Hello Customers,
First of all, I would like to send my best wishes to you. I am a graduate student of Course 20 – University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City. I am currently doing a graduate thesis with the content of researching customer satisfaction with service quality at Saigon Commercial Joint Stock Bank (SCB) after the merger. Please take a moment to answer the questionnaire below. We look forward to receiving your enthusiastic cooperation.
40 – 55 > 1 class= lazyload > I. General Information: – Gender: Female Male 1" class="lazyload"> 25 – 40 > 40 – 55 > 1" class="lazyload">
I. General Information:
– Gender: Female Male
– Age: 18 – 25 > 25 – 40
> 40 – 55 > 55
– You have a transaction relationship with SCB as:
Personal Business
– Your transaction time with SCB
□ < 6 months > 18-24 months
□ 6-12 months □ >24 months
>12-18 months
– How many banks do you deal with?
1-2 banks 7-8 banks
□ 3-4 banks > 8 banks
□ 5-6 banks
– Your monthly income
□ < 6 million dong □ > 9 – 24 million dong
□ 6–9 million dong > 24 million dong
– Your education level
□ High School College
□ Intermediate, College Postgraduate
– Your occupation
□ State officials and employees
□ Employees of limited companies, CPs, joint ventures…
□ Trading, small business
□ Professional occupation (doctor, lawyer, banker, …)
□ Private business owner
□ Workers Teachers Housewives
□ Student □ Retired □ Other profession…………..
II. Services of SCB:
Which of the following services have you used/are using SCB’s services? (can choose multiple products/services)
Service | No good | Bottle often | Pretty good | Good | Very good |
Savings deposit, money term sending | |||||
Payment deposit | |||||
Loan | |||||
Gold-foreign currency trading | |||||
Issuance of documents price | |||||
Money deposit domestic | |||||
National money transfer service economy | |||||
Billing service single | |||||
Treasury Services | |||||
Investment | |||||
Factoring | |||||
Guarantee | |||||
International payments | |||||
ATM card | |||||
Power banking service death of Ebanking | |||||
Other (please write clear)………….. ……………………. |
Maybe you are interested!
Evaluation Of Customer Satisfaction With Service Quality At Saigon Commercial Joint Stock Bank After Consolidation
Solution Group To Improve Customer Satisfaction
Evaluation of customer satisfaction for service quality at Saigon Commercial Joint Stock Bank after consolidation - 10
Evaluation of customer satisfaction for service quality at Saigon Commercial Joint Stock Bank after consolidation - 12
Evaluation of customer satisfaction for service quality at Saigon Commercial Joint Stock Bank after consolidation - 13
Evaluation of customer satisfaction for service quality at Saigon Commercial Joint Stock Bank after consolidation - 14
III. Evaluation of service quality at branches, transaction offices, savings funds at SCB
Please put an x in the appropriate box:
Point ladder:
Not good | Normal | Pretty good | Good | Very good |
first | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
STT | INGREDIENT | Before the merge | After the merge | ||||||||
first | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | first | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
first | SCB provide the same service as Orange conclude | ||||||||||
2 | SCB good security of information of guest row | ||||||||||
3 | Deliver the service at SCB is safe and always receive protection from SCB | ||||||||||
4 | SCB interested in solving problems, Satisfactory customer complaints | ||||||||||
5 | SCB implement and solve deliver translated on time promise with customers | ||||||||||
6 | Time Fast transaction processing time |
7 | Products SCB’s products and services respond application most customer needs row | ||||||||||
8 | Lake simple transaction procedures simple, clear, easy to understand, convenient | ||||||||||
