individual for each position is the basis of all efforts in the present and in the future. The lack of care or understanding about this can cost a bank both time and money in the process. Banks should also build a corporate culture for their banks. Once the working environment is dynamic, professional, friendly, open and has its own cultural identity, it will be a driving force for employees to work enthusiastically, dedicate, create and stay loyal to the company. his second home.
3.1.8. Enhance the promotion of the bank's image and brand
In Vietnam, there are many businesses with very good internal resources, but the way they appear outside is not professional. There are products and services that are very good, but are not appreciated by consumers. Therefore, commercial banks should focus on renewing brand image, creating impressions and trusting customers. At the same time, banks should participate in competitions on corporate branding to provide customers with useful information about the bank's services. In addition, commercial banks should have information communication activities for depositors, in case the bank is affected by false rumors that may harm their business, banks should have communication measures to regain credibility and trust with customers.
3.1.9. Building a reasonable internal capital transfer mechanism
In recent years, Vietnamese commercial banks have continuously expanded their business networks. This is a very significant advantage compared to foreign banks when opening branches in Vietnam. However, in addition to calculating the cost - profit brought when opening branches and transaction offices, banks must take into account the flow of capital between branches, transaction offices and the head office. to ensure liquidity for the whole system at the lowest cost. To do this, it is necessary to have a modern technology platform (core banking system). Therefore,
there is no other way that banks need to invest more in information technology; Of course, it's not easy to do while the equity capital of commercial banks is still as small as it is today. However, in all situations, the internal capital movement must be associated with the business performance of each branch, each transaction office, and capital is concentrated in the head office. Only then can we accurately forecast and measure liquidity needs and then have an appropriate liquidity risk management strategy.
The internal capital transfer mechanism needs to take into account the difference in socio-economic conditions in the area where each branch or transaction office operates. A policy that is the same for all trading points can lead to an unwarranted loss of market share. For example, deposit interest rates are the same in the locality, which can reduce the amount of deposits with high competition or difficult socio-economic conditions. An appropriate differentiation policy can contribute to improving the effectiveness of liquidity risk management.
3.1.10. Implement system linkage
In the banking system, if one or two banks the risk can immediately spread to other banks. A commercial bank by itself cannot withstand systematic risk, so it is necessary to take into account the uniformity in liquidity management. Therefore, the commercial banking system at this time needs to focus on building a liquidity management strategy in commercial banks; focus on improving the quality of business activities; unified link between commercial banks to ensure payment safety, create a healthy competitive environment...
3.2. Some recommendations for state management agencies
3.2.1. Completing the legal system to ensure work efficiency
Vietnam is integrating more and more deeply into the regional and world economy. Therefore, it is necessary and urgent to perfect the legal corridor system in general and the legal corridor system on banking activities in particular. In the coming time, it is necessary to focus on developing the Law on State Bank, Law on Credit Institutions and Law on Deposit Guarantee; review and amend the system of legal documents in the banking sector to ensure compliance with Vietnam's commitments upon joining the WTO.
The improvement of the legal system aims to build a healthy, transparent commercial banking system and operate according to the government's controlled market mechanism. To do so, it is necessary to clearly define the functions and duties of each type of bank: commercial banks, investment banks, policy banks, and development banks in order to avoid the unique characteristics of these types of banks. into an unfair competitive advantage over other types of banks.
In the draft Law on Deposit Insurance, it is necessary to study to increase the deposit insurance level of customers at banks. Because raising insured deposits makes customers at banks more secure, avoiding massive withdrawals. This helps commercial banks stabilize deposits, especially when there is liquidity stress.
3.2.2. Restructuring the commercial banking system
The fact that commercial banks in Vietnam have not been able to go bankrupt is also a part of the reason why some commercial banks have grown at all costs, without paying attention to the risks that may affect their operations. unexpected fluctuations in the market in recent years. Because many banks think: If it works,
weak or insolvent and facing the possibility of bankruptcy, the State Bank will intervene. The dependency mentality has made some banks with weak business performance not plan to raise the bar, but just expect that in one way or another the SBV will intervene. This is really not beneficial for the economy and makes commercial banks have no motivation to develop.
