Developing tourism products in Da Nang city





Major: Development Economics Code: 60.31.05


Da Nang - Year 2012


The work was completed at

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Scientific instructor: Assoc.Prof.Dr. Le The World

Developing tourism products in Da Nang city

Reviewer 1: Dr. Nguyen Thanh Liem

Reviewer 2: Assoc. Dr. Nguyen The Tram


The thesis was defended in front of the Master's Thesis Graduation Committee in Economics meeting at the University of Danang on November 24, 2012.

The thesis can be found at:

- Center for Information and Learning Materials, University of Danang;

- Library of University of Economics, University of Danang


1. Urgency of the topic

Tourism today becomes one of the key economic sectors of countries and will become an important driving force for the world economy. According to the World Tourism Organization, tourism is increasingly becoming one of the effective tools in the fight against poverty in the world, due to its potential to create many new and most jobs in the world. gender; is one of the largest foreign exchange earners in 83% of countries around the world. Vietnam is no exception to this general trend, tourism is the spearhead economic sector with the fastest growth rate and the industry's GDP has nearly doubled in recent years.

Determining the importance of the tourism industry in the economic structure of Da Nang, the Resolution of the 20th Da Nang City Party Congress has set out 5 breakthrough directions for socio-economic development, the city will focus on developing two key economic sectors, including tourism. To do this, throughout the years the city must always innovate and be creative in creating new tourism products to attract tourists to come and stay with the city.

Da Nang is a locality with many advantages in tourism development because of its geographical position, the potential of natural resources of Da Nang and the central provinces are very favorable and abundant, so it is highly appreciated. However, Da Nang is still in the process of creating a tourism brand and still struggling to choose which type to break through in tourism development to achieve the set goals. Starting from the above problems, I choose the topic

"Development of tourism products in Da Nang city" as the topic of my graduate thesis.

2. Research objectives of the topic

- Systematize theoretical issues related to tourism products to meet the requirements of tourism product development.

- Assess the current situation of the development of tourism products of Da Nang city in recent years.

- Proposing some solutions to develop tourism products in Da Nang city in the coming time.

3. Objects and scope of research

- Research object: theoretical and practical issues related to tourism product development in Da Nang city in recent years.

- Research scope:

+ About the content: The thesis only mentions some main contents that are feasible to develop tourism products, which are sea and island tourism products, ecotourism products, cultural tourism products. .

+ In terms of space: The topic focuses on researching the development of tourism products within Da Nang city.

+ In terms of time: The solutions and suggestions in the thesis are meaningful in a short time.

4. Research Methodology

In the process of researching and implementing the thesis, the general method is a combination of theoretical research with practical summaries. On that basis, the thesis uses a combination of methods 

analyzing, synthesizing, comparing, inferring, and at the same time surveying reality to have a suitable complete solution.

5. Theme layout

In addition to the introduction, conclusion, table of contents and references, the thesis is concluded with 3 main chapters as follows:

Chapter 1: Some concepts related to tourism products, types of tourism and tourism services.

Chapter 2: Situation and development potential of tourism products in Da Nang city

Chapter 3: Some solutions to develop tourism products in Da Nang city

6. Document overview




1.1.1. Tourism products

a) The concept of tourism products

According to the World Tourism Organization (WTO), “Tourism products are the combination of three components: (i) tourism infrastructure, (ii) tourism resources and (iii) technical facilities. art, services, labor and tourism management”. The reality shows that this concept of the WTO is "inclusive" and fully expresses what is contained in a tourism product.

b) Constitutive elements of tourism products

c) Classification of tourism products

d) Basic characteristics of tourism products

1.1.2. Types of tourism

a) The concept of type of tourism

According to Dr. Truong Sy Quy, "Tourism is understood as a collection of tourism products with similar characteristics, either because they satisfy similar tourism needs and motives, or are sold to the same destination. customers, either because they have the same distribution, the same organization, or the same selling price”.

b) Classification of types of tourism

1.1.3. Travel services

a) The concept of tourism services

According to Article 4, Chapter I - Law on Tourism of Vietnam, tourism service is the provision of travel services, transportation, accommodation, meals, entertainment, information, guidance and other services. other to meet the needs of tourists.

b) Classification of tourism services

- Main types of tourism services: Travel services, accommodation services, transportation services.

