Managing career guidance and job counseling for students at the College of Statistics - 15


SURVEY QUESTIONS (For managers, teachers, specialists)

In order to have a scientific and practical basis in the management of  career guidance  and  1

In order to have a scientific and practical basis in the management of career guidance and job counseling for students of the College of Statistics, thereby proposing some solutions to improve the efficiency of operation management. of the College of Statistics in the current period. Please indicate your opinion by ticking (X) in the box that you think is most appropriate, or adding your opinion in the blank.

The rating levels are from 1 to 4, specifically as follows:

– No plans
do the job
– Very rare implementation
when, perfunctory the
– Results of consultation
career guidance
– Do very little
inspection work,
– Very few students
attend private sessions
consultation; not satisfied
with consulting content
and career orientation
career unknown
– Have a real plan
show job according to
functions, duties
– Basic implementation
as planned
– Results of consultation
vocational guidance achieved
– Inspection work check, evaluate
done on a
– 50% of students
attend sessions
– Carry out the works
work according to plan
The plan has been built.
– Perform normally
through activities
by function.
– Results of consultation
career guidance for
students get over 80.
– Carry out the work
check reviews on
many objects.
– 80% of students participated
attend counseling sessions;
relatively satisfied with
consulting content and have
career orientation
relatively clear career
-Perform the works
work based on plan
built faculty
– Regular implementation
through activities
by function.
– The results achieved the
goals set at
– Inspection work,
evaluation is real
show regularly,
continuous over many objects
– Students are very eager
attend private sessions
consultation; satisfied with interior
consulting content and get
career orientation
clear business.

Maybe you are interested!

The level of implementation gradually increases from 1 to 3, specifically as follows:

– Done very rarely,
mat rate of Hanoi activities
and TVVL for students
– Methods and Figures
awake career counseling
very rarely used
– Influential factors
much to Hanoi activities
and TVVL for students
– Basic implementation of the
Hentai Hanoi and TVVL
give Students as planned
– Methods and Figures
awake career counseling
Okay use
– Factors that have little influence
come Hanoi activities and
TVVL for students
– Do it often
NS Hanoi activities and
– Methods and Figures
awake career counseling
history used frequently
– Photo elements
enjoy to Hanoi activities
and TVVL for students

Your opinions are for scientific research purposes only, not for any other purpose.

We look forward to hearing from the teachers.
Question 1: In your opinion, how important are career guidance and job counseling for students of the College of Statistics today?
Very important Less important
Important Not important
Question 2: According to the teacher, the strengthening of professional managers for career guidance and job counseling activities today:
Very timely Timely Not timely
Question 3: According to the teacher, the building and development of professional capacity of the staff participating in career guidance and job counseling activities today:
Very good Good Not good
Question 4: How do you evaluate the position and role of career guidance and job counseling for students at the College of Statistics today?

1Help career-oriented students, choose
Okay suitable discipline.
2Help students have information about the labor market
and find a suitable job.
3Get a raise strengthen the cooperation between the University and the unit
history employing workers so that the training of the School continues
near practice and meet the needs of society.
4Help students find employment from organizations,
labour company, reputable enterprise in accordance with the terms
to sue and student study time at the University.
5Help Students equip themselves with necessary professional skills
set serve for job search after good
6Help Students determine learning goals and then make efforts
real perform that goal.
7IDEA Other ideas…………………………………………………………………………………… …….  .

Question 5: How do you evaluate the current implementation of career guidance activities for students of the University?

NumberContentPerformance level  Result   
 1. Direction operation for students of the College of Statistics      .
1.1Private Ask about
branch training of
school, job position
after graduate.
1.2Nest organize activities
handed out change to method
learn volume, content, special
point of the discipline
in progress trained.
1.3Nest organize activities
foreign lock, exchange
with units used
labor moving…
1.4Prize Answer questions from SV
about training fields.
1.5Nest program organization
deliver save with units
recruit used to determine
determined job position
in future.
 2. Job consulting activities made for students      .
2.1Nest organize seminars, sit
talk with business unit
Karma, agency, organization position, personally recruited
use labor
2.2Greed exchange, meeting
recommended, job fair.
2.3Private consult, equip
SV some search techniques
sword job
2.4Mini job status
do of students every year.
2.5Fight multiplier demand price
force of units
recruit use.
2.6Bow give information to
born marketer
labor motion.

