Agricultural development in Nam Giang district, Quang Nam province - 2

2.2.4. Situation of production linkages in agriculture

In general, in agriculture in Nam Giang district, linkage models have not yet been established, possibly because farm owners, farmer households and businesses are not capable of implementing at all stages of the production process.

2.2.5. Situation of intensive farming in the district's agriculture

The situation of intensive farming in agriculture in recent years has gradually improved, contributing to an increase in the productivity and output of crops, but compared to the province's average, the productivity of crops in Nam Giang district is still low. at low level.

Table 2.11: Productivity of some crops

Unit (quintal/ha)






two thousand and thirteen






































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Agricultural development in Nam Giang district, Quang Nam province - 2

(Source: Nam Giang District Statistical Yearbook)

2.2.6. Agricultural production results in Nam Giang district

The value of agricultural production (at actual prices) in 2013 was 209,180 million VND, 2.95 times higher than 2007. The growth rate of agriculture has not been stable over the years. The result of the use of labor tends to increase gradually over the years from 6.81 million VND/person in 2007 to 15.93 million VND/person in 2013.

a. Cultivation

The crop production value (at actual prices) in 2007 was 70 billion VND, increased to 209 billion VND in 2013. This includes the main crops such as rice, corn, potatoes, cassava, sugarcane, and vegetables. beans, peanuts.

b. Breed

The livestock production situation of the district in recent years has not developed commensurate with its potential and faced many difficulties due to natural disasters and epidemics. Besides, as a mountainous district, the livestock production practices of the people are still backward, veterinary services are underdeveloped, so in general, the proportion of the livestock industry tends to decrease.

c. Socio-economic efficiency in agricultural development in Nam Giang district

The poverty rate in the area is high due to the difficult mountainous conditions

towel; The main source of income from the agro-forestry sector is still low, the people's intellectual level and production practices are backward; Agricultural production relies heavily on nature, small-scale production has not yet created great value for goods, while the market is often volatile and affected by natural disasters.


2.3.1. Accomplishments

- The number of agricultural production establishments in recent years has increased, especially in the development of the garden economy, the farm economy has grown significantly.

- Cultivation focuses on investing in intensive farming, increasing crops, applying scientific and technical measures, bringing new varieties of high quality and high yield into production.

- Livestock production focuses on developing according to "three main animals" (cow, pig, goat) and forms a number of models of raising cows, goats, and semi-industrial pigs in households with high results.

- Technical organizations and agricultural extension networks regularly provide information such as documents and newspapers for agricultural production to the people.

- Deploying many new models to increase crop and livestock productivity. Well implement policy capital to the highlands, support farmers to access capital from programs and projects, encourage farmers to expand production.

2.3.2. The existence

- The number of developed agricultural production establishments is not commensurate with the potential.

- The structure of agricultural production is not rational, because crop production accounts for a high proportion in agriculture, animal husbandry and agricultural services are still low and the intra-industry transition is still very slow.

- The replication of effective models in production is slow, especially in the field of animal husbandry and cultivation; poverty reduction solutions in the district still face many difficulties.

- Products from the agricultural industry in the area are still self-sufficient and have not yet become special goods.

- People have not actively engaged in economic activities, some parts still rely on the government, labor productivity in agriculture is still low.

- The linkage in production, processing and consumption of agricultural products is still limited. Not many progressive, relevant links yet.

- The productivity and quality of some crops and livestock are still low, and the market competitiveness is not high.

- The introduction of mechanization into agricultural production has many limitations, has not found a stable consumption market for agricultural products.

2.3.3. Causes of limitations and weaknesses in agricultural development in Nam Giang district in recent years

- The district's agriculture has a low starting point, the level of economic management is still limited, the agricultural infrastructure has not been completed, and has not really attracted investment capital in agriculture.

- Agricultural production in many places is still scattered and fragmented, making it difficult for mechanization and intensive farming to increase productivity in agricultural production.

- The population is sparse and unevenly distributed. It is also difficult to organize, manage and direct agricultural production as well as build infrastructure.

