* About the faculty of the Faculty of History - Hanoi National University of Education
This is the most important factor in improving the quality of education, determining the quality of teacher training in general and the quality of NVSP training for students in particular. It can be said that the Faculty of History currently has a very strong team of lecturers, who have been trained systematically at home and abroad. In total, nearly 40 lecturers have high qualifications and academic titles: 4 professors, 7 associate professors, the rest have PhD and master's degrees. The team of lecturers of the History Teaching Methodology Department is currently the leader of the History Teaching Methodology training institutions in the country in terms of quantity and professional qualifications, including leading professors and associate professors in History Teaching Methodology. Facing the demands of innovation in University Education and General Education
After 2015, the faculty of History is actively developing scientific research and teaching activities to successfully complete the mission of training future generations of History teachers to meet the needs of modern education. Some lecturers who do not have much experience and understanding of general education practice have tried to supplement these shortcomings to link university teaching content with general education textbooks, avoiding teaching theory that is far from reality. However, due to limited class time, lecturers cannot delve into practical activities and model for students. Therefore, students are generally still vague and clumsy when applying knowledge to lesson design activities and organizing teaching activities. Some basic science lecturers are still indifferent to the work of fostering student teaching skills, not considering it their responsibility, so there is no connection with lecturers of methodology.
From that reality, we realize that basic science lecturers must also train students in teaching skills, and teaching methods lecturers must also master basic science. The coordination between teaching methods lecturers and basic science lecturers in the process of forming teaching skills for students is very necessary. When students study specialized sciences, they not only learn the content but also learn teaching methods from lecturers, and learn how to teach that content in high school. Therefore, lecturers of specialized subjects also need to approach the general public to do well in the task of teacher training.
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* Psychological characteristics, cognitive level, attitude of students of History Faculty - Hanoi National University of Education towards training teaching skills
- Input of History Faculty Students - Hanoi National University of Education.
In recent years, the input quality of the pedagogical industry, as well as History pedagogy, is not high. Fewer and fewer excellent students are passionate or have the desire to study History. Due to the need to find a job, due to pressure on income, social position, and opportunities,
opportunities for advancement after graduating from university, so most students are determined to pursue subjects in natural sciences, economics, foreign languages, IT... The decline in input quality leads to a decline in the quality of teacher training. When asked the reason why they chose to study at the Faculty of History - Hanoi National University of Education. Out of 145 students of the 64th and 65th courses, only 49 students (accounting for 33.8%) gave the reason because they love the teaching profession and the subject of History. The rest had many other reasons such as: parents' orientation, family tradition of being a teacher, difficult family circumstances so they chose a teacher training school, insufficient capacity to take the entrance exam to the schools they love such as the police security school block... Thus, many students when entering school are not mentally prepared and motivated to choose a career. Therefore, students are not assured, study hard, study reluctantly, and cope, so the results are not high.
- Output of students of the Faculty of History - Hanoi National University of Education: In recent years, it has been very difficult for bachelors of education to find jobs after graduation. Many students have to change majors or continue their studies. Some students have to work in many places for a few years but still cannot find a job and have to work temporarily for simple jobs. Some local pedagogical schools have students with high graduation scores, creating competition in recruitment. Through a survey of students of the Faculty of History - Hanoi National University of Education who graduated from courses K59, K60, K61, the number of students who found jobs in their majors is very small (less than 50%). This also affects the needs and motivation of students to study.
- The physical facilities are one of the reasons why the NVSP training process is ineffective: The necessary conditions for NVSP training classes are still poor, asynchronous, lacking modern equipment: smart interactive boards, mirrors, video recorders, teaching materials. The school has reclaimed the NVSP training room of the Faculty to use for other purposes, so lecturers and students lack space to carry out professional practice activities.
