Protocol To The Treaty On The Southeast Asia Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone

cooperation. This strategic partnership is non-aligned, non-military, and non-exclusive, and does not prevent the participants from developing their all-directional ties of friendship and cooperation with others.

5. We reiterate that ASEAN-China cooperation will continue to take the UN Charter, the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia, the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, and other universally recognized norms governing international relations as its guidance, and the Joint Statement of the Meeting of the Heads of State/Government of the Member States of ASEAN and the People's Republic of China in 1997 and other cooperation documents the two sides have signed in various fields as its basis.

6. We agree that ASEAN-China Strategic Partnership for Peace and Prosperity is a comprehensive and forward-looking cooperation focusing on politics, economy, social affairs, security and international and regional affairs. To this end, we agree to:

1. Political Cooperation

a. Strengthen high-level exchanges and contacts, consolidate and deepen understanding and friendship among the peoples of ASEAN and China and give fuller and more effective play to the role of dialogue and consultation mechanism at different levels.

b. Proceed from the new starting point of China's accession to the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia to further enhance mutual trust and lay a solid foundation for bilateral relations.

c. Continue consultation on China's intention to accede to the Protocol to the Treaty on the Southeast Asia Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone.

2. Economic Cooperation

a. Give full play to the respective strength of their markets and maintain the rapidly growing momentum of their economic relations and trade in order to achieve the goal of US$100 billion of two-way annual trade by 2005.

b. Speed up talks on ASEAN-China FTA, which has become a key pillar in ASEAN-China economic cooperation, so as to ensure its smooth establishment by 2010, and hereby assist ASEAN' s new members (CLMV) to effectively participate in and benefit from the ASEAN-China FTA.

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c. Deepen cooperation in key areas, such as agriculture, information and telecommunications, human resources development, two-way investment and the

Mekong River Basin development, and earnestly implement long and medium-term cooperation programmes.

d. Support each other's endeavour for economic growth and development. China undertakes to strongly support ASEAN's drive in narrowing down the development gap and to assist the new members in the exercise. To this end, China shall increase its input in the Initiative for ASEAN Integration (IAI) and support cooperation at sub- regional level, including the Brunei-Indonesia-Malaysia-Philippines East ASEAN Growth Area (BIMP-EAGA), West-East Corridor (WEC), and the Cambodia, Lao PDR, and Viet Nam Growth Triangle. ASEAN is prepared to participate in China's western region development.

3. Social Cooperation

a. Implement the consensus of the Special ASEAN-China Leaders' Meeting on SARS, which was held in April 2003, such as strengthening cooperation in the public health sector. A 10+1 special fund for health cooperation will be set up and the 10+1 Health Ministers meeting mechanism will be launched.

b. Further activate exchanges in science and technology, environment, education, and culture as well as personnel exchange, and improve cooperation mechanisms in these areas. Efforts will also be made to enhance tourism cooperation and deepen understanding and friendship between the peoples of their countries.

c. Attach importance to and strengthen youth exchanges and cooperation and establish a 10+1 Youth Ministers meeting mechanism to broaden the base for everlasting friendship.

4. Security Cooperation

a. Expedite the implementation of the Joint Statement on Cooperation in the Field of Non-Traditional Security Issues and actively expand and deepen cooperation in such areas.

b. Hold, when appropriate, ASEAN-China security-related dialogue to enhance mutual understanding and promote peace and security in the region.

c. Implement the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea, discuss and plan the way, areas and projects of follow-up actions.