- Additional tourism services: are services that serve the diverse and arising needs of tourists during their trip.

c) The relationship between tourism products and tourism service activities

d) Principles and requirements for tourism service development


1.2.1. The point of view of tourism product development

Developing tourism products today not only focuses on the development of scale and number of tourism businesses, tourism services...; combined with the growth in revenue and the number of tourists coming to stay both domestically and internationally, the focus has shifted to improving the quality of tourism products and services, perfecting tourism products, types of tourism are increasingly diversified, the structure of tourism services increases, accounting for a high proportion of the total economic structure. In addition, developing tourism products should pay attention to the quality of tourism human resources and destination management.

1.2.2. Content of tourism product development

Developing tourism products must not only develop in terms of quantity but also attach importance to quality and be put on top, tourism products must have high quality and added value.

a) Formulate a strategy to develop tourism products

b) Developing the scale of tourism products

c) Improve the quality of tourism products

1.2.3. Requirements and principles of tourism product development

The main requirement and throughout the social process and tourism product development is sustainable development: Satisfying the tourism needs of the market, bringing great socio-economic benefits to the destination. without degrading the quality of resources and the environment in the future.

To ensure this requirement, product development must adhere to the following principles:

- Principles of system development.

- Principles of market economy

- Principles of environmental sustainability (including the natural and social environment.

1.2.4. Criteria for developing tourism products

Tourism is an integrated economic sector with interdisciplinary, inter-regional and highly socialized with the participation of many social sectors. The development of tourism and tourism products depends a lot on the economic, political and social conditions of the country as well as the region and the world. Therefore, to be able to evaluate tourism product development accurately, it must be based on the following basic criteria:

* Economic criteria

* Criteria about culture - society

* Environmental criteria


1.3.1. Factors of socio-economic development

This is considered a general condition that greatly affects tourism business. To ensure that tourists can be attracted and exploited in general, it is necessary to have: a peaceful and stable political situation, economic growth and development, and a safe and secure security situation.

1.3.2. Tourism resource factor

Resources are the most important group of contributing factors in creating a unique identity for tourism products and play a decisive role in creating attraction for tourist markets.

1.3.3. Elements of facilities to serve tourists

Including capital, science and technology and technology, infrastructure and materials for tourism such as transportation systems, traffic, roads, restaurants, hotels, amusement parks. serving the needs of tourists, tourism development policies of tourism business units from restaurants, hotels, tour operators to the policies of agencies and local authorities.

1.3.4. Human resource factor

In tourism, in addition to the factors that greatly affect the exploitation and service of guests, the important and decisive factor for the success of the tourism industry and tourism products is people.


1.4.1. Experience in developing tourism product strategy and tourism product development.

1.4.2. Experiences of some European countries

1.4.3. Experiences of some Asian countries

1.4.4. Lessons learned for Vietnam


Chapter 1 of the thesis has solved the following problems: Theoretical basis of tourism products, types of tourism, tourism services and content of tourism product development.

At the same time, in chapter 1, the author points out that the current development of tourism products has shifted the focus to the in-depth development of quality and efficiency and some experiences in developing tourism products.

The problems presented in chapter 1 are the basis for researching and analyzing the current situation of tourism product development in Da Nang city, thereby making accurate and complete assessments to develop solutions. tourism products in the near future.




2.1.1. Overview of Da Nang city

2.1.2. The process of formation and development of Da Nang tourism


2.2.1. Types of tourism

a) Type of tourism based on natural resources

Da Nang's resources are rich, which is a harmonious combination of many factors such as topography, climate, hydrology, and soil. Currently, Da Nang has not developed the type of adventure tourism and mountain sports.

b) Type of tourism based on cultural and historical tourism resources

Currently, Da Nang has 16 national-level relics and 39 city-level historical and cultural relics. The city currently has 20 festivals held annually, including 18 folk festivals, 1 religious festival and 1 festival of culture and tourism. Especially, since 2008, the International Fireworks Competition has become an annual cultural festival attracting a large number of domestic and foreign tourists to attend. In addition, the city has just launched the "International Parachute Contest", but this event is in the "trial" phase.

c) Types of tourism based on tourism needs of

MICE tourism, resort tourism; Sports tourism; Religious tourism; Ecotourism; Cultural tourism; Heritage tourism; Leisure travel. Among the types of tourism that Da Nang is currently exploiting, MICE tourism is the main type of tourism that Da Nang has achieved success and is focusing on exploiting.

