Orientation To Improve The Quality Of Lending Services For Individual Customers At National Commercial Joint Stock Bank , Hue Branch

- Factor Level of sympathy

The survey results show that customers feel good about the level of sympathy of NCB - Hue Bank . Specifically:

Customers strongly agree with the criterion "The bank always puts your interests first" with the average value of 4,015. It shows that the Bank always takes the interests of customers as the focus in the Bank's operations.

Surveyed customers rated quite well with the criteria "Credit staff are always interested in the needs and purposes of using your capital", "Bank employees serve all customers fairly. customers when they come to the transaction”, you do not have to wait too long to be served” and “The bank shows its interest in you such as sending Tet wishes, happy birthday….” with the mean value of 3,815, respectively; 3.75; 3,769 and 3,692. Through the above evaluations, it shows that the Bank always knows how to care about customers, this is a sustainable competitive advantage and helps the Bank to retain customers and create customer loyalty to the Bank.

- Factor Satisfaction Factor

Three criteria in the factor group Satisfaction has a high rate of agreeing. Specifically: Criterion “In general, you are satisfied with the quality of personal loan servicesof the Bank” has an average value of 3.95, showing that customers almost agree with the above criteria, customers feel good in the process of using science and technology lending services, they feel satisfied with what they receive. experience. The next criterion "In the near future, will you continue to use the bank's personal lending service" has an average value of 3.84, showing that a large number of customers are currently customers. Loyalty of the Bank is using the science and technology lending service. And finally, the criterion "Would you recommend the Bank's personal loan service to others" has an average value of 3.74, showing that customers quite agree with the above criteria, customers Currently using the service, they are satisfied and they are willing to recommend the science and technology lending service to their friends and relatives. Summary,This is an optimistic signal from the Bank that the customer is willing to accept and continue to use the science and technology lending service of NCB-Hue Bank.


3.1. Orientation to improve the quality of lending services for individual customers at National Commercial Joint Stock Bank, Hue branch

Hue is an economic and cultural area that is developing day by day, the banking and finance sector in general and lending to science and technology in particular has a lot of development prospects.

Maybe you are interested!

The residential area here has a high average standard of living, and the consumer demand, especially the demand for expensive goods, is very large. Faced with that situation, the branch needs to have an orientation to improve the quality of science and technology loans to seize opportunities, attract more customers, increase profits, and create conditions for the solid development of the branch in the future. . 

3.1.1. General direction

Evaluation of loan service quality for individual customers at National Commercial Joint Stock Bank - 9

Along with improving service quality and expanding science and technology loan product packages in recent years, NCB-Hue Bank has made significant innovations and investments in structure and model of organization and people. . With the vision “NCB is committed to becoming a long-term strategic partner with start-up startups, young families and businesses on the path to financial success, and at the same time creating the best working environment for employees. following the principles of NCB - Your Bank.” and with the mission of "NCB to become a smart, friendly Financial Advisor, committed to providing fast, friendly and tailored financial services to each customer.", retail oriented, take Customer is the center, commits to bring customers perfect, convenient and diversified products and services, is a reliable partner and companion of customers.

At the same time, the Bank has changed the service process to meet the needs of customers when performing financial transactions: Friendly - professional - safe - efficient. To gradually build the Bank to become a public bank, linking banking services to residents and economic organizations. Strategic orientations to 2020 include:

NCB's foundation strategy on 3 core products is to enhance NCB's brand value. Building a different experience for customers. Accompanying customers in all areas from life to business.

Car loan products: The bank wishes to build a sales team that understands customers and the community, followed by building a sustainable relationship with dealers in each region. And finally, consolidating business models and making a difference with other banks.

Home loan products: The bank is committed to sustainability, long-term for real estate businesses and home buyers with simple and fast procedures and processes.

The bank will focus on customer needs in strategic segments.

Financial consulting services: The bank will focus on analysis and consulting, providing financial information for science and technology and businesses. Packing tailor-made products for each customer's financial needs. Finally, building a fast lending platform for SMEs.

Business strategy of the Bank in the coming years:

Firstly, it is standardization, restructuring including perfecting the business model.

Strengthen risk management in the Bank, develop a diverse system of products and services to meet the needs and desires of customers, develop human resources and improve corporate culture, actively handle bad debts previous backlog.