5. Regional and International Cooperation

a. Cooperate on major regional and international issues for the maintenance of regional peace and stability, while maintaining the authority and central role of the

UN. Maintain close coordination and cooperation under the framework of ARF and promote its healthy development. China supports ASEAN's role as the primary driving force of the ARF and its commitment to move the overlapping stages of ARF at a pace comfortable to all.

b. Make the ASEAN Plus Three mechanism as the main channel to move forward cooperation and regional economic integration in East Asia and Asia as a whole so as to promote sustainable development and common prosperity there.

c. Further promote ACD, APEC, ASEM, FEALAC and other regional and trans- regional cooperation schemes.

d. Work for free and fair trade worldwide as well as a well-balanced development of economic globalization. China strongly supports an early WTO membership for Lao PDR and Viet Nam.

e. Respect the diversity in the Asia Pacific, particularly the differences in development path, security concern, values, culture and traditions of the countries in the region. Work jointly to create an environment of tolerance and openness for cooperation and development in the region.

g. Have a periodic review of the present Joint Declaration when necessary, taking into due consideration the dynamic development in the region and in the world. Done on the Eighth Day of October in the Year Two Thousand and Three in Bali, Indonesia.




Pursuant to the Joint Declaration of the Heads of State/Government of the Association of South East Asian Nations and the People's Republic of China on Strategic Partnership for Peace and Prosperity signed at the Seventh ASEAN-China Summit on 8 October 2003 in Bali, Indonesia, this Plan of Action is formulated to serve as the "master plan" to deepen and broaden ASEAN-China relations and cooperation in a comprehensive and mutually beneficial manner for the next five years (2005-2010) with the view to strengthening the strategic partnership for regional peace, development and prosperity and playing a proactive role to tap the opportunities and meet the challenges of the new millennium.

This Plan of Action will also support the implementation of the Declaration of ASEAN Concord II, signed in Bali on 7 October 2003, leading to an ASEAN Community.

In the light of the above, ASEAN and China will pursue the following joint actions and measures:


1.1 Regular High-level Contacts, Visits and Interactions

1.1.1 Increase regular high-level bilateral visits and interactions, improve contacts and communications, and promote dialogue on ASEAN-China cooperation and regional and international topics of common interests and concerns, among others, through strengthening existing mechanisms, establishing hotline for communications, using electronic mail for dissemination of information and correspondence, and holding informal meetings to exchange views on various issues.

1.2 Mechanisms for Dialogue and Cooperation

1.2.1 Strengthen the role of the ASEAN-China Senior Officials Consultation (SOC) in assisting the ASEAN-China Summit and the ASEAN-China Ministerial Meeting in providing guidance and strategic direction to further enhance ASEAN- China dialogue relations and cooperation;

1.2.2 Enhance the role of the ASEAN-China Joint Cooperation Committee Meeting (JCC), ASEAN-China Working Group on Development Cooperation, and the Senior Economic Officials-Ministry of Commerce of China (SEOM-MOFCOM) Consultations in monitoring, coordinating, and reviewing ASEAN-China dialogue relations, including development cooperation;

1.2.3 Improve coordination and communication among existing ASEAN-China mechanisms at various levels and sectors, including foreign affairs, economics, transport, customs, youth, and prosecutors-general to ensure timely and effective implementation of decisions and initiatives taken at the ASEAN-China Summit and other related ministerial and senior officials' meetings;

1.2.4 Explore, if and when necessary and based on mutual consensus, the need for additional mechanisms at appropriate levels in other areas of cooperation such as agriculture, public health, information technology, tourism, environment, quality supervision inspection and quarantine cooperation, public security and law enforcement cooperation; and

1.2.5 Facilitate dialogue, exchanges and cooperation between defense officials of China and ASEAN Member Countries, where appropriate.

1.3 Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia

1.3.1 Continue to promote the role of the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia as a code of conduct for inter-state relations in Southeast Asia; and

1.3.2 Cooperate to urge other ASEAN Dialogue Partners to accede to the Treaty so as to enhance regional peace and security, prosperity, and mutual confidence and trust.

