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15. Thomas. G. Weiss. The United Nations and Changing World Politics. Westview Press, Boulder,1997. P.33.

16. Phán quyết số 1137, Toà án Công lý quốc tế, 1984.

21. 12 UNCIO, Commission II, Commitee 2, Doc.207, III/2/A/3, 10 May 1945, 179 -191.

22. Thomas M. Franck, Interpretation and change in the law of humanitarian intervention, Cambridge University Press, 2003, P.204-207.

23. UN Blue Book Series, Vol IX, The UN and the Iraq/Kuwait Conflict 1990- 1996 ; mention by G Bush Senior, Speech to Congress, New World Order, March 6th,1991.

24. SC Res 746 (1992) of 17 March 1992, preambular paragraph 6.

25. United Year Book 47, December 1992, p.51.

26. SC Res 929, 22 June 1994 liên quan tới Rwanda.

27. Thomas, G.Weiss. The United Nations and changing World politics, Westview, Boulder, 1997, p.105-106.

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Xem toàn bộ 120 trang tài liệu này.

28. V. Vanda, Tragedies in Northen Iraq, Liberia, Yugoslavia, and Haiti – Revisiting the Validity of Humanitarian Intervention Under International Law – Part I, (1992) 20 :2 Denver Journal of International Law and Polisy., P.846.

29. Joint evaluation of Emergency Assistance to Wranda, The International Response to Conflict and Genocide : Lessons from the Wranda experience, (1996) in

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30. A. J. Reidlmayer, A Brief History of Bosnia-Herzegovina, (1993), University Havard in Http:// tm

31. Xem ‘About the General Assembly’ in


17. Nguyễn Hồng Thao, Toà án Công lý quốc tế, Nhà xuất bản Chính trị Quốc gia, 2000, trang 281 – 283.

20. Giáo trình Luật quốc tế, Trường Đại học luật Hà Nội, 1998, trang 26, 27.

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