Managing career guidance and job counseling for students at the College of Statistics - 14

The proposed measures to manage the teaching and learning activities for students have been approved by the majority of managers, lecturers and experts who participated in the poll and considered necessary and can be implemented.

The implementation of the above measures in a systematic and synchronous manner will create a positive change in the management of teaching and learning activities for students, contributing to improving the school’s comprehensive educational effectiveness.


On the basis of the theory and practice of physics and physics activities and the management of physics and chemistry activities for students at the College of Statistics, the author has proposed 5 measures to manage physics and chemistry activities for students in general. the stages of the process of managing physical experiments and teaching materials, focusing on overcoming the weak points in the activities of physics experiment and teaching, and managing the activities of physics experiment and teaching for students at the technical college of science in association with the characteristics of Bac Ninh province.

The proposed measures adhere to 4 principles: Principle of ensuring objectiveness; principles of 1

The proposed measures adhere to 4 principles: Principle of ensuring objectiveness; principles of ensuring feasibility; principles of ensuring inheritance and development; principles of effectiveness. The above principles are completely consistent and close to the reality to make the activities of HN & Physical Education effective. Measures include: Planning activities of scientific research and teaching physics for the head students of the College of Statistics in association with the needs of human resource development; Directing the implementation of teaching and learning physics for students with diverse contents, methods and forms; Organize training for management staff, teachers, school CVs on career guidance and job counseling; Establishing relationships with businesses in Hanoi & Physical Education for students; Innovating, examining and evaluating career guidance and job counseling for students are all feasible measures that demonstrate scientific, practical, inherited and synchronous effectiveness, contributing to improving management efficiency. activities of teaching and learning physics for students in technical colleges.

Research and development activities are an important activity in society. Before the actual requirements of human resources for the development of the economy and society, the imbalance of the structure of supply and demand of labor resources, more than ever, the role of the education sector and the school. currently plays a key role in the coordination between forces. Operational management of HN & TVVL needs to be recognised and put in its right place.


1. Conclusion

Management of physical education and training activities for students at the College is a management activity that plays an extremely important role in improving the effectiveness of physical education and training activities. In order to carry out the activities of HN & VL, the necessary conditions are the management apparatus, team work, program content, mechanisms, policies, and especially the awareness of the participating forces. in terms of chemistry and physics, the full convergence of these factors will be the premise to successfully contribute to the work of physics and chemistry.

Management of teaching and learning activities for students is the process by which school management subjects implement management impacts through management functions to staff, teachers, and students in order to realize the objectives and content of the curriculum. & Physics, using appropriate methods, means and forms of Physics & Physics, check and evaluate the results of Physics & Chemistry in order to achieve the objectives of Physics & Physics. In the management of teaching and learning activities for students, managers need to clearly identify the impacts, see the strengths and weaknesses of the school, identify opportunities and challenges to develop a plan of teaching and learning, organize and direct. the implementation of flexible and creative plans suitable to the conditions of the school and the locality; at the same time, innovate, examine and evaluate the results of physical training and chemical engineering in order to make timely and reasonable adjustments to improve the efficiency of physical chemistry and physics activities.

Through the actual research, the author found that the management of physical education and physical training activities for students at the College of Statistics has been implemented. Most students have had a certain understanding of the profession and have done it quite often, but the performance is not high because the content and methods of implementing activities are not rich and diverse, the management from The stage of planning, organizing activities to guiding, checking and evaluating is not comprehensive, the consulting staff has not been intensively trained in professional skills, so the work efficiency is still limited. ; The learning motivation of the school’s students has not yet been clearly expressed, so in the process of career orientation is still vague… The relationship between the school and enterprises to perform well the teaching and learning activities is still loose. Therefore, in the current context, there is an imbalance in occupations in society, along with the province’s human resource needs.

Bac Ninh besides strengthening activities to improve the quality of education in general, it is necessary to further promote the activities of teaching and learning physics and managing the activities of teaching and learning physics for students, which is increasingly necessary.

On the basis of clearly analyzed theoretical and practical issues, the author proposes 05 measures to manage the activities of scientific research and teaching physics for students at the College of Statistics. The proposed measures focus on overcoming the weak stages in practice and add necessary ways to improve the quality and efficiency of teaching and learning activities for students, in order to develop their capacity. students’ careers, meet social requirements. The proposed measures are tested to ensure feasibility when applied in the management of career guidance and job counseling for students.

2. Recommendations

In order to effectively implement the teaching and learning activities for students as well as manage the teaching and learning activities for students, here are some recommendations:

2.1. For School Leaders

– There is a unified and timely direction in the implementation of career guidance and job counseling activities for students.

