Developing banking services at Nam Viet Commercial Joint Stock Bank - 11

The Banking Policy and Development Department should organize an annual customer survey to improve and increase service utilities, to meet the needs of customers, and to ensure service prices. is most suitable for customers. Periodically, it is recommended to re-evaluate the business efficiency of existing services, remove those that are no longer profitable for Navibank.

– Enhance cross-selling of services and package services: can be simply understood as a customer 1

– Enhance cross-selling of services and package services: can be simply understood as a customer who has a comprehensive relationship with a bank or a bank that meets all customer needs. Thus, in order to serve a package, the bank must have many services, the service must be perfect, competitive in terms of quantity, quality, fee, etc. The bank must design service packages that when customers users will get more convenience when used individually.

– Segment the market to find new service opportunities, conduct surveys to research, explore customer needs to find new service ideas. In addition to recognizing current needs, Navibank also has to predict the future needs of customers in order to offer new services in line with the changing needs of customers. New service design must be unique, must be different, create outstanding value for customers and reasonable price factor, thereby reducing competition with other banks and helping customers differentiate. image of Navibank in the market.

Building the process and specializing the service development department First of all, it is necessary to clearly define the specific functions and tasks of the service development department as well as the responsibilities and powers of each unit involved in the process. service research and development. Must ensure that the service development department is the sole main unit in the construction, management and development of banking services, responsible for researching customer needs, building service improvement, training, deploying, supporting the sale of services and reporting on effectiveness, being the focal point for receiving and resolving actual feedback… Other relevant units only have the function of providing professional advice when necessary, does not play a decisive role in the development and issuance of banking services.

After that, a unified service development process must be developed and clear responsibilities for each department in each specific stage must be built to create a close, scientific link between the service development department and the units. related positions, avoid duplication of work, waste of resources and ensure efficiency.

In addition, in order for this department to operate effectively, it requires staff to have qualifications and experience in the banking and finance sector, and to be able to synthesize and analyze problems to offer solutions. services suitable to customers’ needs and bring efficiency to Navibank. However, due to the current financial capacity, it is difficult for Navibank to choose a suitable human resources team according to the requirements. Therefore, the solution to this problem is to focus on building training programs, gradually improving the qualifications of the existing human resources. Solutions to improve customer satisfaction.

Regarding customer care: through the survey in Chapter II, we find that most of the customers are not satisfied with the sympathy factors. Therefore, Navibank needs to have a care policy to keep customers using its bank’s services. The goal is to create a stable customer base, maintain and develop long-term relationships with traditional customers as well as attract many potential customers. Specifically, we have to conduct customer segmentation according to many different criteria. Learn and capture the needs of each specific customer so that we can offer a separate care policy for each group of customers, customers will feel that we care about their needs and interests. of cutomer.

Maybe you are interested!

– The customer group is students: the promotion policies, fee waivers and discounts can attract the majority of customers.

– Customers are the elderly, retired officials: promotions plus interest rates for the elderly, gift giving is the most appropriate.

– High-income customers: service quality comes first, professional demeanor, quick transaction processing, congratulatory phone calls, birthday gifts, holidays, invitations to programs Navibank’s great anniversary…

– Group of customers of export enterprises: preferential policies on loan interest rates are the easiest to attract customers.

About promotions: must be organized regularly, diversified and attractive to many customers. In particular, attention should be paid to the prize value of promotions, lucky draws, gifts must be useful and diverse, creating a feeling that customers will have many chances to win. At the same time, through the gifts that customers use, they will promote the image of Navibank.

Regarding the place to park cars for customers, transaction offices that do not have parking spaces for customers must arrange security forces to ensure the safety of customers’ cash transactions, and at the same time contact the following locations: the closest possible point to keep the car for the customer.

Regarding the transaction network: Focus on developing in areas with potential for economic development or key economic zones, with convenient locations for financial and credit activities of each locality (residential areas). , industrial parks…) On the other hand, it is necessary to actively cooperate with universities, educational institutions, trade centers, office centers to book transaction offices to exploit customers who are students, However, due to the small scale of Navibank’s operation, the strong expansion of the network is still limited, so it is necessary to take steps to prepare capital and human resources. force

Finally, we should find out the reason why customers stop trading or transact with a reduced frequency, switch to other banks to take appropriate measures to restore and maintain good relationships with customers.

Through the survey, we see that the level of customer satisfaction is only on average from 2.71 to 3.42. Thus, almost customers only feel normal when using Navibank’s services. Through the regression equation, we see that the three factors that have the most influence on customer satisfaction are Assurance, Empathy, and Tangibility. Therefore, Navibank needs to focus on developing these aspects to further meet the needs of customers. Brand solutions

Brands play an important role in the implementation of banking services. Although Navibank has been operating for 18 years, it is still not widely known. Most of them confuse Navibank with other banks or a newly established bank. This shows that Navibank’s brand is not enough to ensure strong and sustainable development in the future. Therefore, attention should be paid to:

– Raise awareness of bank management about the role of communication and advertising. Develop promotional policies suitable to business activities. The form of advertising must be diverse and the propaganda ideas must be honest to create prestige for the bank.

– Marketing team must be professionally selected and trained, with sufficient skills in the field of Marketing. Building a unified marketing plan, applying synchronously and creatively in terms of ideas, avoiding duplication and confusion with other banks, making a strong impression on customers. Complete promotion of the brand identity department, to gradually improve the brand image in the market.

– Affirming Navibank’s brand through polls of domestic and foreign corporations and magazines.

– It must be recognized that brand development is not only the responsibility of the Marketing department but also of the entire Navibank system including leaders and all Navibank employees. Therefore, it is necessary to build each person’s sense of self-awareness in enhancing the image and reputation of the bank in the hearts of customers through their working style, service and image, thereby enhancing customer relationship with the bank.

– Brand management: building a brand is difficult, maintaining and developing is even more difficult. Therefore, in addition to focusing on brand development, Navibank needs to focus on brand management through establishing a data collection and brand analysis system to determine the brand’s continuous presence in the market. . It is necessary to establish a reward and evaluation system to encourage employees to have a sense of responsibility in building and enhancing the bank’s brand image. Marketing solutions

One of the important tools in the development of such services is banking marketing. Therefore, Navibank needs to focus on developing Marketing.

– Development of tangible measures: Through the survey in Chapter II, we see that tangible means are also one of the factors affecting customer satisfaction. Navibank needs to change the façade design, decorate the counter with images and colors that make a special impression right from the first time on customers.

– Developing marketing channels: it is necessary to strengthen articles about Navibank’s people, services, sponsorship activities, social work trips, etc. through communication channels such as newspapers, television, websites. web. In addition, the bank also develops a source of personal information from existing customers and Navibankk staff themselves.

– Development of distribution channels: develop more networks to create favorable conditions for customers in transactions. Navibank should set up transaction offices at supermarkets and trade centers to serve high-income customers, customers who work office hours, etc. In addition, it is necessary to make good use of modern distribution channels such as the Internet, mobile phones, ATMs, POS machines.


On the basis of the theory of banking services along with the current situation of service provision at Navibank, Chapter III has proposed necessary solutions for the development of banking services of Nam Viet Commercial Joint Stock Bank. Thereby Navibank needs to focus on issues of finance, human resources, technology, improve customer satisfaction, and marketing to improve existing services, develop new and differentiated services to improve customer satisfaction. better serve the needs of customers.


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Date published: 01/11/2021