Evaluation of customer satisfaction for service quality at Saigon Commercial Joint Stock Bank after consolidation - 10

Firstly, the transaction attire of SCB is currently not synchronized. The current uniform is the uniform of all three banks before the consolidation and the uniform is too old.

This makes customers feel that the bank’s transaction activities are unprofessional, unattractive and confusing for customers when transacting. In the coming time, SCB should soon have a uniform uniform throughout the system to enhance customers’ perception of the bank’s professionalism as well as create a distinctive and differentiating feature from other banks for customers to recognize. SCB, do not confuse SCB with some other banks.

Secondly, upgrading facilities, repairing old degraded transaction places to create eye-catching, 1

Secondly, upgrading facilities, repairing old degraded transaction places to create eye-catching, clean, cool, professional and polite appearance. Carrying out the relocation of transaction locations in unfavorable locations, obstructed vision, transaction points too close to each other, causing internal competition, overlapping in marketing and attracting customers.

Third, due to the merger of three banks, the facades promoting the brand of the transaction places are not uniform in style and color, so there is a need for a change in the external design of the bank and the bank. Synchronize the facade at transaction points to help customers easily identify SCB’s brand (logo, sign, nameplate, placard, …) because nowadays customers often confuse SCB with Sacombank and Saigonbank.

Conclusion of chapter 3

Chapter 3 presents the development orientation as well as the operation content and the orientation to improve the service quality of SCB. At the same time, the study makes recommendations to the Government and the State Bank. Based on the research results on the contribution of the components Reliability, Responsiveness, Service Capacity, Empathy, and Tangibles along with the current status of SCB’s products and services, the study gives solutions to improve customer satisfaction with SCB’s service quality. Accordingly, SCB should focus on improving five service quality components according to the level of impact from high to low: Empathy, Responsiveness, Tangibles, Reliability and Service Capacity. Thereby creating loyalty, attachment and long-term attachment of customers, contributing to improving the competitiveness, position and brand of SCB; increase market share, revenue, profit and operational efficiency towards the goal of stable and sustainable development in the future.


This study presented the theoretical basis for service quality as well as customer satisfaction. From the theoretical basis, it is shown that service quality is decisive and directly affects customer satisfaction. The study also states some service quality measurement models and some previous studies on service quality components in the banking sector. From there, choosing SERVPERF model is a suitable model to survey and analyze the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction for Saigon Commercial Joint Stock Bank after the consolidation. This relationship was surveyed with 234 customers transacting at SCB in Ho Chi Minh City. Research results show that SCB’s service quality scale consists of five components Reliability, Responsiveness, Service Capacity, Empathy and Tangible Means with 28 variables retained after removing 6 variables. According to the research results, the above five components are positively correlated with customer satisfaction. Based on the research results and the current situation of SCB’s products and services analyzed in Chapter 2, a number of recommendations for the Government, the State Bank and solutions for SCB to improve the quality of SCB’s services have been made. given.

Research results show that Empathy has the strongest impact, followed by Tangible Means, Reliability, and finally Service Capacity. In the short term, SCB needs to focus on these components according to their level of impact. However, because the survey was only conducted in Ho Chi Minh City with a limited sample size, the research results are not representative of the entire SCB system, plus the characteristics of banking products and services are very different. easy to be copied, banks will have similar products and services, so in order to develop service quality in a long-term and sustainable direction, SCB needs to pay special attention to service capacity – this is the key the main distinguishing factor and difference between SCB and other banks.

Limitations and follow-up studies

This study has some limitations. First, the survey sample is not representative because it has only been surveyed in Ho Chi Minh City with a sample size of 234. The ability to generalize the results of the study will be higher if it is conducted with a large scale. large scale in other cities in the country and expand the survey sample size to get more accurate and objective results. This is a direction for further research. Second, the study only considers the impact of service quality on customer satisfaction. There can be many other factors contributing to the explanation of customer satisfaction such as technical quality, functional quality, corporate image, bank marketing, etc. This issue provides a direction. more for further research. In addition, conducting customer loyalty research for SCB is also another direction for further research.



