6. From an analytic perspective, we identify the cultural content associated with the ethnic characteristics of the language. The formation of the coding line of CTLC is associated with the dynamism of cognitive-oriented thinking in a specific environment, inseparable from the elements from the address, cultural characteristic schema, etc. In the process of creating meaning, the The above factors are indispensable materials, influencing each other to raise the semantic function to the pragmatic function, and at the same time put the process of language communication into the openness of cultural vision.
7. The thesis has contributed to highlighting the picture of stylistic characteristics and style standards closely related to habitability, stereotypes, accuracy, experience, compliance, creativity, At the same time, it evokes the difference in nuances implicit in the act of asking of the buying and selling environment in real daily life (the creation of pragmatics with different presuppositional levels, according to the the interaction between the principle of politeness, separate cooperation, together with the breaking of the maxim of conversation in terms of quality and quantity is also very different according to a language standard selected to achieve specific communication purposes) , with implicit nuances belonging to literary and artistic texts (products of the rhetorical process in the direction of aesthetics, manipulating figurative thinking).
8. Thus, CTLC is the basis of the governing principles of language activities in commercial communication , and suggests pragmatic research on: strategic choice theory; choice for norm; choice for polite strategy.
CTLC is also the dominant root for issues of politeness principles (politeness associated with the selection strategy that people make in the process of social interaction; associated with behavioral standards, under strong pressure. of community norms and prescribed social values such as age, …); the principle of ensuring rights (interests are also associated with the selection strategy that people make in the process of social interaction); principles of relationship creation (trade communication is subject to the provisions of specific economic needs and benefits of the buyer and seller, and the establishment of a behavioral relationship associated with interests and selection strategies); principles of affection. (Needs and economic interests have forced buyers and sellers to find ways to establish relationships, to do so, they must ensure the principle of creating feelings.)
9. We need to have a more objective and comprehensive view of the art of communication and purchase in our country, avoiding the one-sided view that the trading language belongs to low, monotonous, non-standard style compared to literary language. common standardization. At the same time, cultivating the ability to use personal and business languages well in macro-economic situations and negotiations brings great and practical benefits to the Vietnamese economy.
10. We also hope that the Ministry of Education and Training will include the issue of standard language for buying and selling communication into the educational curricula at the high school and university levels 11. Some suggested issues for further study , clarifying the intersection theory of interdisciplinary nature. That is to build and supplement the vocabulary of buying and selling words in order to interpret, compare, and provide some necessary knowledge for the Vietnamese dictionary system. The next step is to establish a semantic field system, practice the building of a set of words with semantic relations according to the topic of purchase and sale. At the same time, it is possible to add a class of Vietnamese buying and selling vocabulary in terms of origin, scope of use, time of use… From there, we can build theory and practice about commercial VIETNAM,to be able to push Vietnamese in the field of commercial communication to international standards and become “Vietnamese commercial terms” VIETNAMESE REFERENCES 1. Dao Duy Anh (1932), Sino-Vietnamese dictionary, Hanoi .
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Maybe you are interested!
Statements containing the act of asking questions in business communication in Vietnamese - 22
Statements containing the act of asking questions in business communication in Vietnamese - 23
Statements containing the act of asking questions in business communication in Vietnamese - 24
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Published RESEARCH RESEARCH RELATED TO TOPIC 1. (1995), Structural features of bilingual language between buyers and sellers, Master’s thesis in philology, University of Education, Ho Chi Minh City.
2. (2002), Some comments on pronunciation of Nha Trang dialect Khanh Hoa Proceedings of NNH seminar “NN on the way of industrialization and modernization of the country” HCMC.
3. (2002), Some comments on the structure of bilingual agriculture between buyers and sellers, Proceedings of the National Bank’s workshop “The State on the road to industrialization and modernization of the country” HCMC.
4. (2002), Some comments on pronunciation of Nha Trang dialect Khanh Hoa Announcement of Science, Nha Trang College of Education 5. (2002), Some comments on the structure of bilingual language between buyers and users for sale, Scientific Announcement, Nha Trang College of Pedagogy 6. (2004), Speech in the profession of sales, Young Linguistics Seminar, Da Lat.
7. (2004), Indirect linguistic actions of question utterances in MB conversation in Vietnamese – Young Linguistics Workshop, Da Lat.
8. (2004), TXH and CXH in the statement of buying and selling in Vietnamese, Language, No. 6.
9. (2004), Indirect linguistic acts in buying and selling utterances, NN & life, no. 6.
10. (2005), Implicit meaning and mechanism for generating allegorical meanings of the act of asking in a buying and selling conversation in Vietnamese, Language, no.2.
11. (2005), Connotation and mechanism for creating implication in questions in Vietnamese trading conversations, Proceedings of the International Conference on Pan-Asian Linguistics – 6th – Social Sciences Publishing House, Hanoi.
12. (2006), Ethnic cultural characteristics of questioning in speech event MB, Young Linguistics Workshop, April, Hanoi.
13. (2006), National cultural characteristics in the implicit meaning of interrogative statements in Vietnamese language, Language, No. 9.
14. (2006), National cultural characteristics with implicit meanings of utterances expressing OS in speech events MB, yearbook of philology department 30 years of research and teaching, Ho Chi Minh City University of Education, VNU Publishing House, HCMC