The restructuring of the bank is a requirement to overcome existing weaknesses in the system, make the entire banking system healthy, ensure safe and smooth operation, and become a capital conduit. reliable and effective, minimizing risks, especially credit risk, reducing bad debt ratio, increasing liquidity and increasing risk management ability of each commercial bank as well as the whole system. To do so, the restructuring of the banking system must be placed in an overall program with consistent principles, with specific and feasible restructuring forms and roadmaps, and at the same time closely linked. with the economic restructuring program, especially the restructuring of enterprises and investment restructuring.
3.2.3. Strengthen and improve the remote monitoring of commercial banks' activities
Remote monitoring is currently still being carried out by the State Bank of Vietnam in provinces and cities. But the authenticity of this monitoring report to serve the macro management is not high, it does not honestly reflect the operation status in general and the liquidity status in particular of commercial banks. To do this, it is necessary to enhance the functional role of the Banking Supervision and Inspection Agency. The Banking Inspection and Supervision Agency has an organizational structure including: Department of inspection of domestic credit institutions; Department of Inspection of Foreign Credit Institutions; Department of Administrative Inspection, settlement of complaints and denunciations and anti-corruption; Banking Supervision Department; Main Department safe banking operations; Department of Licensing Management of Credit Institutions and Banking Operations; Anti-Money Laundering Department. The Banking Inspection and Supervision Agency has the function of administrative inspection, specialized inspection and specialized supervision on banking. In addition, this agency also helps
The Governor of the State Bank of Vietnam shall perform the state management of credit institutions, small-scale organizations, and banking activities of other organizations; implement the prevention and combat of money laundering in accordance with the law. To grant operation licenses, to split and merge credit institutions; establish and open branches in Vietnam for foreign credit institutions.
3.2.4. Zoning commercial banks with weak liquidity
In the world, bank failures are not uncommon. In recent years in Vietnam, commercial banks have operated very smoothly because they are protected by the State Bank. This has invisibly created dependence for commercial banks. Therefore, in order to strengthen banks, the State Bank also needs to reduce unnecessary protection. In particular, the State Bank supports liquidity but should not lend, the State Bank needs to zone out banks with weak liquidity to take measures to support, to avoid this situation spreading through banks. other.
3.2.5. Speeding up the equitization of state-owned commercial banks
According to many experts' assessments, Vietnam's banking system is still strongly influenced by government agency interference, weak financial status, incomplete legal framework, and banking technology. lagging behind other countries, high bad debt, and unstable macroeconomic environment have put the banking system in a rather high risk situation. Therefore, the banking sector needs to quickly integrate with the regional and international banking system, build a strong competitive banking system that fully meets the requirements for capital and product supply. services for the economy in the process of integration. Vietnam needs to introduce reasonable institutional and legal reforms, this reform in the trend of international integration is a complicated process and cannot be completed overnight.
and limit the ability to take advantage of the benefits of international financial integration. Therefore, when the economic and social conditions are favorable, the Government should equitize state-owned commercial banks to increase charter capital, and at the same time contribute to the supply and diversification of goods in the financial market. Gradually remove subsidy and protection mechanisms for Vietnamese commercial banks, and at the same time gradually expand restrictions on foreign banks along with consolidating and sounding Vietnamese commercial banks with current policies. As a result, it is possible to increase competitiveness and improve the sense of responsibility of commercial banks for their business activities.
In Chapter III, the author has outlined some solutions that have a positive impact on the factors affecting liquidity risk of Vietnamese commercial banks. Through a number of solutions aimed at commercial banks themselves, such as policies on capital increase, asset growth, asset management - capital sources, etc., the study also has some recommendations for state management agencies as needed. perfecting the legal system, zoning out weak commercial banks… to help strengthen the strength of commercial banks from a liquidity perspective, so that safety and profitability factors can be harmonized, ensuring a Sustainable Development.
