Critical Value Bounds | ||
Significance | I0 Bound | I1 Bound |
ten% | 3.02 | 3.51 |
5% | 3.62 | 4.16 |
2.5% | 4.18 | 4.79 |
first% | 4.94 | 5.58 |
TDH_TCK | ||
ARDL Bounds Test |
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Pass-Through From Rediscount Rate To Deposit And Lending Rates
Choosing The Optimal Lag For The Variables In The Model Table 4.8: Optimal Latency Testing
Limitations Of The Topic And Directions For Further Research
The transmission from the interest rate policy of the State bank to the deposit and lending rates at Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development of Vietnam - 8
Date: 03/29/16 Time: 21:57 Sample: 5 96
Included observations: 92
Null Hypothesis: No long-run relationships exist
Test Statistic | Value | k |
F-statistics | 26.61173 | first |
Critical Value Bounds | ||
Significance | I0 Bound | I1 Bound |
ten% | 3.02 | 3.51 |
5% | 3.62 | 4.16 |
2.5% | 4.18 | 4.79 |
first% | 4.94 | 5.58 |
Dependent Variable: _1M Method: ARDL
Date: 03/29/16 Time: 22:36 Sample (adjusted): 5 96
Included observations: 92 after adjustments
Maximum dependent lags: 12 (Automatic selection) Model selection method: Akaike info criterion (AIC) Dynamic regressors (12 lags, automatic): TCV Fixed regressors: C
Number of models evalulated: 156 Selected Model: ARDL(4, 2)
Note: final equation sample is larger than selection sample
Variable | Coefficient | Std. Error | t-Statistics | Prob.* |
_1M(-1) | 1.135026 | 0.106557 | 10.65184 | 0.0000 |
_1M(-2) | -0.194532 | 0.163671 | -1.188552 | 0.2380 |
_1M(-3) | -0.123542 | 0.159949 | -0.772386 | 0.4421 |
_1M(-4) | 0.131430 | 0.094763 | 1.386938 | 0.1691 |
TCV | 0.463933 | 0.112370 | 4.128618 | 0.0001 |
TCV(-1) | -0.112039 | 0.157915 | -0.709488 | 0.4800 |
TCV(-2) | -0.346461 | 0.112452 | -3.080976 | 0.0028 |
OLD | 0.346080 | 0.276030 | 1.253778 | 0.2134 |
R-squared | 0.967650 | Mean dependent var | 8.978804 | |
Adjusted R-squared | 0.964954 | SD dependent var | 3.881412 | |
SE of regression | 0.726618 | Akaike info criterion | 2.282111 | |
Sum squared residence | 44.34984 | Schwarz criterion | 2.501397 | |
Log likelihood | -96.97709 | Hannan-Quinn criter. | 2.370616 | |
F-statistics | 358,9453 | Durbin-Watson stats | 2.139592 | |
Prob(F-statistics) | 0.000000 |
*Note: p-values and any subsequent tests do not account for model selection.
Dependent Variable: _6M Method: ARDL
Date: 03/29/16 Time: 22:50 Sample (adjus ted): 2 96
Included obs ervations : 95 after adjus tments
Maximum dependent lags : 12 (Automatic s election) Model s election method: Akaike info criterion (AIC) Dynamic regexp s ors (12 lags , automatic): TCV Fixed regexp s ors : C
Number of models evalulated: 156 Selected Model: ARDL(1, 1)
Note: final equation s ample is larger than s election s ample
Variable | Coefficient | Std. Error t-Stats tic | Prob.* |
_6M(-1) | 0.938868 | 0.052329 17.94159 | 0.0000 |
TCV | 0.693945 | 0.101460 6.839625 | 0.0000 |
TCV(-1) | -0.682248 | 0.094074 -7.252245 | 0.0000 |
OLD | 0.479848 | 0.265253 1.809024 | 0.0737 |
Rs quared | 0.948086 | Mean dependent var | 9.696737 |
