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1 | NHTM Đầu tư và Phát triển Việt Nam | Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam | BIDV | BID |
2 | NHTM Công thương Việt Nam | Industrial and Commercial Bank of Vietnam | VIETINBANK | CTG |
3 | NHTM Ngoại thương Việt Nam | Bank for Foreign Trade of Vietnam | VIETCOMBANK | VCB |
4 | NHTMCP Á Châu | Asia Commercial Bank | ACB | ACB |
5 | NHTMCP Xuất nhập khẩu Việt Nam | Vietnam Export Import Commercial Joint Stock Bank | EXIMBANK | EIB |
6 | NHTMCP Sài Gòn Thương Tín | Saigon Thuong Tin Commercial Joint Stock Bank | SACOMBANK | STB |
7 | NHTMCP Quân đội | Military Commercial Joint Stock Bank | MBBANK | MBB |
8 | NHTMCP Phát triển nhà TPHCM | Housing Development Commercial Joint Stock Bank | HDBANK | HDBANK |
9 | NHTMCP Bưu điện Liên Việt | LienViet Post Joint Stock Commercial Bank | LIENVIETPOSTBANK | LPB |
10 | NHTMCP An Bình | An Binh Commercial Joint Stock Bank | ABBANK | ABB |
11 | NHTMCP Kiên Long | KienLong Commercial Joint Stock Bank | KIENLONGBANK | KIENLONGBANK |
12 | NHTMCP Hàng hải Việt Nam | Vietnam Maritime Commercial Joint Stock Bank | MARITIMEBANK | MSB |
13 | NHTMCP Nam Á | Nam A Commercial Joint Stock Bank | NAMABANK | NAMABANK |
14 | NHTMCP Quốc Dân | National Citizen Commercial Joint Stock Bank | NCB | NVB |
15 | NHTMCP Phương Đông | Orient Commercial Joint Stock Bank | OCB | OCB |
16 | NHTMCP Xăng dầu Petrolimex | Petrolimex Group Commercial Joint Stock Bank | PGBANK | PGBANK |
17 | NHTMCP Đông Nam Á | Southeast Asia Commercial Joint Stock Bank | SEABANK | SEABANK |
18 | NHTMCP Kỹ Thương Việt Nam | Vietnam Technological and Commercial Joint Stock Bank | TECHCOMBANK | TCB |
19 | NHTMCP Quốc tế Việt Nam | Vietnam International and Commercial Joint Stock Bank | VIB | VIB |
20 | NHTMCP Việt Nam Thịnh Vượng | Vietnam Prosferity Joint Stock Commercial Bank | VPBANK | VPBANK |
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