Manage The Implementation Of The Program And The Teaching Plan

The plan to develop Cham literacy classes for adults was also included in the district’s general education development plan by the Department of Education and Training, submitted to the People’s Committee of Ham Thuan Bac district and the Binh Thuan Department of Education and Training. to settle the payroll of Cham literacy teachers, to provide funding for the Cham literacy class to operate, to direct the implementation of the program and other professional issues such as a general literacy class in accordance with current regulations. .

1.3.2. Manage the implementation of the program and the teaching plan

The curriculum of teaching Cham script in akhar thrah for adults has not yet been officially issued by the Ministry of Education and Training for the whole country. However, now in Ninh Thuan province, the Department of Education and Training has compiled a program to learn Cham in akhar thrah for adults. While waiting for the Ministry of Education and Training to issue the official program, we choose the program to learn Cham script in akhar thrah for adults compiled by the Ninh Thuan Department of Education and Training.

– The selection of the Cham language learning program in akhar thrah for adults compiled by the 1

– The selection of the Cham language learning program in akhar thrah for adults compiled by the Ninh Thuan Department of Education and Training, in the immediate future solves the lack of programs to teach. On the other hand, the above program is also suitable for learners, because the Cham people in the two provinces of Ninh Thuan and Binh Thuan share the same Eastern Cham language, the same customs, and the reality of Cham language classes for adults in Ham Thuan Bac district. have also followed this program in the past.

– The curriculum and textbooks are distributed and distributed by the Department of Education and Training to each school that has a Cham class like the distribution of programs and textbooks for other subjects in the school.

– The Department of Education and Training assigns the principals of primary schools to manage the implementation of programs and plans to teach Cham literacy to the elderly, such as the management of the general literacy program in their respective localities. blame.

1.3.3. Manage the teacher’s lesson preparation and lesson preparation

– The Department of Education and Training prescribes the preparation of a lesson plan for teaching Cham characters for adults. Requirements of a lesson on preparing lesson plans for teaching Cham characters as a lesson on illiteracy eradication (Vietnamese). In addition, the Principal must also ask teachers to pay more attention to realistic illustrations in the teaching process, so that students can easily understand, remember and enjoy in the learning process; Attention should be paid to the psychophysiological characteristics of the adult age.

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– The Department of Education and Training assigns the principal of the primary school to assign specific responsibilities to the leader of the Cham language group in guiding the preparation of lessons, checking and commenting on the preparation of lessons by the Cham language teacher. adults, similarly guide the teaching of Cham language to primary school students. This is also a regular job of the Principal in school management.

1.3.4. Manage teacher’s class time

– Class time is the most important and most important stage of the teaching process. It determines the quality of teaching. The quality of class time depends on the teaching capacity of the teacher. In order for teachers to have good teaching hours, the principal needs to fully demonstrate the teachers’ teaching time management measures and create conditions for teachers to effectively conduct class time.

– On the basis of the proposal of the Cham language group, the Principal needs to develop a standard for evaluating the teaching hours of the Cham language teachers based on the evaluation standards of the teaching hours of the Cham language teachers in primary schools and the assessment standards. a class on eradicating illiteracy, because teaching Cham characters to adults in the immediate future is both illiteracy eradication and a Cham script class.

– The principal is interested in attending and visiting Cham classes to encourage students’ learning spirit and to comment and evaluate the teacher’s lesson.

1.3.5. Managing the activities of the Cham language (specialist) group, attending the time and the educational process of the Cham language teachers

– Cham language teachers for adults are teachers who are teaching Cham language in primary schools. In these primary schools, a Cham language (specialist) group has been established; The Cham language group is responsible for managing Cham language teaching activities in primary schools. Therefore, the Department of Education and Training assigned the Cham language group in the primary school to manage the activities of teaching Cham characters to adults. The assignment of the Cham language group to manage and direct the expertise in teaching Cham characters to adults has many advantages, because:

+ The Cham language teachers are all Cham people, they have a lot of experience and competence in teaching the Cham language; They are all local people, so they understand well about the customs and life of the Cham people in the locality they teach. This is a very favorable condition for teaching Cham characters.

+ Cham language teachers all have the desire to maintain and develop the Cham language, so they teach Cham with all their enthusiasm, not just teaching for money according to regulations. In addition to imparting letters, they also teach the Cham people a general understanding of how to be human, how to treat people so that the Cham people can live optimistically in the Vietnamese ethnic community.

– Improving the quality of Cham (specialist) group activities, increasing attendance at lectures to find appropriate teaching methods is necessary to make the adult’s learning Cham script effective. . Therefore, the principals of primary schools that organize the teaching of Cham characters for adults need to guide and create the best conditions for the group of Cham language teachers to operate and regularly check and remind the leader of the Cham language group. about its responsibilities. The Department of Education and Training also takes the performance results of the Cham language group as a basis for evaluating the school’s management by the principal.