- People in many places still keep outdated farming practices, so in labor productivity and results are not high, production capacity is poor.

- The scale of using resources in agriculture is still modest.

- Services of supplying materials and goods, techniques of seedlings, transferring technology, machines, information... Up to now, this service in Nam Giang district has made progress, but in reality. The number is not much, not meeting the needs of the people.

- The coordination between professional disciplines, the movement of mass organizations is not synchronized; leading to not really concentrated agricultural production.




3.1.1. Environmental factors

a. Natural environment

b. Economic environment

c. The social environment

3.1.2. Orientation and goals of agricultural development in Nam Giang district

a. The direction of agricultural development

- Promote comprehensive agricultural production, strongly shift crops and livestock towards commodity production.

- Focus on restructuring occupations, labor structures to create jobs for farmers.

- To develop livestock production with high economic value on the basis of taking advantage of Nam Giang district's advantages.

b. Agricultural development goals for the period 2015 - 2020

3.1.3. Orienting point of view when building solutions

- Need to pay attention to natural disaster prevention; protect biodiversity, ensure the sustainability of the ecosystem; rationally exploit, economically and effectively use natural resources to drastically shift the agricultural economic structure towards gradually increasing the value of the livestock industry.

- To develop district agriculture in the direction of commodity production. Create conditions to promote the development of the farm economy and encourage all economic sectors to invest in production and business in the fields of agriculture, industry and services in the countryside.

- To restructure the agricultural economy in accordance with the direction of agricultural and rural industrialization. Actively develop sustainable agriculture in association with new rural construction. Rural development must be associated with the process of raising the people's intellectual level in rural areas, eliminating outdated production practices.

- Market relations in agricultural development will be done well if there is a stable economic environment. When the economy grows continuously, the economic structure shifts reasonably, the efficiency of resource use is improved, which will promote the development of agriculture.

- Agricultural production must derive from the needs of the market, ie production is to serve consumption, taking consumers as the basis to decide on investment in production. However, it is necessary to pay attention to minimizing the negative side caused by the market mechanism: chasing profits, unreasonable mobilizing and using resources, putting personal interests above community interests.


3.2.1. Development of production facilities

a. Consolidate and improve household economic capacity

To attach importance to education and training to improve people's knowledge and change progressive production practices for farmers, especially people in mountainous, remote and isolated areas.

b.Development of cooperatives

- To develop more and more effective cooperative groups, creating a premise for the establishment of cooperatives.

c. Farm economic development

- It is necessary to have an insurance policy for the business of the farm. Agricultural production has high risks due to the impacts of weather and climate factors.

d. Development of agribusiness

- Carry out planning to create production and business premises for enterprises by setting aside land fund to build industrial clusters for agricultural enterprises to rent.

3.2.2 Agricultural production restructuring

+ About cultivation: Focus on producing food crops to stabilize food on the spot. Gradually reduce the area of ​​low-yield and precarious upland rice to grow legumes and other crops of high economic value and gradually develop into high-yield specialized cultivation areas.

+ Regarding livestock: Strengthening the development of key livestock that have advantages and are suitable with production level and habits of ethnic minority farmers. Apply scientific and technical achievements in breeding in breeding, feed and do well in disease prevention and control to improve output and product quality. Concentrating livestock production in households with stables and encouraging rapid development of large-scale concentrated livestock farms.

3.2.3. Increasing resources in agriculture

a.About the land

- To encourage organizations and individuals that are assigned land use rights by the State on a large scale to switch to farm-scale production.

b. About labor in agriculture

- Short-term vocational training in rural areas: equipping workers with knowledge and skills to work, especially transfer of biotechnology in production, processing and consumption of products.

c. About capital in agriculture

- Developing capital market for investment to promote production: To encourage all economic sectors to participate in the capital market.

d. On the application of science and technology, technical progress in agricultural production

- Pay attention and continue to invest adequately in agricultural extension work to transfer scientific and technological advances to farms and households.