- Students' learning methods and training awareness:
When enrolling in Hanoi National University of Education, students must be aware that they need to study and practice to become future teachers. Therefore, students themselves must be fully aware of the meaning and importance of teacher training in the learning process, so they need to be self-aware, proactive in learning and participating in teacher training activities. However, in reality, students are not really interested in the meaning of this activity. Because they do not have a serious professional awareness, students do not see the practical meaning of knowledge in Psychology, Pedagogy, and Subject Teaching Theory. A large number of students have the mindset that they only need to study well in basic science subjects.
Basically, it is possible to teach well, without needing knowledge of NVSP, and if it is needed, it is not the time to learn. Therefore, it is very important and urgent to orient students to understand the teaching profession and understand the tasks that they must practice to become good and competent teachers in the future. Many students consider NVSP training subjects as secondary subjects, only having a supplementary function, so they learn perfunctorily, without attachment to the subject, and are not proactive and self-conscious in practicing. Therefore, although we have tried our best to improve the quality of NVSP training for students, the reality shows that there are still a few students who have not achieved the results we expected.
2.2.7. Some issues that need to be solved
Through survey and practical investigation, we found that: the core issues that create a breakthrough in improving the quality of teacher training in general and forming teaching skills in particular for students of the Faculty of History - Hanoi National University of Education have not been resolved:
- The content structure of the training program is not yet reasonable between general knowledge and basic science knowledge, professional science knowledge. The teaching staff of basic science subjects pay little attention to professional training for students. The content of the training program for teachers is not updated, heavy on theory, little practice. The content related to teachers becoming educators, researchers, learners, and culturalists is still very vague. The connection between teachers' training subjects and basic science subjects is not good: shown in the separation of teaching basic science from professional science in both the program content as well as in the lecturers. In addition, the connection between basic science and equivalent subjects to be taught in high school is not close.
- The school has not invested adequately and satisfactorily in funding for NVSP training activities. The forms of practice are not diverse and rich, and have not fully developed the capabilities of the teaching staff of the PPDH department of the faculties as well as teachers of Nguyen Tat Thanh Secondary and High School. The relationship between the University of Education and the Practice High School is still loose. Students have not practiced regularly and continuously throughout the training process in the training environment.
Based on the above situation, we propose some practical and feasible measures, hoping to overcome weaknesses and limitations, gradually improving the quality of History teaching at Hanoi National University of Education in particular, and at pedagogical universities nationwide in general.
Based on theoretical analysis and practical requirements for the formation of teaching skills for History Pedagogy students - Hanoi National University of Education, we found that:
- Education in the 21st century has undergone major changes in the direction of focusing on learners and focusing on capacity building. To respond to these changes, teacher training in general and teacher training in particular must be strongly innovated in the direction of forming professional capacity for students to help them become educators, culturalists, researchers and learners. To become good teachers of history, in addition to solid professional knowledge, students must have a firm grasp of knowledge and pedagogical skills related to teaching and educating students such as: Skills in understanding learners and the educational environment, teaching skills, educational skills, communication skills... In particular, training teaching skills for students is an important task of teacher training institutions to improve students' professional capacity, meeting the requirements of the innovation process of higher education and social practice.
- Concepts related to the topic such as skills, teaching skills... have been clarified by us. The formation of skills in general and teaching skills in particular must be based on psychological mechanisms, carried out in stages and must ensure the requirements of the training process to achieve high efficiency.
- Research on the practice of teacher training at Hanoi National University of Education in general and the Faculty of History in particular shows that there is not enough attention paid to practice and teacher training at high schools. Most final year students have solid professional knowledge but lack and are weak in necessary teaching skills such as teaching planning skills, communication skills, handling pedagogical situations, classroom management skills, and skills in organizing learning activities for students...
Based on the in-depth analysis of the characteristics of pedagogical labor, the role of teachers in the present era, and the regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training for high school teachers, we have determined the system of teaching skills of History Pedagogical Students - Hanoi National University of Education and built a table of criteria to assess the level of formation of specific skills. This issue is resolved in chapter three of the thesis.
