Evaluation of customer satisfaction for service quality at Saigon Commercial Joint Stock Bank after consolidation - 17



Authorresearch contentCLDV . components
AvkiranDevelop a tool to measureFour components and seventeen observed variables are based on the SERVQUAL model, also known as the BANKSERV model:
  • Employee behavior.
  • Reliability.
  • Ability to consult customers.
  • Access to services.
(1994)quality customer service
 in the retail banking sector in
LevesqueFind out the determinants of satisfactionFive SERVQUAL image quality components:
  • Reliability.
  • The response.
  • Service capabilities.
  • Tangible Media.
  • Empathy.
of thetissue
customer satisfaction in the field
(1996)retail banks. Article authors
 examine the main determining factors
 customer satisfaction (quality
 service quality, service features,
 complaint settlement and factors
 situations) and intentions
 in the future of banks
Ennew &Research customers atThree components of banking service quality:
  • Knowledge and advice.
  • Personalization in service delivery.
  • General features of the product
Banks in the United Kingdom about
 influence of service quality
 and service characteristics for
 customer retention.

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Evaluation of customer satisfaction for service quality at Saigon Commercial Joint Stock Bank after consolidation - 17

Authorresearch contentCLDV . components
Jun & Cai (2001)With the popular development of e-banking services, the two authors have synthesized the key components that determine the quality of banking services. e- .Study three aspects:
  • Quality banking products and services.
  • Quality customer service.
  • Online system quality
Aldlaigan & Buttle (2002)The authors develop a new measure of customer service quality perception in the retail banking sector.Based on Gronroos's FSQ & TSQ model (1984), the authors propose four components to measure customer quality:
  • Service system quality.
  • Service behavior quality.
  • Exact transaction.
  • Machine quality.
Do TienGuest satisfaction ratingBased on three models: SERVQUAL, SERVPERF, FSQ
& TSQ, the author selects the components affecting the quality of banking services as follows:
  • The tangible.
  • Convenience.
  • Credibility.
  • Service Directory.
  • Customer contact.
  • Service style.
  • Business image.
  • Price.
Draw (2007)corporate goods for products
 Bank products and services
 HSBC Ho Chi Minh City branch
Authorresearch contentCLDV . components
Ding PhiResearch to determine theUsing the five components of the tissue
Tiger (2009)Quantitative assessment of the levelSERVQUAL image but when shipping
 customer satisfaction forapplied to the case study
 lending and depositing serviceskeep only 20 observed variables.
 savings of the banking system. 
NguyenEvaluation of service quality andUsing the five components of the tissue
Thi My
customer satisfaction atSERVQUAL figure. But when luck
(2009)Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Industry and Trade of Vietnam.applied to the case study
  then the author retains four components:
  Reliability; Service capabilities;
  Levels of Empathy and Means
Phan ThiRate customer satisfactionUsing the five components of the tissue
goods at Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Industry and TradeSERVQUAL figure.
Le GiapImprove customer satisfactionUsing the five components of the tissue
goods for service quality atSERVQUAL figure.
 Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Industry and Trade of Vietnam 
 Ho Chi Minh City branch. 

(Source: Dongmei Zhang, 2009; Hoang Hai Yen and Vu Thi Lijiang, 2012 and compiled by the author)

Date published: 17/11/2021

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