelDif2_Bba = RelDif_Bba**2; RelDif2_AGB = RelDif_AGB**2;


/* Step 3.2: aggregate summary statistics to a per simulation level */ proc summary data = B_Pred mean NOPRINT;

by simNum;

var RelDif_Bst RelDif_Bbr RelDif_Ble RelDif_Bba RelDif_AGB AbsRelDif_Bst AbsRelDif_Bbr AbsRelDif_Ble AbsRelDif_Bba


RelDif2_Bst RelDif2_Bbr RelDif2_Ble RelDif2_Bba RelDif2_AGB; output out = B_Results


mean = pbias_Bst pbias_Bbr pbias_Ble pbias_Bba pbias_AGB mape_Bst mape_Bbr mape_Ble mape_Bba mape_AGB mspe_Bst mspe_Bbr mspe_Ble mspe_Bba mspe_AGB;

/* Step 3.3: get rmspe -- couldn't figure out how to get it in the proc summary/ proc means step */

data B_Results; set B_Results; by simNum;

rmspe_Bst = sqrt(mspe_Bst); rmspe_Bbr = sqrt(mspe_Bbr); rmspe_Ble = sqrt(mspe_Ble); rmspe_Bba = sqrt(mspe_Bba); rmspe_AGB = sqrt(mspe_AGB); run;

/* Step 3.4: take mean of Pbias/MAPE/RMSPE across 10 simulations */ proc summary data = B_Results mean NOPRINT;

var pbias_Bst pbias_Bbr pbias_Ble pbias_Bba pbias_AGB mape_Bst mape_Bbr mape_Ble mape_Bba mape_AGB rmspe_Bst rmspe_Bbr rmspe_Ble rmspe_Bba rmspe_AGB;

output out = B_Results

mean = pbias_Bst pbias_Bbr pbias_Ble pbias_Bba pbias_AGB mape_Bst mape_Bbr mape_Ble mape_Bba mape_AGB rmspe_Bst rmspe_Bbr rmspe_Ble rmspe_Bba rmspe_AGB

nmiss(pbias_AGB) = N_convg;


/* Step 3.5: multiply results by 100 for percentage */ data B_Results; set B_Results;

pbias_Bst = pbias_Bst *100; mape_Bst = mape_Bst *100; rmspe_Bst = rmspe_Bst *100;

pbias_Bbr = pbias_Bbr *100; mape_Bbr = mape_Bbr *100; rmspe_Bbr = rmspe_Bbr *100;

pbias_Ble = pbias_Ble *100; mape_Ble = mape_Ble *100; rmspe_Ble = rmspe_Ble *100;

pbias_Bba = pbias_Bba *100; mape_Bba = mape_Bba *100; rmspe_Bba = rmspe_Bba *100;

pbias_AGB = pbias_AGB *100; mape_AGB = mape_AGB *100; rmspe_AGB = rmspe_AGB *100;


/* Step 4: create name column in dataset */ data B_Results; set B_Results;

fname ="&eq_num.";


/* Step 5: Export results as .csv file */

proc append base= B_AGB data= B_Results FORCE; run;

%mend runit_var1;


/* AGB: Export results as .csv file*/ proc export data = B_AGB

outfile ="&outfile_path.B_AGB.csv";



/* SUR: Estimate all parameters using the entire dataset*/ dm'log;clear;output;clear';

options pageno=1 nodate nocenter;

/* Create a path to the folder where *.csv data is stored */

%let infile_path = C:UsersbaohuOneDrive1 - Article Dip ForestSAS Scripts for SUR;

data AllData;

infile "&infile_path.Mixed.csv" dlm=',' firstobs=2 dsd truncover;

input Plot_ID$ ID$ Tree_ID$ FT$ D H WD Bst Bbr Ble Bba AGB D2H D2HWD;


proc model data=AllData;

parms a1=0.032 b11=2.305 b12=0.506 b13=0.796 a2=0.007 b21=2.846

a3=0.019 b31=1.884 a4=0.039 b41=2.216;

Bst = a1*(D**b11)*(H**b12)*(WD**b13); h.Bst = 1/D;

Bbr = a2*(D**b21); h.Bbr = 1/D**-1; Ble = a3*(D**b31); h.Ble = 1/D**2; Bba = a4*(D**b41); h.Bba = 1/D**-2;

AGB = a1*(D**b11)*(H**b12)*(WD**b13) + a2*(D**b21) + a3*(D**b31) + a4*(D**b41);

h.AGB = 1/D**-1;

fit Bst Bbr Ble Bba AGB / sur outest = AllData_est; run;


proc print data = AllData_est; run;

*/ The end */

Phụ lục 5: Codes để thiết lập đồ thị Bland- Altman so sánh sai lệch ước tính AGB của hai mô hình thiết lập theo SUR và độc lập với độ tin cậy 95%

# Start rm(list=ls())

# Clean

# Install of Paskages library(ggplot2) library(cowplot)

# Dỉrectory path

setwd("C:/Users/baohu/OneDrive/PhD Master/PhD Tinh/1. Huong dan Tinh sau cung/Data")

# Enter data t

t <- read.table("tAll.txt", header=T,sep="t",stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# Prediction of AGB from 2 models SUR and Non-SUR:

t$AGBnonsur = 0.0801995*t$D^2.4584050*t$H^0.1576263*t$WD^0.6434186 t$AGBsur = 0.02055*t$D^2.35241*t$H^0.59142 *t$WD^0.69609 + 0.00669

*t$D^2.85742 + 0.03701 * t$D^1.68095 + 0.01541 * t$D^2.43959

# Bland Altman Plot: library(BlandAltmanLeh)

p1 <- bland.altman.plot(t$AGBsur,t$AGBnonsur, graph.sys ="ggplot2") p1<- p1+ geom_point(cex=3)

p1 <- p1 + xlab("Trung bình ước tính AGB theo SUR và độc lập (kg)") + ylab("Sai lệch (kg)") + theme_bw()

p1 = p1 + theme(axis.title.y = element_text(size = rel(1.7))) p1 = p1 + theme(axis.title.x = element_text(size = rel(1.7))) p1 = p1 + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(size=15))

p1 = p1 + theme(axis.text.y = element_text(size=15)) p1 = p1 + xlim(0,1500)

p1 = p1 + ylim(-200,200) p1

# The end

Xem tất cả 207 trang.

Ngày đăng: 14/07/2022
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