3.1. System of skills for teaching History in high schools
3.1.1. Classification of teaching skills in History Some ways of classifying teaching skills of educators
There are many different ways to classify KNDH. In the book Microteaching and Prospective Teachers by author MJLakshmi (2009, pp. 65-69), some of the following ways to classify KNDH are given:
- Allen and Ryans - two educators at Stanford University - USA (1969) proposed 14 teaching skills: Introduction, stimulating change, presentation, silence and non-verbal actions, stimulating student participation, recognition, communication, asking questions, commenting on questions, distributing questions, asking difficult questions, giving illustrative examples, planning, summarizing the lesson.
- Passi and some other authors (1976) proposed a system of 19 skills: Determining lesson objectives, opening the lesson, using a writing board, selecting content, building content structure, silence and non-verbal communication, recognizing student concentration, encouraging student participation, encouraging change, choosing teaching aids with sound and images, easily asking questions, surveying the effectiveness of questions, asking probing questions, explaining, illustrating with examples, dividing work, providing error correction measures, evaluating, and summarizing the lesson.
- Joshi and his colleagues (1985) proposed 14 teaching skills: Introduction, consolidation, encouraging change, using teaching aids, responding, explaining, narrating, illustrating with examples, using a writing board, using basic questions, using closed and open questions, asking and giving comments, dividing questions, summarizing the lesson.
- Ram Babu (2007) proposed 19 skills: Identifying lesson objectives, easily asking questions, introducing lessons, consolidating, demonstrating, stimulating change, illustrating with examples, using the board, explaining, selecting and preparing teaching aids, evaluating questions, closing the lesson, using teaching aids, using maps, listening, speaking, reading, writing, and using a combination of skills.
It can be seen that the teaching skills that educators provide are all skills for all teachers, some skills are divided into partial skills (for example, Passi's skill classification system has three skills related to questions). In our opinion, in addition to the general skills mentioned above, teachers of any subject need to identify specific and specialized teaching skills as determined by the characteristics of that subject. Classification of teaching skills of History teachers
In DHLS, teachers use many different skills to achieve lesson objectives. Therefore, there are many ways to classify teaching skills, based on different criteria:
* Classification according to subject characteristics: Divided into two groups of skills, the group of teaching skills of teachers and the group of specific skills of history teachers.
- Group of teaching skills that teachers need to have: (1) Skills in designing lessons, making teaching plans: determining lesson objectives, choosing knowledge sources, methods, and teaching aids appropriate to lesson objectives and content. (2) Skills in applying flexible lesson structures, problem-based teaching to develop students' thinking. (3) Skills in combining forms of organizing learning activities during class hours such as: whole-class activities, group activities, individual activities. (4) Skills in organizing, guiding, and controlling students' cognitive activities in a positive and proactive manner. (5) Skills in observing and communicating pedagogically: responding quickly and skillfully to pedagogical situations that arise during class hours. (6) Skills in checking and evaluating students' cognitive activities.
- In addition to the above skills , history teachers need to have subject-specific skills such as: (1) Skills to restore a vivid, visual and emotional picture of the past.
(2) Skills in selecting basic events to provide to students. (3) Skills in accessing and using original sources of historical documents. (4) Skills in drawing out historical rules and lessons to apply to real life. (5) Skills in analyzing, explaining and evaluating historical events and phenomena from a Marxist historical perspective. (6) Skills in using visual aids in historical documents. (7) Skills in using application software in historical documents (Power Point, Gimp, Violet, Movie Maker, Adobe Capivate, Producer 2003, Mind Manager 9.0). (8) Skills in teaching and integrating historical documents with other science subjects: geography, mathematics, literature, civics... (9) Skills in building and using documentary files in historical documents.
(10) Skills in organizing extracurricular activities.