9 | SCB have a suitable working time fit, convenient | ||||||||||
ten | SCB apply competitive interest rates painting | ||||||||||
11 | SCB have a suitable transaction fee fit | ||||||||||
twelfth | Yes documents, information on the site web complete, professional, guest goods easy to learn NS services of SCB | ||||||||||
13 | Core SCB members are always available answer meet customer requirements | ||||||||||
14 | Core SCB staff guide custom complete and easy to understand | ||||||||||
15 | Core SCB members consult carefully product products and services to help customers row product selection Translate service that meets the requirements |
16 | Core SCB staff have enough knowledge specializing in subject to answer the questions ask of cutomer | ||||||||||
17 | Core SCB members carry out the delivery Translate Accurate, less error | ||||||||||
18 | Core SCB staff are always polite and elegant polite, friendly attitude and care about customers | ||||||||||
19 | Core SCB members are always available help help, serve customers | ||||||||||
20 | Core SCB members are always attentive and take know your own interests Customer’s difference | ||||||||||
21 | SCB staff perform and deal with transactions quickly and in a timely manner |
22 | Core SCB members understand the needs special customer’s distinction | ||||||||||
23 | SCB often have main book customer care | ||||||||||
24 | SCB consultation and satisfactory answer worth questions, complaints of the client | ||||||||||
25 | Core SCB members never express out too busy not to reply application Customer requirements | ||||||||||
26 | Core SCB members always serve labour equal to all customers | ||||||||||
27 | SCB receive and acknowledge comments close customer contribution |
28 | Paper designed sheets, forms clear clear, simple, easy to understand | ||||||||||
29 | SCB have a trading network wide everywhere and easy to contact | ||||||||||
30 | SCB have a technological system pine modern news | ||||||||||
thirty first | Way decorate rooms, counters deliver Reasonable translation, easy customer take know | ||||||||||
32 | Set SCB’s external design catches eye, attract sight | ||||||||||
33 | Core members with beautiful costumes, calendar NS | ||||||||||
34 | Muscle facilities, amenities (newspapers, water drinks, confectionery, …) service good |
IV. Satisfaction level after SCB consolidation (please mark x in the appropriate box)
Customer satisfaction about service quality at SCB for each component
Level reliability of SCB as how? | Not yet obtain | Middle jar | Obtain | Good | Very good |
SCB meet the needs bridge of customers like position any? | Not yet obtain | Middle jar | Obtain | Good | Very good |
Power service force of SCB how? | Not yet obtain | Middle jar | Obtain | Good | Very good |
SCB sympathize with guest such goods any? | Not yet obtain | Middle jar | Obtain | Good | Very good |
Direction tangible convenience of the How is SCB? | Not yet obtain | Middle jar | Obtain | Good | Very good |
How does SCB meet your needs?
Not yet obtain | central jar | Obtain | Good | Very good |
SCB is your first choice
Complete all are not agree | Are not agree | Jar often | Copper idea | Complete all copper idea |
Do you continue to transact with SCB?
Are not continue | Almost like no | Are not know | Are not sure | Sure sure |
Would you recommend SCB services to others?
Sure sure are not | Almost like no | Are not know | Are not sure | Sure sure |
In short, what is the level of customer satisfaction?
Complete all are not satisfied satisfied | Are not satisfy | Jar often | Satisfied satisfied | Complete all satisfied satisfied |
V. Customer opinions to improve service quality
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Thank you for your enthusiastic review!