In the current period, the activities of commercial banks in Vietnam have made strong progress, contributing positively to boosting the national economy. However, reality also proves that the business activities of commercial banks today still have many potential risks, in which liquidity risk is considered one of the most dangerous risks.
The study used Financing Gap as a measure of liquidity risk of Vietnamese commercial banks. Through the results of model estimation with panel data collected during the period 2007-2013, the author finds that two independent variables affecting bank liquidity risk are total asset size (SIZE). and loan-to-total assets (TLA) ratio. Accordingly, the SIZE variable has a negative impact on the liquidity risk of commercial banks, once the total asset size increases, it will reduce the liquidity risk, conversely, the TLA variable has a positive relationship with the liquidity risk. , the more lending, the higher the liquidity risk. Contrary to initial expectations, the remaining variables such as ROE, ETA, GDP, INF are not statistically significant in the estimation models.
The results obtained from the research paper help the author to make some recommendations to commercial banks and related agencies in managing liquidity risk more effectively.
Despite the best efforts, the research cannot avoid shortcomings, in the future the author hopes to develop and perfect the research model in a more extensive way with higher reliability.
1. ABBank's Annual Report 2007-2013
2. ACB's Annual Report 2007-2013
3. Agribank's Annual Report 2007-2013
4. BIDV's Annual Report 2007-2013
5. Dongabank's Annual Report 2007-2013
6. Eximbank's Annual Report 2007-2013
7. Annual report of HDbank 2007-2013
8. Annual Report of Kienlongbank 2007-2013
9. Oceanbank's Annual Report 2007-2013
10. PGbank's Annual Report 2007-2013
11. Sacombank's Annual Report 2007-2013
12. Seabank's Annual Report 2007-2013
13. Vietcombank's Annual Report 2007-2013
14. Vietinbank's Annual Report 2007-2013
15. Law on Vietnamese credit institutions 2010
16. Law on State Bank of Vietnam 2010.
17. Nguyen Dang Don, Management of modern commercial banks , Phuong Dong Publishing House, 2010.
18. Peter. Rose, Commercial Banking Administration, Financial Publishing House, 2010.
19. Tran Huy Hoang, Textbook of Commercial Banking Administration , Labor and Social Publishing House, 2011.
20. Truong Quang Thong, Factors affecting liquidity risk of Vietnam's commercial banking systems . Economic Development Magazine, No. 276, pp. 50-62.
21. Truong Quang Thong, Commercial Banking Administration, Finance Publishing House, 2010.
1. Bunda and Desquilbet, (2008), Determinants of liquidity risk of banks from emerging economies , working paper.
2. Pavla Vodova, (2011) Determinants of Commercial Bank' Liquidity in the Czech Republic , working paper.
3. Tamara Kochubey and Dorota Kowalczyk, (2014), The relationship between Capital, Liquidity and risk in Commercial Banks , working paper.
4. Valla and Saes-Escorbiac, (2006), Bank-specific and macroeconomic determinants of liquidity of English banks , working paper.
