An investigation into teacher's beliefs and practice about developing supplementary materials for ielts learners at language centers in Ho Chi Minh city - 21

IELTS courses? If not, is there any kind of training that you have had or would like to have to help you develop supplementary materials for IELTS courses? 7. Do your institutes offer or provide supplementary materials for teachers and students? How do those materials match your criteria for ...

An investigation into teacher's beliefs and practice about developing supplementary materials for ielts learners at language centers in Ho Chi Minh city - 20

APPENDICES Appendix A: Teachers’ beliefs questionnaire Teachers’ Belief Questionnaire Part 1: Background information The following questions relate to your BASIC INFORMATION. Please read the statements, tick (  ) in the box (  ), and answer the relevant questions that best describe the ...

An investigation into teacher's beliefs and practice about developing supplementary materials for ielts learners at language centers in Ho Chi Minh city - 19

Borg, S. (2003). Teacher cognition in language teaching: A review of research on what language teachers think, know, believe, and do. . Language Teaching, 36 (2), 81- 109. doi:10.1017/S0261444803001903 Borg, S. (2011). The impact of in-service teacher education on language teachers’ beliefs. ...

An investigation into teacher's beliefs and practice about developing supplementary materials for ielts learners at language centers in Ho Chi Minh city - 18

Common than those who do not. This may be due to the wider context in which teachers are generally influenced by the examination. However, there are also some beliefs that do not translate into actual practice. It is partly due to some internal and external factors. With respect to the former, the ...

An investigation into teacher's beliefs and practice about developing supplementary materials for ielts learners at language centers in Ho Chi Minh city - 12

The next major source of supplementary materials three-quarters of teachers believe to be effective for IELTS training is authentic materials. These materials were restricted to news in articles or online videos with a view to improving the language skills of learners. As an example, teachers P10 ...

An investigation into teacher's beliefs and practice about developing supplementary materials for ielts learners at language centers in Ho Chi Minh city - 10

Property was addressed in terms of piloting. The results from piloting were calculated using Cronbach’s alpha to measure the internal reliability of the instrument. With respect to the interview, the strategies for validity in the questionnaire continued to be employed in addition to those ...

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