– Paying attention to professional training for staff, professionals performing career guidance and job counseling for students.

– Clearly define the functions and duties of the departments and units participating in the teaching and learning activities for students.

2.2. For Student Affairs Office

– Implement and apply management measures proposed in the thesis into practice.

– Actively in creating and keeping close and regular relationships with recruitment agencies in the activities of physical education and training and management of physical training and teaching activities for students.

– The staff of experts must regularly improve their professional knowledge and skills to meet the requirements of innovation in career guidance and job counseling for students.

2.3. For students of the School

– Research and master training programs, training regulations and documents guiding the implementation of training regulations for correct implementation.

– Regularly update information on the University’s website, the Center for Admission and Employment Support.

– Actively and actively participate in career guidance and job counseling activities organized by the College of Statistics.


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Appendix 01


College of Statistics


(For Students)

In order to have a scientific and practical basis in the management of career guidance and job counseling for students of the College of Statistics, thereby proposing some solutions to improve the efficiency of operation management. of the College of Statistics in the current period. Please indicate your opinion by ticking (X) in the box that you think is most appropriate, or adding your opinion in the blank.

The levels in the scale are rated as follows:

– No plan
plan perform
labour clear work
– Done very
rare when, perfunctory
NS activities
– Consulting results
direction career
are not satisfactory
– Do very little
labour test work,
fight price.
– Very few students
greed attend sessions
private consultation; not happy
heart with content
private question and determine
direction profession
Karma unknown
– Have a plan
real performance
job by position
power, mission.
– Perform muscle
copy as planned
– Consulting results
direction career achieved
love bridge
– Inspection work
check, evaluated
real show on
one object.
– 50% of students
greed attend sessions
private question
– Implement the
labour the right job
next Plan built
– Regular implementation
through activities
follow function.
– Consulting results
direction career for
born member achieved above
– Doing the job
check check reviews
above many
– 80% Students
greed attend private sessions
consultation; relatively funny
heart with private content
question and intend
direction occupation
soy sauce to be clear
-Real show the public
job based on design
plan built
Department study.
– Regular implementation
through activities
follow function.
– Achievements
NS the goal set out in
level high.
– Inspection work,
fight Price is real
presently often,
contact Continuity on many objects
– Students are very eager
ugh join the
session advise; satisfied
with consulting content
and get determined
direction occupation
clear clear.

Maybe you are interested!

The level of implementation gradually increases from 1 to 3, specifically as follows:

– Done very rarely,
mat rate of Hanoi activities
and TVVL for students
– Methods and Figures
awake career counseling
very rarely used
– Influential factors
much to Hanoi activities
and TVVL for students
– Basic implementation of the
Hentai Hanoi and TVVL
give Students as planned
– Methods and Figures
awake career counseling
Okay use
– Factors that have little influence
come Hanoi activities and
TVVL for students
– Do it often
NS Hanoi activities and
– Methods and Figures
awake career counseling
history used frequently
– Photo elements
enjoy to Hanoi activities
and TVVL for students

Your opinions are only used for scientific research purposes, not used for any other purpose.

Looking forward to hearing from you guys.

Question 1: According to you, career guidance and job counseling activities for students
How important is the College of Statistics today?
5 Very important 5 Less important
5 Important 5 Not important
Question 2: Do you know about the Career Counseling and Referral Center for students?
Is it under the Department of Training & Management of the College of Statistics?
5 Know Very Well 5 Have Heard
5 Do you know 5 Don’t know at all?
If yes, which of the following Chinese activities have you participated in?
counseling and job placement center for students
5 Get advice on training professions.
5 Get introduced, job counseling.
5 Participate in soft skills training courses.
5 Visiting, practical experience at recruitment units.
5 Other comments……………………………………………………..
Question 3: How would you rate the position and role of career guidance and counseling activities?
How are jobs for students of the College of Statistics today?

1Help career-oriented students, choose
Okay suitable discipline.
2Help students have information about the labor market
and find a suitable job.
3Get a raise strengthen the cooperation between the University and the unit
history employing workers so that the training of the School continues
near practice and meet the needs of society.
4Help students find employment from organizations,
labour company, reputable enterprise in accordance with the terms
to sue and student study time at the University.
5Help Students equip themselves with necessary professional skills
set serve for job search after good
6Help Students determine learning goals and then make efforts
real perform that goal.
7IDEA Other ideas…………………………………………………………………………………… …….  .

Question 4: How do you evaluate the current implementation of career guidance activities for students of the University?