Adjus ted Rs quared | 0.946374 | SD dependent var | 3.301801 |
SE of regex s ion | 0.764606 | Akaike info criterion | 2.342282 |
Sum s quared res id | 53.20068 | Schwarz criterion | 2.449813 |
Log likelihood | -107.2584 | Hannan-Quinn criter. | 2.385733 |
Fs tatis tic | 553.9623 | Durbin-Wats on the clock | 1.608167 |
Prob(Fs tatis tic) | 0.000000 |
Variable | Coefficient | Std. Error t-Statistics | Prob.* |
_12M(-1) | 0.843659 | 0.052469 16.07917 | 0.0000 |
TCV | 0.479081 | 0.086092 5.564759 | 0.0000 |
TCV(-1) | 0.129880 | 0.132634 0.979237 | 0.3302 |
TCV(-2) | -0.488779 | 0.136069 -3.592134 | 0.0005 |
TCV(-3) | -0.080654 | 0.131803 -0.611928 | 0.5422 |
TCV(-4) | 0.056498 | 0.084450 0.669014 | 0.5053 |
OLD | 0.628499 | 0.254718 2.467428 | 0.0156 |
R-squared | 0.963452 | Mean dependent var | 10.02707 |
Adjusted R-squared | 0.960873 | SD dependent var | 3.071818 |
SE of regression | 0.607626 | Akaike info criterion | 1.914523 |
Sum squared residence | 31.38281 | Schwarz criterion | 2.106398 |
Log likelihood | -81.06804 | Hannan-Quinn criter. | 1.991965 |
F-statistics | 373.4552 | Durbin-Watson stats | 1.812416 |
Prob(F-statistics) | 0.000000 | ||
18M_TCV |
Dependent Variable: _18M Method: ARDL
Date: 03/29/16 Time: 22:52 Sample (adjusted): 3 96
Included observations: 94 after adjustments
Maximum dependent lags: 12 (Automatic selection) Model selection method: Akaike info criterion (AIC) Dynamic regressors (12 lags, automatic): TCV Fixed regressors: C
Number of models evalulated: 156 Selected Model: ARDL(1, 2)
Note: final equation sample is larger than selection sample
Variable | Coefficient | Std. Error t-Statistics | Prob.* |
_18M(-1) | 0.887159 | 0.052324 16.95497 | 0.0000 |
TCV | 0.446020 | 0.089894 4.961628 | 0.0000 |
TCV(-1) | -0.149811 | 0.140588 -1.065602 | 0.2895 |
TCV(-2) | -0.266015 | 0.086657 -3.069762 | 0.0028 |
OLD | 0.799598 | 0.288990 2.766869 | 0.0069 |
R-squared | 0.933686 | Mean dependent var | 9.760638 |
Adjusted R-squared | 0.930706 | SD dependent var | 2.467255 |
SE of regression | 0.649474 | Akaike info criterion | 2.026418 |
Sum squared residence | 37.54171 | Schwarz criterion | 2.161700 |
Log likelihood | -90.24164 | Hannan-Quinn criter. | 2.081062 |
F-statistics | 313.2765 | Durbin-Watson stats | 1.787637 |
Prob(F-statistics) | 0.000000 |
Variable | Coefficient | Std. Error t-Statistics | Prob.* |
_24M(-1) | 0.880940 | 0.053380 16.50324 | 0.0000 |
TCV | 0.445094 | 0.088425 5.033566 | 0.0000 |
TCV(-1) | -0.150931 | 0.137813 -1.095189 | 0.2764 |
TCV(-2) | -0.261794 | 0.084981 -3.080610 | 0.0027 |
OLD | 0.845346 | 0.290602 2.908944 | 0.0046 |
R-squared | 0.933691 | Mean dependent var | 9,777447 |
Adjusted R-squared | 0.930711 | SD dependent var | 2.417157 |
SE of regression | 0.636266 | Akaike info criterion | 1.985323 |
Sum squared residence | 36.03021 | Schwarz criterion | 2.120605 |
Log likelihood | -88.31018 | Hannan-Quinn criter. | 2.039967 |
F-statistics | 313.2989 | Durbin-Watson stats | 1.783144 |
Prob(F-statistics) | 0.000000 |
Dependent Variable: NH Method: ARDL
