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Chymotrypsin is a proteolytic enzyme obtained by the activation of chymotrypsinogen extracted from the pancreas of beef (1). | |
Evaluation | Martindale, a comprehensive drug reference which adheres to evidence-based medicine, has described chymotrypsin to be used by practitioners, orally or topically, for its ‘supposed action in reducing soft-tissue inflammation and oedema associated with surgery or traumatic injuries, and in patients suffering from upper respiratory- tract disorders’ (1). Review of the websites of the major drug regulatory agencies revealed that oral or topical preparation of chymotrypsin is not registered for the above-mentioned indications in the United States (2), Canada (3), Australia (4), United Kingdom (5), and Europe (6). Marketing of several single-ingredient and multi-ingredient preparations of chymotrypsin have been discontinued in many countries, including Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom(1). Review of Pubmed revealed no randomized controlled clinical studies supporting the use of chymotrypsin for reducing soft-tissue inflammation associated with surgery or traumatic injury or for upper respiratory-tract disorder(7). |
References | 1. Martindale. The complete drug reference in www.medicinescomplete.com 2. www.fda.gov US Food and Drug Administration 3. www.hc-gc.ca Health Canada 4. www.tga.gov.au Australia Therapeutic Goods Administration 5. www.mhra.gov.uk UK Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency 6. www.emea.eu.int European Medicines Agency 7. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov US National Library of Medicine |
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Isidro C Sia Consultant
3 January 2005