Văn du ký nửa đầu thế kỷ XX và tiến trình hiện đại hóa văn học - 23

267. Jafar Jafari (Chief Editor) (2000), Encyclopedia of Tourism, Routledge, New York.

268. Jennifer Speake (Editor) (2003, 2013), Literature of Travel and Exploration: an Encyclopedia, Routledge.

269. John Urry (2002), The Tourist Gaze, Second Edition, SAGE Publications

270. Mary Louis Pratt (1992), Imperial Eyes-Travel Writing and Transculturation,

Routledge, London &New York.

271. Matthew Wispinski (1997), Re-exploring Travel Literature: A Discourse - centred approach to the text type, Simon Frazer University, Canada.

272. Neil Robert (2004), D.H. Lawrence, Travel and Cultural Difference,

Palgrabe Macmillan, New York.

273. Panmira Brummett (2009), The “Book” of Travels: Genre, Ethnology and Pigrimage 1250-1700, Brill, Leiden -Boston.

274. Patrick Holland and Graham Huggan (2000), Tourists with Typerwriters-Critical Reflations on Contemporary Travel Writing, The University of Michigan Press.

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Xem toàn bộ 184 trang tài liệu này.

275. Paula R. Backscheider và Catherine Ingrassia (2005), A Companion to the Eighteenth-Century English Novel and Culture, Blackwell Publishing.

276. Percy G. Adams (1983), Travel writing and the evolution of the novel,

Văn du ký nửa đầu thế kỷ XX và tiến trình hiện đại hóa văn học - 23

University Press of Kentucky.

277. Peter Hulme and Tim Youngs (Edited) (2002), The Cambridge Companion to Travel Writing, Cambridge University Press.

278. Tim Youngs edited (2006), Travel Writing in the Nineteenth century (Filling the Blank Spaces), London-New York-Delhi.

279. The Blackwell Dictionary of Western Philosophy (2004), Blackwell Publishing.

280. Tourism, Religions and Spiritual Journeys (2006), Routledge.

281. Wendy Bracewell &Alex Drace Francis (2008), Under Eastern Eyesố A Comparative Introduction to Easet European Travel Writing on Europe, Central European Univercity Press, Budapest.

282. World Tourism Organisation (1995), Technical Manual (2), (Collection of Tourism Expenditure Staticstics).

283. World Tourism Organisation (2011), Policy and Practice for Global Tourism,


Ngày đăng: 25/07/2022

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