Date: 03/29/16 Time: 22:56 Sample (adjusted): 7 96
Included observations: 90 after adjustments
Maximum dependent lags: 12 (Automatic selection) Model selection method: Akaike info criterion (AIC) Dynamic regressors (12 lags, automatic): TCV Fixed regressors: C
Number of models evalulated: 156 Selected Model: ARDL(2, 6)
Note: final equation sample is larger than selection sample
Variable | Coefficient | Std. Error | t-Statistics | Prob.* |
NH(-1) | 1.081561 | 0.110173 | 9.816912 | 0.0000 |
NH(-2) | -0.204363 | 0.115941 | -1.762646 | 0.0818 |
TCV | 0.505428 | 0.111177 | 4.546151 | 0.0000 |
TCV(-1) | 0.022739 | 0.166537 | 0.136541 | 0.8917 |
TCV(-2) | -0.462235 | 0.154122 | -2.999158 | 0.0036 |
TCV(-3) | -0.024932 | 0.128104 | -0.194620 | 0.8462 |
TCV(-4) | -0.109462 | 0.117272 | -0.933401 | 0.3534 |
TCV(-5) | 0.243417 | 0.116044 | 2.097628 | 0.0391 |
TCV(-6) | -0.087353 | 0.075551 | -1.156211 | 0.2510 |
OLD | 0.744165 | 0.308893 | 2.409136 | 0.0183 |
R-squared | 0.977416 | Mean dependent var | 12.75750 | |
Adjusted R-squared | 0.974876 | SD dependent var | 3.327661 | |
SE of regression | 0.527457 | Akaike info criterion | 1.662942 | |
Sum squared residence | 22.25691 | Schwarz criterion | 1.940699 | |
Log likelihood | -64.83240 | Hannan-Quinn criter. | 1.774950 | |
F-statistics | 384.7072 | Durbin-Watson stats | 1.962815 | |
Prob(F-statistics) | 0.000000 |
Dependent Variable: TDH Method: ARDL
Date: 03/29/16 Time: 22:56 Sample (adjus ted): 5 96
Included obs ervations : 92 after adjus tments
Maximum dependent lags : 12 (Automatic s election) Model s election method: Akaike info criterion (AIC) Dynamic regexp s ors (12 lags , automatic): TCV Fixed regexp s ors : C
Number of models evalulated: 156 Selected Model: ARDL(2, 4)
Note: final equation s ample is larger than s election s ample
Variable | Coefficient | Std. Error t-Stats tic | Prob.* |
TDH(-1) | 1.070561 | 0.098958 10.81830 | 0.0000 |
TDH(-2) | -0.203586 | 0.093559 -2.176016 | 0.0324 |
TCV | 0.470750 | 0.092659 5.080434 | 0.0000 |
TCV(-1) | -0.023733 | 0.139504 -0.170122 | 0.8653 |
TCV(-2) | -0.334572 | 0.126682 -2.641048 | 0.0099 |
TCV(-3) | -0.103474 | 0.128607 -0.804577 | 0.4233 |
TCV(-4) | 0.073649 | 0.079463 0.926840 | 0.3567 |
OLD | 1.074574 | 0.347484 3.092445 | 0.0027 |
Rs quared | 0.971524 | Mean dependent var | 13.98250 |
Adjus ted Rs quared | 0.969151 | SD dependent var | 3.227820 |
SE of regex s ion | 0.566933 | Akaike info criterion | 1.785791 |
Sum s quared res id | 26,99872 | Schwarz criterion | 2,005077 |
Log likelihood | -74.14639 | Hannan-Quinn criter. | 1.874297 |
Fs tatis tic | 409.4033 | Durbin-Wats on the clock | 2.101141 |
Prob(Fs tatis tic) | 0.000000 | ||
1M_TCK | |||
Dependent Variable: _1M Method: ARDL |
Date: 03/29/16 Time: 23:05 Sample (adjusted): 5 96
Included observations: 92 after adjustments
Maximum dependent lags: 12 (Automatic selection) Model selection method: Akaike info criterion (AIC) Dynamic regressors (12 lags, automatic): TCK Fixed regressors: C
Number of models evalulated: 156 Selected Model: ARDL(4, 2)