5. Vodova. P., (2013a), Determinants of Commercial Banks' Liquidity in Hungary , working paper.
6. Vodova. P., (2013b), “ Determiningants of Commercial Banks' Liquidity in Poland ”, working paper.
2007 | ABBANK | 0.00256234 | 16,65891 | 0.14435677 | 0.3971258 | 0.06524242 | 0.085 | 0.1236 |
2008 | ABBANK | -0.0160066 | 16.41776 | 0.2931286 | 0.47856019 | 0.01256373 | 0.062 | 0.1989 |
2009 | ABBANK | -0.0852754 | 17.09334 | 0.16929715 | 0.4804458 | 0.06941785 | 0.053 | 0.0688 |
2010 | ABBANK | -0.099785 | 17.45308 | 0.1219337 | 0.51751993 | 0.1302657 | 0.0678 | 0.1175 |
2011 | ABBANK | -0.0928389 | 17.54423 | 0.11319096 | 0.47080579 | 0.0666243 | 0.0589 | 0.1813 |
2012 | ABBANK | -0.2258431 | 17,64445 | 0.10649538 | 0.3986242 | 0.08148368 | 0.0503 | 0.0681 |
two thousand and thirteen | ABBANK | -0.2458601 | 17.86951 | 0.09968253 | 0.39899696 | 0.02446907 | 0.0542 | 0.0604 |
2007 | BIDV | -0.0305917 | 19.13613 | 0.05689075 | 0.63116046 | 0.13145992 | 0.085 | 0.1236 |
2008 | BIDV | -0.0264789 | 19.32285 | 0.05463047 | 0.63640429 | 0.14699074 | 0.062 | 0.1989 |
2009 | BIDV | 0.04628055 | 19.50733 | 0.05950547 | 0.67806234 | 0.15972835 | 0.053 | 0.0688 |
2010 | BIDV | 0.01146114 | 19.71888 | 0.06612575 | 0.67955333 | 0.15515 | 0.0678 | 0.1175 |
2011 | BIDV | 0.11724306 | 19.82126 | 0.06011122 | 0.70998341 | 0.1315745 | 0.0589 | 0.1813 |
2012 | BIDV | 0.06384198 | 19.99922 | 0.054652 | 0.68898469 | 0.09703237 | 0.0503 | 0.0681 |
two thousand and thirteen | BIDV | 0.08386009 | 20.12249 | 0.05842596 | 0.70185923 | 0.12580247 | 0.0542 | 0.0604 |
2007 | SEABANK | 0.00955206 | 17.08275 | 0.12821486 | 0.4190282 | 0.08886606 | 0.085 | 0.1236 |
2008 | SEABANK | -0.0480589 | 16.92787 | 0.18586446 | 0.33402781 | 0.07687173 | 0.062 | 0.1989 |
2009 | SEABANK | -0.0941592 | 17.23641 | 0.17914962 | 0.3093395 | 0.08388307 | 0.053 | 0.0688 |
2010 | SEABANK | -0.083288 | 17.82723 | 0.10396841 | 0.36546665 | 0.10954668 | 0.0678 | 0.1175 |
2011 | SEABANK | -0.1487724 | 18.43155 | 0.05476894 | 0.19104268 | 0.02277137 | 0.0589 | 0.1813 |
2012 | SEABANK | -0.2027095 | 18.13389 | 0.07436197 | 0.21620857 | 0.00944876 | 0.0503 | 0.0681 |
two thousand and thirteen | SEABANK | -0.1973399 | 18.19584 | 0.07170115 | 0.25572061 | 0.02649094 | 0.0542 | 0.0604 |
2007 | PGBANK | 0.12855506 | 15.35908 | 0.11607656 | 0.40879657 | 0.07530586 | 0.085 | 0.1236 |
2008 | PGBANK | 0.0240154 | 15.63751 | 0.16589475 | 0.37960525 | 0.06387985 | 0.062 | 0.1989 |
2009 | PGBANK | -0.0648933 | 16.15909 | 0.10495589 | 0.59700955 | 0.15999868 | 0.053 | 0.0688 |