Question 6: How do you evaluate the use of methods and forms of career counseling for students at the College of Statistics today?

NumberContentPerformance level  Result   
1Private personal consultation      .
2Private Direct consultation at office
room Private Center
question enrollment and gender
.’s job school
3Private phone consultation,
e – mail
4Private query page
Facebook of China
5Private through activities
dynamic enrollment, welcome
next students, activities
main key value
6Direction other form (please
tell clear if any)……..

Question 7: How do you evaluate the current situation of career guidance and job counseling for students at the University?

NumberContentPerformance level   
 1. Actual situation of implementation planning activities for students and teachers of teaching and learning   .
1Identify real goals currently active direction
specific and clear job advice.
2Real-time determination currently active direction
career, job consulting by month, quarter.
3Resource allocation (con .) person, material, financial) real
show plan.
4Expected outcome plan to be achieved.   .
5Test, real evaluation show action plan
career guidance and job counseling.
 2. Organizational situation implement the planning of activities of Hanoi and physical education for students   .
1Organization to find out needs participate in vocational guidance, private
employment advice of students of the school
2content diversification, method and form
3Assign sub-staff responsible for performing activities
career guidance and job counseling.
4Clearly defined positions functions, duties, powers,
responsibilities of departments and participating members
career guidance and job counseling for students
5Create a relationship coordination between forces,
agencies, employers with schools
in career guidance and job counseling for
6Organization of skill training force for cadres and lecturers
member, expert in implementing the task of guiding
career and job counseling for students.
7Build a profile Student price (professional competency profile
.) student career) to give the most useful advice.
 3. Actual situation of direction implement the plan of activities for students and teachers   .
1Guide students, staff, Instructors perform the
activities according to the school’s plan.
2Motivating, encouraging Students, CBs, experts participate
consulting activities, professional training activities
Career counseling for students
3Spiritual encouragement self-study, experience initiative
and comments of management staff, teachers on activities
Career guidance and job counseling for students.
4Timely adjustment of problems exist in the nest
career guidance and job counseling for students.
5Monitor and monitor activities the team’s action in activities
Career guidance and job counseling for students.
 4. Status of inspection Inspect and evaluate the implementation of teaching and learning activities for students   .
1Build scoring criteria performance cost
career guidance and job counseling.
2Check the implementation career guidance activities, private
serious employment.
3Use the form of hitting price on multiple objects SV
to draw an objective conclusion
4Coordinate with forces check to get the
authentication information about performing the operation
Career guidance and job counseling for students.

Question 8: In your opinion, how do the following factors affect career guidance and job counseling for students of the College of Statistics?

NumberFactors affectingInfulence level .
1NS the impact of the 4.0 revolution.  .
2Take Students’ knowledge about career guidance and counseling activities question job.  .
3Take knowledge of managers, lecturers, house experts
school in the implementation of career guidance activities, question job
4Power capacity, qualifications and quality of the management staff,
lecture members, experts participating in orientation activities
Karma, employment counseling.
5Interior content, methods and forms of organizing activities dynamic career guidance and job counseling for students.  .
6Generation system of facilities and equipment for public service
work career guidance and job counseling for students.
7Muscle management mechanism, coordination among related units
in conduct career guidance and job counseling activities
do for students.
8Special Student’s psychophysiology score  .
9Muscle policies on the use of social labor  .
10Weak Other factors…………………………………………………….  .

Question 9: Do you have any suggestions to improve the quality of career guidance and job counseling activities for students of the University today?




Personal information:

Full name:……………………………………………………man (female/)…………………….

Age:…………… position:…………………………………………………….

Professional qualifications:…………………….. Working seniority……………………..

Thank you very much, Mr. (Ms.)!