Note: final equation sample is larger than selection sample
Variable | Coefficient | Std. Error | t-Statistics | Prob.* |
_1M(-1) | 1.174603 | 0.109222 | 10.75432 | 0.0000 |
_1M(-2) | -0.167957 | 0.172518 | -0.973562 | 0.3331 |
_1M(-3) | -0.207766 | 0.174682 | -1.189395 | 0.2376 |
_1M(-4) | 0.143529 | 0.103408 | 1.387984 | 0.1688 |
TCK | 0.406666 | 0.109785 | 3.704202 | 0.0004 |
TCK(-1) | -0.128015 | 0.146480 | -0.873942 | 0.3846 |
TCK(-2) | -0.262694 | .102521 | -2.562351 | 0.0122 |
OLD | 0.344017 | 0.224754 | 1.530638 | 0.1296 |
R-squared | 0.965111 | Mean dependent var | 8.978804 | |
Adjusted R-squared | 0.962204 | SD dependent var | 3.881412 | |
SE of regression | 0.754596 | Akaike info criterion | 2.357674 | |
Sum squared residence | 47.83091 | Schwarz criterion | 2.576959 | |
Log likelihood | -100.4530 | Hannan-Quinn criter. | 2.446179 | |
F-statistics | 331.9485 | Durbin-Watson stats | 2.103649 | |
Prob(F-statistics) | 0.000000 |
Dependent Variable: _6M Method: ARDL
Date: 03/29/16 Time: 23:06 Sample (adjusted): 2 96
Included observations: 95 after adjustments
Maximum dependent lags: 12 (Automatic selection) Model selection method: Akaike info criterion (AIC) Dynamic regressors (12 lags, automatic): TCK Fixed regressors: C
Number of models evalulated: 156 Selected Model: ARDL(1, 1)
Note: final equation sample is larger than selection sample
Variable | Coefficient | Std. Error t-Statistics | Prob.* |
_6M(-1) | 0.946585 | 0.055769 16.97340 | 0.0000 |
TCK | 0.551751 | 0.10243 5.504122 | 0.0000 |
TCK(-1) | -0.545272 | 0.092815 -5.874851 | 0.0000 |
OLD | 0.458118 | 0.265322 1.726652 | 0.0876 |
R-squared | 0.940474 | Mean dependent var | 9.696737 |
Adjusted R-squared | 0.938511 | SD dependent var | 3.301801 |
SE of regression | 0.818744 | Akaike info criterion | 2.479103 |
Sum squared residence | 61.00115 | Schwarz criterion | 2.586635 |
Log likelihood | -113.7574 | Hannan-Quinn criter. | 2.522554 |
F-statistics | 479.2459 | Durbin-Watson stats | 1.701805 |
Prob(F-statistics) | 0.000000 | ||
12M_TCK |
Dependent Variable: _12M Method: ARDL
Date: 03/29/16 Time: 23:06 Sample (adjusted): 2 96
Included observations: 95 after adjustments
Maximum dependent lags: 12 (Automatic selection) Model selection method: Akaike info criterion (AIC) Dynamic regressors (12 lags, automatic): TCK Fixed regressors: C
Number of models evalulated: 156 Selected Model: ARDL(1, 1)
Note: final equation sample is larger than selection sample
Variable | Coefficient | Std. Error t-Statistics | Prob.* |
_12M(-1) | 0.895576 | 0.058916 15.20077 | 0.0000 |
TCK | 0.657086 | 0.090742 7.241257 | 0.0000 |
TCK(-1) | -0.591748 | 0.089132 -6.638978 | 0.0000 |
OLD | 0.570306 | 0.289565 1.969528 | 0.0519 |
R-squared | 0.938734 | Mean dependent var | 10.06916 |
Adjusted R-squared | 0.936714 | SD dependent var | 3.041630 |
SE of regression | 0.765171 | Akaike info criterion | 2.343759 |
Sum squared residence | 53.27933 | Schwarz criterion | 2.451291 |
Log likelihood | -107.3286 | Hannan-Quinn criter. | 2.387210 |
