Mô hình văn phạm liên kết tiếng Việt - 36


Sentence 1 (1): 1 class= lazyload > My name is bloom. VEtran: My Name is Flower. Google: My name 1 1 Sentence 1 (1): 1" class="lazyload"> My name is bloom. VEtran: My Name is Flower. Google: My name 1" class="lazyload">

Sentence 1 (1): Tên tôi là Hoa
–> My name is bloom.
VEtran: My Name is Flower.
Google: My name is United.

Sentence 2 (2): Mẹ tôi là một bác_sĩ giỏi.
–> My mother is a good doctor.
VEtran: My mother is a jurisprudent physician.
Google: My mother is a good doctor.
Sentence 3 (3): tôi cần một quyển sách để đọc ở nhà.
–> Need me a book sets reading at home.
VEtran: I need a tomes to read keep indoors.
Google: I need a book to read at home.

Sentence 4 (4): Tất_cả mọi thành_viên phải đi họp.
–> All every members must go convening.
VEtran: All All members must go to meet.
Google: All members have to go to meetings.
Sentence 5 (5): tôi có_thể cho cô mượn cái áo len của tôi.
–> I could give borrow my wool shirt.
VEtran: I can lend miss my sweater.
Google: I can let her borrow my sweater.

Sentence 6 (6): Cô ấy cảm_thấy muốn khóc.
–> She feels wanting to cry.
VEtran: She feel like cry.
Google: She felt like crying.

Sentence 7 (7): tôi không bao_giờ nên nghe lời anh ta.
–> when not me ought to hear word.
VEtran: I never ought to obey him.
Google: I never heard him.

Sentence 8 (8): tôi thách anh nhảy qua cái tường kia
–> I defy him dances last that wall.
VEtran: I am challenged you overleaps that mural one.
Google: I challenge him to jump over the wall there.
Sentence 9 (9): Anh ta muốn tôi đi với cô ấy.
–> He wants me departs for her.
VEtran: He is wished I go with her.
Google: He wanted me to go with her.
Sentence 10 (10): tôi yêu cô ấy bằng cả trái_tim mình.
–> I love her by all my heart.
VEtran: I love her by a whole body heart.
Google: I love her with all my heart.

Sentence 11 (11): tôi biết tất_cả về cô ta.
–> I know all about her.
VEtran: I know all about who boil down me.
Google: I know all about her.
Sentence 12 (12): Ông ta chịu_đau rất can_đảm.
–> he very courageous suffers.
VEtran: ông we bears aching is very manly.
Google: Pain he was very courageous.
Sentence 13 (13): Anh ấy muốn chị ấy tới.
–> he wants she comes.
VEtran: He is wished she is next.
Google: He wanted her to.
Sentence 14 (14): tôi được tặng một món_quà.
–> I am presented a gift.
VEtran: I am giftted a gift.
Google: I was given a gift.
Sentence 15 (15): Những lỗi_lầm lớn thường kết_cấu từ những lỗi_lầm nhỏ.
–> big mistakes usually compose of young mistakes.
VEtran: Big lapses often frame from little lapses.
Google: The big mistake is often small structures from mistakes.

Sentence 16 (16): Con ngựa đá con ngựa đá.
–> horse kicks rocky horse.
VEtran: The horse stone horse kick.
Google: Horse stone horse.

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Sentence 17 (17): Kiến bò lên đĩa thịt bò.
–> ant creeps up beef dish.
VEtran: Beef disc rise the ox the Emmet.
Google: Ants onto beef.

Sentence 18 (18): Sự khôn_ngoan có_giá hơn châu_ngọc.
–> wise is valuabler than jewel.
VEtran: Something precious more priced advisability.
Google: Valuable than wisdom pearls.
Sentence 19 (19): Báo_săn là loài động_vật nhanh nhất thế_giới.
–> cheetah is the quickest animal world.
VEtran: Cheetah is world’ s fast animal the kind.
Google: Alert hunt is the world’s fastest animal.

Sentence 20 (20): Sao anh dám đánh tôi.
–> why does you dare beat me.
VEtran: My britannic Asteroid dare whipped.
Google: How dare you hit me.

Sentence 21 (21): bố và mẹ tôi rất thích xem phim.
–> my father and mother very likes to watch film.
VEtran: I and my mother like to look up film very much.
Google: My parents love to watch movies.

Sentence 22 (22): anh ấy đábóng và bơi rất giỏi. –> he very well plays football and swims. VEtran: he kicked is shaded and very jurisprudent swimming. Google:he’s very good football and pool. Sentence 23 (23): cô bé càng lớn càng xinh. –> the more big is little nipper pretty. VEtran: more more nice-looking big little miss. Google:the bigger the beautiful girl. Sentence 24 (24): bố tôi đưa cho tôi quyển sách. –> my father takes give me book. VEtran: tome my father give to med. Google:My father gave me a book. Sentence 25 (25): anh ấy biết cả tiếng_Việt cả tiếng_Pháp. –> he knows both Vietnamese and French. VEtran: he know a whole french Vietnamese too. Google:he knows both English French. Sentence 26 (26): anh có từđiển Việt – Anh không
–> do you have Vietnamese – English dictionary
You has Vietnamese dictionary- You neither
you have dictionary English – I do not

Sentence 27 (27): Có chứ!
–> has!
VEtran: There is final particle!
Google: Yeah!

Sentence 28 (28): Không biết máy_tính này có tốt không.
–> not know this computer well has not.
VEtran: Know this computer had well Neither.
Google: Do not know this computer is good.
Sentence 29 (29): Tất_nhiên là nhớ chứ!
–> naturally is!
VEtran: Of course it be final particle remembrance!
Google: Of course, remember!

