2.3. Previous studies about language learning strategies 23
2.3.1. The highlights from the previous international studies 24
2.3.2. Some domestic studies (in Vietnam) 42
2.4. Research gap 49
2.5. Summary of literature review 51
3.1. The research objectives and research questions 54
3.2. Research methodology 54
3.3. Research Setting 56
3.4. Research sites and participants 57
Có thể bạn quan tâm!
The use of language learning strategies in English reading at Doan Ket secondary school - An investigation - 1
The use of language learning strategies in English reading at Doan Ket secondary school - An investigation - 3
Significance Of English Reading Strategy Use At Secondary Schools
Reading Strategy Instructions In Secondary Schools
Xem toàn bộ 140 trang tài liệu này.
3.5. Data collection 58
3.5.1. Samples collection 58
3.5.2. Instruments for data collection 59
3.6. Data analysis 62
3.6.1. Credibility 63
3.6.2. Dependability 64
3.6.3. Confirmability 64
3.6.4. Transferability 64
3.6.5. Analysis of research data 65
3.6.6. Language strategy use inventory 66
3.7. Timeline for the study 74
3.8. Chapter summary 75
4.1. Results 76
4.1.1. Students’ learning strategy use synthesized from the questionnaires
.................................................................................................................. 76
4.1.2. Results from focus interviews 79
4.1.3. Results from the comparison between total mean coefficient and students’ scores in English course 80
4.2. Discussion of results 83
4.3. Chapter summary 87
5.1. Conclusion 88
5.1.1. Answer to the research question 1 88
5.1.2. Answer to the research question 2 89
5.1.3. Significance 91
5.2. Implications 93
5.2.1. Limitations of the study 93
5.2.2. Suggestions 94
Appendix 1: Descriptions of learning strategies 106
Appendix 2: Diagram of the strategy system showing all the strategies... 108 Appendix 3: Questionnaire on language learning strategies 110
Questionnaire on LLS in Vietnamese 112
Appendix 4: The questions for interviews 114
Appendix 5: Focus interviews in details 115
Appendix 6: Frequency statistics of students’ English marks 116
AFFECT Affective Strategies
COG Cognitive Strategies COMPENS Compensation Strategies DK School Doan Ket Secondary School
EFL English as a foreign language
ESL English as a second language
ESP English for Specific Purposes
FL Foreign language
FLA Foreign language acquisition
INT Interview
L1 First language
L2 Second language
LS Learning Strategies
LLS Language Learning Strategies
LLSI Language Learning Strategy Instruction
LLT Language Learning and Teaching
MEMORY Memory Strategies METACOG Metacognitive Strategies
MOET Ministry of Education and Training
SLA Second language acquisition
SOCIAL Social Strategies
SPSS Statistical Package for the Social Sciences
STELLAR Strategies for English Language Learning and Reading
List of Tables
Table 3.1. Descriptive statistics of participants’ sex and age 59
Table 3.2. Statistics of students’ scores in English course 62
Table 3.3. Reliability statistics 67
Table 3.4. Cronbach’s alpha reliability test of LLS use 67
Table 3.5. KMO and Bartlett's Test 68
Table 3.6. Communalities 68
Table 3.7. Total variance explained 69
Table 3.8. Component matrixa 69
Table 3.9. Correlations among students’ LLS 70
Table 3.10. Correlations between students’ LLS and English scores 71
Table 3.11. Model summaryb in multiple regression analyses 72
Table 3.12. ANOVAb for multiple regression analyses 72
Table 3.13. Coefficientsa for multiple regression analyses 73
Table 3.14. Residuals statistics for multiple regression analyses 73
Table 3.15. Timeline for the Study 74
Table 4.1. Descriptive statistics of questionnaires 77
Table 4.2. Descriptive statistics of the frequency of LLS use 78
Table 4.3. Descriptive statistics - Mean total of LLS 81
Table 4.4. English marks - Statistics 81
Table 4.5. Report of the comparison between mean total and English marks (for good students only) 82
List of Figures
Figure 2.1. Diagram of a strategy system: Overview (Oxford, 1990, p.16) ... 13
Figure 2.2. Diagram of a strategy system showing two classes, six groups and 19 sets (Oxford, 1990, p.17) 15
Figure 2.3. Inter-relationships between direct and indirect strategies among the six strategy groups (Oxford 1990, p.15) 16
Figure 2.4. Oxford Reading for Comprehension (Oxford, 2020) 23
Figure 2.5. Key to understand the averages - SILL profile of results, Version 7.0 (Oxford 1990, p.300) 66