2.2.2. Tourism products of the city

A series of new tourist products that are attractive and attract tourists must be mentioned: Son Tra peninsula eco-tourism site, Linh Ung pagoda cultural and spiritual tourist attraction, Ba Na tourist resort with cable car system achieved 2 world records with modern accommodation and entertainment services, special international entertainment area Silver Shores, golf course The Dunes Hoa Hai... A number of festivals, cultural and tourism events, especially The colors have been selected and organized, especially the international fireworks competition, the Quan The Am festival, the tourism program "Da Nang - Summer rendezvous"... have really attracted tourists.


2.3.1. Grow in terms of scale

a) Revenue from tourism

Total tourism revenue from 2006 to 2011 increased steadily, in 2009 alone due to the impact of the economic recession at the end of 2008 and influenza A/H1N1 epidemic, tourism revenue also decreased (-0.97). % compared to 2008).

b) Tourists

The average growth rate of tourists in the period 2006-2010 reached 19.4%/year.

c) Size of accommodation establishment

The number of accommodation establishments in Da Nang increased rapidly from 2006 to 2010 with an average growth rate of 35.23%/year.

d) Scale of travel service activities

Tourism activities are stable and develop rapidly. The number of travel businesses increased from 72 in 2006 to 93 in 2010. By the end of 2011, there were 111 travel agencies in the city.

2.3.2. Quality development of the tourism industry

a) Quality of tourism human resources

Tourism is the industry with the highest employment rate in the whole industry of culture, sports and tourism; As of August 2010, the number of tourism workers is 6,000 people. Although the number of workers with university and college degrees is increasing, the number of untrained workers still accounts for a large proportion (about 40%), especially there is a shortage of professional and managerial human resources. And according to statistics, 90% of the tourism workforce is trained in foreign languages, but mainly only have A and B qualifications, especially there is a shortage of staff who know Thai, Chinese, Japanese, German, and Korean.

b) Level of capital investment for tourism development

In recent years, the city has strengthened the implementation of preferential policies and promoted investment calls. The areas of strong investment interest are hotels, resorts, and entertainment services.

c) Quality of hotel system

In 2005, Da Nang had 69 hotels, of which 32 had stars. By the end of 2011, the city had 278 hotels with 8,663 rooms; there are 172 motels and 10 guest houses. In which, 5 star hotels and equivalent have 7/53 of total 5 star hotels across the country, 4 stars and equivalent have 3/127 total 4 star hotels across the country, 3 stars and equivalent have 27 /271 total number of star hotels across the country, with a total of 2,231 rooms of 3-5 star standard accommodation. Thus, the quality of Da Nang's hotel system in recent years has improved markedly, significantly contributing to the development of tourism in the city.

2.4.3. State management of tourism

The role of the state in tourism activities is very important. The Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism is a specialized agency that helps the City People's Committee perform the function of State management over tourism activities within the city. Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism on tourism expertise. Meanwhile, the Tourism Promotion Center plays a key role in carrying out activities to promote and develop the city's tourism industry.

2.4.4. Tourism promotion and promotion activities

This work has been focused in recent years, but there are still limitations such as small scale of promotion activities, low efficiency, a lack of responsibility of some businesses in providing information to tourists, causing serious problems. negative impact on sustainable tourism development.

2.4.5. Tourism development in relation to the local community

The impact of tourism development on the lives of city people can be seen through the improvement of infrastructure, employment, and the promotion of product consumption by businesses and businesses. 

local households, contributing to the restoration of some traditional crafts. However, the development of tourism in the past time has had a negative impact, causing the prices of some goods to increase, as well as the population to spend production land for tourism development.


2.5.1. Assess the current situation of developing tourism products, types of tourism and tourism services

a) Type of tourism

With rich tourism potential, Da Nang has tried to promote the exploitation of various types of tourism. Da Nang has realized the advantages, promoted the exploitation of Mice tourism and has achieved success in recent years. In addition, spiritual tourists are currently on the rise (coming to Linh Ung Pagoda - Son Tra and participating in the Quan The Am Festival). However, at present, recreational tourism has not been developed and Da Nang still does not have medical tourism, adventure tourism and mountain sports.

b) Tourism products

- Marine tourism products: have been invested and developed more strongly than ecological and cultural tourism products. In recent years, despite the difficult economic situation, resorts and world-class hotels have been built in Da Nang. Along with the development of facilities, the quality of service has also been improved, contributing to the creation of a system of marine tourism products to meet the high-class resort needs of tourists.