Second, the Bank aspires to become the TOP 5 Bank in Retail and Effective Operations. Successfully transformed the model of Digital Banking. Applying high-speed lending technology applications to Retail/SME customers. Reach the target of 3 million customers, improve profits from services and cross-sell products.

Third, the Bank strengthens its relationship with customers and the customer ecosystem. Develop and create digital platforms. Promote cooperation with strategic partners. Improve capital capacity, finance and lending capacity.

3.1.2. Orientation to improve the quality of lending services for individual customers at National Commercial Joint Stock Bank, Hue branch

Science and technology lending activities of NCB - Hue Bank in recent years have had positive changes, bringing a source of profit for the Bank. In order to improve the quality of science and technology lending services, NCB-Hue has the following orientations:

- Expanding the Bank's science and technology lending activities in the coming time.

Promote core products of home loan and car purchase because this is the product that the Bank has affirmed its position in. Strengthen marketing and advertising activities with areas in Hue city.

- Focusing on and expanding more diversified and flexible S&T loan product packages, improving the quality of S&T lending services, aiming to serve customers in the best way, ensuring customer satisfaction each time you come to borrow money.

- Ensuring the suitability for each customer, the safety and efficiency in science and technology lending activities.

- Building a loan management system with the goal of being quick, accurate, and minimizing liquidity risks.

3.2. Solutions to improve the quality of lending services for individual customers at National Commercial Joint Stock Bank, Hue branch

With the survey results and research on the quality of science and technology lending services of NCB-Hue in Chapter 2, it can be seen that customers are now very interested in "The bank responds promptly and fully to the loan amount from the UK. sister)” (component of Service Capability); “Simple and clear loan process and procedures” (responsiveness component); “The Bank has satisfactorily resolved your complaints in a satisfactory manner” (Reliability component); “Bank has a convenient transaction location” (component of Tangibles).

Therefore, in order to improve the quality of current science and technology lending services, NCB-Hue Bank needs to synchronously implement the following solutions:

- Solution of Service Capacity 

- Solution of Responsiveness 

- Solution of Confidence Level

- Solutions on Tangible Media

3.2.1. Service Capacity Solutions

Service capacity is the first influencing factor to evaluate the quality of science and technology lending services with a standardized Beta coefficient of 0.32. Therefore, NCB-Hue Bank needs to focus on solving problems such as:

Firstly, the bank's credit staff needs to accurately assess the customer, carry out the disbursement process to meet the loan amount of the customer quickly and promptly to ensure the loan amount desired by the customer.

Secondly, the Bank currently has a human resource with high qualifications, understanding of the products and services that the Bank is providing, and the professional service style is evaluated quite well by customers. However, this issue needs to be further enhanced in the Bank's operations. To become a good credit officer, it is necessary to have professional knowledge in the financial field, master the professional process and legal regulations to answer questions for customers. Therefore, the Bank needs to improve the quality of its staff with good skills, qualifications and transactional style.

Third, the Bank regularly organizes training sessions to foster professional knowledge and skills for credit staff to understand and master credit product information as well as product characteristics. Fourth, the Bank needs to open more training courses on soft skills, negotiation skills to be able to better communicate and persuade customers to use the Bank's products and services.

3.2.2. Solution for Responsiveness

Responsiveness is the second most influential factor in assessing the quality of science and technology lending services with a standardized Beta coefficient of 0.426. NCB-Hue Bank needs to focus on solving problems such as:

Firstly, the Bank should simplify procedures and documents, reduce cumbersome and unnecessary procedures, but still ensure clarity, accuracy and safety in lending activities in order to save money. time in each transaction to satisfy customer satisfaction.

Secondly, diversifying forms of lending, changing loan conditions and terms flexibly and appropriately to meet the needs of customers. Third, the Bank applies lending interest rates and service fees appropriate to each period, using interest rates as a tool to adjust capital structure to bring about optimal business performance. Interest rate is the decisive factor to the competition between banks today, so it is necessary to have an appropriate interest rate policy from time to time.

Fourth, credit officers need to strictly comply with the regulations on time for application review set forth by the Bank. Credit officers need to divide time appropriately from receiving documents to disbursing to customers, to avoid backlog of customer documents.