This study evoked the theories of language learning strategies (LLS) in the world, of which the most priority was Oxford’s (1990) and her latest orienting students’ awareness of LLS afterwards. The investigation explored the use of learning strategies of 176 Vietnamese sixth graders at Doan Ket Secondary School through Oxford’s model of SILL. The 5-scale questionnaires were curtailed and adapted to discover an important issue - a research gap after testing the correlation between the frequency of LLS use and these students’ performance in English language reading, also the case with their reading skills. Their use of LLS at a medium level indicated a necessity for more LLS instruction (LLSI), specifically motivated English Reading Strategies - as a foundation of other LLS among secondary school students; hereby, language teachers can recognize the most suitable teaching methods to support the students. Furthermore, this study also analyzed some factors related to LLS and indicated how effective students’ LLS choice was. Transparently, the classification after definitions of language learning strategies were presented in literature review for easily applying a strategic language (e.g. English language) to secondary education, creating a better learning environment, and taking advantages of young students’ communicative competence in English. The result of this study may be controversial because of the absurd indicators of the analyzed research database. Nevertheless, the study remained showing the significance of LLS use, first and foremost reading strategies which were indispensable to English learning and teaching at secondary schools, and some pedagogical implications regarding LLS instruction were later suggested encouraging future research of LLS in different educational contexts.
Keywords: language learning strategies (LLS), English reading strategies, LLS instruction, secondary school students’ LLS
1.1. General context and secondary education in Vietnam
Language Learning and Teaching (LLT) has played an important role in a society's intellectual development and Language Learning Strategies (LLS) will decide the outcomes of language acquisition. People said that language learning strategy is a major premise in the inspirational transmission during the LLT process (English language). It became significant to researchers from the 1970s with the more direct and indirect factors related to learning strategies that bring about the innovations of LLT, specifically directing our students towards their own language learning strategies.
This study summarized the definitions and classification of learning strategies from researchers, simultaneously explored students’ English language learning strategies at secondary schools that most of those are still at non-mature age and their consciousness remains ambiguous (e.g. the sixth graders aged from 11-12). Unsurely, how other secondary schools in District 6 of Ho Chi Minh City have been – It may remain a general problem for some Secondary Schools (also in District 6) as the following: Students at secondary schools are so young that they always confuse with their learning styles and learning ability, even some of them are ill-writing Vietnamese – the mother language (L1), while others belong to Chinese nationality or the ethnic groups Cham and Khmer, so the difficulty here is how can they follow a foreign language – English language (some disable ones granted as priority students from the Vietnamese government exclusive), the quality of English scoring at Doan Ket school has been at low level in District 6 and at the lowest in the city. Though the teachers have tried to adjust students’ English learning, their learning results are not satisfactory.
Being apprehended from the previous researches together with the existing conjuncture of this school, and as a practical illustration of the research “The use of language learning strategies in English Reading at Doan Ket Secondary School: An investigation”. This study was carried out to recognize its feasibility and significance in students’ communicative competence achievement or valued in learners’ foreign language acquisition (FLA). That somehow innovated teachers’ LLT experiences through the reading strategy instruction to these secondary school students based on the educational theories and real situations. The definitions and classification of language learning strategies, the related factors and the use of these learning strategies in foreign language learning environments that emphasized the significance of secondary education through this study – A transition phase between Primary School and High School levels created a firm knowledge foundation for Tertiary Education afterwards. The results of the previous studies indicated that the LLS use and the reading strategy instruction needs starting as soon as possible whilst Vietnam is at a span lower than other countries about the implementation due to the waiting time of project testing and approval. Moreover, the complex form of Vietnam education makes itself difficult to change or modify following an entire system of each educational level. At present, this study is an understanding of the existing situation of secondary education in Vietnam. Hence, more and more LLS research will be acknowledged and applied through the different levels of the learning environment.
As investigated for the latest research from ten years back, almost all researches of LLS was implemented over the system of primary schools, high schools, and tertiary education in the Vietnam country (e.g. years from 2011- 2020). However, Doan Ket Secondary School was the only one among other schools in District 6 doing this LLS research, thus it may be representative for