F-statistics | 464.7771 | Durbin-Watson stats | 1.864117 |
Prob(F-statistics) | 0.000000 |
Variable | Coefficient | Std. Error t-Statistics | Prob.* |
_18M(-1) | 0.900228 | 0.057006 15.79189 | 0.0000 |
TCK | 0.477074 | 0.087115 5.476363 | 0.0000 |
TCK(-1) | -0.444311 | 0.082469 -5.387585 | 0.0000 |
OLD | 0.730107 | 0.335630 2.175331 | 0.0322 |
R-squared | 0.913982 | Mean dependent var | 9.762737 |
Adjusted R-squared | 0.911146 | SD dependent var | 2.454181 |
SE of regression | 0.731552 | Akaike info criterion | 2.253897 |
Sum squared residence | 48.70034 | Schwarz criterion | 2.361428 |
Log likelihood | -103.0601 | Hannan-Quinn criter. | 2.297347 |
F-statistics | 322.3048 | Durbin-Watson stats | 1.626205 |
Prob(F-statistics) | 0.000000 | ||
24M_TCK |
Dependent Variable: _24M Method: ARDL
Date: 03/29/16 Time: 23:08 Sample (adjusted): 2 96
Included observations: 95 after adjustments
Maximum dependent lags: 12 (Automatic selection) Model selection method: Akaike info criterion (AIC) Dynamic regressors (12 lags, automatic): TCK Fixed regressors: C
Number of models evalulated: 156 Selected Model: ARDL(1, 1)
Note: final equation sample is larger than selection sample
Variable | Coefficient | Std. Error t-Statistics | Prob.* |
_24M(-1) | 0.895451 | 0.058120 15.40696 | 0.0000 |
TCK | 0.474035 | 0.0861010 5.511427 | 0.0000 |
TCK(-1) | -0.440279 | 0.080956 -5.438469 | 0.0000 |
OLD | 0.774233 | 0.341194 2.269188 | 0.0256 |
R-squared | 0.913563 | Mean dependent var | 9.779368 |
Adjusted R-squared | 0.910713 | SD dependent var | 2.404338 |
SE of regression | 0.718438 | Akaike info criterion | 2.217718 |
Sum squared residence | 46,96991 | Schwarz criterion | 2.325249 |
Log likelihood | -101.3416 | Hannan-Quinn criter. | 2.261169 |
F-statistics | 320.5958 | Durbin-Watson stats | 1.620523 |
Prob(F-statistics) | 0.000000 |
Variable | Coefficient | Std. Error t-Statistics | Prob.* |
NH(-1) | 0.716277 | 0.091125 7.860416 | 0.0000 |
NH(-2) | -0.016746 | 0.116244 -0.144063 | 0.8858 |
NH(-3) | 0.074972 | 0.085935 0.872425 | 0.3854 |
TCK | 0.597473 | 0.096127 6.215467 | 0.0000 |
TCK(-1) | 0.012761 | 0.142530 0.089529 | 0.9289 |
TCK(-2) | -0.281405 | 0.133886 -2.101832 | 0.0385 |
TCK(-3) | -0.151397 | 0.105080 -1.440772 | 0.1533 |
OLD | 1.561821 | 0.415941 3.754907 | 0.0003 |
R-squared | 0.966183 | Mean dependent var | 12.92661 |
Adjusted R-squared | 0.963398 | SD dependent var | 3.431501 |
SE of regression | 0.656506 | Akaike info criterion | 2.078324 |
Sum squared residence | 36.63496 | Schwarz criterion | 2.296182 |
Log likelihood | -88.64205 | Hannan-Quinn criter. | 2.166288 |
F-statistics | 346.9288 | Durbin-Watson stats | 1.360357 |
Prob(F-statistics) | 0.000000 | ||
TDH_TCK | |||
Dependent Variable: TDH Method: ARDL |
Date: 03/29/16 Time: 23:09 Sample (adjus ted): 4 96
Included obs ervations : 93 after adjus tments
Maximum dependent lags : 12 (Automatic s election) Model s election method: Akaike info criterion (AIC) Dynamic regexp s ors (12 lags , automatic): TCK Fixed regexs s ors : C
Number of models evalulated: 156 Selected Model: ARDL(2, 3)
