Vietnamese linking grammar model - 33

Type particleClassical featureWord ExampleLink NameLink Example
Intransitive verb (Vi) Not used in the passive voiceoperation: no modifier requiredbreathing, sitting, standing, lying down, sleeping, waking, (engine) exploding, (horn) whistling, (wind) blowingViAp
SV- & {RtVi- or RpVi- or
RfVi- or RpVi+}
sleep on bed)
baby will sleep, baby will sleep, I sleep
 Psychophysiology: does not require complementscry, laugh, cry, … . /  
transitive verb (Vt)action: requires the complement only when the object is affectedcut (grass), chop (firewood), tear, chop, sow, nurseSV- & O+- &{VtEp}
SV- & O+- &{Vt A-}
lumber worker
I sow seed on (yard)
it cuts the grass (very) fast
(sowing) is sown
 artifact: requires real from the object instance to be created.write (newspaper), draw, hewn, trim, carve, invent, inventSV- & O+- &{Vt A-}
SV- & VmVt-
i sharpen the pencil
I sharpen my pencil carefully
Invented electric light
 receive and receive: requires 2 direct and indirect complementsgive, send, give, give, report, notify, receiveSV- & IO+ & O +
SV- & O+ & VtEg+ & EgNt+
SV- &VmVt- & O+
I give the baby a book
I give books to babies
the baby is given a book
 imperative: requires the direct complement and the “consenting content” causeswrong, tell, cause, guide, consider, promote
make (for, break), cause (for), break (break)
SV- & IO+ & VtVt
SV- & IO+ & VtVt+
SV-&VmVt- &VtVs+
SV- & VtVs+ & O+
SV- & O+ & VtVs+
SV- &{Rt Vt- or RpVt- or
RfVt-} & {VmVt- }&
I told him to go to school
The boss asked the staff to turn off the lights
he was promoted to be (foreman)
I broke the bowl
I broke the bowl
the bowl is broken
 effect: requires the direct object and/or target of the actionpull, push, push. press, tilt, place…SV- &{Rt Vt or RpVt or
RfVt}& O+
SV- &VtEs+ & O+
SV-& {O+} &(VtN+
I put the book on the table, I’m putting
the book on the table, I put the book
on the table.
I reached the book table
I force my children to eat, my parents force me to get married
forced to work
 moverun, crawl, roll…
go (this verb has a special use in Vietnamese: go to school, go
swim, play. . .)
SV- &{Rt Vt -or RpVt- or
RfVt-} & {VtEp+}&{RpVt+}
SV-& {Rt Vt -or RpVt- or
RfVt-} & VtEm
SV-& {Rt Vt -or RpVt- or
RfVt-} & CH+
SV- & {Rt Vt or RpVt or
RfVt} & O+
SV- &{Rt Vt -or RpVt- or
RfVt-} & {VtEp+}&{RpVt+}
SV- & {Rt Vt -or RpVt- or
RfVt-} & GO+
I’m climbing (mountain)
it came by motorbike,
The train has left the station, the guests have entered the house
i’m going up (mountain)
I go to school, I’m going out (private)
from “go”)
 behaviorsteal, snatch, steal…SV- & (O+)
SV- &EmNu
it steals money
businesses pay in dollars
 Thinkinglearn, understand, listen, speak… .SV- &{Rt Vt or RpVt or
RfVt} &VmVt-& O+
SV- &
I study a foreign language, I learned a foreign language
learn to speak, learn to play (fiddle)
I finished my studies

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Vietnamese linking grammar model - 33

Type particleClassical featureWord ExampleLink NameLink Example
state verbs (Vs)1. emotional psychologycurious, trusting, doubting love, hate, sad, love, angry love
like, admire, loathe. .
SV- &{RlVt- or RlVt+}
trust friends
believe in the future
I’m sad, I’m so sad, I’m so embarrassed existstill, yes, lostSV-&{Rt Vt -or RpVt- or
RfVt-}& O+
I have two thousand dong left, it has lost its lover
 3. metamorphosisto transform (to become), to germinate (to germinate), to arise, to change,SV- & {VsVs+}& O+caterpillars turned into butterflies
 4. Consumptionsick, tired, consumed, dead, lostSv-&{VsN+} 
 5.receptioneat, enjoyO+enjoy the life of beating, eating bullets (very rarely used in Vt form)
 6. start, continuestart, continue, stop, end, stop…SV-&{Rt Vt -or RpVt- or
The boy has started to walk
 7. take a breakstop, stop, stop,SV-& {Rt Vt -or RpVt- or RfVt-}& VsV+it stopped arguing
 8.relationshipis, doDT_LA-Cabbage is…
modal verb (Vm)1.reviewshould, should,, see, seeSV-& (VmVt+ or VmVi)you should buy candy
 2.willintend, intend, dare, dare
SV- & VmVt+he decided to go to trade
 3. wishwish, dream, wishRsVm-
only wish
Looking forward
 4.dependssuffer, be, suffer, have to endureVmVt
auxiliary verb (Vu)the verb is not capable of being a predicate in a sentencepatriotic, nomadic, peaceful, family and refreshmentsNVu-
tranquilizers, nomads
was suspended
for refreshments
finished studying, done
adjective (Ap)Only the nature of the
things, can be accompanied by adverbs
only level
Only the properties
the object contains the value of
good, beautiful, bad, smart, enthusiasticSA- &ApNu+
beautiful girl
she is very beautiful
twenty meters deep
relative adjective (Ar)indicates dependence or interactionpublic, private, internal, external, private, private shared, grandma
 comparative relationshipequal, more, less, same, different… .ApAr- NAr-
more beautiful, three hours more
more than ten people
different from, like
more rice day
 Relative adjectives are converted from nouns.see in noun National Army
onomatopoeia (Ao)not independent as predicatejingle, creak, jingle…VAjingle bells
buckets and pots clatter
figurative adjective (Ai)not independent as predicatestooped, shriveled, sloppy, on the same axis, sloppy…VA
bow down
demonstrative pronoun (Pd)there, there, that, that, that, this, now, now, then, then, so… McN
her teacher right now
preposition range (Es)about, above, below, in, out NtEm+ &EmVt 
positional preposition (Ep) atEpNin Hanoi, at school
Possessive Preposition (Eo) of theEoNt+
material preposition (Em) equalNt5Em-& EmNt6+
NgEm-& EmNt6+
VtEm-& EmNt6+
wooden table, silk clothes, corrugated iron roof


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Date published: 01/11/2021