Actual Situation Of Implementing Methods And Forms Of Career Counseling For Students At The  College Of Statistics

Job counseling activities for students:

Regarding the level of implementation and the results of implementing the content of job counseling activities for students, management staff, teachers, CVs and students have similar evaluations. The school did a good job in making statistics on the employment situation of students every year and “Advising and equipping students with some job-seeking skills” at rank 1. However, the content “Organizing seminars, seminars with business units, agencies, organizations and individuals recruiting workers” and the content “Participating in exchanges, conferences, job fairs” has not been performed well. This reflects one of the shortcomings and limitations in the current career guidance and job counseling work of the University, which is the connection with employers. We have too little relationship with employers to be able to introduce them to the excellent students of the University, most of them after graduation, students have to find jobs by themselves, some students cannot find jobs. jobs that are suitable for training occupations are contrary to the industry, self-employment, so the employment survey rate of university students is not as high as expected.

Thus, the activities of teaching and learning physics for students have been paid attention to, but 1

Thus, the activities of teaching and learning physics for students have been paid attention to, but objectively, the activities have not been comprehensive, have not been widely deployed for students, and are done most at the beginning of the year. study with consulting activities on training professions, the coordination with recruitment units in the career guidance process is ineffective. Through discussions with some students, most of the students responded that they rarely participate in career-oriented programs. Currently, there is only one job fair program for students every year, which is quite small. Besides, students are less likely to contact, learn, and actually visit the recruitment units for their study. Actual situation of implementing methods and forms of career counseling for students at the College of Statistics

Assessing the implementation of methods and forms of career counseling for students at the College of Statistics, the author surveyed students by question number 5 (Appendix 1), investigated managers, teachers, and CVs with questions no. 6 (Appendix 2), the results are as follows:

Table 2.6. Evaluation of the survey subjects on the implementation of methods and forms of career counseling for students at the College of Science and Technology

First Private personal consultation 2.74 3 2.65 3 3.51 3 3.44 3 2 Private Direct consultation at 2

firstPrivate personal consultation2.7432.6533.5133.443
2Private Direct consultation at office
room Recruitment Center
born and job introduction
do school
3Private telephone consultation, e
– mail
4Private query page
Facebook of center
5Private through activities
dynamic enrollment, welcome
next students, activities
main key value
6Direction other form (please
tell clear if any)……..

Maybe you are interested!


The table of survey results 2.6 shows the diversity of methods and forms of carrying out the teaching and learning activities for students, the 05 methods given by the author in the survey form are methods and forms that staff The consulting set does not have any other methods, but the implementation level and results of the methods and methods are still not good. Most of the methods and forms mentioned by the author are most of the management staff, teachers, CVs and students selected for evaluation at the level of implementation and performance results. However, it can be seen that the methods and forms of conducting career guidance and job counseling activities for students of the University are still quite monotonous, just stopping at the popular and popular methods. Some intensive methods are used in psychological counseling such as: group counseling is not used, due to the lack of human resources in charge of career guidance and job counseling. It is stated that in the management of career guidance and job counseling activities, it is necessary to strengthen the content, methods and forms of counseling to be diverse and rich and widely deployed to students.

2.4. The reality of managing career guidance and job counseling for students at the College of Statistics

2.4.1. The current situation of developing career guidance plans and job counseling for students

To find out the reality of developing career guidance and job counseling for students at the College of Statistics, the author surveyed students with question 6 (Appendix 1) and managers, teachers, and CVs with questions. question number 7 (Appendix 2). The results of data processing are as follows:

Table 2.7. Evaluation of managers, teachers, and CVs on career planning and job counseling for students

STTContentPerformance level   mediumThe level
firstIdentify real goals show
career guidance activities, private
Specific and clear employment issues.
2Determine the time perform
career guidance activities, private
employment by month, quarter.
3Resource allocation (con
person, material, financial) real
show plan.
4Expected outcome plan
need to be achieved.
5Check execute the plan
career guidance activities plan,
employment counseling.

With the above content, the author conducted a survey with students to obtain the following results:

Chart 2.4. Student’s assessment of career planning and job counseling Comment: According to the 3

Chart 2.4. Student’s assessment of career planning and job counseling


According to the survey results, we see that: The implementation of career planning and job counseling for students is done at a good level. In particular, the content “Checking and evaluating the implementation of the plan of career guidance and job counseling” and the content “Determining the time to carry out vocational guidance and job counseling activities on a monthly or quarterly basis” present to a lesser extent. The reason is that the inspection by school leaders and functional managers for the plans is still not thorough, leading to low formality in planning, creativity and innovation in plans. .

Talking to Mr. NNT – the school’s principal, he said: “In order to manage career guidance and job counseling activities, the first task is to develop a plan, but the school mainly focuses on planning. the school’s general plan. The inspection and evaluation work is still not close.”