NumberContentPerformance level  Result   
 1. Direction operation for students of the College of Statistics      .
1.1Private Ask about
branch school training,
taste good job position
1.2Nest organize activities
handed out change to method
learn volume, content, special
point of the current discipline
Okay educate.
1.3Nest organize activities
foreign lock, exchange with
NS employer
1.4Prize Answer questions from SV
about training fields.
1.5Nest program organization
deliver save with units
recruit used to determine
determined job positions in
soy sauce future.
 2. Job consulting activities made for students      .
2.1Nest organizing seminars and talks
with business unit,
muscle agencies, organizations, individuals
recruit employment
2.2Greed exchange, meeting
recommended, job fair.
2.3Private consulting, equipping students
one job search techniques
2.4Mini job status
do of students every year.
2.5Fight multiplier demand price
force of recruitment agencies
2.6Bow give information to
born marketer
labor motion.

Question 5: How do you rate the use of methods and forms of career counseling for students at the College of Statistics today?

NumberContentIts frequency  Performance level   
1Private personal consultation      .
2Private Direct consultation at office
room Private Center
question enrollment and gender
.’s job school
3Private phone consultation,
e – mail
4Private query page
Facebook of China
5Private through activities
dynamic enrollment, welcome
next students, activities
main key value
6Direction other form (please
tell clear if any)……..

Question 6: How do you assess the current situation of the University’s management of career guidance and job counseling for students?

NumberContentPerformance level   
 1. Actual situation of implementation planning activities of Hanoi and teaching physics for students    
1corpse setting goals to carry out directional activities
Karma, Specific and clear job advice.
2corpse timing operation of direction
Karma, job consulting monthly, quarterly.
3feces allocating resources (human, material, financial) to real
presently plan.
4Attend the results that the plan should achieve.   .
5Check inspect and evaluate the implementation of the action plan
direction career counseling.
 2. Organizational situation implement the planning of activities of Hanoi and physical education for students   .
1Nest organization to find out the need to participate in vocational guidance, counseling question jobs of students of the school   .
2Multi format content, methods and forms
real presently.
3feces staff in charge of implementing activities
direction career counseling.
4Quy clearly define functions, duties, powers,
blame responsibilities of departments and participating members
labour Career guidance and job counseling for students
5Set establish a coordination relationship between forces,
NS employer agency with school
in career guidance and job counseling for
6Nest capacity building for cadres and lecturers pellets, specialist in implementing mission orientation
Karma and job counseling for students.
7Construction Build a student assessment profile (professional competency profile
.) Karma students) to give the most helpful advice.
 3. Actual situation of direction implement the plan of activities of Hanoi and physical education for students   .
1Direction lead students, staff, and lecturers to implement the
Hentai according to the school’s plan.
2Dynamic members, encourage students, CBs, experts to participate
Hentai consulting and professional training activities
question career guidance for students.
3Promotion encourage self-study spirit, experience initiative
and Contributions of management staff, teachers about activities
direction career and job counseling for students.
4Thing promptly correct existing problems in the team
position Career guidance and job counseling for students.
5Follow Monitor and supervise the activities of the team in activities dynamic Career guidance and job counseling for students.   .
 4. Status of inspection Inspect and evaluate the implementation of teaching and learning activities for students   .
1Construction building performance evaluation criteria
direction career counseling.
2Check investigate the implementation of career guidance and counseling activities question serious job.   .
3History use evaluation form on many subjects SV
for come to an objective conclusion
4Mix match with the test force to get the
pine authentication information about the performance of the operation
direction career and job counseling for students.

Question 7: In your opinion, the following factors affect career guidance and job counseling for students of the College of Statistics?

NumberFactors affectingInfulence level  
1NS impact from the 4.0 revolution.  .
2Take Students’ knowledge about career guidance and counseling activities question job.  .
3Take knowledge of managers, lecturers, house experts
school in carrying out career guidance activities, question job
4Power capacity, qualifications and quality of the management staff,
lecture members, experts participating in orientation activities
Karma, employment counseling.
5Interior content, methods and forms of organizing activities dynamic career guidance and job counseling for students.  .
6Generation system of facilities and equipment for public service
works career guidance and job counseling for students.
7Muscle management mechanism, coordination among related units
in conduct career guidance and job counseling activities
do for students.
8Special Student’s psychophysiology score  .
9Muscle policies on the use of social labor  .
10Weak other factors……………

Question 8: What suggestions do you have to improve the quality of career guidance and job counseling activities for students of the University today?
…………………………… …………………………… …………………………
…………………………… …………………………… …………………………
…………………………… …………………………… …………………………
Personal information: Full name (can be entered or not): ……………………………………………………….. …………………………
Class:………………………………………… …………………………… …………………………..
Industry: ……………………………………………………….. …………………………… ……………………..
Thank you very much sir/madam!

Date published: 01/11/2021

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