Ingredient | Encode | Service properties | |
Before the merge | After the merge | ||
TRUST | TC1 | TC1S | SCB Provide the service as promised |
TC2 | TC2S | SCB Good security of customer information | |
TC3 | TC3S | Deliver Transactions at SCB are safe and always receive protection guard from SCB | |
TC4 | TC4S | SCB interested in solving questions and complaints of guest satisfactory goods | |
TC5 | TC5S | SCB execute and settle the transaction properly time The term promised to the customer | |
TC6 | TC6S | Time Fast transaction processing time | |
RESPONSE | DU7 | DU7S | Products SCB’s products and services meet most needs of the client |
DU8 | DU8S | Lake simple, clear, easy to understand transaction procedures, favorable convenient | |
DU9 | DU9S | SCB have a suitable and convenient working time | |
DU10 | DU10S | SCB Competitive interest rates apply | |
DU11 | DU11S | SCB have a suitable transaction fee | |
DU12 | DU12S | Yes documents, information on the website is complete, specialized Karma, customers easily learn the services of the SCB | |
DU13 | DU13S | Core SCB members are always ready to meet the requirements of guest row | |
DU14 | DU14S | Core SCB staff guide the procedure completely and easy to understand | |
DU15 | DU15S | Core SCB staff consult carefully about products and services help Customers can choose products and services edema in accordance with the request | |
SERVICE CAPABILITIES | NL16 | NL16S | Core SCB staff have enough professional knowledge to pay word customer questions |
NL17 | NL17S | Core SCB members perform transactions correctly, with few errors missing | |
NL18 | NL18S | Core SCB employees are always polite and courteous, with an attitude Dear Friendly and attentive to customers | |
NL19 | NL19S | Core SCB staff are always ready to help and serve customers | |
NL20 | NL20S | Core SCB staff always pay attention and recognize the Mandarin customer’s other distinct mind | |
NL21 | NL21S | Core SCB members execute and settle transactions fast quick, timely | |
EMPATHETIC | DC22 | DC22S | Core SCB staff understand the special needs of customers row |
DC23 | DC23S | SCB regular customer care policy row | |
DC24 | DC24S | SCB consulting and satisfactorily answering questions, complaint customer complaints | |
DC25 | DC25S | Core SCB staff never seem too busy to are not meet customer requirements | |
DC26 | DC26S | Core SCB members always serve fairly with all guest row | |
DC27 | DC27S | SCB receive and record guest comments row | |
TANGIBLE MEDIA | PT28 | PT28S | Paper sheets and forms are designed to be clear and simple, easy understand |
PT29 | PT29S | SCB has a wide and convenient transaction network generation | |
PT30 | PT30S | SCB modern information technology system | |
PT31 | PT31S | Way arrange reasonable rooms and counters, guest recognizable goods | |
PT32 | PT32S | Set SCB’s exterior design is eye-catching, attracting attention look | |
PT33 | PT33S | Core members have nice clothes, polite | |
PT34 | PT34S | Muscle facilities, amenities (newspapers, drinking water, confectionery, …) good service |
Description of the survey form:
. | . | Frequency | Percent | Valid Percent | Cumulative Percent |
Valid | Female Male Total | 129 105 234 | 55.1 44.9 100.0 | 55.1 44.9 100.0 | 55.1 100.0 |
. | . | Frequency | Percent | Valid Percent | Cumulative Percent |
Valid | 18 – 25 >25 – 4 >40 – 5 >55 Total | 41 99 sixty one 33 234 | 17.5 42.3 26.1 14.1 100.0 | 17.5 42.3 26.1 14.1 100.0 | 17.5 59.8 85.9 100.0 |
. | . | Frequency | Percent | Valid Percent | Cumulative Percent |
Valid | < 6 trieu dong 6-9 trieu dong > 9-24 trieu dong >24 trieu dong Total | 26 56 82 70 234 | 11.1 23.9 35.0 29.9 100.0 | 11.1 23.9 35.0 29.9 100.0 | 11.1 35.0 70.1 100.0 |
. | . | Frequency | Percent | Valid Percent | Cumulative Percent |
Valid | Individual Enterprise Total | 179 55 234 | 76.5 23.5 100.0 | 76.5 23.5 100.0 | 76.5 100.0 |
. | . | Frequency | Percent | Valid Percent | Cumulative Percent |
Valid | < 6 months 6-12 months >12-18 months >18-24 months >24 months Total | 26 54 55 23 76 234 | 11.1 23.1 23.5 9.8 32.5 100.0 | 11.1 23.1 23.5 9.8 32.5 100.0 | 11.1 34.2 57.7 67.5 100.0 |