Option Compare Database Dim editingCID As Integer Dim db As DAO.Database
Private Sub cmdAddNew_Click()
'Lay cac du lieu nguoi dung nhap tu form 'Dua vao bang Course
'Hien thi ket qua ra ListBox
cmdEdit.SetFocus: cmdEdit.Caption = "Edit": editingCID = -1 Dim CN As String: txtCN.SetFocus: CN = txtCN.Text
Dim Duration As String
txtDuration.SetFocus: Duration = txtDuration.Text
Dim Des As String: txtDes.SetFocus: Des = txtDes.value If (CN = "") Then
MsgBox "The name of the course must be required!" Exit Sub
End If
Có thể bạn quan tâm!
= 2: T = Sqr(N): Found = False Do While (I <= T) And (Not Found)
Tham Chiếu Đến Microsoft Dao 3.6 Object Library
Nhập môn hệ quản trị cơ sở dữ liệu Phần 2 - 9
Các Đối Tượng Và Mối Quan Hệ Giữa Chúng Trong Kiến Trúc Ado
Nhập môn hệ quản trị cơ sở dữ liệu Phần 2 - 12
Nhập môn hệ quản trị cơ sở dữ liệu Phần 2 - 13
Xem toàn bộ 114 trang tài liệu này.
Dim rec As Recordset If (db Is Nothing) Then
Set db = CurrentDb End If
If (IsNull(db)) Then Set db = CurrentDb
End If
If (IsEmpty(db)) Then Set db = CurrentDb
End If
Set rec = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM Course") rec.AddNew
rec.Fields("CName").value = CN
'Kiem tra Duration phai la mot so nguyen nho hon 500 If (Duration <> "") Then
If (IsNumeric(Duration) = False) Then
MsgBox "Duration must be less than or equal 500!"
Exit Sub End If
Dim pos1, pos2 As Integer pos1 = -1
pos2 = -1
pos1 = InStr(1, Duration, ",", vbTextCompare) pos2 = InStr(1, Duration, ".", vbTextCompare) If (pos1 > 0) Or (pos2 > 0) Then
MsgBox "Duration must be less than or equal 500!" Exit Sub
End If
Dim num As Integer num = CInt(Duration)
If (num = Null) Or (num > 500) Then
MsgBox "Duration must be less than or equal 500!" Exit Sub
End If rec.Fields("DurationInHour").value = num
End If
If (Des <> "") Then rec.Fields("Description").value = Des
End If rec.Update
Set db = Nothing LoadDataToListBox
End Sub
Private Sub cmdDelete_Click()
'Lay ra cac dong (item) ma nguoi dung chon trong ListBox 'Xoa ban ghi do trong bang Course
'Hien thi lai ket qua trong ListBox
cmdEdit.SetFocus: cmdEdit.Caption = "Edit": editingCID = -1 If (lbCourse.ItemsSelected.count = 0) Then
MsgBox "You must select at least 1 item in the ListBox to delete!"
Exit Sub End If
Dim count As Integer: count = lbCourse.ItemsSelected.count Dim varitem As Variant, i As Integer
Dim sql As String
sql = "SELECT * FROM Course WHERE (CID = " & CStr(lbCourse.Column(0, lbCourse.ItemsSelected.item(0))) & ")"
For i = 1 To lbCourse.ItemsSelected.count - 1
sql = sql & " OR (CID=" & CStr(lbCourse.Column(0, lbCourse.ItemsSelected(i))) & ")"
Dim rec As Recordset If (db Is Nothing) Then
Set db = CurrentDb End If
If (IsNull(db)) Then Set db = CurrentDb
End If
If (IsEmpty(db)) Then Set db = CurrentDb
End If
Set rec = db.OpenRecordset(sql) While (rec.EOF = False)
rec.Delete rec.MoveNext
Wend rec.Close
LoadDataToListBox End Sub
Private Sub cmdEdit_Click()
'Thay lai Text trong Caption cua nut cho phu hop 'kiem tra nguoi dung chi duoc chon 1 item de sua 'tai item do vao cac dieu khien tren form
'nguoi dung sua cac gia tri
'cap nhat lai bang Course cac gia tri moi 'Hien thi ket qua sua item do
Dim cap, CN, Dur, Des As String CN = "": Dur = "": Des = ""
cmdEdit.SetFocus: cap = cmdEdit.Caption cap = Trim(cap): cap = LCase(cap)
If (cap = "edit") Then cap = "Save Edit"
If (lbCourse.ItemsSelected.count = 0) Then
MsgBox "You must select only 1 item in the ListBox to edit!" Exit Sub
End If
Dim count As Integer: count = lbCourse.ItemsSelected.count If (count > 1) Then
MsgBox "You must select only 1 item in the ListBox to edit!" Exit Sub
End If
editingCID = lbCourse.Column(0, lbCourse.ItemsSelected.item(0)) If (lbCourse.Column(1, lbCourse.ItemsSelected.item(0)) <> "") Then
CN = lbCourse.Column(1, lbCourse.ItemsSelected.item(0)) End If