- Ecotourism products: is a place that domestic tourists cannot ignore when coming to Da Nang. Currently, Da Nang is expanding eco-tourism products in Son Tra peninsula and Ba Na - Hills tourist area (Ba Na cable car, Fantasy Park indoor entertainment resort). Therefore, the number of visitors to eco-tourism destinations in recent years has increased, mainly Ba Na. In ecotourism products, accommodation establishments are in the stage of formation, support services for ecotourism products are slow to develop.

- Cultural tourism products: Historical sites are interested in restoration and embellishment but are not attractive enough to be developed into tourism products. With the city's efforts, cultural programs and events have been organized to attract a large number of tourists such as: "Avalokitesvara Festival", "Da Nang - Summer rendezvous", "Avalokitesvara" International Fireworks Competition", "International Parachute Competition". And it can be said that the success of the event "International Fireworks Competition" has become the trademark of Da Nang tourism.

c) Tourists

Tourist arrivals to Da Nang achieved a good growth rate. In particular, the number of domestic tourists has a rather high average growth rate of 19%/year.

Overall, Da Nang makes a pretty good impression on tourists, but retaining visitors is still a difficult problem for the city's tourism industry and there is still a lot of work to do ahead.

d) Travel services

e) Infrastructure for tourism 

f) Tourism promotion, propaganda

j) About the environment

2.5.2. Advantages and disadvantages in tourism product development

a) Advantages

- The point of access to tourism products of Da Nang is highly appreciated.

- Da Nang is a city with a high density of natural and human resources, creating a great attraction for tourism.

- The attention and efforts of the government and the city's tourism industry, businesses and local people contribute to the development of tourism and tourism products .

b) Shortcomings in the city's tourism product development

c) Causes of existence:

- The starting point of city tourism is still low;

- The coordination work on a number of specific tourism activities has not yet achieved the desired effect;

- The program and quality of training for tourism staff are still limited.

- The implementation of the tourism development planning in association with the overall socio-economic development planning and other sectoral plans is still slow.

- The world economic situation has many changes.


The presentation in chapter 2 has raised the current situation of tourism product development and tourism type in the period 2006 to 2011 through understanding the potential of tourism resources, orientation of tourism product development. Danang. Thereby, the author makes statistics of tourism resources and tourism products of Da Nang, stating the advantages, disadvantages and causes in the process of developing tourism products.

From reality and analysis and evaluation, it shows that the development of tourism products is at the stage of development but has achieved some results. However, there are still issues that need attention and proper investment orientation that will help the development of Da Nang tourism products become more and more effective and develop.



3.2.2. Orientation to exploit tourism resources according to space

3.2.3. General orientation on development investment

- Focused and focused development investment in order to create "owl"


3.1.1. Socio-economic development goals until 2020

Continue to build Da Nang city into one of the major cities of the country, the socio-economic center of the Central region with the role of a service center; is a seaport city, an important traffic hub for domestic and international transport and transshipment of goods; the center of post and telecommunications and finance - banking; one of the centers of health, culture - sports, education, training and high technology in the Central region; is an area holding an important strategic position in terms of national defense and security of the central region and the whole country.

3.1.2. Detail goal

a) Economically

b) About society

c) About tourism


3.2.1. Location and role of tourism in Da Nang city

a) Economic growth

b) Structure of economic sectors

"encouragement" for Da Nang tourism to develop; avoid scattered, fragmented, small investments... Focus on investing in key areas in key areas.

- Simultaneously mobilize many investment capital sources (state budget, foreign investment capital, joint venture, joint stock, private sector...), in which priority is given to attracting and encouraging foreign direct investment. investing in large capital-intensive projects, attaching importance to attracting domestic and domestic investment, making the most of internal resources to invest in tourism development.

- Implement in accordance with the planning on the basis of investment projects that are assessed for environmental impact according to regulations, special priority should be given to key projects.