Note: final equation s ample is larger than s election s ample
Variable | Coefficient | Std. Error | t-Stats tic | Prob.* |
TDH(-1) | 0.840246 | 0.093914 | 8.946975 | 0.0000 |
TDH(-2) | -0.076817 | 0.10782 | -0.762211 | 0.4480 |
TCK | 0.450366 | 0.091735 | 4.909440 | 0.0000 |
TCK(-1) | 0.146472 | 0.129788 | 1.128546 | 0.2622 |
TCK(-2) | -0.356550 | 0.112263 | -2.940314 | 0.0042 |
TCK(-3) | -0.061953 | 0.094176 | -0.657848 | 0.5124 |
OLD | 1.969972 | 0.405385 | 4.859511 | 0.0000 |
Rs quared | 0.962317 | Mean dependent var | 14.0180 | |
Adjus ted Rs quared | 0.959688 | SD dependent var | 3.223496 | |
SE of regex s ion | 0.647208 | Akaike info criterion | 2.039988 | |
Sum s quared res id | 36.02356 | Schwarz criterion | 2.230614 | |
Log likelihood | -87.85946 | Hannan-Quinn criter. | 2.116958 | |
Fs tatis tic | 366.0336 | Durbin-Wats on the clock | 1.430708 | |
Prob(Fs tatis tic) | 0.000000 |
Long Run Coefficients
Variable | Coefficient | Std. Error | t-Statistics | Prob. |
TCV | 0.105263 | 1.123808 | 0.093666 | 0.9256 |
OLD | 6.704726 | 9.269560 | 0.723306 | 0.4715 |
6M_TCV | |||
Long Run Coefficients | |||
Variable | Coefficient Std. Error | t-Statistics | Prob. |
TCV | 0.191340 0.840287 | 0.227708 | 0.8204 |
OLD | 7.849345 7.706811 | 1.018495 | 0.3111 |
Long Run Coefficients
Variable | Coefficient | Std. Error | t-Statistics | Prob. |
TCV | 0.614213 | 0.180551 | 3.401876 | 0.0010 |
OLD | 4.020045 | 1.642994 | 2.446780 | 0.0165 |
18M_TCV | |||
Long Run Coefficients | |||
Variable | Coefficient Std. Error | t-Statistics | Prob. |
TCV | 0.267576 0.295669 | 0.904985 | 0.3679 |
OLD | 7.086072 2.692332 | 2.631945 | 0.0100 |
Long Run Coefficients
Variable | Coefficient | Std. Error | t-Statistics | Prob. |
TCV | 0.271872 | 0.275805 | 0.985739 | 0.3269 |
OLD | 7.100192 | 2.519405 | 2.818201 | 0.0060 |
Variable | Coefficient | Std. Error | t-Statistics | Prob. |
TCV | 0.713358 | 0.258661 | 2.757887 | 0.0072 |
OLD | 6.059873 | 2.275768 | 2.662782 | 0.0094 |
Long Run Coefficients
Variable | Coefficient | Std. Error | t-Statistics | Prob. |
TCV | 0.621086 | 0.237403 | 2.616165 | 0.0105 |
OLD | 8.077987 | 2.140735 | 3.773464 | 0.0003 |
Long Run Coefficients
Variable | Coefficient | Std. Error | t-Statistics | Prob. |
TCK | 0.277080 | 0.879778 | 0.314943 | 0.7536 |
OLD | 5.973510 | 5.723610 | 1.043661 | 0.2996 |
Long Run Coefficients
Variable | Coefficient | Std. Error | t-Statistics | Prob. |
TCK | 0.121308 | 1.068562 | 0.113524 | 0.9099 |
OLD | 8.576550 | 7.594246 | 1.129348 | 0.2617 |
12M_TCK | ||||
Long Run Coefficients | ||||
Variable | Coefficient | Std. Error | t-Statistics | Prob. |
TCK | 0.625698 | 0.313193 | 1.997803 | 0.0487 |
OLD | 5.461429 | 2.330477 | 2.343481 | 0.0213 |
Long Run Coefficients
Variable | Coefficient | Std. Error | t-Statistics | Prob. |
TCK | 0.328380 | 0.337852 | 0.971966 | 0.3336 |
OLD | 7.317760 | 2.503647 | 2.922840 | 0.0044 |
Variable | Coefficient | Std. Error | t-Statistics | Prob. |
TCK | 0.322879 | 0.320571 | 1.007198 | 0.3165 |
OLD | 7.405437 | 2.383291 | 3.107232 | 0.0025 |