If (lbCourse.Column(2, lbCourse.ItemsSelected.item(0)) <> "") Then Dur = lbCourse.Column(2, lbCourse.ItemsSelected.item(0))
End If
If (lbCourse.Column(3, lbCourse.ItemsSelected.item(0)) <> "") Then Des = lbCourse.Column(3, lbCourse.ItemsSelected.item(0))
End If
txtCN.SetFocus: txtCN.Text = CN txtDuration.SetFocus: txtDuration.Text = Dur txtDes.SetFocus: txtDes.value = Des
cap = "Edit"
txtCN.SetFocus: CN = txtCN.Text
txtDuration.SetFocus: Dur = txtDuration.Text txtDes.SetFocus: Des = txtDes.value
Dim sql As String: sql = "SELECT * FROM Course WHERE CID=" & CStr(editingCID)
Dim rec As Recordset If (db Is Nothing) Then
Set db = CurrentDb End If
If (IsNull(db)) Then Set db = CurrentDb
End If
If (IsEmpty(db)) Then Set db = CurrentDb
End If
If (CN = "") Then
MsgBox "The name of the course must be required!" Exit Sub
End If
Set rec = db.OpenRecordset(sql) rec.Edit rec.Fields("CName").value = CN If (Dur <> "") Then
If (IsNumeric(Dur) = False) Then
MsgBox "Duration must be less than or equal 500!" Exit Sub
End If
Dim pos1, pos2 As Integer pos1 = -1
pos2 = -1
pos1 = InStr(1, Dur, ",", vbTextCompare) pos2 = InStr(1, Dur, ".", vbTextCompare) If (pos1 > 0) Or (pos2 > 0) Then
MsgBox "Duration must be less than or equal 500!" Exit Sub
End If
Dim num As Integer num = CInt(Dur)
If (num = Null) Or (num > 500) Then
MsgBox "Duration must be less than or equal 500!" Exit Sub
End If rec.Fields("DurationInHour").value = num
End If
If (Des <> "") Then rec.Fields("Description").value = Des
End If rec.Update rec.Close
End If cmdEdit.SetFocus cmdEdit.Caption = cap LoadDataToListBox
End Sub
Private Sub cmdRefresh_Click() txtCN.SetFocus: txtCN.Text = "" txtDes.SetFocus: txtDes.value = ""
txtDuration.SetFocus: txtDuration.Text = "" editingCID = -1
cmdEdit.SetFocus cmdEdit.Caption = "Edit" LoadDataToListBox
End Sub
Private Sub cmdSearch_Click()
'Lay cac du lieu nguoi dung nhap tu form 'SELECT du lieu theo dieu kien tim kiem 'Hien thi ket qua ben duoi ListBox
cmdEdit.SetFocus: cmdEdit.Caption = "Edit": editingCID = -1
Dim CN As String: txtCN.SetFocus: CN = txtCN.Text
Dim Duration As String: txtDuration.SetFocus: Duration = txtDuration.Text
Dim Des As String: txtDes.SetFocus: Des = txtDes.value Dim foundCN As Boolean: foundCN = False
Dim foundDur As Boolean: foundDur = False Dim foundDes As Boolean: foundDes = False If (CN <> "") Then
foundCN = True End If
If (Duration <> "") Then foundDur = True
End If
If (Des <> "") Then foundDes = True
End If
If (foundCN = False) And (foundDur = False) And (foundDes = False) Then MsgBox "You must input either Name or Duration or Description of
the course!"
Exit Sub End If
Dim sql As String
sql = "SELECT * FROM Course WHERE"
If (foundCN) And (foundDur) And (foundDes) Then sql = sql & " (CName Like '*" & CN & "*')"
sql = sql & " and (DurationInHour = " & Duration & ")" sql = sql & " and (Description LIKE '*" & Des & "*')"
If (foundCN) And (foundDur) And (Not foundDes) Then sql = sql & " (CName Like '*" & CN & "*')"
sql = sql & " and (DurationInHour = " & Duration & ")"
If (foundCN) And (Not foundDur) And (foundDes) Then
sql = sql & " (CName Like '*" & CN & "*')"
sql = sql & " and (Description LIKE '*" & Des & "*')"
If (foundCN) And (Not foundDur) And (Not foundDes) Then sql = sql & " (CName Like '*" & CN & "*')"
If (Not foundCN) And (foundDur) And (foundDes) Then sql = sql & " (DurationInHour = " & Duration & ")"
sql = sql & " and (Description LIKE % '*" & Des & "*')" Else
If (Not foundCN) And (foundDur) And (Not foundDes) Then sql = sql & " (DurationInHour = " & Duration & ")"
If (Not foundCN) And (Not foundDur) And (foundDes) Then sql = sql & "(Description LIKE '*" & Des & "*')"
End If End If End If End If End If End If End If
Dim rec As Recordset If (db Is Nothing) Then
Set db = CurrentDb End If
If (IsNull(db)) Then Set db = CurrentDb
End If
If (IsEmpty(db)) Then Set db = CurrentDb
End If
Set rec = db.OpenRecordset(sql)