3.2.4. Expanding links in production and consumption of products

- Encourage the development of agricultural product processing establishments: There should be planning, calling for investment to process and consume agricultural products for farmers.

3.2.5. Increasing intensive farming in agriculture

- Promote the application of scientific and technological advances

. Continue to replicate and popularize successful farming and breeding models

3.2.6. Increased production results

- In order to increase agricultural production results of the district, it is necessary to select agricultural products that are suitable to the natural, socio-economic characteristics of each region, each commune and meet the requirements of the market.

- In cultivation: For food crops, continue to increase the area of ​​wet rice cultivation, concentrating mainly in places with low slope but near water sources, capable of reclaiming and renovating to build terraced fields. . Create conditions for people to cultivate intensively to increase productivity, limit erosion, and at the same time carry out planning and organization of high-yield rice production.

- In animal husbandry: To encourage and adopt policies to support demonstration production models with good results for replication. To step up livestock development in the direction of continuing to bio-chemize the herd of cows, lean herds of pigs, and increase the weight of herds for slaughter.

For goat herd, step by step change Bach Thao goat breed to have high productivity.

3.2.7. Promoting the role of the State in agricultural development

Strengthen the leadership of the Party committees at all levels, the implementation capacity of the government system from the district to the grassroots in implementing the State's policies on agricultural development.

In the immediate future, it is necessary to focus on reorganizing resources and conditions for agricultural development to set out reasonable policies, gradually perfecting agricultural development policies, in the coming years it is necessary to complete improve the district's agricultural development policy system.

3.2.8. Other solutions

a. Investing in agricultural and rural infrastructure

- To increase investment in building a transport network to meet the needs of goods and people's transportation, especially to ensure smoothness during the rainy and stormy season.

- Increase investment in irrigation works in the communes.

Improve capacity of existing irrigation works.

b. Market solutions:

- Developing services of different sizes; to build and promote well the activities of central markets, commune cluster markets and commune markets;

c. Proposing to improve a number of related policies:

* Land policy:

- Speeding up the progress of land allocation, land lease, and issuance of certificates so that farm owners can rest assured in production; Prioritize leasing land for land yet?

assigned, not yet leased in the locality to develop the farm, encourage reclamation and restoration to develop and expand the farm.

* Rural credit policy:

- For all capital sources, in order to use them effectively, the district needs to propose an accompanying technical support policy. It is necessary to spend a certain amount of money for the program, especially agricultural and industrial extension work. .

* Market policy:

- Developing rural market: building a network of markets, petrol and oil shops, trade... in communes.

* Policy on human resource development:

- Develop a long-term human resource training strategy in the locality to have a workforce working in the field of agriculture with quality, flexibility, and adaptability to the requirements of agricultural development.


The practice of building and defending the Fatherland as well as the process of industrialization and modernization of the country under the socialist orientation have affirmed the strategic stature of agriculture, farmers and rural areas. Therefore, our Party always places agriculture, farmers and rural areas in an important strategic position, considering it as the basis and force for sustainable socio-economic development, political stability, and assurance. national defense and security, preserving and promoting the national cultural identity. Nam Giang is a mountainous district of Quang Nam province, the economy is mainly based on agriculture, the infrastructure is extremely difficult, especially rural transportation, but in recent years, it has received the attention of the political system. and with the efforts of farmers in Nam Giang district, the district's agriculture initially obtained positive results,

However, the progress and results achieved are still low, the potential strengths of agriculture have not been effectively exploited, and there is no long-term strategy for agricultural development. The mobilization and use of resources, intensive farming to increase labor productivity, and boosting agricultural production activities are still difficult, and there are still many difficulties in creating specialized areas for commodity production. Moreover, agricultural production in Nam Giang district is still fragmented and small, and it is also affected by risks caused by natural disasters, epidemics and adverse factors, and agricultural production practices are still backward. Therefore, for Nam Giang agriculture to develop, it requires the cooperation and contribution of the Party Committee, the government and the whole political system to implement synchronous solutions to improve efficiency.


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Date published: 30/03/2022