Long Run Coefficients
Variable | Coefficient | Std. Error | t-Statistics | Prob. |
TCK | 0.786850 | 0.164644 | 4.779095 | 0.0000 |
OLD | 6.926134 | 1.113247 | 6.221562 | 0.0000 |
Long Run Coefficients
Variable | Coefficient | Std. Error | t-Statistics | Prob. |
TCK | 0.753829 | 0.125242 | 6.018962 | 0.0000 |
OLD | 8.327194 | 0.901090 | 9.241242 | 0.0000 |
AR DL Cointegrating And Long Run Form Dependent Variable: _1M
Selected Model: ARDL(4, 2) Date: 03/29/16 Time: 23:19 Sample: 1 96
Included observations: 92
Cointegrating Form
Variable | Coefficient | Std. Error | t-Statistics | Prob. |
D(_1M(-1)) | 0.186643 | 0.110542 | 1.838083 | 0.0696 |
D(_1M(-2)) | -0.007888 | 0.099641 | -0.079167 | 0.9371 |
D(_1M(-3)) | -0.131430 | 0.092410 | -1.422254 | 0.1587 |
D(TCV) | 0.463933 | 0.106413 | 4.359720 | 0.0000 |
D(TCV(-1)) | 0.346461 | 0.107130 | 3.234012 | 0.0017 |
CointEq(-1) | -0.051617 | 0.021033 | -2.454080 | 0.0162 |
Cointeq = _1M - (0.1053*TCV + 6.7047 )
ARDL Cointegrating And Long Run Form Dependent Variable: _6M
Selected Model: ARDL(1, 1) Date: 03/29/16 Time: 23:21 Sample: 1 96
Included observations: 95
Cointegrating Form
Variable | Coefficient | Std. Error | t-Statistics | Prob. |
D(TCV) | 0.693945 | 0.091686 | 7.568687 | 0.0000 |
CointEq(-1) | -0.061132 | 0.027810 | -2.198209 | 0.0305 |
Cointeq = _6M - (0.1913*TCV + 7.8493 )
ARDL Cointegrating And Long Run Form Dependent Variable: _12M
Selected Model: ARDL(1, 4) Date: 03/29/16 Time: 23:23 Sample: 1 96
Included observations: 92
Cointegrating Form
Variable | Coefficient | Std. Error | t-Statistics | Prob. |
D(TCV) | 0.479081 | 0.078792 | 6.080289 | 0.0000 |
D(TCV(-1)) | 0.512934 | 0.082007 | 6.254770 | 0.0000 |
D(TCV(-2)) | 0.024155 | 0.085287 | 0.283225 | 0.7777 |
D(TCV(-3)) | -0.056498 | 0.082418 | -0.685511 | 0.4949 |
CointEq(-1) | -0.156341 | 0.042577 | -3.671947 | 0.0004 |
Cointeq = _12M - (0.6142*TCV + 4.0200 )
Dependent Variable: _18M Selected Model: ARDL(1, 2) Date: 03/29/16 Time: 23:24 Sample: 1 96
Included observations: 94
Cointegrating Form
Variable | Coefficient | Std. Error | t-Statistics | Prob. |
D(TCV) | 0.446020 | 0.083198 | 5.360931 | 0.0000 |
D(TCV(-1)) | 0.266015 | 0.085302 | 3.118509 | 0.0024 |
CointEq(-1) | -0.112841 | 0.037007 | -3.049195 | 0.0030 |
Cointeq = _18M - (0.2676*TCV + 7.0861 )
ARDL Cointegrating And Long Run Form Dependent Variable: _24M
Selected Model: ARDL(1, 2) Date: 03/29/16 Time: 23:25 Sample: 1 96
Included observations: 94
Cointegrating Form
Variable | Coefficient | Std. Error | t-Statistics | Prob. |
D(TCV) | 0.445094 | 0.081564 | 5.457009 | 0.0000 |
D(TCV(-1)) | 0.261794 | 0.083715 | 3.127193 | 0.0024 |
CointEq(-1) | -0.119060 | 0.037671 | -3.160497 | 0.0022 |
Cointeq = _24M - (0.2719*TCV + 7.1002 )
ARDL Cointegrating And Long Run Form Dependent Variable: SMALL
Selected Model: ARDL(2, 6) Date: 03/29/16 Time: 23:26 Sample: 1 96
Included observations: 90
Cointegrating Form
Variable | Coefficient | Std. Error | t-Statistics | Prob. |
D(NH(-1)) | 0.204363 | 0.105472 | 1.937609 | 0.0562 |
D(TCV) | 0.505428 | 0.099553 | 5.076997 | 0.0000 |