* Classification according to forms of history teaching organization: The history teacher's knowledge system is divided into two groups:
- Skills in teaching internal lessons: Lessons on new knowledge research in class, lessons in the field, museums: (1) Skills in determining lesson objectives, selecting basic knowledge, determining teaching methods and teaching aids. (2) Skills in delivering lectures : Reviewing old lessons, leading students to new lessons , organizing research on new knowledge, reviewing and consolidating knowledge for students.
- Extracurricular teaching skills: Skills to design and organize a historical extracurricular activity for students.
* Classification according to the teaching process and tasks of History teachers: The system of teaching skills of History teachers is divided into two groups:
- Skills in preparing history lessons: Skills in understanding the object of cognition and educational environment. Skills in planning lessons (determining lesson objectives and designing lectures).
- Skills in implementing history lessons : (1) Skills in providing and imparting historical knowledge to students: Skills in using spoken and written language, Skills in constructing and using visual aids; Skills in using modern equipment, technical means and applying IT in teaching, Skills in using textbooks and reference materials... (2) Skills in organizing, controlling and guiding cognitive activities for students: Skills in using a variety of modern teaching methods and techniques flexibly to develop students' historical cognitive abilities; Skills in testing and evaluating students' cognitive activities , Skills in guiding students' self-study.
The choice of how to classify teaching skills depends on the purpose of the research. Because each classification has its advantages and disadvantages, no method is an absolute advantage to replace all. In the scope of the thesis, we choose to classify the teaching skills system that needs to be formed for historical pedagogical students according to the tasks of teachers in teaching, because it is the most commonly used, referring to the essential issues of teaching skills. These classifications facilitate the implementation of training each teaching skill, and at the same time help students understand the specific tasks of teachers when conducting a historical lecture.
3.1.2. History teaching skills system Bases for determining the system of teaching skills for History subject
* Firstly, according to the modern approach to the role of teachers in teaching
UNESCO's educational goals are to activating learning activities, guiding learners towards the goals of learning to know, learning to do, learning to live together and learning to be.
to become human. That modern development trend leads to changes in the nature of the educational process, profound changes in the role of teachers. To perform their functions and tasks in modern schools, teachers must undertake: teaching and educating students; class leadership activities, being in charge of organizations, unions or professional groups, directing or participating in organizing social activities inside and outside the school... Thus, not only having rich knowledge about the program and content of the subjects they teach, teachers need to have pedagogical capacity, management capacity, critical capacity...
Therefore, in the training process, it is necessary to form a system of learning skills for history pedagogical students so that they can take on all the above roles. Having skills helps students relive the past, return to the image of vivid, authentic, and objective history; having skills helps students deeply understand the nature of historical events, guide students to develop their thinking, self-exploration, and research on the issues raised.
* Second, it is necessary to base on the " Professional Standards for Secondary and High School Teachers" issued by the Ministry of Education and Training in 2009.
Teacher professional standards are valuable as a "measure" of teachers' professional competence. Regulations on Secondary School Teacher Professional Standards (Junior High School Teachers and High School Teachers) were issued under Circular No. 30/2009/TT - BGDĐT dated October 22, 2009 of the Minister of Education and Training. In the process of implementing the research tasks of the topic, we have studied the High School Teacher Professional Standards to determine the minimum target system for the teacher training products of the Faculty of History, Hanoi National University of Education. On that basis, build a system of teaching skills for teachers of History.
According to the Professional Standards for Teachers at all levels issued by the Ministry of Education and Training, the NVSP competencies in the structure of teachers' professional competencies include 5 standards: (1) Competency to understand the subject and educational environment. (2) Competency to develop and implement teaching plans (3) Competency to develop and implement educational plans (4) Competency to test, evaluate learning outcomes and train students' ethics. (5) Competency to develop careers. These are the core competencies, necessary for teachers to help them perform their functions, roles, and educational tasks, meeting the requirements of today's secondary schools.
Teacher professional standards are a system of basic requirements on political qualities, ethics, lifestyle and professional competencies that teachers must achieve to perform well teaching and educational tasks, meeting the goals of general education. Teachers' professional standards are