Some solutions to help students and students of Can Tho College study well and love the subject of National Education - AN - 1



"Some solutions to help students and students of Can Tho College study well and love the subject of National Education - AN".



1. Reason for choosing the topic:

There is a very difficult reality that requires us to have effective solutions in national defense education in general and in the field of national defense and security education in schools in particular, that is, teaching and learning still has a long way to go. stagnant, inefficient; students, students are not aware of the important and practical role of the subject, so they study through speakers, have not achieved positive results, even have no interest in this subject.

At the same time, the equipment and technical facilities as well as the training of teaching staff with the right professional qualifications and real enthusiasm for the work of national defense and security have not been properly invested. Although in recent years, the state authorities as well as the Ministry of Education and Training have made many progressive and deeper reforms for the work of national defense and security, but in general, there are still many shortcomings. That's why I always feel anxious when teaching this subject, with my own enthusiasm and what I have accumulated through the process of professional learning, I have decided to choose a research topic that In my opinion, it will be very meaningful for teaching and learning the subject of National Education - AN: "Some solutions to help students and students of Can Tho College to study well and love the subject of Special Education - AN".

2. Research history of the topic

Maybe you are interested!

3. Purpose, research tasks of the topic

4. Object and scope of research

Some solutions to help students and students of Can Tho College study well and love the subject of National Education - AN - 1

5. Research Methods

6. Contribution of the topic

7. Structure of the topic



1.1. The basic provisions of the Law on National Education and Security:

1.1.1. Layout of the Law on National Defense and Security Education:

The Law on National Defense and Security Education consists of 8 chapters and 47 articles.

1.1.2. Basic content of the Law on National Defense Education

• Chapter I General Provisions; This chapter includes 9 articles (from Article 1 to Article 9).

• Chapter II. National defense and security education in schools; This chapter includes 4 articles (from Article 10 to Article 13).

• Chapter III. To foster national defense and security knowledge; This chapter includes 04 articles (from Article 14 to Article 18).

• Chapter IV. Disseminate national defense and security knowledge to the entire population; This chapter includes 04 articles (from Article 19 to Article 22).

• Chapter V. Teachers, lecturers, reporters, propagandists on national defense and security education; This chapter includes 06 articles (from Article 23 to Article 28).

• Chapter VI. Funding for defense and security education; This chapter includes 03 articles (from Article 29 to Article 31).

• Chapter VII. Tasks and powers of agencies and organizations on defense and security education; This chapter includes 14 articles (from Article 32 to Article 45).

• Chapter VIII. Terms enforcement; This chapter includes 02 articles (Article 46 and Article 47).

1.2. Subject program of National Education - AN:

1.2.1. Subject characteristics

“Educating citizens on defense and security knowledge to promote patriotism, the tradition of nation building and defense, national pride and self-respect, raising awareness, responsibility, and self-realization performing national defense and security tasks, protecting the socialist Vietnamese Fatherland 1.2.2. Subject program of Education and Training - AN (Issued together with Circular No. 31/2012/TT-BGDĐT dated September 12, 2012 of the Minister of Education and Training)

a) Subjects of application

b) Training objectives

c) Number of courses and credits

d) Evaluation of learning results

e) Program content

• Module 1: Military line of the Party

• Module 2: Defense and security work

• Module 3: General military and tactics, techniques for shooting submachine guns AK(CKC)

1.3. Theory on the teaching and learning of national education - security:

1.3.1. National defense and security education is a subject prescribed by law

• EducationQP-AN is a subject directed by the Politburo's Directive, the only subject regulated by law. Article 17, chapter III of the Law on Military Service 1991 provides

• Through each revolutionary period and the development of education and training, the General Military Training program for students has been renewed many times both in content and in teaching form.

• The Law took effect from January 1, 2014. This is an important law, which is the highest legal basis for the implementation of national defense and security education, thereby contributing to part of raising awareness and responsibility of all levels, branches, agencies, organizations and all citizens for the task of national construction and defense in the new situation.

1.3.2. National Education - Security is an important content in the comprehensive educational goal of the school

• The subject of National Education - AN creates conditions for students to study according to their capacity, accumulate knowledge according to modules and certificates. When students have accumulated enough modules and certificates, they can take the exam to get the subject certificate of National Defense - Security according to the Government's Decree and the regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training.

1.3.3. National defense education contributes to the comprehensive education of the new socialist man

1.4. Theoretical basis of active teaching methods to help students study well and love the subject of National Education - Security.

The teaching method of national education - security is a basic element of the teaching process at colleges and universities, it is closely related to the teaching content, the teaching content stipulates the method but vice versa. Methods play an important role in helping teachers, students teach and learn effectively to achieve the required goals.

1.4.1. Features of teaching methods of national defense - security at colleges and universities:

* Explanation of terms:

• Study well: For the special education subject - Safety is a subject that requires many skills in both theory and practice. Therefore, when setting the evaluation criteria to achieve a good level, the following principles must be ensured:

achieve academic results (average score) of good or higher; have good application skills in physical training and personality cultivation, application in real life; to form certain technical skills through the process of practical learning; learning process without coping, active learning, research.

• Love the subject: the criteria for assessing students' interest in the subject of self-study - security is based on the student's interest in learning, the students mainly rely on the direct assessment of the teacher on the student's level of diligence, and the students do not give up. missed class time, did not violate the rules,…; Students and students do not have a lighthearted attitude and are not bored when studying the subject; positive attitude to learn and practice; even have the need to learn and find passion.

1.4.2. Some methods of activating teaching activities and helping students to love the subject of pedagogical education - AN

a) Positive teaching attitude: The theory of knowledge construction

b) Some specific methods:

- Conversational method

- Intuitive method

- Collaborative learning method

- Role-playing method


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Date published: 16/03/2022