Investigate The Necessity And Feasibility Of Measures

Regularly check and evaluate the activities of the Recruitment and Employment Support Center to make appropriate and timely adjustments.

Develop a process of testing and evaluating career guidance and job counseling for students in the following 3 stages:

The initial stage includes: Collecting results of activities in two directions: Quantitative results (summary of data) of career guidance, job counseling, measurement of results with the initial status of activities. Qualitative results: Assessment of counselors, lecturers, and students about the change in awareness or action through each career guidance and job counseling activity.

+ Implementation phase: Analyze and evaluate the results according to the actual situation, the 1

+ Implementation phase: Analyze and evaluate the results according to the actual situation, the nature of the problem, the consulting incident; Stick to the inspection and evaluation criteria; Find out the cause of the existence, it is difficult to take appropriate corrective measures.

+ Closing phase: Agree with the forces on the results of activities, deploy and implement the next plan.

– Regularly organize seminars, summarize and draw lessons learned about job counseling for students, and conduct small surveys with students’ own feedback on how counseling works. , the content of career counseling and the team of consultants implemented.

– Regularly write reports on job counseling activities for students after every month, every quarter and after each conference, career seminar or after finishing soft skills and vocational skills classes. for students, especially final year students of the school.

– The Center for Admissions and Employment Support of the College of Statistics is responsible for collecting information about the results of consulting activities from many sources and by different methods, but must ensure reliability and accuracy. high.

– The Student Affairs Department advises the school leaders to set standards for each counseling activity, assessment and examination methods so that all school members can understand and build an effective evaluation framework. The management of teaching and learning activities in accordance with the school’s conditions, can build an evaluation framework according to the following suggestions:

Criterion 1: Make a plan to organize teaching and learning activities for students

+ The suitability of the plan of activities for teaching and learning physics for students is consistent with the reality of the College of Engineering (objectives, practical resources of the school: management staff, teachers, CV, facilities, finance). ..) and labor demand of Bac Ninh province.

+ Synchronization of academic and physical education activities for students of the University.

+ Feasibility of the plan of HN & physical training activities for students at the College of Statistics.

In addition, the plan must detail the implementation time and must be notified to each staff member, teacher, employee and student for serious implementation. The Student Affairs Department advises the school’s management board on the work of teaching and learning and at the same time advises officials, teachers, and staff involved in the consulting work on methods, forms and content of counseling. Doing well in collecting information about the needs of the labor market of Bac Ninh province, forecasting human resources is a very important job in career counseling for students.

Criterion 2. Organize and direct the implementation of the plan of activities of physical education and training for students

+ The suitability for the purpose of teaching and learning physics for students at the Technical College.

+ The rationality, scientificity, and updating of contents, methods and forms of counseling for students at GSO.

+ The suitability and flexibility of the methods of organizing and directing the implementation of physical teaching and learning activities for each student when participating in physical training and teaching.

+ Organizing and directing the implementation of physical education and training activities must be selective to suit the needs of physical education and training, with students’ capacity so that they can access favorable conditions in career orientation. Karma. Contents of teaching and learning activities must show practicality, according to psychological characteristics of students, according to school conditions and in accordance with methods and forms of counseling.

Physical education and teaching activities can be held in many places, many activities take place outside the classroom, outside the school, through experiential activities.

The school needs to take measures to help the counselors self-improve their professional skills and improve their knowledge of physics and physics. Strengthening the inspection of the implementation of teaching and learning activities for students. The school encourages creativity in the implementation of consultants in order to achieve high efficiency in the work of teaching and learning.

Criterion 3. Examination and assessment of teaching and learning activities for students

The final product of the teaching and learning activities for students is:

+ The change in awareness, attitude, behavior and needs of students about career orientation, their own learning goals.

+ Implementation progress, time of implementation, methods and forms of implementation of physical activities and experiments (by taking polls).