2010 | PGBANK | 0.00466934 | 16.61147 | 0.13270051 | 0.65826186 | 0.10067626 | 0.0678 | 0.1175 |
2011 | PGBANK | 0.05704979 | 16,68239 | 0.14736458 | 0.67843124 | 0.17223394 | 0.0589 | 0.1813 |
2012 | PGBANK | 0.05904437 | 16.77307 | 0.16591606 | 0.69965971 | 0.0751351 | 0.0503 | 0.0681 |
two thousand and thirteen | PGBANK | -0.0072992 | 17.0294 | 0.12902668 | 0.5499185 | 0.01190198 | 0.0542 | 0.0604 |
2007 | OCEANBANK | 0.16715827 | 16.43145 | 0.08147414 | 0.34402738 | 0.08735371 | 0.085 | 0.1236 |
2008 | OCEANBANK | -0.0343979 | 16.46107 | 0.07651241 | 0.42063232 | 0.04201502 | 0.062 | 0.1989 |
2009 | OCEANBANK | -0.3918409 | 17.33553 | 0.06666807 | 0.30009358 | 0.1092533 | 0.053 | 0.0688 |
2010 | OCEANBANK | -0.4513995 | 17.82537 | 0.07412812 | 0.3164399 | 0.12732501 | 0.0678 | 0.1175 |
2011 | OCEANBANK | -0.2655556 | 17.9529 | 0.07413954 | 0.30261616 | 0.10506584 | 0.0589 | 0.1813 |
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Factors affecting liquidity risk of Vietnamese commercial banks - 1
Factors affecting liquidity risk of Vietnamese commercial banks - 2
Factors affecting liquidity risk of Vietnamese commercial banks - 3
Factors affecting liquidity risk of Vietnamese commercial banks - 4
2012 | OCEANBANK | -0.2741902 | 17,98159 | 0.06957288 | 0.3965893 | 0.05423057 | 0.0503 | 0.0681 |
two thousand and thirteen | OCEANBANK | -0.360324 | 18.02133 | 0.06492286 | 0.41379524 | 0.04331635 | 0.0542 | 0.0604 |
2007 | SACOMBANK | -0.1398632 | 17.9833 | 0.1138196 | 0.54512942 | 0.19019889 | 0.085 | 0.1236 |
2008 | SACOMBANK | -0.1624807 | 18.04145 | 0.11336625 | 0.51153716 | 0.123057 | 0.062 | 0.1989 |
2009 | SACOMBANK | -0.0082607 | 18.46009 | 0.10139249 | 0.57351947 | 0.15839547 | 0.053 | 0.0688 |
2010 | SACOMBANK | 0.02722928 | 18.84193 | 0.09199159 | 0.54128526 | 0.13627456 | 0.0678 | 0.1175 |
2011 | SACOMBANK | 0.03275845 | 18,76759 | 0.10282754 | 0.56356312 | 0.13720138 | 0.0589 | 0.1813 |
2012 | SACOMBANK | -0.0845276 | 18.84017 | 0.08817356 | 0.62377553 | 0.07473202 | 0.0503 | 0.0681 |
two thousand and thirteen | SACOMBANK | -0.1389932 | 18.89926 | 0.10573777 | 0.67676191 | 0.13063414 | 0.0542 | 0.0604 |
2007 | KIENLONG | 0.1781853 | 14.60436 | 0.29007863 | 0.61085578 | 0.08436126 | 0.085 | 0.1236 |
2008 | KIENLONG | 0.18095364 | 14,89359 | 0.35633909 | 0.74302913 | 0.03557096 | 0.062 | 0.1989 |
2009 | KIENLONG | 0.00681959 | 15.82754 | 0.14931942 | 0.64791171 | 0.0820326 | 0.053 | 0.0688 |
2010 | KIENLONG | 0.03178763 | 16.34744 | 0.25642466 | 0.55229967 | 0.06064825 | 0.0678 | 0.1175 |
2011 | KIENLONG | 0.0096654 | 16,69747 | 0.19362951 | 0.46551445 | 0.11417851 | 0.0589 | 0.1813 |