Appendix 03


(For Managers, Lecturers, Professionals

College of Statistics)

In order to carry out a research project on “Management of career guidance and job counseling for students at the College of Statistics”, it is necessary to survey opinions on the necessity and feasibility of measures. Please indicate your opinion by ticking (X) in the box that you think is most appropriate, or adding your opinion in the blank.

Your opinions are only for scientific research purposes and are not used for any other purpose.

We look forward to hearing from the teachers.

NumberContent of measuresNecessity  Ability  
1Create HN operation plan &
TVVL for high school students
class Statistics associated with demand
play human resource development
2Only Directing the implementation of HN, TVVL for
SV with content, methods and
Figure variety
3Nest training for the team
CBQL, Teacher, school CV about
Hentai career guidance and counseling
question job
4Set establish relationships with the
business career in HN & TVVL
give SV
5Change recently checked, evaluated activity
dynamic career guidance and job counseling
do for students

Teachers can mention a number of other measures to improve the efficiency of physical education and training activities and manage physical education and training activities for students at our school:





Personal information:

Full name:……………………………………………………man (female/)…………………….

Age:…………… position:…………………………………………………….

Professional qualifications:…………………….. Working seniority……………………..

Thank you very much, Mr. (Ms.)!

Appendix 04


Number: 215/KH-CDTK


Independence Freedom Happiness

Bac Ninh, March 26, 2019

PLAN About the organization

“Career Counseling and Recruitment Day 2019”

Based on official dispatches and recruitment notices of companies and enterprises in Bac Ninh province as well as the demand for job supply for graduating students; The Center for Admissions & Employment Support at the College of Statistics plans to organize the program “Career Counseling and Recruitment Day 2019” for graduating students, students of Course 13 who are about to graduate with All University students and interested individuals.

Event time: Expected from May 14, 2019 to May 17, 2019.

Venue: Hall


Provide opportunities for students to have the opportunity to be consulted on necessary skills when going for job interviews, job search as well as career development after graduation.


1. On the School side:

– Provide information and recruitment notices of businesses, employers to specialized faculties and students, and at the same time, upload it to the University’s Website, and post it on the Fanpage of the Admissions and Support Center. jobs, fanpages of students throughout the school.

– Drafting official documents, organizational plans, invitations to enterprises. – Organizing meetings: meeting of the Organizing Committee and meeting to summarize lessons learned.

– Arrange recruitment interview rooms for companies and businesses that register for recruitment interviews directly at the school.

– Maintain good relationships with businesses to regularly organize job recruitment programs for students. 2. For participating businesses:

– Provide full information, pictures, address, phone number of the unit, banners, slogans and recruitment plan in 2018 to the University (one week before the recruitment interview date). ).

– Develop a specific plan for interviewing and recruiting students at the University.

– After the program ends the recruitment interview program 01 month: provide full information, list of interview participants, list of winners and salary will be enjoyed by successful candidates after participating. interview program; and at the same time evaluate the quality of the school’s students after becoming an employee of the unit.


1. Student Affairs Office:

– Being the main unit in coordination with the Center for Recruitment & Employment Support to organize the program.

– Send staff to participate in service work, security protection, parking, taking photos and writing articles to post on the website. – Ensure good communication, propaganda and decoration for the program.

 – Coordinating with the Department of Training & Management to publish the information of the business and the entire program. 2. General Administration Department:

– Arrange the venue for the program.

– Prepare classrooms to hold interviews, prepare projection screens and projectors available in the classroom.

– Appoint staff to serve the sound, projector, and power lines when organizing recruitment interviews. 3. Specialized Faculties:

– Notify all Academic Advisors, Student Management Assistants.

– Notice to all graduating students and students who are interested in attending interview sessions of employers.


Comply with the internal spending regulations of the University.

The above is the entire plan on organizing the program “Career Counseling and Recruitment Day 2019” of the school, requesting the units to cooperate in implementation for the program to be successful.


– Board of Directors (b/c);

– Center for Recruitment & Employment Support (t/h);

– Student Affairs Office (t/h);

– General Administration Department (p/h);

– Specialized faculties (p/h, t/h);

– Upload website;

– Posting bulletin boards;

– Save VT, TTTS.



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Date published: 01/11/2021