3.2.4. Orientation of tourism products

a) Prioritize the development of high-quality marine tourism products and services

b) Cultural tourism products

c) Ecotourism products

d) River tourism, visiting craft villages, rural villages

e) Shopping, entertainment and business travel

f) Forming new tours

3.2.5. The need to develop Da Nang tourism products

a) The socio-economic, political and scientific and technical context of the world

b) Mechanism and policy for tourism development in Da Nang

c) Development trend of the market

3.2.6. The destination's ability to meet tourism needs

a) Natural and socio-economic conditions

b) Tourism resources:

c) Accessibility

d) Infrastructure conditions serving the tourism industry: Economic infrastructure; Social infrastructure


3.2.1. Developing the tourist market

Focus on selectively attracting high-paying and long-stay tourist market segments.

a) Domestic customer market

Regarding the area: focusing on the northern and southern provinces, the Central Highlands, and the neighboring central provinces; in which the target market is Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City.

b) International visitor market

In the period 2011-2015, the key tourist markets of Da Nang are ASEAN countries (Thailand, Laos, Singapore, Malaysia), Northeast Asia (Japan, Korea, China), Australia and Eastern Europe (Russia), Western Europe (France, Germany, UK, Netherlands), North America (USA, Canada).

3.2.2. About tourism products:

Research shows that Da Nang city needs to optimally exploit the inherent advantages that other localities do not have, that is, it is necessary to continue promoting the development of the following 3 tourism products: Ecotourism products ; Cultural-historical tourism products; Island tourism products. In particular, it is necessary to focus on orienting and organizing the strong development of marine tourism products.

3.2.3. Investment in tourism infrastructure development

* Infrastructure development for tourism development: Road; Airway; By sea; Rail; Complete telecommunications - information technology system.

* Tourism technical facilities

3.2.4. Mechanisms, policies, investment

3.2.5. Human Resources

* For the State management agency in charge of tourism

* For now

* For training institutions

*For employees

3.2.6. Tourism promotion activities

- Develop and implement tourism promotion strategy.

- Innovating the content of promotional information about the destination of Da Nang.

- Upgrading Da Nang tourism website, linking websites of tourism businesses together.

- Regularly publish publications on Da Nang tourism...

- It is necessary to study the opening of representative offices in countries around the world.

3.2.7. Developing tourism associated with the local community

The participation of the local community is an indispensable condition for the development of tourism and local tourism products.

3.2.8. Sustainable tourism development in terms of resources - environment

- Human Resources

- Tourism promotion activities

- Developing tourism associated with the local community

- Sustainable tourism development in terms of resources - environment

a) Conservation and development of tourism resources

b) Protect and improve the tourism environment



From the assessment of the current situation in the development of tourism products in Da Nang city presented in Chapter II, in this chapter the author identifies marine tourism products as a specific tourism product of Da Nang and introduces out basic solutions to contribute to improving the quality of tourism products in the coming time, specifically:

- Developing tourist market

- About tourism products

- Investment in the development of tourism infrastructure

- Mechanisms, policies, investment


With the orientation of developing the tourism industry into a spearhead economic sector, the development of tourism products is the shortest way for Da Nang to create a brand and assert itself. Through theoretical and practical research, it has been shown that the most essential requirements for any tourism product must be: Having unique characteristics and meeting the needs of diverse markets; Preserve and honor regional natural and environmental values; Bring high economic and social efficiency. To meet such requirements requires us to realize that development does not stop at the indicators of quantity, size, type, speed, income and job creation that bring growth to the destination. But further, developing depth is ultimately expressed in the level of satisfaction and satisfaction of tourist needs of guests; taking the experience value and quality of tourism enjoyment of tourists as development criteria. Thus, developing tourism products means constantly improving the value of tourism enjoyment for guests, but also focusing on the quality and effectiveness of tourism development, which is assessed on both the supply and demand sides of tourism, ensuring sustainable in relation to preserving and promoting natural and national values, exploiting the cultural depth and attractive natural values ​​of the locality as the foundation for building high-quality tourism products. high quality and value.

In order to create its own characteristics of tourism products, Da Nang needs to define sea tourism products as specific tourism products of the locality; Besides, exploiting cultural values ​​as the basis for the purpose of tours and relying on culture for development. It is culture that will create its own characteristics for tourism products in Da Nang. Although in recent years, Da Nang tourism has made rapid and comprehensive development steps, but in the process there are still problems: Using resources is not commensurate with the potential; Not fully meeting the needs of visitors; development has not yet paid attention to the sustainability factor. Therefore, to solve the above problems, Da Nang needs to mobilize and effectively use resources to provide highly competitive tourism products in domestic and international markets.


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Date published: 03/04/2022