1.4 Protocol to the Treaty on the Southeast Asia Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone

1.4.1 China supports ASEAN's efforts towards realizing a Southeast Asia Nuclear- Weapon Free Zone (SEANWFZ) and reaffirms its readiness to sign the Protocol to the SEANWFZ Treaty at an early opportunity; and

1.4.2 Cooperate in encouraging all the Nuclear Weapon States to sign the Protocol.

1.5 Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea

1.5.1 Implement in an effective way the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties (DOC) in the South China Sea to maintain regional stability and promote cooperation in the South China Sea;

1.5.2 Convene regular ASEAN-China Senior Officials Meeting (SOM) on the realization of the DOC to provide guidance for and review the implementation of the DOC;

1.5.3 Establish a working group to draw up the guidelines for the implementation of the DOC and to provide recommendations to the ASEAN-China SOM on policy and implementation issues;

1.5.4 Promote joint cooperation and dialogue in areas such as marine scientific research, protection of the marine environment, safety of navigation and communication at sea, search and rescue operation, humane treatment of all persons in danger or distress, fight against transnational crimes as well as cooperation among military officials;

1.5.5 Promote trust and confidence building through cooperative activities, in accordance with the principles of the Dock, in particular, those of consultations and consensus among the concerned Parties in the South China Sea, pending the peaceful settlement of the territorial and jurisdictional issues as stated in the Dock;

1.5.6 Affirm the vision of the Dock state parties to work, on the basis of consensus, on the eventual adoption of a code of conduct in the South China Sea; and

1.5.7 Adhere to the terminologies used in the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea and other instruments of the International Maritime Organization.

1.6 Cooperation in the Field of Non-traditional Security

1.6.1 Implement measures and activities agreed upon under the Joint Declaration of ASEAN and China Cooperation in the Field of Non-traditional Security Issues signed on 4 November 2002 in Phnom Penh and the ASEAN-China Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Cooperation in the Field of Non-traditional Security Issues signed on 10 January 2004 in Bangkok;

1.6.2 Jointly develop the 2005 Work Plan and subsequent annual work plans to implement the ASEAN-China MoU on Cooperation in the Field of Non-Traditional Security Issues focusing on substantive activities and projects of mutual interests;

1.6.3 Enhance cooperation in the fight against transnational crimes through existing mechanisms such as the ASEAN Senior Officials Meeting on Transnational Crime and China Consultation, ASEAN-China Cooperative Operations in Response to Dangerous Drugs (ACCORD), ASEAN Plus Three Ministerial Meeting on Transnational Crime and the ASEAN Plus Three Senior Officials Meeting on Transnational Crime;

1.6.4 Promote contacts and cooperation between law enforcement agencies and prosecution bodies on criminal justice and relevant legal systems;

1.6.5 Increase personnel exchanges, training programmers and seminars to share best practices and experiences on procedures and law enforcement for concluding bilateral and multilateral agreements on counter-terrorism, illicit drug trafficking, trafficking in persons, illegal migration, sea piracy, and international economic crimes, and to enhance competence in criminal technology, forensic sciences, immigration, road transport management, and investigation into cyber crimes;

1.6.6 Explore cooperation, where appropriate and in accordance with their national law, in intelligence-sharing, investigation and evidence-collection, arresting and escorting criminal suspects and retrieving stolen goods or money;

1.6.7 Promote Alternative Development (AD) as an effective means to prevent and eliminate illicit drugs;

1.6.8 Support joint research between experts and scholars in the field of non- traditional security issues; and

1.6.9 Initiate and support development projects that aim at eradicating poverty and socio-economic disparity and injustices as well as promoting the elevation of standard of living, in particular, of underprivileged groups and people in underdeveloped areas; as transnational crime and terrorism cannot be successfully eliminated without identifying, addressing and eradicating the root causes in order to prevent new recruits to criminal syndicates and terrorist entities.

1.7 Military Exchanges and Cooperation

1.7.1 Promote mutual confidence and trust in defense and military fields with a view to maintaining peace and stability in the region;

1.7.2 Conduct dialogues, consultations and seminars on security and defense issues;

1.7.3 Strengthen cooperation on military personnel training;

1.7.4 Consider observing each other's military exercises and explore the possibility of conducting bilateral or multilateral joint military exercises; and

1.7.5 Explore and enhance cooperation in the field of peacekeeping.


2.1 ASEAN-China Free Trade Area

2.1.1 Expedite the implementation of the ASEAN-China Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Economic Cooperation to liberalize and promote trade in goods and services and create a transparent, liberal and facilitative investment regime;

Ngày đăng: 14/11/2022

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