Sentence 30 (30): Bác cũng quen cô ấy chứ ạ?
–> also knows her?
VEtran: Do You who also get used to her ạ?
Google: Physicians also go after the letter A?

Sentence 31(31): anh ấy là người Nhật chứ không_phải người Hàn_Quốc.
–> he is Japanese person not Korean individual.
VEtran: he is Japanese isn’ t Korea person.
Google: He is Japanese, not Korean.

Sentence 32 (32): Máy ấy là máy_giặt chứ đâu_phải là máy_điều_hòa.
–> that machine is washing-machine not conditioner is.
VEtran: That Machine is washer final particle definitely not is
Google: Where was the washing machine rather than air conditioning.

Sentence 33 (33): Cả cháu cả nhà cháu đều chuyển vào Vũng_Tàu một năm nay
rồi bác ạ.
–> both niece and nephew house after transfer into Vung Tau one year.
VEtran: A whole grandchild everybody in the house grandchild these a
years roadstead roll-in then refuse ạ.
Google: Both her whole family she moved to Vung Tau for a year then North
Sentence 34 (34): BộKế_hoạch_vàĐầu_tư ở đâu hở em.
–> Ministry of Planning and Investment where is.
VEtran: Younger sister where uncovered Ministry of Planning and
Google: Ministry of Planning and Investment in the open where you.

Sentence 35 (35): Anh ấy không những thông_minh , học_giỏi mà còn rất
khiêm_tốn nữa.
–> He is not only intelligent , good but also still very much more
VEtran: He not only wit, do well in school but also plenty humility as
Google: He’s not only smart, good student but also very modest.

Sentence 36 (36): Nghe_nói về anh lâu rồi mà hôm_nay mới được gặp
–> Then hears about him long that today new finding.
VEtran: Hear tell of you then long-term that new today is met.
Google: Heard about him for a long time today to meet new.

Sentence 37 (37): Anh không biết chuyện ấy à.
–> Does not know that story.
VEtran: You is unaware That tale.
Google: Do not you know that.

Sentence 38 (38): Hôm_nay tôi mới biết anh ấy là thầy_giáo.
–> Today I fresh realized he is teacher.
VEtran: Today I newly know he is instructor.
Google: Today I know that he is a teacher.

Sentence 39 (39): Anh mua với giá ấy là đắt đấy.
–> You gets for that cost is costly there.
VEtran: You bought with That cost be dearly there.
Google: You’re purchase price was expensive.

Sentence 40 (40): Anh ấy rủ tôi đi du_lịch đồng_bằng sông Cửu_Long.
–> He asks me go touring Cuu Long river delta.
VEtran: He hangs I tour the Mekong river champaign.
Google: He invites me to travel to the Mekong Delta.

Sentence 41 (41): Trong lúc học tiếng_Việt , tôi học được nhiều điều.
–> For while studying Vietnamese , I thing studied many.
VEtran: During who learn Vietnamese, I learn talkativeness.
Google: While learning English, I learned a lot.

Sentence 42 (42): Không hiểu sao , sức_khỏe mình càng ngày càng xuống.
–> Not comprehend star , my strength the more day nipper go down.
VEtran: Non- comprehension is stellar, health i more and more go down to.
Google: Somehow, his health is increasingly down.

Sentence 43 (43): Vì thời_tiết xấu nên máy_bay không hạ_cánh được.
–> As bad weather so plane does not land.
VEtran: For dirty weather ought to plane landed.
Google: Because of bad weather, the plane not landing.

Sentence 44 (44): Dù nó có nhiều tiền nhưng nó vẫn không hạnh_phúc.
–> Whether it has some moneys but still not happy it.
VEtran: Even if it is moneyed but it still whoes isn’t blisstul.
Google: Although it has a lot of money but it is still not happy.

Sentence 45 (45): Cuốn sách anh đang đọc là của cô ấy.
–> Book you are reading is property that.
VEtran: Wind you is reading book is hers.
Google: The book he was reading her.

Sentence 46 (46): Tôi đã đọc cuốn tiểu_thuyết mà anh ấy viết.
–> I read fiction that he writes.
VEtran: I readed novel that he writes.
Google: I have read the novel that he wrote.

Sentence 47 (47): Sở_dĩ nhà_máy của Loan hết việc là_do thiết_bị và
phụ_tùng đã hết.
–> Loan’s factory expires job because equipment and accessories
VEtran: That’s why be owing to plant and accessary finis Phoenix’s
factory ended.
Google: The reason Taiwan factory all is due to equipment and spare parts
of all.
Sentence 48 (48): Ở chợ , quần_bò nhiều quá , tôi không biết chọn loại
nào cả.
–> At market, too much jeans , I do not know all choosing which sort.
VEtran: ở my bazaar, trousers who crept much whopping, is unaware which
kind to choose is all together.
Google: At the market, many jeans too, I do not know how to select all.
Sentence 49 (49): Lâu rồi tôi không nhận được tin_tức gì của cô ấy cả.
–> After long I do not all accept her anything news.
VEtran: Long then I don’ t receive news hers is all together.
Google: Long time since I received news of her whole.

Sentence 50 (50): Tôi chưa hiểu gì về cô ấy cả.
–> I have not all understood anything about her.
VEtran: Not already My That what comprehension about her is all together.
Google: I do not know anything about her.

Xem tất cả 305 trang.

Ngày đăng: 31/10/2021
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