Scores can be calculated as follows:

Table 3.1 Framework of criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of teaching and learning activities for students

(10 points)
(20 points)
(30 points)
(40 points)
Pepper sol 1
Pepper solstice 2
Pepper sol 3
Total Score

Maybe you are interested!

According to the table above, the maximum total score is 100 points. Effective management of academic and physical education activities for students at the following levels:

+ Failed: total score < 50% of the criteria

+ Pass: 50% – 60% achieve average; over 65% get good grade

+ Good: get over 80% of the total score of the criteria

– Department of Student Affairs, based on the above criteria, conducts an overall examination and evaluation of activities. The development of criteria should be flexible, not rigid, creating a heavy and uncomfortable mentality for officials and experts when implementing.

– In the process of developing test criteria, the evaluation needs to know how to choose the test method and form suitable for the set criteria.. When testing, pay attention to apply test methods such as research. , analysis of collected documents, observations, questionnaires, etc. Based on the test criteria and test content, it is possible to combine many forms and methods of testing to be fully complete, with reliable results. trust.

Building a database on specific career guidance and job counseling activities: Data on the employment situation of students after graduation every year; data of students participating in career guidance and job counseling activities; data of students participating in a refresher course in soft skills classes, collecting students’ feedback after completing activities as a basis for evaluating performance and adjusting next activities accordingly .

– Applying information technology in the examination and evaluation of career guidance and job counseling activities annually through information software on career guidance and job counseling. Conditions for taking measures

– In addition to fostering management staff, teachers, and CVs mentioned in measure 3, it is necessary to pay attention to the arrangement of appropriate human resources to meet the task of synthesizing and statistically monitoring the results of the table above.

– Develop IT infrastructure to be able to apply IT in teaching and learning activities for students. – Staff of the Center for Admissions and Employment Support must be able to use IT in the management of academic and physical training activities.

– The system of evaluation criteria must be built scientifically.

– Must pay attention to post-inspection work, use inspection and evaluation information to adjust operations more effectively…

3.3. The relationship between measures

On the basis of the principles of proposed measures, in order to manage the activities of chemical research and development, the above measures have a close relationship with each other towards the common goal of: Improving the quality and efficiency of operations. HN & Physics, managing the HN & VL activities for students at the College of Statistics.

Measure 1 “Planning the activities of physical training and teaching physics for students of the College of Statistics in association with the needs of human resource development” is to concretize the planning function in the management of laboratory and physics activities, apply in planning practice in order to overcome and solve the inadequacies discovered in the process of studying the actual performance of this function. Measure 1 plans the management content of the elements of the teaching and learning activities for students, is the first activity of the management cycle, and is the basis of subsequent activities.

Measure 2 “Directing the implementation of physical teaching and learning activities for students” is to concretize the directing function in the management of physical teaching and learning activities, in order to enhance the effectiveness of the teaching and learning activities by diversifying contents, methods and forms of consulting, attracting a large number of students to participate in the teaching and learning activities, this is the next process of the management cycle, in order to realize the objectives and contents mentioned in the measures. first.

Measure 3 “Organize training for school management staff, teachers, and school CVs on career guidance and job counseling” with the aim of solving problems regarding the quality of management staff, teachers, and CVs. participate in HN & TVVL activities. The content of the measure includes fostering on the role of teaching and learning and teaching and learning skills for students. Solution 3 has a complementary role to solution 2 to improve the efficiency of the human resources apparatus involved in the teaching and learning activities and managing the teaching and learning activities for students.

Measure 4 “Establish relationships with enterprises in physical training and teaching materials for students” to improve the effectiveness of physical training and teaching activities for students. This measure has a complementary role to measures 1 and 2 in developing plans and directing the implementation of content and plans for teaching and learning materials for students.

