Types Of Consumer Loans At Ba Dinh Branch Of Industry And Trade Bank

Decision No. 1627/QD-NHNN dated December 31, 2001 of the Governor of the State Bank of Vietnam promulgating the Regulation on lending by credit institutions to customers.

Decision No. 127/2005/QD-NHNN dated 03/02/2005 on amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Regulation on lending of credit institutions to customers issued under Decision 1627/QD-NHNN dated December 31, 2001 by the Governor of the State Bank of Vietnam.

Decision No. 783/2005/QD-NHNN dated May 31, 2005 amending and supplementing Clause 6, Article 1 of Decision No. 127/2005/QD-NHNN dated February 3, 2005 of the Governor of the State Bank of Vietnam. Vietnam.

In addition, consumer lending activities  at Ba Dinh Branch of Industry and Trade Bank also comply with the regulations of the Vietnam Industry and Trade Bank system such as:

The Charter on organization and operation of the Bank for Industry and Trade of Vietnam promulgated under the Decision No. 1325/QD-NHNN dated November 28, 2002 of the Governor of the State Bank of Vietnam.

Resolution of the Board of Directors No. 007/BB-HĐQT-2006 dated 03/04/2006

.According to the proposal of the General Director of Vietnam Bank for Industry and Trade.

2.2.2 Types of consumer loans at Ba Dinh Branch of Industry and Trade Bank

Currently, at the branch of Ba Dinh Industry and Trade Bank, the forms of consumer loans are quite diverse.

Maybe you are interested!

Based on the loan purpose: Ba Dinh Branch of Industry and Trade Bank is currently providing consumers with the following forms:

- Loan to buy land and build houses on land

Improving the quality of consumer loans at Industry and Trade Bank - 5

- Loans to buy houses

- Loan to buy residential land

- Loans to buy cars and other real estate such as motorbikes...

- Loan to support study abroad

Based on the form of guarantee:

- Loans with collateral: loans to buy real estate, real estate such as loans to buy and repair houses, residential land, cars...

- Loans without collateral: mainly loans via salary.

Based on the refund method:

- Direct loan each time: the principal repayment period and the interest payment term may or may not coincide. The repayment period of principal and/or interest can be 1 month or 3 months, or a lump sum payment at the end of the period if it is a short-term loan .

- Installment loans: The principal and interest payment terms must be the same. The amount to be paid is divided into several equal amounts and the repayment period is 1 month or 3 months. When prepayment, customers must fully repay the principal and interest specified in the repayment schedule.

2.2.3 Conditions for loans at Ba Dinh Branch of Industry and Trade Bank

Secured loan:

General conditions:

Have legal capacity and civil act capacity, take responsibility before the law for the use of loan capital, not over 60 years old at the end of the loan term

Have a permanent residence or register for a long-term temporary residence (KT3) in the province or city (under central authority) where the lending bank (NHCV) is located.

There is a legitimate purpose of using the loan

Having own capital to participate in the plan, the level of equity capital is at least 30% of the total capital demand, unless the security measure is applied as pledge of valuable papers.

Having a source of revenue and a loan-repayment plan that ensures the ability to repay principal, interest and fees during the committed loan period;

Implement loan security measures according to the regulations of the Government, the State Bank of Vietnam and the guidance of the Incombank of Vietnam.

- Special conditions:

In addition to the above general conditions, customers must also meet the following corresponding conditions:

Eligibility to register house ownership and land use rights when borrowing to buy real estate

Commit to buy physical insurance for the entire value of the vehicle during the loan period and authorize NHCV to receive insurance compensation in case of risks occurring when borrowing to buy real estate.

Having a kin relationship (including: father, mother, wife, husband, brother, sister) with the person studying abroad when applying for a study abroad loan

Unsecured loans:

In addition to the conditions specified in the "general conditions" section, the customer must also meet the following conditions:

As civil servants, public employees and employees (employees) who fully participate in paying social insurance premiums, are working on a regular basis or under an unspecified labor contract at:

State agencies (administrative and non-business), people's army forces and people's police;

Political organizations, socio-political organizations operating with the State budget;

The enterprise operates effectively in production and business, has a long-term development strategy, including:

Government company

State-owned joint stock company

State-owned limited liability companies State-owned joint ventures with foreign state-owned enterprises Enterprises under the Ministry of National Defense

Public utility enterprise

The labor management agency (which directly manages, employs and pays wages to employees) must have its head office located in the same province or city as NHCV.

Having a regular and stable monthly income of VND 1,500,000 (One million five hundred thousand VND) or more.

Commitment to notify the Lending Bank of the change of workplace immediately upon transfer.

Commitment to repay the loan early if it violates the agreement in the credit contract and fails to implement security measures with assets at the request of the Bank.

Cases that are not loaned: Needs that are not loaned:

Expenses for purchasing assets and expenses for forming assets which are prohibited by law from trading, transferring or converting

Fees for performing transactions prohibited by law

Financial needs for transactions prohibited by law

Loan principal and interest that customers have to pay to financial institutions, credit institutions, including the system of Incombank of Vietnam.

Pay taxes directly to the State Budget, except for land use right transfer tax and registration fees related to the borrower.