2012 | KIENLONG | -0.0591776 | 16.73765 | 0.1853973 | 0.51351399 | 0.10189798 | 0.0503 | 0.0681 |
two thousand and thirteen | KIENLONG | -0.0608318 | 16.8776 | 0.16262803 | 0.56164409 | 0.09017624 | 0.0542 | 0.0604 |
2007 | HDBank | 0.38611814 | 16.44181 | 0.0535888 | 0.64221375 | 0.16330964 | 0.085 | 0.1236 |
2008 | HDBank | 0.18816432 | 16.07288 | 0.17499535 | 0.64191204 | 0.03583901 | 0.062 | 0.1989 |
2009 | HDBank | -0.0675484 | 16.76663 | 0.09390516 | 0.42698984 | 0.10812153 | 0.053 | 0.0688 |
2010 | HDBank | -0.0681276 | 17.35325 | 0.0685574 | 0.33857569 | 0.1142704 | 0.0678 | 0.1175 |
2011 | HDBank | -0.1195493 | 17.62274 | 0.07879173 | 0.30443027 | 0.12021994 | 0.0589 | 0.1813 |
2012 | HDBank | -0.2521558 | 17.7817 | 0.10218751 | 0.3969541 | 0.06052009 | 0.0503 | 0.0681 |
two thousand and thirteen | HDBank | -0.2209405 | 18.27249 | 0.0997319 | 0.50254747 | 0.02530319 | 0.0542 | 0.0604 |
2007 | ACB | -0.276453 | 18.26276 | 0.07328406 | 0.37095323 | 0.28121372 | 0.085 | 0.1236 |
2008 | ACB | -0.2812075 | 18,47238 | 0.07375134 | 0.32860458 | 0.28464445 | 0.062 | 0.1989 |
2009 | ACB | -0.1463013 | 18,93877 | 0.06019909 | 0.37144144 | 0.21780541 | 0.053 | 0.0688 |
2010 | ACB | -0.0962517 | 19.13902 | 0.05546852 | 0.42512848 | 0.20522492 | 0.0678 | 0.1175 |
2011 | ACB | -0.1402357 | 19.45393 | 0.04255612 | 0.36584373 | 0.26823449 | 0.0589 | 0.1813 |
2012 | ACB | -0.1356767 | 18,98774 | 0.07160469 | 0.57463639 | 0.06210487 | 0.0503 | 0.0681 |
two thousand and thirteen | ACB | -0.1948919 | 18.9311 | 0.07505569 | 0.63410972 | 0.06609722 | 0.0542 | 0.0604 |
2007 | EXIMBANK | -0.1321245 | 17.33332 | 0.1867358 | 0.54737226 | 0.07361735 | 0.085 | 0.1236 |
2008 | EXIMBANK | -0.1999164 | 17,69186 | 0.26621051 | 0.44006543 | 0.05535734 | 0.062 | 0.1989 |
2009 | EXIMBANK | -0.0058765 | 17,99677 | 0.20402833 | 0.58644491 | 0.0848076 | 0.053 | 0.0688 |
2010 | EXIMBANK | 0.02720561 | 18.69155 | 0.1030482 | 0.47072841 | 0.13431085 | 0.0678 | 0.1175 |
2011 | EXIMBANK | 0.11108683 | 19.2809 | 0.08880963 | 0.40336501 | 0.18640456 | 0.0589 | 0.1813 |
2012 | EXIMBANK | 0.02267121 | 18.95223 | 0.09292769 | 0.43675185 | 0.13525343 | 0.0503 | 0.0681 |
two thousand and thirteen | EXIMBANK | 0.01867021 | 18.95034 | 0.08643847 | 0.48660789 | 0.04487001 | 0.0542 | 0.0604 |
2007 | EAST ASIA | 0.12654618 | 17.12518 | 0.11795699 | 0.64997148 | 0.10289499 | 0.085 | 0.1236 |
2008 | EAST ASIA | 0.06606869 | 17.36263 | 0.10125701 | 0.72894167 | 0.15327 | 0.062 | 0.1989 |
2009 | EAST ASIA | 0.14198528 | 17.56549 | 0.09822083 | 0.7998704 | 0.1407072 | 0.053 | 0.0688 |