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ComponentsService Quality Attributes
Tangible MediaCurrent equipment Grand
 ‘s facilities Spacious and comfortable company
 Staff have pages clothing (special for businesses)
 Attached Documents in full service operation
ReliabilityProvide the right service as promised
 Provide the right service at the time when the company commits
 Do the right service from the very first time
 Care about solving problems faced by customers
 Accurate in recording Copy
ResponsivenessAccurate communication with the customer when the service will be performed
 Provide service to customers quickly
 Staff is always available please help customers
 Ready to meet love customer demand
Service capabilitiesBank’s reputation goods in service capacity
 Employees create things trust with customers
 Safety in delivery Translate
 Polite and courteous staff nice
 Knowledgeable staff expertise to answer guest inquiries
EmpatheticThere are programs Show interest in customers
 Each employee can Show interest in customers
 Staff attentive customer’s (special) concerns
 Employees understand their needs customer’s special request
 There is trading time Convenience for customers
 Has branch network widespread
 There is a network of dispensers Convenient ATM automatic money

Maybe you are interested!

“Source: Le Van Huy, Pham Thanh Thao, 2008”



Hello Brothers/Sisters,

I am a graduate student of Course 20 – University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City. I am currently working on a graduation thesis with the topic “Evaluating customer satisfaction with service quality at Saigon Commercial Joint Stock Bank after consolidation”. I hope you will spend a little of your valuable time to discuss with me about the factors and components to measure service quality. The information provided from you will help me a lot in completing this thesis.

Some questions

– In your opinion, is the quality of banking services assessed by the 5 components in the following table appropriate or not?

– Are the elements in each component appropriate? Are there any factors that need to be adjusted accordingly? What factors need to be removed as well as added to better evaluate the quality of banking services?

– Can the service quality of SCB be assessed by these 5 components? If not, is there any difference?

– Out of the five ingredients, which one is the most important? Why? (Table 1)

Which of the components is the most important? Why? (Table 2)

– Which service of SCB is the most developed? What services of SCB need to develop?

– What contents need to be focused and improved to improve the service quality of SCB?

Point ladder:

doesn’t matter
Doesn’t matter
NormalImportantVery important

Table 1:

FORT PARTfirst2345
NS trust
NS response
Power service force
NS empathetic     
Direction tangible convenience     

Table 2:

1. Reliability (Reliability): can
presently service availability
give suitable customers, timely
time, on time, exactly
and reliable
Bow service delivery as promised.     
 Bow provide the right service at the right time
point committed.
 Real show the right service at the right time
head first.
 Mandarin problem solving
but customers encounter.
 Main accurate in the record.     
2. Responsiveness
(Responsiveness): ready
help help customers and provide
grant service in a timely manner,
correct time, quickly.
Pine accurately report to customers
row when is the service performed
 Bow provide service to customers
fast fast.
 Core staff are always willing to help
guest row.
 Ready ready to meet the requirements of
guest row.
3. Service capacity
(Assurance): professional qualification
subject, service style, count
specializing in career, manners
NS, the hospitality of the staff
dress customer service.
Name the language of the bank in
ability service capacity.
 Guest customers feel safe when
deliver Translate.
 Core staff is always welcoming, polite,
elegant meek.
 Core staff with full knowledge
specializing in subject to answer questions of
guest row.
4. Empathy (Empathy): the
Mandarin mind, pay attention to hope
would like of customers like
guest What do customers care about,
would like what’s in the bank.
Echo goods with care policy
guest row.
 Core members always show concern
heart to customers.
 Core The staff pays attention to the (special) concerns of the customer.     
 Core staff always understand the delivery needs
Translate of customers.

 When Have questions and suggestions, Mr/Ms
Okay SCB warmly received and
pay thoughtful words.
 Yes Convenient transaction time.     
 Yes wide trading network.     
5. Tangible media
(Tangibles): facilities
good current page, equipment
.’s work clothes core members, and communication materials
pine make customers feel secure,
believe thought.
Page modern equipments.     
 Muscle spacious and convenient facilities
 Core SCB members have special costumes
enemy, polite and tidy.
 Finance complete communication material, concise
Date published: 01/11/2021

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