Measure 5 “Innovation, testing and evaluation of physical teaching and learning activities for students” proposes to direct the renewal of methods and forms of inspection and assessment of the quality of teaching and learning activities for students, building a framework for evaluating effectiveness. effectiveness of physical training and teaching activities for students by providing criteria for testing and evaluating the effectiveness of physical training and teaching activities to serve as a basis for the implementation of measures 1. The role of testing and evaluation is both for effective management and for effective management. the effectiveness of the laboratory and physical training activities and at the same time provide feedback to serve as a basis to adjust both the process of chemical engineering and laboratory operations and the management process of the chemical engineering and laboratory operations in the direction of the highest efficiency. Measure 5 is the final stage of the management cycle.

Each method has certain advantages and limitations, no one is optimal. Therefore, in the process of managing career guidance and job counseling activities for students, the University must flexibly implement the above measures.

According to the analysis results, each measure has a certain position, importance and scope of impact on the management of career guidance and job counseling for students. Each measure is a component of a unified whole, organically related to each other to promote efficiency and quality. If they stand alone, they will be limited and cannot maximize their effectiveness.

3.4. Investigate the necessity and feasibility of measures

To determine the reasonableness, necessity and feasibility of the measures. The author has collected opinions from 118 school administrators, lecturers and experts, collected 118 votes. Each Measure is evaluated at three levels:

– Necessity: Very necessary; Necessary, needs; Less necessary

– Feasibility: Very feasible; Feasibility; Less feasible The results obtained are shown in the following tables 3.2 and 3.3:

Table 3.2. Summarize survey on the necessity of management measures

TTName of the measureNecessary level     
  Very necessary Necessary, needs Less necessary 
firstMeasures dharma 110084.7ten8.586.8
2Measures dharma 29580.51512.786.8
3Measures dharma 310589.0ten8.532.5
4Measures dharma 410084.71512.732.5
5Measures dharma 59580.5ten8.51311.0

Table 3.3. Summary survey of the feasibility of management measures

TTName of the measureNecessary level     
  Very necessary Necessary, needs Less necessary 
firstMeasures dharma 111093.254.232.5
2Measures dharma 210084.7ten8.586.8
3Measures dharma 39580.51311.0ten8.5
4Measures dharma 49076.31512.71311.0
5Measures dharma 510084.71512.732.5

Through the survey results in Tables 3.2 and 3.3, it shows that 5 measures are assessed as necessary and highly feasible, specifically:

Measure 1: “Planning activities of physical training and teaching physics for students of the College of Statistics in association with the needs of human resource development”

84.7% rated it as very necessary and 93.2% said it was very feasible, the majority of administrators, teachers, and school experts rated this as a very feasible measure in improving the effectiveness of school management. Managing the activities of Hanoi and teaching physics for students.

Measure 2 “Directing the implementation of vocational training and teaching physics for students” and Measure 5 “Innovating the examination and evaluation of career guidance activities and job counseling for students” are both highly essential with 80, 5% opinion and very feasible with 84.7% opinion, management staff, teachers, CVs all think that the implementation of this solution brings high efficiency in the management of teaching and learning activities for students, overcoming limitations in teaching and learning physics for students of the school today.

Measure 3 “Organize training for management staff, teachers, and school CVs on career guidance and job counseling” received 89% of the reviews as very necessary and 80.5% of the opinions were very feasible. , which proves that capacity building for management staff, teachers, and CVs participating in teaching and learning activities needs to be cared for and fostered. Especially in the face of human needs. At present, it is even more necessary to organize training courses for managers, teachers, and CVs to participate in teaching and learning activities to help them update new issues, have knowledge, skills and capacity to carry out experiments. & effective TVVL.

Measure 4 “Establishing relationships with enterprises in Hanoi and physical education for students” with 84.7% of opinions is very necessary, 76.3% is very feasible. However, there are still 2.5% less necessary and 11% less feasible. Establishing relationships with businesses helps students access real work, human resource needs, thereby determining learning goals.

In summary: All measures to manage career guidance and job counseling for students are highly feasible, they are unified and synchronous with each other.

Date published: 01/11/2021

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