D(TCV(-1)) | 0.440565 | 0.113251 | 3.890176 | 0.0002 |
D(TCV(-2)) | -0.021670 | 0.090998 | -0.238139 | 0.8124 |
D(TCV(-3)) | -0.046602 | 0.075960 | -0.613503 | 0.5413 |
D(TCV(-4)) | -0.156064 | 0.075790 | -2.059149 | 0.0427 |
D(TCV(-5)) | 0.087353 | 0.074006 | 1.180357 | 0.2414 |
CointEq(-1) | -0.122802 | 0.044981 | -2.730092 | 0.0078 |
Cointeq = NH - (0.7134*TCV + 6.0599 )
Dependent Variable: TDH Selected Model: ARDL(2, 4) Date: 03/29/16 Time: 23:27 Sample: 1 96
Included observations: 92
Cointegrating Form
Variable | Coefficient | Std. Error | t-Statistics | Prob. |
D(TDH(-1)) | 0.203586 | 0.085047 | 2.393798 | 0.0189 |
D(TCV) | 0.470750 | 0.076772 | 6.131797 | 0.0000 |
D(TCV(-1)) | 0.364397 | 0.085180 | 4.277989 | 0.0000 |
D(TCV(-2)) | 0.029825 | 0.088759 | 0.336018 | 0.7377 |
D(TCV(-3)) | -0.073649 | 0.078150 | -0.942414 | 0.3487 |
CointEq(-1) | -0.133025 | 0.039995 | -3.326036 | 0.0013 |
Cointeq = TDH - (0.6211*TCV + 8.0780)
ARDL Cointegrating And Long Run Form Dependent Variable: _1M
Selected Model: ARDL(4, 2) Date: 03/29/16 Time: 23:30 Sample: 1 96
Included observations: 92
Cointegrating Form
Variable | Coefficient | Std. Error | t-Statistics | Prob. |
D(_1M(-1)) | 0.232194 | 0.104042 | 2.231741 | 0.0283 |
D(_1M(-2)) | 0.064237 | 0.104234 | 0.616280 | 0.5394 |
D(_1M(-3)) | -0.143529 | 0.101472 | -1.414466 | 0.1609 |
D(TCK) | 0.406666 | 0.104252 | 3.900801 | 0.0002 |
D(TCK(-1)) | 0.262694 | 0.097377 | 2.697700 | 0.0084 |
CointEq(-1) | -0.057590 | 0.025415 | -2.266016 | 0.0260 |
Cointeq = _1M - (0.2771*TCK + 5.9735 )
AR DL Cointegrating And Long Run Form Dependent Variable: _6M
Selected Model: ARDL(1, 1) Date: 03/29/16 Time: 23:30 Sample: 1 96
Included observations: 95
Cointegrating Form
Variable | Coefficient | Std. Error | t-Statistics | Prob. |
D(TCK) | 0.551751 | 0.089808 | 6.143710 | 0.0000 |
CointEq(-1) | -0.053415 | 0.028000 | -1.907680 | 0.0596 |
Cointeq = _6M - (0.1213*TCK + 8.5765)
Dependent Variable: _12M Selected Model: ARDL(1, 1) Date: 03/29/16 Time: 23:31 Sample: 1 96
Included observations: 95
Cointegrating Form
Variable | Coefficient | Std. Error | t-Statistics | Prob. |
D(TCK) | 0.657086 | 0.085348 | 7.698878 | 0.0000 |
CointEq(-1) | -0.104424 | 0.048273 | -2.163215 | 0.0331 |
Cointeq = _12M - (0.6257*TCK + 5.4614 )
ARDL Cointegrating And Long Run Form Dependent Variable: _18M
Selected Model: ARDL(1, 1) Date: 03/29/16 Time: 23:32 Sample: 1 96
Included observations: 95
Cointegrating Form
Variable | Coefficient | Std. Error | t-Statistics | Prob. |
D(TCK) | 0.477074 | 0.081234 | 5.872849 | 0.0000 |
CointEq(-1) | -0.099772 | 0.043402 | -2.298787 | 0.0238 |
Cointeq = _18M - (0.3284*TCK + 7.3178 )
ARDL Cointegrating And Long Run Form Dependent Variable: _24M
Selected Model: ARDL(1, 1) Date: 03/29/16 Time: 23:33 Sample: 1 96
Included observations: 95
Cointegrating Form
Variable | Coefficient | Std. Error | t-Statistics | Prob. |
D(TCK) | 0.474035 | 0.079883 | 5.934097 | 0.0000 |
CointEq(-1) | -0.104549 | 0.043748 | -2.389824 | 0.0189 |
Cointeq = _24M - (0.3229*TCK + 7.4054 )