– The Department of Education and Training organizes an inspection of the school’s management by the Principal, including inspecting the contents of the Principal’s direction on Cham language group activities and teaching Cham characters to adults.

1.3.6. Manage professional profiles of teachers

– The Department of Education and Training stipulates the professional profile of the teacher of Cham literacy classes for adults like that of the teacher of literacy (Vietnamese), including:

+ Syllabus

+ Gradebook

+ Time attendance book (common for other classes, calculated per teacher)

+ Head office

– Types of professional records of teachers teaching Cham classes for adults must be presented in common (Vietnamese) characters, except for the lesson plans written in ancient Cham script in some contents, for convenience in checking monitor. These types of records are checked by the head of the Cham language group according to the regulations of the Principal to manage the teaching activities of teachers. Teachers teaching Cham literacy classes for adults are responsible for keeping them up-to-date according to current regulations (such as records of a literacy class). The making of the above types of records is a basis for evaluating and ranking the performance of teachers every year, and is the basis for assessing the quality of teaching and learning of teachers and learners.

1.3.7. Manage the testing and assessment of learners’ learning results

– Based on the curriculum developed by the Cham Writing Board and the regulations on assessment of learning outcomes under the Vietnamese literacy program of the Ministry of Education and Training, teaching Cham characters to adults is initially a eradicating Cham illiteracy. Therefore, implementing the system of testing and assessing the learning outcomes in the adult Cham literacy class like the current testing and evaluation system for a general literacy class (Vietnamese), including:

+ Oral test score

+ 15 minute test score

+ 1 hour check point

+ 3 stage test scores according to the study program

+ Test score at the end of the course

– The Department of Education and Training assigns the primary school where the Cham language class is held for adults to be responsible for organizing the assessment of the class’s learning results, and reporting the learning results to the Department of Education and Training. created at the end of each phase according to the implementation progress of the program of Cham literacy classes for adults.

– The principal is responsible for checking the teacher’s activities in the process of organizing and assessing the learning results of the Cham class, specifically the progress of the grading test, how to classify academic performance, and the appropriateness of the students. test topics, the number of times of the test, the seriousness of the test.

1.3.8. Managing the assignment of teachers to teach Cham classes

– Every year, based on the plan to open Cham language classes for Cham ethnic students in primary schools and the plan to open Cham script classes for adults, the principal commented on the ability to meet the teaching needs of the teachers. Cham language teachers in their schools, thereby recommending to the Department of Education and Training to arrange Cham teachers for the new school year.

– According to the number of Cham language teachers in the school, the Principal is responsible for directing the assignment of teachers to teach Cham classes for adults, this assignment is proposed by the leader of the Cham language group in the school. In addition to selecting qualified teachers to teach, the leader of the Cham language group must also pay attention to enthusiastic Cham teachers who have extensive knowledge of social knowledge and experience in communication. Only in this way can we convince and attract older or difficult learners in the teaching process.

– Principals monitor the teaching process of teachers, in addition to grasping the quality of teaching, the Principal must also clearly understand the ability of teachers to communicate and behave in the teaching process, regularly encourage teachers to try their best. try to overcome the difficulties in teaching. In cases where the relationship between teachers and students is not going well, has a bad direction, shown as prolonging the situation of students dropping out a lot, working separately during class time, etc., the principal needs to calculate From math to reminders, even to change other teachers to improve the quality of teaching Cham language classes for adults.

1.3.9. Managing the process of training and fostering the team of Cham language teachers

– Based on the plan to open Cham language classes for Cham ethnic students in primary schools and the plan to open Cham script classes for adults in primary schools, based on the number of existing Cham language teachers, the Education Department Education and Training has a long-term training plan for Cham language teachers for the whole district. The training of Cham language teachers is based on the following factors:

+ Based on the team of Cham teachers who are teaching in primary schools, divide them into 2 types: Able to teach Cham characters; unable to teach Cham script. All teachers capable of teaching Cham characters have been trained to teach Cham in primary schools. The rest need to be trained so that they can participate in teaching Cham.

+ The Department of Education and Training proposes the Department of Education and Training to open a training class for Cham language teachers or to allow the Department of Education and Training to organize Cham language classes for Cham teachers.

+ When approved by the Department of Education and Training to open classes, the Department of Education and Training shall report to the District People’s Committee the plan to open Cham language classes for teachers. If the number of teachers who need to learn Cham script in the district is small, it is possible to mobilize more district and commune officials to participate in enough students in a class. This is a necessary job, the fastest way to create a source of teachers to teach Cham.

+ Every year, the Department of Education and Training appoints a Cham language teacher to attend a Cham language refresher class organized by the Department of Education and Training.

+ The training for Cham language teachers must also be regularly organized through discussions and suggestions on Cham language teaching hours, Cham language group activities, study sessions and professional activities organized by the education sector. organization education.


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Date published: 01/11/2021