Those who are not eligible for a loan:

Members of the Board of Directors, Supervisory Board; General Director of Informatics Bank of Vietnam, Deputy General Director of Informatics Bank of Vietnam; Directors, deputy directors of branches, level 2 branches; Head and deputy head of transaction office; Head and deputy head of transaction points;

Father, mother, wife, husband, children of the above subjects

Officials and employees of NHCV perform loan appraisal tasks.

Loan term for consumer loans at Ba Dinh Branch of Industry and Trade Bank:

The basis for Ba Dinh Branch of Industry and Trade Bank to determine the loan term is: loan demand, debt repayment ability, remaining useful life of collateral assets.

Maximum loan term secured by assets:

- Term of loans to buy houses, residential land, build and repair houses: Term of loans to buy land and build houses: 20 years.

Term of home loan: 20 years. Term of loan to buy residential land: 10 years.

Loan term for housing construction and repair: 5 years.

- Term of loans to buy cars and other real estate: Term of loans to buy new cars: 5 years.

Used car loan term: 4 years but not exceeding the remaining useful life of the car.

- Term of loans to buy other real estate: 3 years.

- Loan term to support study abroad:

Loan term to support tuition and living expenses: equal to the duration of study plus 3 years.

Loan term for proof of finance: depends on the customer's need to prove their financial position but does not exceed the term of the savings card, certificate of deposit, valuable papers or the time limit for freezing the balance on the account. account.

The maximum unsecured loan term: 3 years, not exceeding the remaining working time of the customer at that organization or agency.

Interest rates, fees and loan levels for consumer loans at Ba Dinh Branch of Industry and Trade Bank

Interest rates :

The interest rate applied to the loan is not lower than the interest rate floor (if any) of Incombank of Vietnam from time to time. Lending interest rates are determined depending on the level of risk, loan term of each loan on the basis of financial capacity, debt repayment ability, loan security measures and credit level of customers. …, ensure to cover the cost of capital mobilization, loan management costs, provision for risks and profit.

Loan interest rate for the term: to be agreed in accordance with the regulations of Incombank of Vietnam at the time of signing the credit contract. During the year

2006-2007, the consumer loan interest rate is usually 1.1%/month. However, at the beginning of 2008, due to fluctuations in the money market: banks increased their deposit interest rates, so the branch's lending rates also increased to 1.25%/month.

Overdue penalty interest rate: equal to 50% of the signed loan interest rate within the term or adjusted as agreed in the credit contract.

Loan interest rate for proof of finance: is the interest rate of a savings card or certificate of deposit or deposit account plus management fees. Currently, this interest rate of the branch is: 0.95%/month.

Loan fee:

The branch of Ba Dinh Bank for Industry and Trade and the customer shall negotiate and record the following two fees in the credit contract:

Debt extension fee: according to the fee schedule of Incombank of Vietnam from time to time.

Fee for adjustment of repayment term: according to the fee schedule of Incombank of Vietnam from time to time.

Lending rates :

The loan level is determined based on: loan demand, debt repayment ability, value of collateral and type of loan collateral.

Guaranteed loan amount:

Maximum loan amount secured by assets formed from loan capital: 50% of asset value.

Maximum loan amount secured by pledge of valuable papers: must ensure the income (principal and interest) of valuable papers when due to repay the principal (principal, interest and fee) to the Bank.

Maximum loan amount secured by other assets: 70% of the total capital requirement of the loan-repayment plan has been re-evaluated by the Bank.

Unsecured loan amount: up to 12 times the regular monthly income of the customer but not more than VND 50,000,000 (fifty million VND).

Elements of loan documents at Ba Dinh Branch of Industry and Trade Bank

The loan file of Ba Dinh Branch of Industry and Trade Bank consists of 3 parts: customer profile, loan file and loan security file.

Customer information :

These are the documents that customers must prepare before applying for a loan at the branch, usually including:

Permanent residence book or long-term temporary residence registration and documents proving or confirming marital status (Copy);

Identity card (copy);

Authorization letter from members of the household aged full 18 years or older for the representative to sign a credit contract, loan security contract and commitment to be jointly responsible for debt repayment for Ba Dinh Bank branch. Original, notarized/certified, if the client is the representative of the household);

Other relevant documents (copies or originals may be required depending on the specific case).

Loan profile:

Loan application form cum loan-repayment plan (original); A written request for debt extension, a written request for adjustment of the debt payment term (the original if any);

Contract of sale, transfer and accompanying papers (Copy); Papers related to debt repayment source (Copy);

Appraisal report (original); A written request for rescheduling the repayment term, a written request for debt settlement (the original if any);

Credit council meeting minutes and credit voting slips (original if any);

Material insurance contract for property formed from loan capital and related papers (original if any);

Credit contract (original); Additional credit contract and credit contract appendix (original if any);

Debt receipt (original);

Minutes of checking loan use situation (original);

Other relevant papers (originals or copies are required depending on the specific case).

Loan guarantee documents:

Loan security contract and other documents related to the valuation of loan security assets (original);

Sale contract (property formed from loan) or Papers on ownership and/or right to use security property (original);

Papers related to registration of secured transactions (original);

Other relevant documents (depending on the case, the Bank may require the original or a copy).

2.2.4 Consumer lending process at Ba Dinh Branch of Industry and Trade Bank

Date published: 04/11/2021