2010 | EAST ASIA | 0.11556631 | 17.83859 | 0.09701063 | 0.67786351 | 0.12164088 | 0.0678 | 0.1175 |
2011 | EAST ASIA | 0.11240723 | 17,98586 | 0.08980425 | 0.66948197 | 0.16291611 | 0.0589 | 0.1813 |
2012 | EAST ASIA | -0.0149265 | 18.05364 | 0.08811125 | 0.71820784 | 0.09456028 | 0.0503 | 0.0681 |
two thousand and thirteen | EAST ASIA | -0.1726338 | 18.13193 | 0.07855072 | 0.69612013 | 0.0557601 | 0.0542 | 0.0604 |
2007 | VIETNAM BANK | -0.0735077 | 18,92818 | 0.0640921 | 0.60490299 | 0.10796401 | 0.085 | 0.1236 |
2008 | VIETNAM BANK | -0.015666 | 19.08125 | 0.063723 | 0.61264248 | 0.14627438 | 0.062 | 0.1989 |
2009 | VIETNAM BANK | 0.05369126 | 19.3118 | 0.05157031 | 0.66295809 | 0.22857144 | 0.053 | 0.0688 |
2010 | VIETNAM BANK | 0.06939178 | 19,72281 | 0.04941463 | 0.62939144 | 0.18790747 | 0.0678 | 0.1175 |
2011 | VIETNAM BANK | 0.0719145 | 19.94805 | 0.06185552 | 0.63047185 | 0.21969709 | 0.0589 | 0.1813 |
2012 | VIETNAM BANK | 0.08058608 | 20.03715 | 0.06677758 | 0.65474285 | 0.18348744 | 0.0503 | 0.0681 |
two thousand and thirteen | VIETNAM BANK | 0.01473318 | 20.17226 | 0.09381962 | 0.64713598 | 0.10740664 | 0.0542 | 0.0604 |
2007 | VIETCOMBANK | -0.2333794 | 19.10056 | 0.06854239 | 0.48402361 | 0.17597578 | 0.085 | 0.1236 |
2008 | VIETCOMBANK | -0.2181526 | 19.21859 | 0.06279373 | 0.48907136 | 0.23056471 | 0.062 | 0.1989 |
2009 | VIETCOMBANK | -0.1255424 | 19.35872 | 0.06540353 | 0.53619653 | 0.23466648 | 0.053 | 0.0688 |
2010 | VIETCOMBANK | -0.1093709 | 19.54397 | 0.06721867 | 0.55651057 | 0.2039018 | 0.0678 | 0.1175 |
2011 | VIETCOMBANK | -0.0625197 | July 19, 2012 | 0.07809369 | 0.55652326 | 0.14725992 | 0.0589 | 0.1813 |
2012 | VIETCOMBANK | -0.1194067 | 19.84256 | 0.1023648 | 0.56910907 | 0.1058442 | 0.0503 | 0.0681 |
two thousand and thirteen | VIETCOMBANK | -0.1335996 | 19.96282 | 0.09215328 | 0.57299907 | 0.10102029 | 0.0542 | 0.0604 |
2007 | AGRIBANK | 0.05228276 | 19.60516 | 0.046935 | 0.75587185 | 0.10795923 | 0.085 | 0.1236 |
2008 | AGRIBANK | -0.0274997 | 19,80819 | 0.04397946 | 0.72147695 | 0.12059214 | 0.062 | 0.1989 |
2009 | AGRIBANK | 0.06205777 | 19.99125 | 0.0400355 | 0.75215613 | 0.09225359 | 0.053 | 0.0688 |
2010 | AGRIBANK | 0.07073167 | 20.09775 | 0.05204668 | 0.78585014 | 0.04386014 | 0.0678 | 0.1175 |
2011 | AGRIBANK | 0.06274642 | 20.14745 | 0.05514544 | 0.77310641 | 0.11421913 | 0.0589 | 0.1813 |
2012 | AGRIBANK | -0.0591849 | 20.21043 | 0.07252298 | 0.77167442 | 0.09176471 | 0.0503 | 0.0681 |
two thousand and thirteen | AGRIBANK | 0.0666655 | 20.26578 | 0.08242929 | 0.93733115 | 0.09993471 | 0.0542 | 0.0604 |