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Phụ lục 1: Codes thực hiện trong R để thẩm định chéo theo phương pháp LOOCV mô hình: AGB = a×D2HWDb

# Erase memory rm(list=ls())

# Clean plot window

# Define the working directory setwd("E:/LA Tinh/Data")

# Import data

t <- read.table("3. Tree data Final.txt", header=T,sep="t",stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# Combination of variables:

t$D2HWD = (t$D/100)^2*t$H*t$WD*1000

# Using ggplot2 and nlme - install.packages("ggplot2") nlme library(ggplot2)

library(nlme) library(cowplot)

# Randomly shuffle the data t <- t[sample(nrow(t)),]

# Create equally size folds = 1

folds <- cut(seq(1,nrow(t)),breaks=length(t$D),labels=FALSE) Bias = rep(0, length(t$D))

RMSE = rep(0, length(t$D)) MAPE = rep(0, length(t$D))

# Perform LOOCV cross validation: AGB = a*D2HWD^b for(i in 1:length(t$D)){

# Segement the data by fold using the which() function testIndexes <- which(folds==i,arr.ind=TRUE)

t_va <- t[testIndexes, ] t_eq <- t[-testIndexes, ]

# Modelling AGB = a*D2HWD^b

start <- coefficients(lm(log(AGB)~log(D2HWD), data=t_eq)) names(start) <- c("a","b")


Max_like <- nlme(AGB~a*D2HWD^b, data=cbind(t_eq,g="a"), fixed=a+b~1,

start=start, groups=~g, weights=varPower(form=~D2HWD))

# Outputs of the model

k <- summary(Max_like)$modelStruct$varStruct[1] k

t_eq$ <- fitted.values(Max_like) t_eq$Max_like.res <- residuals(Max_like)

t_eq$Max_like.res.weigh <- residuals(Max_like)/t_eq$D2HWD^k

# Prediction and Errors

t_va$Pred <- predict(Max_like, newdata=cbind(t_va,g="a")) Bias[i] <- 100*mean((t_va$AGB - t_va$Pred)/t_va$AGB)

RMSE[i] <- 100*sqrt(mean(((t_va$AGB - t_va$Pred)/t_va$AGB)^2)) MAPE[i] <- 100*mean(abs(t_va$AGB - t_va$Pred)/t_va$AGB)



# Errors: mean(Bias) mean(RMSE) mean(MAPE)

# The end

Phụ lục 2: Codes thực hiện trong R để thẩm định chéo theo phương pháp K-Kold (K = 10) cho mô hình: AGB = a×(D2HWD)b

# Erase memory rm(list=ls())

# Clean plot window

# Define the working directory setwd("E:/LA Tinh/Data")

# Import data

t <- read.table("3. Tree data Final.txt", header=T,sep="t",stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# Combination of variables:

t$D2HWD = (t$D/100)^2*t$H*t$WD*1000

# Using ggplot2 and nlme - install.packages("ggplot2") nlme library(ggplot2)

library(nlme) library(cowplot)

# Randomly shuffle the data t <- t[sample(nrow(t)),]

# Create 10 equally size folds

folds <- cut(seq(1,nrow(t)),breaks=10,labels=FALSE) Bias = rep(0, 10)

RMSE = rep(0, 10) MAPE = rep(0, 10)

# Perform 10 fold cross validation: Model AGB = a*D^b for(i in 1:10){

# Segement the data by fold using the which() function testIndexes <- which(folds==i,arr.ind=TRUE)

t_va <- t[testIndexes, ] t_eq <- t[-testIndexes, ]

# Modelling

start <- coefficients(lm(log(AGB)~log(D2HWD), data=t_eq)) names(start) <- c("a","b")


Max_like <- nlme(AGB~a*D2HWD^b, data=cbind(t_eq,g="a"), fixed=a+b~1, start=start, groups=~g, weights=varPower(form=~D2HWD))

# Outputs of the model

k <- summary(Max_like)$modelStruct$varStruct[1] k

t_eq$ <- fitted.values(Max_like) t_eq$Max_like.res <- residuals(Max_like)

t_eq$Max_like.res.weigh <- residuals(Max_like)/t_eq$D2HWD^k

# Prediction and Errors

t_va$Pred <- predict(Max_like, newdata=cbind(t_va,g="a")) Bias[i] <- 100*mean((t_va$AGB - t_va$Pred)/t_va$AGB)

RMSE[i] <- 100*sqrt(mean(((t_va$AGB - t_va$Pred)/t_va$AGB)^2)) MAPE[i] <- 100*mean(abs(t_va$AGB - t_va$Pred)/t_va$AGB)



# Errors: mean(Bias) mean(RMSE) mean(MAPE)

# The end

Phụ lục 3: Codes thực hiện trong R để thẩm định chéo theo phương pháp Monte Carlo với R = 200 lần lặp cho mô hình: AGB = a×(D2HWD)b

# Erase memory rm(list=ls())

# Clean plot window

# Define the working directory (change with / using Edit>Find) setwd("E:/LA Tinh/Data")

# Import data:

t <- read.table("1.2. t all with classes.txt", header=T,sep="t",stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# install.packages("ggplot2") library(ggplot2) library(nlme) library(cowplot) library(gridExtra)

# Monte Carlo: Repeat 200 RMSE = rep(0, 200)

Bias = rep(0, 200) MAPE = rep(0, 200)

# Modelling ( Each time: Monte Carlo with 80 dataset for development of equation 20% for validation)

for(i in 1:200){

t_eq <- t[sample(nrow(t), length(t$D)*0.8), ] n_va <- t[!t$ID %in% t_eq$ID, ]

start <- coefficients(lm(log(AGB)~log(D2HWD), data=t_eq)) names(start) <- c("a","b")


Max_like <- nlme(AGB~a*D2HWD^b, data=cbind(t_eq,g="a"), fixed=a+b~1, start=start, groups=~g, weights=varPower(form=~D2HWD))

# Estimated values:

k <- summary(Max_like)$modelStruct$varStruct[1] t_eq$ <- fitted.values(Max_like) t_eq$Max_like.res <- residuals(Max_like) t_eq$Max_like.res.weigh <- residuals(Max_like)/t_eq$A^k

# Prediction of the model for validation

Ngày đăng: 14/07/2022

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