2.4.2. Actual situation of organizing the implementation of career guidance and job counseling activities for students

The organization and implementation of planning for career guidance and job counseling activities is the organization, arrangement and arrangement of appropriate personnel and jobs to ensure effective career guidance and job counseling activities. fruit. Surveying opinions of managers, teachers, and CVs on the implementation of career guidance and job counseling activities, the author obtained the following results in Table 2.8:

Table 2.8. Evaluation of managers, teachers, and CVs on organizing the implementation of career guidance and job counseling for students

STTContentPerformance level   mediumThe level
firstOrganize research needs begging
career guidance, job counseling
made by students of the school
2content diversification, method
legislation and implementation.
3Assign sub-staff blame
perform directional activity
career counseling.
4Clear regulations ability,
duties, powers, responsibilities
responsibilities of departments and
members participating in the work
career guidance and job counseling
do for students.
5Create a relationship coordination
between forces, agencies
employer with
school at work
career guidance and job counseling
do for SV.
6Organization of skill training force
for officials, lecturers,
specialist in implementation
career guidance and counseling duties
job counseling for students.
7Build a profile price SV
(professional capacity profile
students) to give advice
most useful

With the above content, the author surveyed students’ opinions and obtained the results in the following chart:

Chart 2.5. Student’s assessment of the organization for the implementation of career guidance and 4

Chart 2.5. Student’s assessment of the organization for the implementation of career guidance and job counseling plans


The survey results show that the school’s career guidance and job counseling is still quite monotonous in terms of content and form of implementation, some activities have not been widely deployed such as business connection, visit to find out the reality of the recruitment unit, the organization to find out the needs of participating in career guidance, job counseling of students of the school and building a student assessment profile (student professional competency profile) to give the most useful advice has not been done well. That is also the reason why career guidance and job counseling for students have not achieved the expected results.

2.4.3. Actual situation of directing the implementation of career guidance plans and job counseling for students

The attention and guidance of leaders play an important role in the effective implementation of the career guidance plan and job counseling for students, the results of the survey of managers, teachers, and CVs about the actual situation of directing. The implementation of career guidance and job counseling plans for students is shown in the following table 2.9:

Table 2.9. Evaluation of managers, teachers, and CVs on directing the implementation of career guidance and job counseling for students

STTContentPerformance level   mediumThe level
firstGuide students, staff,
Instructors perform the
works according to the plan of
2Motivating, encouraging SV,
CB, expert involved
consulting activities, activities
consulting professional training
career guidance for students.
3Spiritual encouragement self
learning, initiative and experience
and comments from
Management staff, teachers about activities
career guidance and job counseling
do for students.
4Timely adjustment these
problems exist in the organization
career guidance, job counseling
do for students.
5Monitor, monitor active
the team’s action in activities
career guidance and counseling
job counseling for students.

With the same content above, the author conducted a survey of students to obtain the following chart:

Chart 2.6. Student’s assessment of directing the implementation of career guidance plans and job 5

Chart 2.6. Student’s assessment of directing the implementation of career guidance plans and job counseling


From the data in Table 2.9, it shows that the work of directing the implementation of career guidance plans and providing job counseling for students The school has performed well the following content: Monitoring and supervising the activities of the team in career guidance and job counseling for students (average score is 3.53); Timely adjustment of existing problems in the organization of career guidance and job counseling for students (average score of 3.44); Guide students, staff, and lecturers to carry out activities according to the school’s plan (average score is 3.33). However, some contents have not been implemented well, such as: Encouraging the spirit of self-study, initiative and experience, and the contributions of managers and teachers on career guidance and job counseling for students (average score). is 3.16); Motivating and encouraging students, staff, and specialists to participate in counseling activities, professional training activities for career counseling for students (average score is 3.08).

Compared with the assessment of management staff, teachers, and CVs, students are more interested in content that has not been performed well such as: Motivating and encouraging students, staff, and experts to participate in consulting activities and professional training activities. Career counseling for students (average score of 3.79) at rank 1. The content “Monitoring and supervising the team’s activities in career guidance and job counseling for students” is evaluated at rank 1. level 5 with an average score of 3.67.

In fact, when discussing with school students, it shows that they have not really grasped enough information about career guidance activities, job counseling, student guidance is still open, students do not have a lot of information. opportunities to access career guidance and job counseling activities both inside and outside the school, although some activities attract students to participate in large numbers, when they finish learning, they are still slow to adjust. Currently, limitations are still slow, such as opening soft skills training courses for students… Through research from survey respondents, it is shown that: One is the ability to organize and direct the activities of the students. The school’s management staff and teachers still have limitations, because most administrators and teachers perform part-time tasks, do not have specialized training qualifications, moreover with a large volume of professional work, so the time spent for the implementation of career guidance activities and job counseling for students is also affected. Secondly, the coordination of activities of departments, organizations and mass organizations in implementing the direction is not thorough, a part of management staff and teachers are still not enthusiastic, have not promoted their capacity in building internal contents. content, seek diverse and appropriate forms of counseling to organize and attract the participation of a large number of students. Third, the school’s funding is limited.

Date published: 01/11/2021

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