Fifth, credit officers need to understand and master the process and operations, thereby guiding customers to supplement and complete their documents as quickly as possible to avoid errors later.

3.2.3. Solution for Confidence Level

Reliability is the third influencing factor to evaluate the quality of science and technology lending services with a standardized Beta coefficient of 0.433. This is a factor that shows the reputation of the Bank, because when the Bank is trusted by customers, they will recommend to friends and relatives about the quality of the Bank's services. Therefore, NCB-Hue Bank needs to focus on solving problems such as:

Firstly, the bank's credit staff must always serve in accordance with the requirements of the customer. In the transaction, it is necessary to ensure accuracy and timeliness, improve the ability to provide the right service as committed to the customer. Avoid the case where there is a mistake that upsets the customer, especially in the first transaction.

Secondly, the Bank needs to build its reputation and brand in the hearts of customers, thereby creating customer trust and loyalty to the Bank to attract a new number of customers.

Third, the recording of science and technology information is extremely necessary and also one of the most complicated. Therefore, the Bank needs to build an accurate and complete system of storing customer information, regularly updating customer information.

In particular, the Bank needs to keep absolute confidentiality of the information of the customer borrowing at the Bank, this is an extremely important factor in the customer's trust.

Fourth, credit officers must be responsible when solving problems for customers. Listen to customers' comments in the most sincere and objective way. If the problems cannot be resolved by themselves, the credit officer should notify the Leader to discuss together and give the best solution to the customer. That is not only the key to success for the Bank but also an important issue in improving the quality of lending services at the Bank.

3.2.4. Tangible Media Solutions

Tangible means is the fourth factor affecting the quality of science and technology lending services with a standardized Beta coefficient of 0.285. This is the first factor that customers pay attention to about the Bank. Therefore, NCB-Hue Bank needs to focus on solving problems such as:

Firstly, the Bank makes a good impression on customers, branches need to pay more attention to facilities and amenities to serve customers. The Bank regularly checks the machines and equipment such as computers, cash counters, etc. to make the transaction process go smoothly and avoid making mistakes while transacting with customers.

Secondly, the area of ​​the Bank's transaction office is relatively small, so the Bank should create a green, clean and beautiful space for customers to feel comfortable doing transactions. From there, creating a friendly atmosphere for customers when coming to borrow money.

Third, the Bank can install and provide some relaxation facilities such as televisions, shelves for newspapers, magazines, confectionery, etc. for customers to relax while waiting for the transaction.

Fourth, the Bank builds and maintains corporate culture. Officials and transaction staff need to wear neat and correct uniforms according to regulations. Receiving customers warmly, happily, enthusiastic, politely create respect when dealing with KHU 


1. Conclusion

After more than 8 years of construction and growth, National Commercial Joint Stock Bank Hue branch has achieved remarkable results. In addition, improving the quality of science and technology lending services is one of the important factors to attract customers and improve the Bank's competitiveness.

On the basis of research on the topic: "Evaluating the quality of lending services for individual customers at National Commercial Joint Stock Bank Hue branch" has drawn the following conclusions:

Firstly, the research topic synthesizes theoretical issues about lending activities for science and technology, services, service quality, and quality of banking services. Assessing the quality of science and technology lending services by using the service quality scale. Second, by inheriting from the SERVPERF model to measure the quality of science and technology lending services at NCB-Hue Bank. Five factors of service quality for science and technology loans, including reliability, responsiveness, service capacity, empathy, and tangible facilities.

Third, the topic has determined the correlation and importance of each factor to the quality of lending services for science and technology at NCB - Hue. Factor Reliability level has the most influence compared to other factors on the satisfaction of science and technology with the quality of lending services at the Bank.

Fourth, the topic has proposed solutions to improve the quality of science and technology lending services at NCB - Hue, thereby bringing customer satisfaction when using science and technology lending services at the Bank.

2. Recommendations

2.1. Recommendations to the Government

The government needs to have reasonable economic development policies, improve people's income and living standards. The State needs to build a stable political environment; complete regulatory environment; there is synchronization among all levels and sectors, ensuring the interests of the Bank's activities. In addition, the government needs to create a favorable environment for individuals to work and do business to generate stable income.


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Date published: 12/11/2021